import {AndOrTagConfigJson} from "./TagConfigJson";
import {TagRenderingConfigJson} from "./TagRenderingConfigJson";
import FilterConfigJson from "./FilterConfigJson";
import {DeleteConfigJson} from "./DeleteConfigJson";
import UnitConfigJson from "./UnitConfigJson";

 * Configuration for a single layer
export interface LayerConfigJson {
     * The id of this layer.
     * This should be a simple, lowercase, human readable string that is used to identify the layer.
    id: string;

     * The name of this layer
     * Used in the layer control panel and the 'Personal theme'.
     * If not given, will be hidden (and thus not toggable) in the layer control
    name?: string | any

     * A description for this layer.
     * Shown in the layer selections and in the personel theme
    description?: string | any;

     * This determines where the data for the layer is fetched.
     * There are some options:
     * # Query OSM directly
     * source: {osmTags: "key=value"}
     *  will fetch all objects with given tags from OSM.
     *  Currently, this will create a query to overpass and fetch the data - in the future this might fetch from the OSM API
     * # Query OSM Via the overpass API with a custom script
     * source: {overpassScript: "<custom overpass tags>"} when you want to do special things. _This should be really rare_.
     *      This means that the data will be pulled from overpass with this script, and will ignore the osmTags for the query
     *      However, for the rest of the pipeline, the OsmTags will _still_ be used. This is important to enable layers etc...
     * # A single geojson-file
     * source: {geoJson: ""}
     *  fetches a geojson from a third party source
     * # A tiled geojson source
     * source: {geoJson: "{layer}-{z}-{x}-{y}.geojson", geoJsonZoomLevel: 14}
     *  to use a tiled geojson source. The web server must offer multiple geojsons. {z}, {x} and {y} are substituted by the location; {layer} is substituted with the id of the loaded layer
     * Note that both geojson-options might set a flag 'isOsmCache' indicating that the data originally comes from OSM too
     * NOTE: the previous format was 'overpassTags: AndOrTagConfigJson | string', which is interpreted as a shorthand for source: {osmTags: "key=value"}
     *  While still supported, this is considered deprecated
    source: { osmTags: AndOrTagConfigJson | string, overpassScript?: string  } |
        { osmTags: AndOrTagConfigJson | string, geoJson: string, geoJsonZoomLevel?: number, isOsmCache?: boolean }
     * A list of extra tags to calculate, specified as "keyToAssignTo=javascript-expression".
     * There are a few extra functions available. Refer to <a>Docs/</a> for more information
     * The functions will be run in order, e.g.
     * [
     *  "_max_overlap_m2=Math.max(...feat.overlapsWith("someOtherLayer").map(o => o.overlap))
     *  "_max_overlap_ratio=Number(feat._max_overlap_m2)/feat.area
     * ]
    calculatedTags?: string[];

     * If set, this layer will not query overpass; but it'll still match the tags above which are by chance returned by other layers.
     * Works well together with 'passAllFeatures', to add decoration
    doNotDownload?: boolean;

     * This tag rendering should either be 'yes' or 'no'. If 'no' is returned, then the feature will be hidden from view.
     * This is useful to hide certain features from view. 
     * Important: hiding features does not work dynamically, but is only calculated when the data is first renders.
     * This implies that it is not possible to hide a feature after a tagging change
     * The default value is 'yes'
    isShown?: TagRenderingConfigJson;

     * The minimum needed zoomlevel required before loading of the data start
     * Default: 0
    minzoom?: number;

     * The zoom level at which point the data is hidden again
     * Default: 100 (thus: always visible
    minzoomVisible?: number;

     * The title shown in a popup for elements of this layer.
    title?: string | TagRenderingConfigJson;

     * Small icons shown next to the title.
     * If not specified, the OsmLink and wikipedia links will be used by default.
     * Use an empty array to hide them.
     * Note that "defaults" will insert all the default titleIcons
    titleIcons?: (string | TagRenderingConfigJson)[];

     * The icon for an element.
     * Note that this also doubles as the icon for this layer (rendered with the overpass-tags) ánd the icon in the presets.
     * The result of the icon is rendered as follows:
     * the resulting string is interpreted as a _list_ of items, separated by ";". The bottommost layer is the first layer.
     * As a result, on could use a generic pin, then overlay it with a specific icon.
     * To make things even more practical, one can use all SVG's from the folder "assets/svg" and _substitute the color_ in it.
     * E.g. to draw a red pin, use "pin:#f00", to have a green circle with your icon on top, use `circle:#0f0;<path to my icon.svg>`
    icon?: string | TagRenderingConfigJson;

     * IconsOverlays are a list of extra icons/badges to overlay over the icon.
     * The 'badge'-toggle changes their behaviour.
     * If badge is set, it will be added as a 25% height icon at the bottom right of the icon, with all the badges in a flex layout.
     * If badges is false, it'll be a simple overlay
     * Note: strings are interpreted as icons, so layering and substituting is supported
    iconOverlays?: { if: string | AndOrTagConfigJson, then: string | TagRenderingConfigJson, badge?: boolean }[]

     * A string containing "width,height" or "width,height,anchorpoint" where anchorpoint is any of 'center', 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right', 'bottomleft','topright', ...
     * Default is '40,40,center'
    iconSize?: string | TagRenderingConfigJson;
     * The rotation of an icon, useful for e.g. directions.
     * Usage: as if it were a css property for 'rotate', thus has to end with 'deg', e.g. `90deg`, `{direction}deg`, `calc(90deg - {camera:direction}deg)``
    rotation?: string | TagRenderingConfigJson;
     * A HTML-fragment that is shown below the icon, for example:
     * <div style="background: white; display: block">{name}</div>
     * If the icon is undefined, then the label is shown in the center of the feature.
     * Note that, if the wayhandling hides the icon then no label is shown as well.
    label?: string | TagRenderingConfigJson;

     * The color for way-elements and SVG-elements.
     * If the value starts with "--", the style of the body element will be queried for the corresponding variable instead
    color?: string | TagRenderingConfigJson;
     * The stroke-width for way-elements
    width?: string | TagRenderingConfigJson;

     * A dasharray, e.g. "5 6"
     * The dasharray defines 'pixels of line, pixels of gap, pixels of line, pixels of gap',
     * Default value: "" (empty string == full line)
    dashArray?: string | TagRenderingConfigJson

     * Wayhandling: should a way/area be displayed as:
     * 0) The way itself
     * 1) Only the centerpoint
     * 2) The centerpoint and the way
    wayHandling?: number;

     * If set, this layer will pass all the features it receives onto the next layer.
     * This is ideal for decoration, e.g. directionss on cameras
    passAllFeatures?: boolean

     * Presets for this layer.
     * A preset shows up when clicking the map on a without data (or when right-clicking/long-pressing);
     * it will prompt the user to add a new point.
     * The most important aspect are the tags, which define which tags the new point will have;
     * The title is shown in the dialog, along with the first sentence of the description.
     * Upon confirmation, the full description is shown beneath the buttons - perfect to add pictures and examples.
     * Note: the icon of the preset is determined automatically based on the tags and the icon above. Don't worry about that!
     * NB: if no presets are defined, the popup to add new points doesn't show up at all
    presets?: {
         * The title - shown on the 'add-new'-button.
        title: string | any,
         * The tags to add. It determines the icon too
        tags: string[],
         * The _first sentence_ of the description is shown on the button of the `add` menu.
         * The full description is shown in the confirmation dialog.
         * (The first sentence is until the first '.'-character in the description)
        description?: string | any,

         * If set, the user will prompted to confirm the location before actually adding the data.
         * This will be with a 'drag crosshair'-method.
         * If 'preferredBackgroundCategory' is set, the element will attempt to pick a background layer of that category.
        preciseInput?: true | {
             * The type of background picture
            preferredBackground: "osmbasedmap" | "photo" | "historicphoto" | "map" | string | string [],
             * If specified, these layers will be shown to and the new point will be snapped towards it
            snapToLayer?: string | string[],
             * If specified, a new point will only be snapped if it is within this range.
             * Distance in meter
             * Default: 10
            maxSnapDistance?: number

     * All the tag renderings.
     * A tag rendering is a block that either shows the known value or asks a question.
     * Refer to the class `TagRenderingConfigJson` to see the possibilities.
     * Note that we can also use a string here - where the string refers to a tag rendering defined in `assets/questions/questions.json`,
     * where a few very general questions are defined e.g. website, phone number, ...
     * A special value is 'questions', which indicates the location of the questions box. If not specified, it'll be appended to the bottom of the featureInfobox.
    tagRenderings?: (string | {builtin: string, override: any} | TagRenderingConfigJson) [],

     * All the extra questions for filtering
    filter?: (FilterConfigJson) [],

     * This block defines under what circumstances the delete dialog is shown for objects of this layer.
     * If set, a dialog is shown to the user to (soft) delete the point.
     * The dialog is built to be user friendly and to prevent mistakes.
     * If deletion is not possible, the dialog will hide itself and show the reason of non-deletability instead.
     * To configure, the following values are possible:
     * - false: never ever show the delete button
     * - true: show the default delete button
     * - undefined: use the mapcomplete default to show deletion or not. Currently, this is the same as 'false' but this will change in the future
     * - or: a hash with options (see below)
     *  The delete dialog
     *  =================
     #### Hard deletion if enough experience

     A feature can only be deleted from OpenStreetMap by mapcomplete if:

     - It is a node
     - No ways or relations use the node
     - The logged-in user has enough experience OR the user is the only one to have edited the point previously
     - The logged-in user has no unread messages (or has a ton of experience)
     - The user did not select one of the 'non-delete-options' (see below)

     In all other cases, a 'soft deletion' is used.

     #### Soft deletion

     A 'soft deletion' is when the point isn't deleted from OSM but retagged so that it'll won't how up in the mapcomplete theme anymore.
     This makes it look like it was deleted, without doing damage. A fixme will be added to the point.

     Note that a soft deletion is _only_ possible if these tags are provided by the theme creator, as they'll be different for every theme

     #### No-delete options

     In some cases, the contributor might want to delete something for the wrong reason (e.g. someone who wants to have a path removed "because the path is on their private property").
     However, the path exists in reality and should thus be on OSM - otherwise the next contributor will pass by and notice "hey, there is a path missing here! Let me redraw it in OSM!)

     The correct approach is to retag the feature in such a way that it is semantically correct *and* that it doesn't show up on the theme anymore.
     A no-delete option is offered as 'reason to delete it', but secretly retags.

    deletion?: boolean | DeleteConfigJson

     * IF set, a 'split this road' button is shown
    allowSplit?: boolean

     * In some cases, a value is represented in a certain unit (such as meters for heigt/distance/..., km/h for speed, ...)
     * Sometimes, multiple denominations are possible (e.g. km/h vs mile/h; megawatt vs kilowatt vs gigawatt for power generators, ...)
     * This brings in some troubles, as there are multiple ways to write it (no denomitation, 'm' vs 'meter' 'metre', ...)
     * Not only do we want to write consistent data to OSM, we also want to present this consistently to the user.
     * This is handled by defining units.
     * # Rendering
     * To render a value with long (human) denomination, use {canonical(key)}
     * # Usage
     * First of all, you define which keys have units applied, for example:
     * ```
     * units: [
     *  appliesTo: ["maxspeed", "maxspeed:hgv", "maxspeed:bus"]
     *  applicableUnits: [
     *      ...
     *  ]
     * ]
     * ```
     * ApplicableUnits defines which is the canonical extension, how it is presented to the user, ...:
     * ```
     * applicableUnits: [
     * {
     *     canonicalDenomination: "km/h",
     *     alternativeDenomination: ["km/u", "kmh", "kph"]
     *     default: true,
     *     human: {
     *         en: "kilometer/hour",
     *         nl: "kilometer/uur"
     *     },
     *     humanShort: {
     *         en: "km/h",
     *         nl: "km/u"
     *     }
     * },
     * {
     *     canoncialDenomination: "mph",
     *     ... similar for miles an hour ...
     * }
     * ]
     * ```
     * If this is defined, then every key which the denominations apply to (`maxspeed`, `maxspeed:hgv` and `maxspeed:bus`) will be rewritten at the metatagging stage:
     * every value will be parsed and the canonical extension will be added add presented to the other parts of the code.
     * Also, if a freeform text field is used, an extra dropdown with applicable denominations will be given
    units?: UnitConfigJson[]
