{ "id": "school", "name": { "en": "Primary and secondary schools" }, "description": "Schools giving primary and secondary education and post-secondary, non-tertiary education. Note that this level of education does not imply an age of the pupiles", "minzoom": 12, "title": { "render": { "en": "School {name}" } }, "calculatedTags": [ "_enclosing=feat.enclosingFeatures('school').map(f => f.feat.properties.id)", "_is_enclosed=feat.properties._enclosing != '[]'" ], "isShown": { "render": "yes", "mappings": [ { "if": { "and": [ "building~*", "_is_enclosed=true" ] }, "then": "no" } ] }, "tagRenderings": [ { "render": { "en": "This school is named {name}" }, "question": { "en": "What is the name of this school?" }, "freeform": { "key": "name" }, "id": "school-name" }, { "id": "capacity", "question": "How much students can at most enroll in this school?", "render": { "en": "This school can enroll at most {capacity} students" }, "freeform": { "key": "capacity", "type": "pnat" } }, { "id": "education-level", "question": "What level of education is given on this school?", "mappings": [ { "if": "isced:2011:level=early_childhood", "then": { "en": "This is a school with a kindergarten section where young kids receive some education which prepares reading and writing." } }, { "if": "isced:2011:level=primary", "then": { "en": "This is a school where one learns primary skills such as basic literacy and numerical skills.
Pupils typically enroll from 6 years old till 12 years old
" } }, { "if": "isced:2011:level=vocational_lower_secondary", "then": { "en": "This is a school where one learns vocational lower secondary skills with a focus to acquire the necessary knowledge and skill for a particular occupation or trade.
This includes programs with a work-based component such as apprenticeships or dual-system education. This is commonly called middle education. Pupils typically enroll from 12 years old till 14 or 15 years old
" } }, { "if": "isced:2011:level=general_lower_secondary", "then": { "en": "This is a school where one learns general lower secondary skills with a focus on general skills in order to prepare student for further studies.
This is commonly called middle education. Pupils typically enroll from 12 years old till 14 or 15 years old
" } }, { "if": "isced:2011:level=vocational_upper_secondary", "then": { "en": "This is a school where one learns vocational upper secondary skills with a focus to acquire the necessary knowledge and skill for a particular occupation or trade.
This includes programs with a work-based component such as apprenticeships or dual-system education. Pupils typically enroll from 14 or 15 years old till 18 years old
" } }, { "if": "isced:2011:level=general_upper_secondary", "then": { "en": "This is a school where one learns general upper secondary skills with a focus on general skills in order to prepare student for further studies.
Pupils typically enroll from 14 or 15 years old till 18 years old
" } }, { "if": "isced:2011:level=post_secondary", "then": { "en": "This is a school where one learns skills and competencies which require secondary schooling, but are not sufficiently complex for tertiary education.
Examples are vocational training for adults
" } } ], "multiAnswer": true }, { "id": "gender", "question": { "en": "Which genders can enroll at this school?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "school:gender=mixed", "then": { "en": "Both boys and girls can enroll here and have classes together" } }, { "if": "school:gender=separated", "then": { "en": "Both boys and girls can enroll here but they are separated (e.g. they have lessons in different classrooms or at different times)" } }, { "if": "school:gender=male", "then": { "en": "This is a boys only-school" } }, { "if": "school:gender=female", "then": { "en": "This is a girls-only school" } } ] }, { "id": "target-audience", "question": { "en":"What is the target audience for this school?" }, "multiAnswer": true, "render": { "en":"This is a school for {school:for}" }, "freeform": { "key": "school:for", "inline": true }, "mappings": [ { "if": "school:for=normal_pupils", "then": { "en": "This is a school where students study skills at their age-adequate level" } }, { "if": "school:for=adults", "then": { "en": "This is a school where adults are taught skills on the level as specified." } }, { "if": "school:for=autism", "then": { "en": "This is a school with facilities for students on the autism specturm" } }, { "if": "school:for=learning_disabilities", "then": { "en": "This is a school with facilities for students with learning disabilities" } }, { "if": "school:for=blind", "then": { "en": "This is a school with facilities for blind students or students with sight impairments" } }, { "if": "school:for=deaf", "then": { "en": "This is a school with facilities for deaf students or students with hearing impairments" } }, { "if": "school:for=disabilities", "then": { "en": "This is a school with facilities for students with disabilities" } } ] }, "website", "phone", "email", { "id": "language", "question": { "en": "What is the main language of this school?
What language is spoken with the students in non-language related courses and with the administration?
" }, "render": { "en":"{school:language} is the main language of {title()}" }, "freeform": { "key": "school:language", "inline": true }, "mappings": [{ "if": "school:language=", "then": { "en": "The main language of this school is unknown" }, "hideInAnswer": true }] } ], "presets": [ { "tags": [ "amenity=school","fixme=Added with MapComplete, the precise geometry should still be drawn" ], "title": { "en": "a primary or secondary school" } } ], "source": { "osmTags": "amenity=school" }, "mapRendering": [ { "icon": "circle:white;./assets/layers/school/school.svg", "label": { "mappings": [ { "if": "name~*", "then": "
" } ] }, "iconSize": { "render": "40,40,center" }, "location": [ "point", "centroid" ] }, { "color": "#fcd862", "width": 1 } ] }