import SimpleMetaTaggers, { MetataggingState, SimpleMetaTagger } from "./SimpleMetaTagger" import { ExtraFuncParams, ExtraFunctions, ExtraFuncType } from "./ExtraFunctions" import LayerConfig from "../Models/ThemeConfig/LayerConfig" import { Feature } from "geojson" import FeaturePropertiesStore from "./FeatureSource/Actors/FeaturePropertiesStore" import LayoutConfig from "../Models/ThemeConfig/LayoutConfig" import { GeoIndexedStoreForLayer } from "./FeatureSource/Actors/GeoIndexedStore" import { IndexedFeatureSource } from "./FeatureSource/FeatureSource" import OsmObjectDownloader from "./Osm/OsmObjectDownloader" import { Utils } from "../Utils" import { Store, UIEventSource } from "./UIEventSource" /** * Metatagging adds various tags to the elements, e.g. lat, lon, surface area, ... * * All metatags start with an underscore. * * Will apply the metatags as soon as they are passed in */ export default class MetaTagging { private static errorPrintCount = 0 private static readonly stopErrorOutputAt = 10 private static metataggingObject: any = undefined private static retaggingFuncCache = new Map< string, ((feature: Feature, propertiesStore: UIEventSource) => void)[] >() private state: { readonly selectedElement: Store readonly layout: LayoutConfig readonly osmObjectDownloader: OsmObjectDownloader readonly perLayer: ReadonlyMap readonly indexedFeatures: IndexedFeatureSource readonly featureProperties: FeaturePropertiesStore } private params: { getFeatureById: (id) => Feature getFeaturesWithin: (layerId, bbox) => Feature[][] | [Feature[]] } constructor(state: { readonly selectedElement: Store readonly layout: LayoutConfig readonly osmObjectDownloader: OsmObjectDownloader readonly perLayer: ReadonlyMap readonly indexedFeatures: IndexedFeatureSource readonly featureProperties: FeaturePropertiesStore }) { this.state = state const params = (this.params = MetaTagging.createExtraFuncParams(state)) for (const layer of state.layout.layers) { if (layer.source === null) { continue } const featureSource = state.perLayer.get( featureSource.features?.stabilized(1000)?.addCallbackAndRunD((features) => { if (!(features?.length > 0)) { // No features to handle return } console.debug( "Recalculating metatags for layer ",, "due to a change in the upstream features. Contains ", features.length, "items" ) MetaTagging.addMetatags( features, params, layer, state.layout, state.osmObjectDownloader, state.featureProperties ) }) } // Force update the tags of the currently selected element state.selectedElement.addCallbackAndRunD((feature) => { this.updateCurrentSelectedElement() let lastUpdateMoment = new Date() const tags = state?.featureProperties?.getStore( let updateCount = 0 tags?.addCallbackD(() => { console.debug( "Received an update! Re-calculating the metatags, timediff:", new Date().getTime() - lastUpdateMoment.getTime() ) if (feature !== { return true // Unregister, we are not the selected element anymore } if (new Date().getTime() - lastUpdateMoment.getTime() < 250 + updateCount * 50) { return } updateCount++ lastUpdateMoment = new Date() window.requestIdleCallback(() => { this.updateCurrentSelectedElement() lastUpdateMoment = new Date() }) }) }) } /** * Triggers an update of the calculated tags of the selected element * @private */ private updateCurrentSelectedElement(lightUpdate = false) { const feature = if (!feature) { return } const state = this.state const layer = state.layout.getMatchingLayer( if (!layer) { return } // Force update if the tags of the element changed MetaTagging.addMetatags( [feature], this.params, layer, state.layout, state.osmObjectDownloader, state.featureProperties, { includeDates: !lightUpdate, evaluateStrict: !lightUpdate, } ) } // noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols /** * The 'metaTagging'-object is an object which contains some functions. * Those functions are named `metaTaggging_for_` and are constructed based on the 'calculatedField' for this layer. * * If they are set, those functions will be used instead of parsing them at runtime. * * This means that we can avoid using eval, resulting in faster and safer code (at the cost of more complexity) - at least for official themes. * * Note: this function might appear unused while developing, it is used in the generated `index_.ts` files. * * @param metatagging */ public static setThemeMetatagging(metatagging: any) { MetaTagging.metataggingObject = metatagging } /** * This method (re)calculates all metatags and calculated tags on every given feature. * The given features should be part of the given layer * * Returns true if at least one feature has changed properties */ public static addMetatags( features: Feature[], params: ExtraFuncParams, layer: LayerConfig, layout: LayoutConfig, osmObjectDownloader: OsmObjectDownloader, featurePropertiesStores?: FeaturePropertiesStore, options?: { includeDates?: true | boolean includeNonDates?: true | boolean evaluateStrict?: false | boolean } ): boolean { if (features === undefined || features.length === 0) { return } const metatagsToApply: SimpleMetaTagger[] = [] for (const metatag of SimpleMetaTaggers.metatags) { if (metatag.includesDates) { if (options?.includeDates ?? true) { metatagsToApply.push(metatag) } } else { if (options?.includeNonDates ?? true) { metatagsToApply.push(metatag) } } } // The calculated functions - per layer - which add the new keys // Calculated functions are defined by the layer const layerFuncs = this.createRetaggingFunc(layer, ExtraFunctions.constructHelpers(params)) const state: MetataggingState = { layout, osmObjectDownloader } let atLeastOneFeatureChanged = false let strictlyEvaluated = 0 for (let i = 0; i < features.length; i++) { const feature = features[i] const tags = featurePropertiesStores?.getStore( if (!tags) { continue } let somethingChanged = false const definedTags = new Set(Object.getOwnPropertyNames( for (const metatag of metatagsToApply) { try { if (!metatag.keys.some((key) => !(key in { // All keys are already defined, we probably already ran this one // Note that we use 'key in properties', not 'properties[key] === undefined'. The latter will cause evaluation of lazy properties continue } if (metatag.isLazy) { if (!metatag.keys.some((key) => !definedTags.has(key))) { // All keys are defined - lets skip! continue } const shouldPing = metatag.applyMetaTagsOnFeature( feature, layer, tags, state ) if (!shouldPing) { continue } somethingChanged = true if (options?.evaluateStrict) { for (const key of metatag.keys) { // Important: we _have_ to evaluate this as this might trigger a calculation const evaluated =[key] if (evaluated !== undefined) { strictlyEvaluated++ } } } } else { const newValueAdded = metatag.applyMetaTagsOnFeature( feature, layer, tags, state ) /* Note that the expression: * `somethingChanged = newValueAdded || metatag.applyMetaTagsOnFeature(feature, freshness)` * Is WRONG * * IF something changed is `true` due to an earlier run, it will short-circuit and _not_ evaluate the right hand of the OR, * thus not running an update! */ somethingChanged = newValueAdded || somethingChanged } } catch (e) { console.error( "Could not calculate metatag for ", metatag.keys.join(","), ":", e, e.stack ) } } if (layerFuncs !== undefined) { try { // We cannot do `somethingChanged || layerFuncs(feature)', due to the shortcutting behaviour it would not calculate the lazy functions somethingChanged = layerFuncs(feature, tags) || somethingChanged } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } if (somethingChanged) { try { tags?.ping() } catch (e) { console.error("Could not ping a store for a changed property due to", e) } atLeastOneFeatureChanged = true } } if (strictlyEvaluated > 0) { console.debug("Strictly evaluated ", strictlyEvaluated, " values") // Do not remove this } return atLeastOneFeatureChanged } public static createExtraFuncParams(state: { indexedFeatures: IndexedFeatureSource perLayer: ReadonlyMap }) { return { getFeatureById: (id) =>, getFeaturesWithin: (layerId, bbox) => { if (layerId === "*" || layerId === null || layerId === undefined) { const feats: Feature[][] = [] state.perLayer.forEach((layer) => { feats.push(layer.GetFeaturesWithin(bbox)) }) return feats } if (!state.perLayer.get(layerId)) { // This layer is not loaded return [] } return [state.perLayer.get(layerId).GetFeaturesWithin(bbox)] }, } } /** * Creates a function that implements that calculates a property and adds this property onto the feature properties * @param specification * @param helperFunctions * @param layerId * @private */ private static createFunctionForFeature( [key, code, isStrict]: [string, string, boolean], helperFunctions: Record Function>, layerId: string = "unkown layer" ): ((feature: Feature, propertiesStore?: UIEventSource) => void) | undefined { if (code === undefined) { return undefined } const calculateAndAssign: (feat: Feature, store?: UIEventSource) => string | any = ( feat, store ) => { try { let result = new Function( "feat", "{" + ExtraFunctions.types.join(", ") + "}", "return " + code + ";" )(feat, helperFunctions) if (result === "") { result = undefined } const oldValue =[key] if (oldValue == result) { return oldValue } delete[key][key] = result store?.ping() return result } catch (e) { if (MetaTagging.errorPrintCount < MetaTagging.stopErrorOutputAt) { console.warn( "Could not calculate a " + (isStrict ? "strict " : "") + "calculated tag for key", key, "for feature",, " defined by", code, "(in layer", layerId + ") due to \n" + e + "\n. Are you the theme creator? Doublecheck your code. Note that the metatags might not be stable on new features", e, e.stack, { feat } ) MetaTagging.errorPrintCount++ if (MetaTagging.errorPrintCount == MetaTagging.stopErrorOutputAt) { console.error( "Got ", MetaTagging.stopErrorOutputAt, " errors calculating this metatagging - stopping output now" ) } } return undefined } } if (isStrict) { return calculateAndAssign } return (feature: Feature, store?: UIEventSource) => { delete[key] Utils.AddLazyProperty(, key, () => calculateAndAssign(feature, store)) } } /** * Creates the function which adds all the calculated tags to a feature. Called once per layer */ private static createRetaggingFunc( layer: LayerConfig, helpers: Record Function> ): (feature: Feature, tags: UIEventSource>) => boolean { if (MetaTagging.metataggingObject) { const id =[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/g, "_") const funcName = "metaTaggging_for_" + id if (typeof MetaTagging.metataggingObject[funcName] !== "function") { throw ( "Error: metatagging-object for this theme does not have an entry at " + funcName + " (or it is not a function)" ) } // public metaTaggging_for_walls_and_buildings(feat: Feature, helperFunctions: Record Function>) { // const func: (feat: Feature, helperFunctions: Record) => void = MetaTagging.metataggingObject[funcName] return (feature: Feature) => { const tags = if (tags === undefined) { return } try { func(feature, helpers) } catch (e) { console.error("Could not calculate calculated tags in exported class: ", e) } return true // Something changed } } if (!window.location.pathname.endsWith("theme.html")) { console.warn( "Static MetataggingObject for theme is not set; using `new Function` (aka `eval`) to get calculated tags. This might trip up the CSP" ) } const calculatedTags: [string, string, boolean][] = layer?.calculatedTags ?? [] if (calculatedTags === undefined || calculatedTags.length === 0) { return undefined } let functions: ((feature: Feature, propertiesStore?: UIEventSource) => void)[] = MetaTagging.retaggingFuncCache.get( if (functions === undefined) { functions = => this.createFunctionForFeature(spec, helpers, ) MetaTagging.retaggingFuncCache.set(, functions) } return (feature: Feature, store: UIEventSource>) => { const tags = if (tags === undefined) { return } try { for (const f of functions) { f(feature, store) } } catch (e) { console.error("Invalid syntax in calculated tags or some other error: ", e) } return true // Something changed } } }