import FilteredLayer from "../../../Models/FilteredLayer"; import {FeatureSourceForLayer, Tiled} from "../FeatureSource"; import {UIEventSource} from "../../UIEventSource"; import Loc from "../../../Models/Loc"; import TileHierarchy from "./TileHierarchy"; import {Utils} from "../../../Utils"; import SaveTileToLocalStorageActor from "../Actors/SaveTileToLocalStorageActor"; import {Tiles} from "../../../Models/TileRange"; import {BBox} from "../../BBox"; export default class TiledFromLocalStorageSource implements TileHierarchy { public loadedTiles: Map = new Map(); public tileFreshness : Map = new Map() constructor(layer: FilteredLayer, handleFeatureSource: (src: FeatureSourceForLayer & Tiled, index: number) => void, state: { locationControl: UIEventSource leafletMap: any }) { const undefinedTiles = new Set() const prefix = SaveTileToLocalStorageActor.storageKey + "-" + + "-" // @ts-ignore const indexes: number[] = Object.keys(localStorage) .filter(key => { return key.startsWith(prefix) && !key.endsWith("-time"); }) .map(key => { return Number(key.substring(prefix.length)); }) console.debug("Layer",, "has following tiles in available in localstorage", => Tiles.tile_from_index(i).join("/")).join(", ")) for (const index of indexes) { const prefix = SaveTileToLocalStorageActor.storageKey + "-" + + "-" +index+"-time"; const data = Number(localStorage.getItem(prefix)) const freshness = new Date() freshness.setTime(data) this.tileFreshness.set(index, freshness) } const zLevels = => i % 100) const indexesSet = new Set(indexes) const maxZoom = Math.max(...zLevels) const minZoom = Math.min(...zLevels) const self = this; const neededTiles = location => { if (! { // No need to download! - the layer is disabled return undefined; } if (location.zoom < layer.layerDef.minzoom) { // No need to download! - the layer is disabled return undefined; } // Yup, this is cheating to just get the bounds here const bounds = if (bounds === undefined) { // We'll retry later return undefined } const needed = [] for (let z = minZoom; z <= maxZoom; z++) { const tileRange = Tiles.TileRangeBetween(z, bounds.getNorth(), bounds.getEast(), bounds.getSouth(), bounds.getWest()) const neededZ = Tiles.MapRange(tileRange, (x, y) => Tiles.tile_index(z, x, y)) .filter(i => !self.loadedTiles.has(i) && !undefinedTiles.has(i) && indexesSet.has(i)) needed.push(...neededZ) } if (needed.length === 0) { return undefined } return needed } , [layer.isDisplayed, state.leafletMap]).stabilized(50); neededTiles.addCallbackAndRun(t => console.debug("Tiles to load from localstorage:", t)) neededTiles.addCallbackAndRunD(neededIndexes => { for (const neededIndex of neededIndexes) { // We load the features from localStorage try { const key = SaveTileToLocalStorageActor.storageKey + "-" + + "-" + neededIndex const data = localStorage.getItem(key) const features = JSON.parse(data) const src = { layer: layer, features: new UIEventSource<{ feature: any; freshness: Date }[]>(features), name: "FromLocalStorage(" + key + ")", tileIndex: neededIndex, bbox: BBox.fromTileIndex(neededIndex) } handleFeatureSource(src, neededIndex) self.loadedTiles.set(neededIndex, src) } catch (e) { console.error("Could not load data tile from local storage due to", e) undefinedTiles.add(neededIndex) } } }) } }