import Combine from "./Base/Combine" import {FixedUiElement} from "./Base/FixedUiElement" import BaseUIElement from "./BaseUIElement" import Title from "./Base/Title" import Table from "./Base/Table" import {SpecialVisualization} from "./SpecialVisualization"; import {HistogramViz} from "./Popup/HistogramViz"; import {StealViz} from "./Popup/StealViz"; import {MinimapViz} from "./Popup/MinimapViz"; import {SidedMinimap} from "./Popup/SidedMinimap"; import {ShareLinkViz} from "./Popup/ShareLinkViz"; import {UploadToOsmViz} from "./Popup/UploadToOsmViz"; import {MultiApplyViz} from "./Popup/MultiApplyViz"; import {ExportAsGpxViz} from "./Popup/ExportAsGpxViz"; import {AddNoteCommentViz} from "./Popup/AddNoteCommentViz"; import {PlantNetDetectionViz} from "./Popup/PlantNetDetectionViz"; import {ConflateButton, ImportPointButton, ImportWayButton} from "./Popup/ImportButton"; import TagApplyButton from "./Popup/TagApplyButton"; import {CloseNoteButton} from "./Popup/CloseNoteButton"; import {NearbyImageVis} from "./Popup/NearbyImageVis"; import {MapillaryLinkVis} from "./Popup/MapillaryLinkVis"; import {Stores, UIEventSource} from "../Logic/UIEventSource"; import {AllTagsPanel} from "./AllTagsPanel"; import AllImageProviders from "../Logic/ImageProviders/AllImageProviders"; import {ImageCarousel} from "./Image/ImageCarousel"; import {ImageUploadFlow} from "./Image/ImageUploadFlow"; import {VariableUiElement} from "./Base/VariableUIElement"; import {Utils} from "../Utils"; import WikipediaBox from "./Wikipedia/WikipediaBox"; import Wikidata, {WikidataResponse} from "../Logic/Web/Wikidata"; import {Translation} from "./i18n/Translation"; import Translations from "./i18n/Translations"; import MangroveReviews from "../Logic/Web/MangroveReviews"; import ReviewForm from "./Reviews/ReviewForm"; import ReviewElement from "./Reviews/ReviewElement"; import OpeningHoursVisualization from "./OpeningHours/OpeningHoursVisualization"; import LiveQueryHandler from "../Logic/Web/LiveQueryHandler"; import {SubtleButton} from "./Base/SubtleButton"; import Svg from "../Svg"; import {OpenIdEditor, OpenJosm} from "./BigComponents/CopyrightPanel"; import Hash from "../Logic/Web/Hash"; import NoteCommentElement from "./Popup/NoteCommentElement"; import ImgurUploader from "../Logic/ImageProviders/ImgurUploader"; import FileSelectorButton from "./Input/FileSelectorButton"; import {LoginToggle} from "./Popup/LoginButton"; import Toggle from "./Input/Toggle"; import {SubstitutedTranslation} from "./SubstitutedTranslation"; import List from "./Base/List"; import {OsmFeature} from "../Models/OsmFeature"; import LayerConfig from "../Models/ThemeConfig/LayerConfig"; import {GeoOperations} from "../Logic/GeoOperations"; import StatisticsPanel from "./BigComponents/StatisticsPanel"; import AutoApplyButton from "./Popup/AutoApplyButton"; import {LanguageElement} from "./Popup/LanguageElement"; export default class SpecialVisualizations { public static specialVisualizations: SpecialVisualization[] = SpecialVisualizations.initList(); private static initList() : SpecialVisualization[] { const specialVisualizations: SpecialVisualization[] = [ new HistogramViz(), new StealViz(), new MinimapViz(), new SidedMinimap(), new ShareLinkViz() , new UploadToOsmViz(), new MultiApplyViz(), new ExportAsGpxViz(), new AddNoteCommentViz(), new PlantNetDetectionViz(), new ImportPointButton(), new ImportWayButton(), new ConflateButton(), new TagApplyButton(), new CloseNoteButton(), new NearbyImageVis(), new MapillaryLinkVis(), new LanguageElement(), { funcName: "all_tags", docs: "Prints all key-value pairs of the object - used for debugging", args: [], constr: (state, tags: UIEventSource) => new AllTagsPanel(tags, state), }, { funcName: "image_carousel", docs: "Creates an image carousel for the given sources. An attempt will be made to guess what source is used. Supported: Wikidata identifiers, Wikipedia pages, Wikimedia categories, IMGUR (with attribution, direct links)", args: [ { name: "image_key", defaultValue: AllImageProviders.defaultKeys.join(","), doc: "The keys given to the images, e.g. if image is given, the first picture URL will be added as image, the second as image:0, the third as image:1, etc... Multiple values are allowed if ';'-separated ", }, ], constr: (state, tags, args) => { let imagePrefixes: string[] = undefined if (args.length > 0) { imagePrefixes = [].concat( => a.split(","))) } return new ImageCarousel( AllImageProviders.LoadImagesFor(tags, imagePrefixes), tags, state ) }, }, { funcName: "image_upload", docs: "Creates a button where a user can upload an image to IMGUR", args: [ { name: "image-key", doc: "Image tag to add the URL to (or image-tag:0, image-tag:1 when multiple images are added)", defaultValue: "image", }, { name: "label", doc: "The text to show on the button", defaultValue: "Add image", }, ], constr: (state, tags, args) => { return new ImageUploadFlow(tags, state, args[0], args[1]) }, }, { funcName: "wikipedia", docs: "A box showing the corresponding wikipedia article - based on the wikidata tag", args: [ { name: "keyToShowWikipediaFor", doc: "Use the wikidata entry from this key to show the wikipedia article for. Multiple keys can be given (separated by ';'), in which case the first matching value is used", defaultValue: "wikidata;wikipedia", }, ], example: "`{wikipedia()}` is a basic example, `{wikipedia(name:etymology:wikidata)}` to show the wikipedia page of whom the feature was named after. Also remember that these can be styled, e.g. `{wikipedia():max-height: 10rem}` to limit the height", constr: (_, tagsSource, args) => { const keys = args[0].split(";").map((k) => k.trim()) return new VariableUiElement( tagsSource .map((tags) => { const key = keys.find( (k) => tags[k] !== undefined && tags[k] !== "" ) return tags[key] }) .map((wikidata) => { const wikidatas: string[] = Utils.NoEmpty( wikidata?.split(";")?.map((wd) => wd.trim()) ?? [] ) return new WikipediaBox(wikidatas) }) ) }, }, { funcName: "wikidata_label", docs: "Shows the label of the corresponding wikidata-item", args: [ { name: "keyToShowWikidataFor", doc: "Use the wikidata entry from this key to show the label", defaultValue: "wikidata", }, ], example: "`{wikidata_label()}` is a basic example, `{wikipedia(name:etymology:wikidata)}` to show the label itself", constr: (_, tagsSource, args) => new VariableUiElement( tagsSource .map((tags) => tags[args[0]]) .map((wikidata) => { wikidata = Utils.NoEmpty( wikidata?.split(";")?.map((wd) => wd.trim()) ?? [] )[0] const entry = Wikidata.LoadWikidataEntry(wikidata) return new VariableUiElement( => { if (e === undefined || e["success"] === undefined) { return wikidata } const response = e["success"] return Translation.fromMap(response.labels) }) ) }) ), }, { funcName: "reviews", docs: "Adds an overview of the mangrove-reviews of this object. Mangrove.Reviews needs - in order to identify the reviewed object - a coordinate and a name. By default, the name of the object is given, but this can be overwritten", example: "`{reviews()}` for a vanilla review, `{reviews(name, play_forest)}` to review a play forest. If a name is known, the name will be used as identifier, otherwise 'play_forest' is used", args: [ { name: "subjectKey", defaultValue: "name", doc: "The key to use to determine the subject. If specified, the subject will be tags[subjectKey]", }, { name: "fallback", doc: "The identifier to use, if tags[subjectKey] as specified above is not available. This is effectively a fallback value", }, ], constr: (state, tags, args) => { const tgs = const key = args[0] ?? "name" let subject = tgs[key] ?? args[1] if (subject === undefined || subject === "") { return } const mangrove = MangroveReviews.Get( Number(tgs._lon), Number(tgs._lat), encodeURIComponent(subject), state.mangroveIdentity, ) const form = new ReviewForm( (r, whenDone) => mangrove.AddReview(r, whenDone), state.osmConnection ) return new ReviewElement(mangrove.GetSubjectUri(), mangrove.GetReviews(), form) }, }, { funcName: "opening_hours_table", docs: "Creates an opening-hours table. Usage: {opening_hours_table(opening_hours)} to create a table of the tag 'opening_hours'.", args: [ { name: "key", defaultValue: "opening_hours", doc: "The tagkey from which the table is constructed.", }, { name: "prefix", defaultValue: "", doc: "Remove this string from the start of the value before parsing. __Note: use `&LPARENs` to indicate `(` if needed__", }, { name: "postfix", defaultValue: "", doc: "Remove this string from the end of the value before parsing. __Note: use `&RPARENs` to indicate `)` if needed__", }, ], example: "A normal opening hours table can be invoked with `{opening_hours_table()}`. A table for e.g. conditional access with opening hours can be `{opening_hours_table(access:conditional, no @ &LPARENS, &RPARENS)}`", constr: (state, tagSource: UIEventSource, args) => { return new OpeningHoursVisualization( tagSource, state, args[0], args[1], args[2] ) }, }, { funcName: "live", docs: "Downloads a JSON from the given URL, e.g. '{live(, shorthand:x.y.z, other:a.b.c, shorthand)}' will download the given file, will create an object {shorthand: json[x][y][z], other: json[a][b][c] out of it and will return 'other' or 'json[a][b][c]. This is made to use in combination with tags, e.g. {live({url}, {url:format}, needed_value)}", example: "{live({url},{url:format},hour)} {live(,hour:data.hour_cnt;day:data.day_cnt;year:data.year_cnt,hour)}", args: [ { name: "Url", doc: "The URL to load", required: true, }, { name: "Shorthands", doc: "A list of shorthands, of the format 'shorthandname:path.path.path'. separated by ;", }, { name: "path", doc: "The path (or shorthand) that should be returned", }, ], constr: (state, tagSource: UIEventSource, args) => { const url = args[0] const shorthands = args[1] const neededValue = args[2] const source = LiveQueryHandler.FetchLiveData(url, shorthands.split(";")) return new VariableUiElement( => data[neededValue] ?? "Loading...") ) }, }, { funcName: "canonical", docs: "Converts a short, canonical value into the long, translated text including the unit. This only works if a `unit` is defined for the corresponding value. The unit specification will be included in the text. ", example: "If the object has `length=42`, then `{canonical(length)}` will be shown as **42 meter** (in english), **42 metre** (in french), ...", args: [ { name: "key", doc: "The key of the tag to give the canonical text for", required: true, }, ], constr: (state, tagSource, args) => { const key = args[0] return new VariableUiElement( tagSource .map((tags) => tags[key]) .map((value) => { if (value === undefined) { return undefined } const allUnits = [].concat( ...(state?.layoutToUse?.layers?.map((lyr) => lyr.units) ?? []) ) const unit = allUnits.filter((unit) => unit.isApplicableToKey(key) )[0] if (unit === undefined) { return value } return unit.asHumanLongValue(value) }) ) }, }, { funcName: "export_as_geojson", docs: "Exports the selected feature as GeoJson-file", args: [], constr: (state, tagSource) => { const t = return new SubtleButton( Svg.download_ui(), new Combine([ t.downloadFeatureAsGeojson.SetClass("font-bold text-lg"), t.downloadGeoJsonHelper.SetClass("subtle"), ]).SetClass("flex flex-col") ).onClick(() => { console.log("Exporting as Geojson") const tags = const feature = state.allElements.ContainingFeatures.get( const matchingLayer = state?.layoutToUse?.getMatchingLayer(tags) const title = matchingLayer.title?.GetRenderValue(tags)?.Subs(tags)?.txt ?? "geojson" const data = JSON.stringify(feature, null, " ") Utils.offerContentsAsDownloadableFile( data, title + "_mapcomplete_export.geojson", { mimetype: "application/vnd.geo+json", } ) }) }, }, { funcName: "open_in_iD", docs: "Opens the current view in the iD-editor", args: [], constr: (state, feature) => { return new OpenIdEditor(state, undefined, }, }, { funcName: "open_in_josm", docs: "Opens the current view in the JOSM-editor", args: [], constr: (state, feature) => { return new OpenJosm(state) }, }, { funcName: "clear_location_history", docs: "A button to remove the travelled track information from the device", args: [], constr: (state) => { return new SubtleButton( Svg.delete_icon_svg().SetStyle("height: 1.5rem"), Translations.t.general.removeLocationHistory ).onClick(() => { state.historicalUserLocations.features.setData([]) Hash.hash.setData(undefined) }) }, }, { funcName: "visualize_note_comments", docs: "Visualises the comments for notes", args: [ { name: "commentsKey", doc: "The property name of the comments, which should be stringified json", defaultValue: "comments", }, { name: "start", doc: "Drop the first 'start' comments", defaultValue: "0", }, ], constr: (state, tags, args) => new VariableUiElement( tags .map((tags) => tags[args[0]]) .map((commentsStr) => { const comments: any[] = JSON.parse(commentsStr) const startLoc = Number(args[1] ?? 0) if (!isNaN(startLoc) && startLoc > 0) { comments.splice(0, startLoc) } return new Combine( comments .filter((c) => c.text !== "") .map((c) => new NoteCommentElement(c)) ).SetClass("flex flex-col") }) ), }, { funcName: "add_image_to_note", docs: "Adds an image to a node", args: [ { name: "Id-key", doc: "The property name where the ID of the note to close can be found", defaultValue: "id", }, ], constr: (state, tags, args) => { const isUploading = new UIEventSource(false) const t = Translations.t.notes const id =[args[0] ?? "id"] const uploader = new ImgurUploader(async (url) => { isUploading.setData(false) await state.osmConnection.addCommentToNote(id, url) NoteCommentElement.addCommentTo(url, tags, state) }) const label = new Combine([ Svg.camera_plus_ui().SetClass("block w-12 h-12 p-1 text-4xl "), Translations.t.image.addPicture, ]).SetClass( "p-2 border-4 border-black rounded-full font-bold h-full align-center w-full flex justify-center" ) const fileSelector = new FileSelectorButton(label) fileSelector.GetValue().addCallback((filelist) => { isUploading.setData(true) uploader.uploadMany("Image for" + id, "CC0", filelist) }) const ti = Translations.t.image const uploadPanel = new Combine([ fileSelector, new Combine([ti.willBePublished, ti.cco]), ti.ccoExplanation.SetClass("subtle text-sm"), ti.respectPrivacy.SetClass("text-sm"), ]).SetClass("flex flex-col") return new LoginToggle( new Toggle( Translations.t.image.uploadingPicture.SetClass("alert"), uploadPanel, isUploading ), t.loginToAddPicture, state ) }, }, { funcName: "title", args: [], docs: "Shows the title of the popup. Useful for some cases, e.g. 'What is phone number of {title()}?'", example: "`What is the phone number of {title()}`, which might automatically become `What is the phone number of XYZ`.", constr: (state, tagsSource) => new VariableUiElement( => { const layer = state.layoutToUse.getMatchingLayer(tags) const title = layer?.title?.GetRenderValue(tags) if (title === undefined) { return undefined } return new SubstitutedTranslation(title, tagsSource, state) }) ), }, { funcName: "maproulette_task", args: [], constr(state, tagSource, argument, guistate) { let parentId = let challenge = Stores.FromPromise( Utils.downloadJsonCached( `${parentId}`, 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 ) ) return new VariableUiElement( => { let listItems: BaseUIElement[] = [] let title: BaseUIElement if (challenge?.name) { title = new Title( } if (challenge?.description) { listItems.push(new FixedUiElement(challenge.description)) } if (challenge?.instruction) { listItems.push(new FixedUiElement(challenge.instruction)) } if (listItems.length === 0) { return undefined } else { return [title, new List(listItems)] } }) ) }, docs: "Show details of a MapRoulette task", }, { funcName: "statistics", docs: "Show general statistics about the elements currently in view. Intended to use on the `current_view`-layer", args: [], constr: (state, tagsSource, args, guiState) => { const elementsInview = new UIEventSource< { distance: number center: [number, number] element: OsmFeature layer: LayerConfig }[] >([]) function update() { const mapCenter = <[number, number]>[,, ] const bbox = const elements = state.featurePipeline .getAllVisibleElementsWithmeta(bbox) .map((el) => { const distance = GeoOperations.distanceBetween(, mapCenter) return { ...el, distance } }) elements.sort((e0, e1) => e0.distance - e1.distance) elementsInview.setData(elements) } state.currentBounds.addCallbackAndRun(update) state.featurePipeline.newDataLoadedSignal.addCallback(update) state.filteredLayers.addCallbackAndRun((fls) => { for (const fl of fls) { fl.isDisplayed.addCallback(update) fl.appliedFilters.addCallback(update) } }) return new StatisticsPanel(elementsInview, state) }, }, { funcName: "send_email", docs: "Creates a `mailto`-link where some fields are already set and correctly escaped. The user will be promted to send the email", args: [ { name: "to", doc: "Who to send the email to?", required: true, }, { name: "subject", doc: "The subject of the email", required: true, }, { name: "body", doc: "The text in the email", required: true, }, { name: "button_text", doc: "The text shown on the button in the UI", required: true, }, ], constr(state, tags, args) { return new VariableUiElement( => { const [to, subject, body, button_text] = => Utils.SubstituteKeys(str, tags) ) const url = "mailto:" + to + "?subject=" + encodeURIComponent(subject) + "&body=" + encodeURIComponent(body) return new SubtleButton(Svg.envelope_svg(), button_text, { url, }) }) ) }, }, { funcName: "multi", docs: "Given an embedded tagRendering (read only) and a key, will read the keyname as a JSON-list. Every element of this list will be considered as tags and rendered with the tagRendering", example: "```json\n" + JSON.stringify( { render: { special: { type: "multi", key: "_doors_from_building_properties", tagRendering: { render: "The building containing this feature has a door of width {entrance:width}", }, }, }, }, null, " " ) + "\n```", args: [ { name: "key", doc: "The property to read and to interpret as a list of properties", required: true, }, { name: "tagrendering", doc: "An entire tagRenderingConfig", required: true, }, ], constr(state, featureTags, args) { const [key, tr] = args const translation = new Translation({ "*": tr }) return new VariableUiElement( => { const properties: object[] = JSON.parse(tags[key]) const elements = [] for (const property of properties) { const subsTr = new SubstitutedTranslation( translation, new UIEventSource(property), state ) elements.push(subsTr) } return new List(elements) }) ) }, }, ] specialVisualizations.push(new AutoApplyButton(specialVisualizations)) const invalid =,i) => ({sp, i})).filter(sp => sp.sp.funcName === undefined) if(invalid.length > 0){ throw "Invalid special visualisation found: funcName is undefined for " => sp.i).join(", ")+". Did you perhaps type \n funcName: \"funcname\" // type declaration uses COLON\ninstead of:\n funcName = \"funcName\" // value definition uses EQUAL" } return specialVisualizations } public static DocumentationFor(viz: string | SpecialVisualization): BaseUIElement | undefined { if (typeof viz === "string") { viz = SpecialVisualizations.specialVisualizations.find((sv) => sv.funcName === viz) } if (viz === undefined) { return undefined } return new Combine([ new Title(viz.funcName, 3),, viz.args.length > 0 ? new Table( ["name", "default", "description"], => { let defaultArg = arg.defaultValue ?? "_undefined_" if (defaultArg == "") { defaultArg = "_empty string_" } return [, defaultArg, arg.doc] }) ) : undefined, new Title("Example usage of " + viz.funcName, 4), new FixedUiElement( viz.example ?? "`{" + viz.funcName + "(" + => arg.defaultValue).join(",") + ")}`" ).SetClass("literal-code"), ]) } public static HelpMessage() { const helpTexts = => SpecialVisualizations.DocumentationFor(viz) ) return new Combine([ new Combine([ new Title("Special tag renderings", 1), "In a tagrendering, some special values are substituted by an advanced UI-element. This allows advanced features and visualizations to be reused by custom themes or even to query third-party API's.", "General usage is `{func_name()}`, `{func_name(arg, someotherarg)}` or `{func_name(args):cssStyle}`. Note that you _do not_ need to use quotes around your arguments, the comma is enough to separate them. This also implies you cannot use a comma in your args", new Title("Using expanded syntax", 4), `Instead of using \`{"render": {"en": "{some_special_visualisation(some_arg, some other really long message, more args)} , "nl": "{some_special_visualisation(some_arg, een boodschap in een andere taal, more args)}}\`, one can also write`, new FixedUiElement( JSON.stringify( { render: { special: { type: "some_special_visualisation", before: { en: "Some text to prefix before the special element (e.g. a title)", nl: "Een tekst om voor het element te zetten (bv. een titel)", }, after: { en: "Some text to put after the element, e.g. a footer", }, argname: "some_arg", message: { en: "some other really long message", nl: "een boodschap in een andere taal", }, other_arg_name: "more args", }, }, }, null, " " ) ).SetClass("code"), ]).SetClass("flex flex-col"), ...helpTexts, ]).SetClass("flex flex-col") } }