import Combine from "../Base/Combine" import Translations from "../i18n/Translations" import BaseUIElement from "../BaseUIElement" import { VariableUiElement } from "../Base/VariableUIElement" import { Store } from "../../Logic/UIEventSource" import { LicenseInfo } from "../../Logic/ImageProviders/LicenseInfo" import { FixedUiElement } from "../Base/FixedUiElement" import Link from "../Base/Link" /** * Small box in the bottom left of an image, e.g. the image in a popup */ export default class Attribution extends VariableUiElement { constructor(license: Store<LicenseInfo>, icon: BaseUIElement, date?: Date) { if (license === undefined) { throw "No license source given in the attribution element" } super( LicenseInfo) => { if (license === undefined) { return undefined } let title = undefined if (license?.title) { title = Translations.W(license?.title).SetClass("block") if (license.informationLocation) { title = new Link(title, license.informationLocation.href, true) } } return new Combine([ icon ?.SetClass("block left") .SetStyle("height: 2em; width: 2em; padding-right: 0.5em;"), new Combine([ title, Translations.W(license?.artist ?? "").SetClass("block font-bold"), Translations.W(license?.license ?? license?.licenseShortName), date === undefined ? undefined : new FixedUiElement(date.toLocaleDateString()), ]).SetClass("flex flex-col"), ]).SetClass( "flex flex-row bg-black text-white text-sm absolute bottom-0 left-0 p-0.5 pl-5 pr-3 rounded-lg no-images" ) }) ) } }