{ "id": "fitness_station", "name": { "en": "Fitness Stations" }, "description": { "en": "Find a fitness station near you, and add missing ones." }, "source": { "osmTags": "leisure=fitness_station" }, "minzoom": 12, "title": { "render": { "en": "Fitness Station" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "name~*", "then": { "en": "Fitness Station {name}" } } ] }, "tagRenderings": [ { "id": "name", "question": { "en": "What is the name of this fitness station?" }, "freeform": { "key": "name", "placeholder": { "en": "Name of the fitness station" }, "type": "string" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "noname=yes", "then": { "en": "This fitness station doesn't have a name" } } ], "render": { "en": "This fitness station is called {name}" } }, { "id": "type", "question": { "en": "What kind of equipment does this fitness station have?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "fitness_station=horizontal_bar", "then": { "en": "This fitness station has a horizontal bar, high enough for pull-ups." }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/fitness_station/Trimm-Dich-Pfad_Grünwalder_Forst_Klimmzüge.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "fitness_station=sign", "then": { "en": "This fitness station has a sign with instructions for a specific exercise." }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/fitness_station/Outdoor_fitness_station_sign.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "fitness_station=sit-up", "then": { "en": "This fitness station has a facility for sit-ups." }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/fitness_station/Inclined_sit-up_bench.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "fitness_station=push-up", "then": { "en": "This fitness station has a facility for push-ups. Usually consists of one or more low horizontal bars." }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/fitness_station/Push-up_bars.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "fitness_station=stretch_bars", "then": { "en": "This fitness station has bars for stretching." }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/fitness_station/Fitness_station_stretch_bars.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "fitness_station=hyperextension", "then": { "en": "This fitness station has a station for making hyperextensions." }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/fitness_station/Inclined_sit-up_and_hyperextension_bench.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "fitness_station=rings", "then": { "en": "This fitness station has rings for gymnastic exercises." }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/fitness_station/Exercise9159.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "fitness_station=horizontal_ladder", "then": { "en": "This fitness station has a horizontal ladder, also known as monkey bars." }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/fitness_station/Horizontal_ladder.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "fitness_station=wall_bars", "then": { "en": "This fitness station has wall bars to climb on." }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/fitness_station/RIAN_archive_493268_Sports_at_a_kindergarten.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "fitness_station=slalom", "then": { "en": "This fitness station has posts for performing slalom exercises." }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/fitness_station/Fitness_station_slalom.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "fitness_station=stepping_stones", "then": { "en": "This fitness station has stepping stones." }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/fitness_station/Fitness_station_stepping_stone.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "fitness_station=leapfrog", "then": { "en": "This fitness station has cones for performing leapfrog jumps." }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/fitness_station/Fitness_station_leapfrog.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "fitness_station=beam_jump", "then": { "en": "This fitness station has beams to jump over." }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/fitness_station/Fitness_station_beam_jump.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "fitness_station=hurdling", "then": { "en": "This fitness station has hurdles to cross." }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/fitness_station/Fitness_station_hurdling.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "fitness_station=wall", "then": { "en": "This fitness station has a wall to climb on." }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/fitness_station/Fitness_station_wall.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "fitness_station=balance_beam", "then": { "en": "This fitness station has a balance beam." }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/fitness_station/Exercise9170.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "fitness_station=log_lifting", "then": { "en": "This fitness station has a log with a handle on the end to lift." }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/fitness_station/Log_lifting_exercise.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "fitness_station=captains_chair", "then": { "en": "This fitness station has a chair with only elbow supports and a rear (without seat), for performing leg raises." }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/fitness_station/Captains_chair.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "fitness_station=box", "then": { "en": "This fitness station has a box that can be used for jumping." }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/fitness_station/Exercise_Box.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "fitness_station=battling_ropes", "then": { "en": "This fitness station has battling ropes." }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/fitness_station/Battling_ropes.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "fitness_station=excercise_bike", "then": { "en": "This fitness station has a stationary bicycle." }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/fitness_station/Outdoor_stationary_bicycle.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "fitness_station=elliptical_trainer", "then": { "en": "This fitness station has a cross-trainer." }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/fitness_station/07-12-2016,_Fitness_trail,_Parque_da_Alfarrobeira,_Albufeira_2.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "fitness_station=air_walker", "then": { "en": "This fitness station has an air walker." }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/fitness_station/Ansan_Park_beind_the_city_hall_022.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "fitness_station=rower", "then": { "en": "This fitness station has a rower." }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/fitness_station/Annecy_-_rower.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "fitness_station=slackline", "then": { "en": "This fitness station has a slackline." }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/fitness_station/Slacklineanlage_im_Dietenbachpark.jpg", "class": "large" } } ], "multiAnswer": true }, { "id": "operator", "question": { "en": "Who maintains this fitness station?" }, "freeform": { "key": "operator", "placeholder": { "en": "Operator of the fitness station" }, "type": "string" }, "render": { "en": "The fitness station is maintained by {operator}." } }, { "id": "opening_hours", "question": { "en": "When is this fitness station opened?" }, "freeform": { "key": "opening_hours", "type": "opening_hours" }, "render": "{opening_hours_table()}", "mappings": [ { "if": "opening_hours=24/7", "then": { "en": "24/7" } } ] } ], "presets": [ { "tags": [ "leisure=fitness_station", "sport=fitness" ], "title": { "en": "a fitness station" }, "icon": "./assets/layers/fitness_station/fitness.svg" } ], "mapRendering": [ { "location": [ "point", "centroid" ], "icon": "circle:white;./assets/layers/fitness_station/fitness.svg", "iconSize": "40,40,center" } ] }