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"copyshop-print-sizes", "condition": { "or": [ "shop~.*copyshop.*", "shop~.*stationery.*", "service:print=yes" ] }, "question": { "en": "What paper formats does this shop offer?", "de": "Welche Papierformate bietet das Geschäft an?", "fr": "Quels formats de papier cette boutique propose-t-elle ?", "nl": "Op welke papiergroottes kan deze zaak printen?", "ca": "Quins formats de paper ofereix aquesta botiga?" }, "multiAnswer": true, "mappings": [ { "if": "service:print:A4=yes", "then": { "en": "This shop can print on papers of size A4", "de": "Das Geschäft kann Unterlagen auf A4 Papier drucken", "fr": "Cette boutique peut imprimer sur des papiers de format A4", "nl": "Deze zaak kan printen op A4-formaat", "ca": "Aquesta botiga pot imprimir en papers de mida A4" }, "ifnot": "service:print:A4=no" }, { "if": "service:print:A3=yes", "then": { "en": "This shop can print on papers of size A3", "de": "Das Geschäft kann Unterlagen auf A3 Papier drucken", "fr": "Cette boutique peut imprimer sur des papiers de format A3", "nl": "Deze zaak kan printen op A3-formaat", "ca": "Aquesta botiga pot imprimir en papers de mida A3" }, "ifnot": "service:print:A3=no" }, { "if": "service:print:A2=yes", "then": { "en": "This shop can print on papers of size A2", "de": "Das Geschäft kann Unterlagen auf A2 Papier drucken", "fr": "Cette boutique peut imprimer sur des papiers de format A2", "nl": "Deze zaak kan printen op A2-formaat", "ca": "Aquesta botiga pot imprimir en papers de mida A2" }, "ifnot": "service:print:A2=no" }, { "if": "service:print:A1=yes", "then": { "en": "This shop can print on papers of size A1", "de": "Das Geschäft kann Unterlagen auf A1 Papier drucken", "fr": "Cette boutique peut imprimer sur des papiers de format A1", "nl": "Deze zaak kan printen op A1-formaat", "ca": "Aquesta botiga pot imprimir en papers de mida A1" }, "ifnot": "service:print:A1=no" }, { "if": "service:print:A0=yes", "then": { "en": "This shop can print on papers of size A0", "de": "Das Geschäft kann 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