import {GeoOperations} from "./GeoOperations"; import Combine from "../UI/Base/Combine"; import {Relation} from "./Osm/ExtractRelations"; import State from "../State"; import {Utils} from "../Utils"; import BaseUIElement from "../UI/BaseUIElement"; import List from "../UI/Base/List"; import Title from "../UI/Base/Title"; import {UIEventSourceTools} from "./UIEventSource"; import AspectedRouting from "./Osm/aspectedRouting"; export class ExtraFunction { static readonly intro = new Combine([ new Title("Calculating tags with Javascript", 2), "In some cases, it is useful to have some tags calculated based on other properties. Some useful tags are available by default (e.g. `lat`, `lon`, `_country`), as detailed above.", "It is also possible to calculate your own tags - but this requires some javascript knowledge.", "", "Before proceeding, some warnings:", new List([ "DO NOT DO THIS AS BEGINNER", "**Only do this if all other techniques fail** This should _not_ be done to create a rendering effect, only to calculate a specific value", "**THIS MIGHT BE DISABLED WITHOUT ANY NOTICE ON UNOFFICIAL THEMES** As unofficial themes might be loaded from the internet, this is the equivalent of injecting arbitrary code into the client. It'll be disabled if abuse occurs." ]), "To enable this feature, add a field `calculatedTags` in the layer object, e.g.:", "````", "\"calculatedTags\": [", " \"_someKey=javascript-expression\",", " \" ?? ??\",", " \"_distanceCloserThen3Km=feat.distanceTo( some_lon, some_lat) < 3 ? 'yes' : 'no'\" ", " ]", "````", "", "The above code will be executed for every feature in the layer. The feature is accessible as `feat` and is an amended geojson object:", new List([ "`area` contains the surface area (in square meters) of the object", "`lat` and `lon` contain the latitude and longitude" ]), "Some advanced functions are available on **feat** as well:" ]).SetClass("flex-col").AsMarkdown(); private static readonly OverlapFunc = new ExtraFunction( { name: "overlapWith", doc: "Gives a list of features from the specified layer which this feature (partly) overlaps with. " + "If the current feature is a point, all features that embed the point are given. " + "The returned value is `{ feat: GeoJSONFeature, overlap: number}[]` where `overlap` is the overlapping surface are (in m²) for areas, the overlapping length (in meter) if the current feature is a line or `undefined` if the current feature is a point.\n" + "\n" + "For example to get all objects which overlap or embed from a layer, use `_contained_climbing_routes_properties=feat.overlapWith('climbing_route')`", args: ["...layerIds - one or more layer ids of the layer from which every feature is checked for overlap)"] }, (params, feat) => { return (...layerIds: string[]) => { const result = [] for (const layerId of layerIds) { const otherLayer = params.featuresPerLayer.get(layerId); if (otherLayer === undefined) { continue; } if (otherLayer.length === 0) { continue; } result.push(...GeoOperations.calculateOverlap(feat, otherLayer)); } return result; } } ) private static readonly DistanceToFunc = new ExtraFunction( { name: "distanceTo", doc: "Calculates the distance between the feature and a specified point in kilometer. The input should either be a pair of coordinates, a geojson feature or the ID of an object", args: ["longitude", "latitude"] }, (featuresPerLayer, feature) => { return (arg0, lat) => { if (typeof arg0 === "number") { // Feature._lon and ._lat is conveniently place by one of the other metatags return GeoOperations.distanceBetween([arg0, lat], [feature._lon, feature._lat]); } if (typeof arg0 === "string") { // This is an identifier const feature = State.state.allElements.ContainingFeatures.get(arg0); if (feature === undefined) { return undefined; } arg0 = feature; } // arg0 is probably a feature return GeoOperations.distanceBetween(GeoOperations.centerpointCoordinates(arg0), [feature._lon, feature._lat]) } } ) private static readonly ClosestObjectFunc = new ExtraFunction( { name: "closest", doc: "Given either a list of geojson features or a single layer name, gives the single object which is nearest to the feature. In the case of ways/polygons, only the centerpoint is considered. Returns a single geojson feature or undefined if nothing is found (or not yet laoded)", args: ["list of features"] }, (params, feature) => { return (features) => ExtraFunction.GetClosestNFeatures(params, feature, features)[0].feat } ) private static readonly ClosestNObjectFunc = new ExtraFunction( { name: "closestn", doc: "Given either a list of geojson features or a single layer name, gives the n closest objects which are nearest to the feature. In the case of ways/polygons, only the centerpoint is considered. " + "Returns a list of `{feat: geojson, distance:number}` the empty list if nothing is found (or not yet laoded)\n\n" + "If a 'unique tag key' is given, the tag with this key will only appear once (e.g. if 'name' is given, all features will have a different name)", args: ["list of features", "amount of features", "unique tag key (optional)"] }, (params, feature) => { return (features, amount, uniqueTag) => ExtraFunction.GetClosestNFeatures(params, feature, features, { maxFeatures: Number(amount), uniqueTag: uniqueTag }) } ) private static readonly Memberships = new ExtraFunction( { name: "memberships", doc: "Gives a list of `{role: string, relation: Relation}`-objects, containing all the relations that this feature is part of. " + "\n\n" + "For example: `_part_of_walking_routes=feat.memberships().map(r =>';')`", args: [] }, (params, _) => { return () => params.relations ?? []; } ) private static readonly AspectedRouting = new ExtraFunction( { name: "score", doc: "Given the path of an aspected routing json file, will calculate the score. This score is wrapped in a UIEventSource, so for further calculations, use `.map(score => ...)`" + "\n\n" + "For example: `_comfort_score=feat.score('')`", args: ["path"] }, (_, feature) => { return (path) => { return UIEventSourceTools.downloadJsonCached(path).map(config => { if (config === undefined) { return } return new AspectedRouting(config).evaluate( }) } } ) private static readonly allFuncs: ExtraFunction[] = [ ExtraFunction.DistanceToFunc, ExtraFunction.OverlapFunc, ExtraFunction.ClosestObjectFunc, ExtraFunction.ClosestNObjectFunc, ExtraFunction.Memberships, ExtraFunction.AspectedRouting ]; private readonly _name: string; private readonly _args: string[]; private readonly _doc: string; private readonly _f: (params: { featuresPerLayer: Map, relations: { role: string, relation: Relation }[] }, feat: any) => any; constructor(options: { name: string, doc: string, args: string[] }, f: ((params: { featuresPerLayer: Map, relations: { role: string, relation: Relation }[] }, feat: any) => any)) { this._name =; this._doc = options.doc; this._args = options.args; this._f = f; } public static FullPatchFeature(featuresPerLayer: Map, relations: { role: string, relation: Relation }[], feature) { for (const func of ExtraFunction.allFuncs) { func.PatchFeature(featuresPerLayer, relations, feature); } } public static HelpText(): BaseUIElement { const elems = [] for (const func of ExtraFunction.allFuncs) { elems.push(new Title(func._name, 3), func._doc, new List(func._args, true)) } return new Combine([ ExtraFunction.intro, new List( => func._name)), ...elems ]); } /** * Gets the closes N features, sorted by ascending distance */ private static GetClosestNFeatures(params, feature, features, options?: { maxFeatures?: number, uniqueTag?: string | undefined }): { feat: any, distance: number }[] { const maxFeatures = options?.maxFeatures ?? 1 const uniqueTag : string | undefined = options?.uniqueTag if (typeof features === "string") { const name = features features = params.featuresPerLayer.get(features) if (features === undefined) { var keys = Utils.NoNull(Array.from(params.featuresPerLayer.keys())); if (keys.length > 0) { throw `No features defined for ${name}. Defined layers are ${keys.join(", ")}`; } else { // This is the first pass over an external dataset // Other data probably still has to load! return undefined; } } } let closestFeatures: { feat: any, distance: number }[] = []; for (const otherFeature of features) { if (otherFeature == feature || == { continue; // We ignore self } let distance = undefined; if (otherFeature._lon !== undefined && otherFeature._lat !== undefined) { distance = GeoOperations.distanceBetween([otherFeature._lon, otherFeature._lat], [feature._lon, feature._lat]); } else { distance = GeoOperations.distanceBetween( GeoOperations.centerpointCoordinates(otherFeature), [feature._lon, feature._lat] ) } if (distance === undefined) { throw "Undefined distance!" } if (closestFeatures.length === 0) { closestFeatures.push({ feat: otherFeature, distance: distance }) continue; } if (closestFeatures.length >= maxFeatures && closestFeatures[maxFeatures - 1].distance < distance) { // The last feature of the list (and thus the furthest away is still closer // No use for checking, as we already have plenty of features! continue } let targetIndex = closestFeatures.length for (let i = 0; i < closestFeatures.length; i++) { const closestFeature = closestFeatures[i]; if (uniqueTag !== undefined) { const uniqueTagsMatch =[uniqueTag] !== undefined &&[uniqueTag] ===[uniqueTag] if (uniqueTagsMatch) { targetIndex = -1 if (closestFeature.distance > distance) { // This is a very special situation: // We want to see the tag `uniquetag=some_value` only once in the entire list (e.g. to prevent road segements of identical names to fill up the list of 'names of nearby roads') // AT this point, we have found a closer segment with the same, identical tag // so we replace directly closestFeatures[i] = {feat: otherFeature, distance: distance} } break; } } if (closestFeature.distance > distance) { targetIndex = i if (uniqueTag !== undefined) { const uniqueValue =[uniqueTag] // We might still have some other values later one with the same uniquetag that have to be cleaned for (let j = i; j < closestFeatures.length; j++) { if(closestFeatures[j][uniqueTag] === uniqueValue){ closestFeatures.splice(j, 1) } } } break; } } if (targetIndex == -1) { continue; // value is already swapped by the unique tag } if (targetIndex < maxFeatures) { // insert and drop one closestFeatures.splice(targetIndex, 0, { feat: otherFeature, distance: distance }) if (closestFeatures.length >= maxFeatures) { closestFeatures.splice(maxFeatures, 1) } } else { // Overwrite the last element closestFeatures[targetIndex] = { feat: otherFeature, distance: distance } } } return closestFeatures; } public PatchFeature(featuresPerLayer: Map, relations: { role: string, relation: Relation }[], feature: any) { feature[this._name] = this._f({featuresPerLayer: featuresPerLayer, relations: relations}, feature) } }