A layer showing bicycle pumps and bicycle repair tool stands
## Table of contents
1. [bike_repair_station](#bike_repair_station)
* [Themes using this layer](#themes-using-this-layer)
- [Basic tags for this layer](#basic-tags-for-this-layer)
- [Supported attributes](#supported-attributes)
+ [images](#images)
+ [bike_repair_station-available-services](#bike_repair_station-available-services)
+ [bike_repair_station-operator](#bike_repair_station-operator)
+ [bike_repair_station-email](#bike_repair_station-email)
+ [bike_repair_station-phone](#bike_repair_station-phone)
+ [bike_repair_station-opening_hours](#bike_repair_station-opening_hours)
+ [bike_repair_station-bike-chain-tool](#bike_repair_station-bike-chain-tool)
+ [bike_repair_station-bike-stand](#bike_repair_station-bike-stand)
+ [Operational status](#operational-status)
+ [Email maintainer](#email-maintainer)
+ [bike_repair_station-valves](#bike_repair_station-valves)
+ [bike_repair_station-electrical_pump](#bike_repair_station-electrical_pump)
+ [bike_repair_station-manometer](#bike_repair_station-manometer)
+ [level](#level)
#### Themes using this layer
- [cyclofix](
- [personal](
[Go to the source code](../assets/layers/bike_repair_station/bike_repair_station.json)
Basic tags for this layer
Elements must have the all of following tags to be shown on this layer:
- amenity
Supported attributes
**Warning** This quick overview is incomplete
attribute | type | values which are supported by this layer
----------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------
]( [service:bicycle:tools]( | Multiple choice | [no]( [yes]( [yes](
]( [operator]( | [string](../ | [De Fietsambassade Gent]( Fietsambassade Gent)
]( [email]( | [email](../ |
]( [phone]( | [phone](../ |
]( [opening_hours]( | [opening_hours](../ | [24/7](
]( [service:bicycle:chain_tool]( | Multiple choice | [yes]( [no](
]( [service:bicycle:stand]( | Multiple choice | [yes]( [no](
]( [service:bicycle:pump:operational_status]( | Multiple choice | [broken]( [](
]( [valves]( | [string](../ | [sclaverand]( [dunlop]( [schrader](
]( [manual]( | Multiple choice | [yes]( [no](
]( [manometer]( | Multiple choice | [yes]( [no]( [broken](
]( [level]( | [float](../ | [0]( [1](
### images
_This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only_
### bike_repair_station-available-services
The question is **Which services are available at this bike station?**
- **There is only a pump present** corresponds
with service:bicycle:tools
- **There are only tools (screwdrivers, pliers...) present** corresponds
with service:bicycle:tools
- **There are both tools and a pump present** corresponds
with service:bicycle:tools
### bike_repair_station-operator
The question is **Who maintains this cycle pump?**
This rendering asks information about the property [operator](
This is rendered with `Maintained by {operator}`
- **De Fietsambassade Gent** corresponds
with operator
=De Fietsambassade
### bike_repair_station-email
The question is **What is the email address of the maintainer?**
This rendering asks information about the property [email](
This is rendered with `{email}`
### bike_repair_station-phone
The question is **What is the phone number of the maintainer?**
This rendering asks information about the property [phone](
This is rendered with `{phone}`
### bike_repair_station-opening_hours
The question is **When is this bicycle repair point open?**
This rendering asks information about the
property [opening_hours](
This is rendered with `{opening_hours_table()}`
- **Always open** corresponds with
- **Always open** corresponds with _This option cannot be chosen as answer_
### bike_repair_station-bike-chain-tool
The question is **Does this bike repair station have a special tool to repair your bike chain?**
- **There is a chain tool** corresponds
with service:bicycle:
- **There is no chain tool** corresponds
with service:bicycle:
### bike_repair_station-bike-stand
The question is **Does this bike station have a hook to hang your bike on or a stand to raise it?**
- **There is a hook or stand** corresponds
with service:bicycle:stand
- **There is no hook or stand** corresponds
with service:bicycle:stand
### Operational status
The question is **Is the bike pump still operational?**
- **The bike pump is broken** corresponds
- **The bike pump is operational** corresponds with
### Email maintainer
_This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only_
### bike_repair_station-valves
The question is **What valves are supported?**
This rendering asks information about the property [valves](
This is rendered with `This pump supports the following valves: {valves}`
- **Sclaverand (also known as Presta)** corresponds
with valves
- **Dunlop** corresponds with valves
- **Schrader (cars)** corresponds with
### bike_repair_station-electrical_pump
The question is **Is this an electric bike pump?**
- **Manual pump** corresponds with manual
- **Electrical pump** corresponds with
### bike_repair_station-manometer
The question is **Does the pump have a pressure indicator or manometer?**
- **There is a manometer** corresponds with
- **There is no manometer** corresponds
with manometer
- **There is manometer but it is broken** corresponds
with manometer
### level
The question is **On what level is this feature located?**
This rendering asks information about the property [level](
This is rendered with `Located on the {level}th floor`
- **Located underground** corresponds with
This option cannot be chosen as answer_
- **Located on the ground floor** corresponds
with level
- **Located on the ground floor** corresponds with _This option cannot be chosen as answer_
- **Located on the first floor** corresponds
with level
This document is autogenerated from assets/layers/bike_repair_station/bike_repair_station.json