import {BBox} from "../../Logic/BBox"; import LayerConfig from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/LayerConfig"; import Combine from "../Base/Combine"; import Title from "../Base/Title"; import {Overpass} from "../../Logic/Osm/Overpass"; import {Store, UIEventSource} from "../../Logic/UIEventSource"; import Constants from "../../Models/Constants"; import RelationsTracker from "../../Logic/Osm/RelationsTracker"; import {VariableUiElement} from "../Base/VariableUIElement"; import {FlowStep} from "./FlowStep"; import Loading from "../Base/Loading"; import {SubtleButton} from "../Base/SubtleButton"; import Svg from "../../Svg"; import {Utils} from "../../Utils"; import {IdbLocalStorage} from "../../Logic/Web/IdbLocalStorage"; import Minimap from "../Base/Minimap"; import BaseLayer from "../../Models/BaseLayer"; import AvailableBaseLayers from "../../Logic/Actors/AvailableBaseLayers"; import Loc from "../../Models/Loc"; import Attribution from "../BigComponents/Attribution"; import ShowDataLayer from "../ShowDataLayer/ShowDataLayer"; import StaticFeatureSource from "../../Logic/FeatureSource/Sources/StaticFeatureSource"; import ValidatedTextField from "../Input/ValidatedTextField"; import {LocalStorageSource} from "../../Logic/Web/LocalStorageSource"; import * as import_candidate from "../../assets/layers/import_candidate/import_candidate.json" import {GeoOperations} from "../../Logic/GeoOperations"; import FeatureInfoBox from "../Popup/FeatureInfoBox"; import {ImportUtils} from "./ImportUtils"; import Translations from "../i18n/Translations"; import ShowDataMultiLayer from "../ShowDataLayer/ShowDataMultiLayer"; import FilteredLayer, {FilterState} from "../../Models/FilteredLayer"; import {Feature, FeatureCollection} from "@turf/turf"; import * as currentview from "../../assets/layers/current_view/current_view.json" import {CheckBox} from "../Input/Checkboxes"; import BackgroundMapSwitch from "../BigComponents/BackgroundMapSwitch"; /** * Given the data to import, the bbox and the layer, will query overpass for similar items */ export default class ConflationChecker extends Combine implements FlowStep<{ features: any[], theme: string }> { public readonly IsValid public readonly Value: Store<{ features: any[], theme: string }> constructor( state, params: { bbox: BBox, layer: LayerConfig, theme: string, features: any[] }) { const t = Translations.t.importHelper.conflationChecker const bbox = params.bbox.padAbsolute(0.0001) const layer = params.layer; const toImport: { features: any[] } = params; let overpassStatus = new UIEventSource<{ error: string } | "running" | "success" | "idle" | "cached">("idle") function loadDataFromOverpass() { // Load the data! const url = Constants.defaultOverpassUrls[1] const relationTracker = new RelationsTracker() const overpass = new Overpass(params.layer.source.osmTags, [], url, new UIEventSource(180), relationTracker, true) console.log("Loading from overpass!") overpassStatus.setData("running") overpass.queryGeoJson(bbox).then( ([data, date]) => { console.log("Received overpass-data: ", data.features.length, "features are loaded at ", date); overpassStatus.setData("success") fromLocalStorage.setData([data, date]) }, (error) => { overpassStatus.setData({error}) }) } const fromLocalStorage = IdbLocalStorage.Get<[any, Date]>("importer-overpass-cache-" +, { whenLoaded: (v) => { if (v !== undefined && v !== null) { console.log("Loaded from local storage:", v) overpassStatus.setData("cached") } } }); const cacheAge = => { if(d === undefined || d[1] === undefined){ return undefined } const [_, loadedDate] = d return (new Date().getTime() - loadedDate.getTime()) / 1000; }) cacheAge.addCallbackD(timeDiff => { if (timeDiff < 24 * 60 * 60) { // Recently cached! overpassStatus.setData("cached") return; } else { loadDataFromOverpass() } }) const geojson: Store = => { if (d === undefined) { return undefined } return d[0] }) const background = new UIEventSource(AvailableBaseLayers.osmCarto) const location = new UIEventSource({lat: 0, lon: 0, zoom: 1}) const currentBounds = new UIEventSource(undefined) const zoomLevel = ValidatedTextField.ForType("pnat").ConstructInputElement({ value: LocalStorageSource.GetParsed("importer-zoom-level", "0") }) zoomLevel.SetClass("ml-1 border border-black") const osmLiveData = Minimap.createMiniMap({ allowMoving: true, location, background, bounds: currentBounds, attribution: new Attribution(location, state.osmConnection.userDetails, undefined, currentBounds) }) osmLiveData.SetClass("w-full").SetStyle("height: 500px") const geojsonFeatures : Store = => { if (geojson?.features === undefined) { return [] } const currentZoom = zoomLevel.GetValue().data const zoomedEnough: boolean = >= Number(currentZoom) if (currentZoom !== undefined && !zoomedEnough) { return [] } const bounds = if(bounds === undefined){ return geojson.features; } return geojson.features.filter(f => BBox.get(f).overlapsWith(bounds)) }, [osmLiveData.bounds, zoomLevel.GetValue()]) const preview = StaticFeatureSource.fromGeojsonStore(geojsonFeatures) new ShowDataLayer({ layerToShow: new LayerConfig(currentview), state, leafletMap: osmLiveData.leafletMap, popup: undefined, zoomToFeatures: true, features: StaticFeatureSource.fromGeojson([ bbox.asGeoJson({}) ]) }) new ShowDataMultiLayer({ //layerToShow: layer, layers: new UIEventSource([{ layerDef: layer, isDisplayed: new UIEventSource(true), appliedFilters: new UIEventSource>(undefined) }]), state, leafletMap: osmLiveData.leafletMap, popup: (tags, layer) => new FeatureInfoBox(tags, layer, state, {setHash: false}), zoomToFeatures: false, features: preview }) new ShowDataLayer({ layerToShow: new LayerConfig(import_candidate), state, leafletMap: osmLiveData.leafletMap, popup: (tags, layer) => new FeatureInfoBox(tags, layer, state, {setHash: false}), zoomToFeatures: false, features: StaticFeatureSource.fromGeojson(toImport.features) }) const nearbyCutoff = ValidatedTextField.ForType("pnat").ConstructInputElement() nearbyCutoff.SetClass("ml-1 border border-black") nearbyCutoff.GetValue().syncWith(LocalStorageSource.Get("importer-cutoff", "25"), true) const matchedFeaturesMap = Minimap.createMiniMap({ allowMoving: true, background }) matchedFeaturesMap.SetClass("w-full").SetStyle("height: 500px") // Featuresource showing OSM-features which are nearby a toImport-feature const geojsonMapped: Store = => { if (osmData?.features === undefined) { return [] } const maxDist = Number(nearbyCutoff.GetValue().data) return osmData.features.filter(f => toImport.features.some(imp => maxDist >= GeoOperations.distanceBetween(imp.geometry.coordinates, GeoOperations.centerpointCoordinates(f)))) }, [nearbyCutoff.GetValue().stabilized(500)]) const nearbyFeatures = StaticFeatureSource.fromGeojsonStore(geojsonMapped); const paritionedImport = ImportUtils.partitionFeaturesIfNearby(toImport, geojson, nearbyCutoff.GetValue().map(Number)); // Featuresource showing OSM-features which are nearby a toImport-feature const toImportWithNearby = StaticFeatureSource.fromGeojsonStore( => els?.hasNearby ?? [])); toImportWithNearby.features.addCallback(nearby => console.log("The following features are near an already existing object:", nearby)) new ShowDataLayer({ layerToShow: new LayerConfig(import_candidate), state, leafletMap: matchedFeaturesMap.leafletMap, popup: (tags, layer) => new FeatureInfoBox(tags, layer, state, {setHash: false}), zoomToFeatures: false, features: toImportWithNearby }) const showOsmLayer = new CheckBox(t.showOsmLayerInConflationMap, true) new ShowDataLayer({ layerToShow: layer, state, leafletMap: matchedFeaturesMap.leafletMap, popup: (tags, layer) => new FeatureInfoBox(tags, layer, state, {setHash: false}), zoomToFeatures: true, features: nearbyFeatures, doShowLayer: showOsmLayer.GetValue() }) const conflationMaps = new Combine([ new VariableUiElement( => { if (geojson === undefined) { return undefined; } return new SubtleButton(Svg.download_svg(), t.downloadOverpassData).onClick(() => { Utils.offerContentsAsDownloadableFile(JSON.stringify(geojson, null, " "), "mapcomplete-" + + ".geojson", { mimetype: "application/json+geo" }) }); })), new VariableUiElement( => { if (age === undefined) { return undefined; } if (age < 0) { return t.cacheExpired } return new Combine([t.loadedDataAge.Subs({age: Utils.toHumanTime(age)}), new SubtleButton(Svg.reload_svg().SetClass("h-8"), t.reloadTheCache) .onClick(loadDataFromOverpass) .SetClass("h-12") ]) })), new Title(t.titleLive), t.importCandidatesCount.Subs({count: toImport.features.length}), new VariableUiElement( => { if (geojson?.features?.length === undefined || geojson?.features?.length === 0) { return t.nothingLoaded.Subs(layer).SetClass("alert") } return new Combine([ t.osmLoaded.Subs({count: geojson.features.length, name:}), ]) })), osmLiveData, new Combine([ t.zoomLevelSelection, zoomLevel, new VariableUiElement( => { return t.zoomIn.Subs({current: location.zoom}) })), ]).SetClass("flex"), new Title(t.titleNearby), new Combine([t.mapShowingNearbyIntro, nearbyCutoff]).SetClass("flex"), new VariableUiElement( => t.nearbyWarn.Subs({count: feats.length}).SetClass("alert"))), t.setRangeToZero, matchedFeaturesMap, new Combine([ new BackgroundMapSwitch({backgroundLayer: background, locationControl: matchedFeaturesMap.location}, background), showOsmLayer, ]).SetClass("flex") ]).SetClass("flex flex-col") super([ new Title(t.title), new VariableUiElement( => { if (d === "idle") { return new Loading(t.states.idle) } if (d === "running") { return new Loading(t.states.running) } if (d["error"] !== undefined) { return t.states.error.Subs({error: d["error"]}).SetClass("alert") } if (d === "cached") { return conflationMaps } if (d === "success") { return conflationMaps } return t.states.unexpected.Subs({state: d}).SetClass("alert") })) ]) this.Value = => ({ theme: params.theme, features: feats?.noNearby, layer: params.layer })) this.IsValid = => v?.features !== undefined && v.features.length > 0) } }