import { existsSync, readdirSync, readFileSync, unlinkSync, writeFileSync } from "fs" import ScriptUtils from "./ScriptUtils" import { Utils } from "../src/Utils" import Script from "./Script" import { GeoOperations } from "../src/Logic/GeoOperations" import { Feature, Polygon } from "geojson" import { Tiles } from "../src/Models/TileRange" import { BBox } from "../src/Logic/BBox" class StatsDownloader { private readonly urlTemplate = "{start_date}&date__lte={end_date}&page={page}&comment=%23mapcomplete&page_size=100" private readonly _targetDirectory: string constructor(targetDirectory = ".") { this._targetDirectory = targetDirectory } public async DownloadStats(startYear = 2020, startMonth = 5, startDay = 1): Promise<void> { const today = new Date() const currentYear = today.getFullYear() const currentMonth = today.getMonth() + 1 for (let year = startYear; year <= currentYear; year++) { for (let month = 1; month <= 12; month++) { if (year === startYear && month < startMonth) { continue } if (year === currentYear && month > currentMonth) { break } const pathM = `${this._targetDirectory}/stats.${year}-${month}.json` if (existsSync(pathM)) { continue } const features = [] let monthIsFinished = true const writtenFiles = [] for (let day = startDay; day <= 31; day++) { if (year === currentYear && month === currentMonth && day === today.getDate()) { monthIsFinished = false break } { const date = new Date(year, month - 1, day) if (date.getMonth() != month - 1) { // We did roll over continue } } const path = `${this._targetDirectory}/stats.${year}-${month}-${ (day < 10 ? "0" : "") + day }.day.json` writtenFiles.push(path) if (existsSync(path)) { let loadedFeatures = JSON.parse(readFileSync(path, { encoding: "utf-8" })) loadedFeatures = loadedFeatures?.features ?? loadedFeatures features.push(...loadedFeatures) // day-stats are generally a list already, but in some ad-hoc cases might be a geojson-collection too console.log( "Loaded ", path, "from disk, which has", features.length, "features now" ) continue } let dayFeatures: any[] = undefined try { dayFeatures = await this.DownloadStatsForDay(year, month, day) } catch (e) { console.error(e) console.error( "Could not download " + year + "-" + month + "-" + day + "... Trying again" ) dayFeatures = await this.DownloadStatsForDay(year, month, day) } writeFileSync(path, JSON.stringify(dayFeatures)) features.push(...dayFeatures) } if (monthIsFinished) { writeFileSync(pathM, JSON.stringify({ features })) for (const writtenFile of writtenFiles) { unlinkSync(writtenFile) } } } startDay = 1 } } public async DownloadStatsForDay( year: number, month: number, day: number ): Promise<ChangeSetData[]> { let page = 1 let allFeatures: ChangeSetData[] = [] let endDay = new Date(year, month - 1 /* Zero-indexed: 0 = january*/, day + 1) let endDate = `${endDay.getFullYear()}-${Utils.TwoDigits( endDay.getMonth() + 1 )}-${Utils.TwoDigits(endDay.getDate())}` let url = this.urlTemplate .replace( "{start_date}", year + "-" + Utils.TwoDigits(month) + "-" + Utils.TwoDigits(day) ) .replace("{end_date}", endDate) .replace("{page}", "" + page) let headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:86.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/86.0", "Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.5", Referer: "", "Content-Type": "application/json", Authorization: "Token 9cc11ad2868778272eadbb1a423ebb507184bc04", DNT: "1", Connection: "keep-alive", TE: "Trailers", Pragma: "no-cache", "Cache-Control": "no-cache", } while (url) { ScriptUtils.erasableLog( `Downloading stats for ${year}-${month}-${day}, page ${page} ${url}` ) const result = await Utils.downloadJson<{ features: []; next: string }>(url, headers) page++ allFeatures.push(...result.features) if (result.features === undefined) { console.log("ERROR", result) return } url = } allFeatures = Utils.NoNull(allFeatures) allFeatures.forEach((f) => { = {, } delete["id"] = }) return allFeatures } } interface ChangeSetData extends Feature<Polygon> { id: number type: "Feature" geometry: { type: "Polygon" coordinates: [number, number][][] } properties: { check_user: null reasons: [] tags: [] features: [] user: string uid: string editor: string comment: string comments_count: number source: string imagery_used: string date: string reviewed_features: [] create: number modify: number delete: number area: number is_suspect: boolean harmful: any checked: boolean check_date: any metadata: { host: string theme: string imagery: string language: string } } } class GenerateSeries extends Script { constructor() { super("Downloads metadata about changesets made by MapComplete from OsmCha") } async main(args: string[]): Promise<void> { const targetDir = args[0] ?? "../../git/MapComplete-data" await this.downloadStatistics(targetDir + "/changeset-metadata") this.generateCenterPoints( targetDir + "/changeset-metadata", targetDir + "/mapcomplete-changes/", { zoomlevel: 8, } ) } private async downloadStatistics(targetDir: string) { let year = 2020 let month = 5 let day = 1 if (!isNaN(Number(process.argv[2]))) { year = Number(process.argv[2]) } if (!isNaN(Number(process.argv[3]))) { month = Number(process.argv[3]) } if (!isNaN(Number(process.argv[4]))) { day = Number(process.argv[4]) } do { try { await new StatsDownloader(targetDir).DownloadStats(year, month, day) break } catch (e) { console.log(e) } } while (true) const allFiles = readdirSync(targetDir).filter((p) => p.endsWith(".json")) writeFileSync(targetDir + "/file-overview.json", JSON.stringify(allFiles)) } private generateCenterPoints( sourceDir: string, targetDir: string, options: { zoomlevel: number } ) { const allPaths = readdirSync(sourceDir).filter( (p) => p.startsWith("stats.") && p.endsWith(".json") ) let allFeatures: ChangeSetData[] = allPaths.flatMap( (path) => JSON.parse(readFileSync(sourceDir + "/" + path, "utf-8")).features ) allFeatures = allFeatures.filter( (f) => f?.properties !== undefined && ( === null ||"mapcomplete")) ) allFeatures = allFeatures.filter( (f) => f.geometry !== null && !== "EMPTY CS" ) allFeatures = allFeatures.filter( (f) => f?.properties !== undefined && ( === null ||"mapcomplete")) ) allFeatures = allFeatures.filter( (f) => !== "EMPTY CS" && f.geometry.coordinates.length > 0 ) const centerpointsAll = => { const centerpoint = GeoOperations.centerpoint(f) const c = centerpoint.geometry.coordinates // OsmCha doesn't adhere to the Geojson standard and uses `lat` `lon` as coordinates instead of `lon`, `lat` centerpoint.geometry.coordinates = [c[1], c[0]] return centerpoint }) const centerpoints = centerpointsAll.filter((p) => { const bbox = BBox.get(p) if (bbox.minLat === -90 && bbox.maxLat === -90) { // Due to some bug somewhere, those invalid bboxes might appear if the latitude is < 90 // This crashes the 'spreadIntoBBoxes // As workaround, we simply ignore them for now return false } return true }) console.log("Found", centerpoints.length, " changesets in total") const perBbox = GeoOperations.spreadIntoBboxes(centerpoints, options.zoomlevel) for (const [tileNumber, features] of perBbox) { const [z, x, y] = Tiles.tile_from_index(tileNumber) const path = `${targetDir}/tile_${z}_${x}_${y}.geojson` features.forEach((f) => { delete f.bbox }) writeFileSync( path, JSON.stringify( { type: "FeatureCollection", features: features, }, null, " " ) ) ScriptUtils.erasableLog("Written ", path, "which has ", features.length, "features") } } } new GenerateSeries().run()