{ "id": "speed_camera", "name": { "en": "Speed Camera", "de": "Blitzer", "nl": "Flitspaal", "es": "Cámara de velocidad" }, "description": { "en": "Layer showing speed cameras", "de": "Ebene mit Blitzern", "nl": "Laag met flitspalen", "es": "Capa con cámaras de velocidad" }, "title": { "render": { "en": "Speed Camera", "de": "Blitzer", "nl": "Flitspaal", "es": "Cámara de velocidad" } }, "minzoom": 12, "source": { "osmTags": "highway=speed_camera" }, "tagRenderings": [ { "id": "maxspeed", "question": { "en": "What is the maximum speed allowed at this speed camera?", "de": "Wie hoch ist die zulässige Höchstgeschwindigkeit an diesem Blitzer?", "nl": "Wat is de maximum toegestane snelheid bij deze flitspaal?", "es": "¿Cuál es la velocidad máxima permitida en este radar?", "fr": "Quelle est la vitesse maximale autorisée au niveau de ce radar ?" }, "freeform": { "key": "maxspeed", "type": "pnat", "placeholder": { "en": "Maximum speed allowed", "de": "Zulässige Höchstgeschwindigkeit", "nl": "Maximum toegestane snelheid", "es": "Velocidad máxima permitida", "fr": "Vitesse maximale autorisée" } }, "render": { "en": "The maximum speed allowed is {canonical(maxspeed)}", "de": "Die zulässige Höchstgeschwindigkeit beträgt {canonical(maxspeed)}", "nl": "De maximum toegestane snelheid is {canonical(maxspeed)}", "es": "La velocidad máxima permitida es {canonical(maxspeed)}", "fr": "La vitesse maximale autorisée est {canonical(maxspeed)}" } }, { "id": "ref", "render": { "en": "The reference number of this speed camera is {ref}", "de": "Die Referenznummer dieses Blitzers ist {ref}", "nl": "De referentie van deze flitspaal is {ref}", "es": "El número de referencia de este radar de velocidad es {ref}" }, "condition": "ref~*" } ], "presets": [ { "tags": [ "highway=speed_camera" ], "title": { "en": "a speed camera", "de": "einen Blitzer", "nl": "een flitspaal", "es": "una cámara de velocidad" }, "snapToLayer": [ "maxspeed" ], "maxSnapDistance": 10 } ], "mapRendering": [ { "icon": "square:white;./assets/layers/speed_camera/speed_camera.svg", "location": [ "point", "centroid" ] } ], "units": [ { "appliesToKey": [ "maxspeed" ], "applicableUnits": [ { "#": "km/h is the default for a maxspeed; should be empty string", "canonicalDenomination": "", "alternativeDenomination": [ "km/u", "kmh", "kph" ], "human": { "en": "kilometers/hour", "ca": "quilòmetres/hora", "es": "kilómetros/hora", "nl": "kilometers/uur", "de": "Kilometer/Stunde" }, "humanShort": { "en": "km/h", "ca": "km/h", "es": "km/h", "nl": "km/u", "de": "km/h" } }, { "canonicalDenomination": "mph", "useIfNoUnitGiven": [ "gb", "us" ], "alternativeDenomination": [ "m/u", "mh", "m/ph" ], "human": { "en": "miles/hour", "ca": "milles/hora", "es": "millas/hora", "nl": "miles/uur", "de": "Meilen/Stunde" }, "humanShort": { "en": "mph", "ca": "mph", "es": "mph", "nl": "mph", "de": "mph" } } ] } ] }