import Combine from "../Base/Combine"; import {UIEventSource} from "../../Logic/UIEventSource"; import {BBox} from "../../Logic/BBox"; import UserRelatedState from "../../Logic/State/UserRelatedState"; import Translations from "../i18n/Translations"; import {AllKnownLayouts} from "../../Customizations/AllKnownLayouts"; import Constants from "../../Models/Constants"; import {DropDown} from "../Input/DropDown"; import {Utils} from "../../Utils"; import LayerConfig from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/LayerConfig"; import BaseLayer from "../../Models/BaseLayer"; import AvailableBaseLayers from "../../Logic/Actors/AvailableBaseLayers"; import Loc from "../../Models/Loc"; import Minimap from "../Base/Minimap"; import Attribution from "../BigComponents/Attribution"; import ShowDataMultiLayer from "../ShowDataLayer/ShowDataMultiLayer"; import FilteredLayer, {FilterState} from "../../Models/FilteredLayer"; import StaticFeatureSource from "../../Logic/FeatureSource/Sources/StaticFeatureSource"; import Toggle from "../Input/Toggle"; import {VariableUiElement} from "../Base/VariableUIElement"; import {FixedUiElement} from "../Base/FixedUiElement"; import {FlowStep} from "./FlowStep"; import ScrollableFullScreen from "../Base/ScrollableFullScreen"; import {AllTagsPanel} from "../SpecialVisualizations"; import Title from "../Base/Title"; import CheckBoxes from "../Input/Checkboxes"; class PreviewPanel extends ScrollableFullScreen { constructor(tags, layer) { super( _ => new FixedUiElement("Element to import"), _ => new Combine(["The tags are:", new AllTagsPanel(tags) ]).SetClass("flex flex-col"), "element" ); } } /** * Shows the data to import on a map, asks for the correct layer to be selected */ export class MapPreview extends Combine implements FlowStep<{ bbox: BBox, layer: LayerConfig, geojson: any }>{ public readonly IsValid: UIEventSource; public readonly Value: UIEventSource<{ bbox: BBox, layer: LayerConfig, geojson: any }> constructor( state: UserRelatedState, geojson: { features: { properties: any, geometry: { coordinates: [number, number] } }[] }) { const t = Translations.t.importHelper.mapPreview; const propertyKeys = new Set() for (const f of geojson.features) { Object.keys( => propertyKeys.add(key)) } const availableLayers = AllKnownLayouts.AllPublicLayers().filter(l => !== undefined && Constants.priviliged_layers.indexOf( < 0) const layerPicker = new DropDown(t.selectLayer, [{shown: t.selectLayer, value: undefined}].concat( => ({ shown:, value: l }))) ) let autodetected = new UIEventSource(false) for (const layer of availableLayers) { const mismatched = geojson.features.some(f => !layer.source.osmTags.matchesProperties( ) if (!mismatched) { console.log("Autodected layer", layerPicker.GetValue().setData(layer); layerPicker.GetValue().addCallback(_ => autodetected.setData(false)) autodetected.setData(true) break; } } const withId =, i) => { const copy = Utils.Clone(f) = "to-import/" + i return copy }) const matching: UIEventSource<{ properties: any, geometry: { coordinates: [number, number] } }[]> = layerPicker.GetValue().map((layer: LayerConfig) => { if (layer === undefined) { return undefined; } const matching: { properties: any, geometry: { coordinates: [number, number] } }[] = [] for (const feature of withId) { if (layer.source.osmTags.matchesProperties( { matching.push(feature) } } return matching }) const background = new UIEventSource(AvailableBaseLayers.osmCarto) const location = new UIEventSource({lat: 0, lon: 0, zoom: 1}) const currentBounds = new UIEventSource(undefined) const map = Minimap.createMiniMap({ allowMoving: true, location, background, bounds: currentBounds, attribution: new Attribution(location, state.osmConnection.userDetails, undefined, currentBounds) }) map.SetClass("w-full").SetStyle("height: 500px") new ShowDataMultiLayer({ layers: new UIEventSource(AllKnownLayouts.AllPublicLayers() .filter(l => l.source.geojsonSource === undefined) .map(l => ({ layerDef: l, isDisplayed: new UIEventSource(true), appliedFilters: new UIEventSource>(undefined) }))), zoomToFeatures: true, features: new StaticFeatureSource(matching, false), leafletMap: map.leafletMap, popup: (tag, layer) => new PreviewPanel(tag, layer).SetClass("font-lg") }) var bbox = => BBox.bboxAroundAll( => new BBox([f.geometry.coordinates])))) const mismatchIndicator = new VariableUiElement( => { if (matching === undefined) { return undefined } const diff = geojson.features.length - matching.length; if (diff === 0) { return undefined } const obligatory = layerPicker.GetValue().data?.source?.osmTags?.asHumanString(false, false, {}); return t.mismatch.Subs({count: diff, tags: obligatory}).SetClass("alert") })) const confirm = new CheckBoxes([t.confirm]); super([ new Title(t.title, 1), layerPicker, new Toggle(t.autodetected.SetClass("thank"), undefined, autodetected), mismatchIndicator , map, confirm ]); this.Value = => ({ bbox, geojson, layer: layerPicker.GetValue().data }), [layerPicker.GetValue()]) this.IsValid = => { if (matching === undefined) { return false } if(confirm.GetValue().data.length !== 1){ return false } const diff = geojson.features.length - matching.length; return diff === 0; }, [confirm.GetValue()]) } }