[//]: # (WARNING: this file is automatically generated. Please find the sources at the bottom and edit those sources) Available types for text fields ================================= ## Table of contents 1. [Available types for text fields](#available-types-for-text-fields) + [string](#string) + [text](#text) + [date](#date) + [nat](#nat) + [int](#int) + [distance](#distance) + [direction](#direction) + [wikidata](#wikidata) + [pnat](#pnat) + [float](#float) + [pfloat](#pfloat) + [email](#email) + [url](#url) + [phone](#phone) + [opening_hours](#opening_hours) + [color](#color) + [image](#image) + [simple_tag](#simple_tag) + [tag](#tag) + [key](#key) + [translation](#translation) + [icon](#icon) + [fediverse](#fediverse) The listed types here trigger a special input element. Use them in `tagrendering.freeform.type` of your tagrendering to activate them ### string A simple piece of text ### text A longer piece of text. Uses an textArea instead of a textField ### date A date with date picker ### nat A whole, positive number or zero ### int A whole number, either positive, negative or zero ### distance A geographical distance in meters (rounded at two points). Will give an extra minimap with a measurement tool. Arguments: [ zoomlevel, preferredBackgroundMapType (comma separated) ], e.g. `["21", "map,photo"] ### direction A geographical direction, in degrees. 0° is north, 90° is east, ... Will return a value between 0 (incl) and 360 (excl). ### Input helper This element has an input helper showing a map and 'viewport' indicating the direction. By default, this map is zoomed to zoomlevel 17, but this can be changed with the first argument ### wikidata A wikidata identifier, e.g. Q42. ### Helper arguments name | doc ------ | ----- key | the value of this tag will initialize search (default: name) options | A JSON-object of type `{ removePrefixes: string[], removePostfixes: string[] }`. subarg \| doc -------- \| ----- removePrefixes \| remove these snippets of text from the start of the passed string to search. This is either a list OR a hash of languages to a list. The individual strings are interpreted as case ignoring regexes removePostfixes \| remove these snippets of text from the end of the passed string to search. This is either a list OR a hash of languages to a list. The individual strings are interpreted as case ignoring regexes. instanceOf \| A list of Q-identifier which indicates that the search results _must_ be an entity of this type, e.g. [`Q5`](https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q5) for humans notInstanceof \| A list of Q-identifiers which indicates that the search results _must not_ be an entity of this type, e.g. [`Q79007`](https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q79007) to filter away all streets from the search results ### Example usage The following is the 'freeform'-part of a layer config which will trigger a search for the wikidata item corresponding with the name of the selected feature. It will also remove '-street', '-square', ... if found at the end of the name ```json "freeform": { "key": "name:etymology:wikidata", "type": "wikidata", "helperArgs": [ "name", { "removePostfixes": {"en": [ "street", "boulevard", "path", "square", "plaza", ], "nl": ["straat","plein","pad","weg",laan"], "fr":["route (de|de la|de l'| de le)"] }, "#": "Remove streets and parks from the search results:" "notInstanceOf": ["Q79007","Q22698"] } ] } ``` Another example is to search for species and trees: ```json "freeform": { "key": "species:wikidata", "type": "wikidata", "helperArgs": [ "species", { "instanceOf": [10884, 16521] }] } ``` ### pnat A strict positive number ### float A decimal number ### pfloat A positive decimal number or zero ### email An email adress ### url The validatedTextField will format URLs to always be valid and have a https://-header (even though the 'https'-part will be hidden from the user. Furthermore, some tracking parameters will be removed ### phone A phone number ### opening_hours Has extra elements to easily input when a POI is opened. ### Helper arguments name | doc ------ | ----- options | A JSON-object of type `{ prefix: string, postfix: string }`. subarg \| doc -------- \| ----- prefix \| Piece of text that will always be added to the front of the generated opening hours. If the OSM-data does not start with this, it will fail to parse. postfix \| Piece of text that will always be added to the end of the generated opening hours ### Example usage To add a conditional (based on time) access restriction: ``` "freeform": { "key": "access:conditional", "type": "opening_hours", "helperArgs": [ { "prefix":"no @ (", "postfix":")" } ] } ``` *Don't forget to pass the prefix and postfix in the rendering as well*: `{opening_hours_table(opening_hours,yes @ &LPARENS, &RPARENS )` ### color Shows a color picker ### image Same as the URL-parameter, except that it checks that the URL ends with `.jpg`, `.png` or some other typical image format ### simple_tag A simple tag of the format `key=value` where `key` conforms to a normal key ` ### tag A simple tag of the format `key=value` OR a tagExpression ### key Validates a key, mostly that no weird characters are used ### translation Makes sure the the string is of format `Record` ### icon Makes sure that a valid .svg-path is added ### fediverse Validates fediverse addresses and normalizes them into `@username@server`-format This document is autogenerated from [src/UI/InputElement/Validators.ts](https://github.com/pietervdvn/MapComplete/blob/develop/src/UI/InputElement/Validators.ts)