[//]: # (WARNING: this file is automatically generated. Please find the sources at the bottom and edit those sources) ## Afval - Assen ( [waste_assen](https://mapcomplete.org/waste_assen) ) _This document details some technical information about this MapComplete theme, mostly about the attributes used in the theme. Various links point toward more information about the attributes, e.g. to the OpenStreetMap-wiki, to TagInfo or tools creating statistics_ The theme introduction reads: > Kaart met afvalbakken en recyclingfaciliteiten + een dataset voor Assen. This theme contains the following layers: - [waste_basket](../Layers/waste_basket.md) - [waste_basket_assen (defined in this theme)](#waste_basket_assen) - [recycling](../Layers/recycling.md) - [recycling_assen (defined in this theme)](#recycling_assen) - [waste_disposal](../Layers/waste_disposal.md) Available languages: - nl # Table of contents - [Afval - Assen ( waste_assen )](#afval---assen-(-waste_assen-)) 1. [Layers defined in this theme configuration file](#layers-defined-in-this-theme-configuration-file) 2. [waste_basket_assen](#waste_basket_assen) - [Basic tags for this layer](#basic-tags-for-this-layer) - [Supported attributes](#supported-attributes) + [all_tags](#all_tags) + [leftover-questions](#leftover-questions) + [lod](#lod) 3. [recycling_assen](#recycling_assen) - [Basic tags for this layer](#basic-tags-for-this-layer) - [Supported attributes](#supported-attributes) + [all_tags](#all_tags) + [leftover-questions](#leftover-questions) + [lod](#lod) # Layers defined in this theme configuration file These layers can not be reused in different themes. # waste_basket_assen Laag op basis van externe data - This layer is shown at zoomlevel **0** and higher - <img src='../warning.svg' height='1rem'/> This layer is loaded from an external source, namely `https://opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/5b6953ac5a9d4616a7dc75ab0beeac2f_0.geojson` No themes use this layer ## Basic tags for this layer Elements must match the expression **OBJECTID~.+** [Execute on overpass](http://overpass-turbo.eu/?Q=%5Bout%3Ajson%5D%5Btimeout%3A90%5D%3B%28%20%20%20%20nwr%5B%22OBJECTID%22%5D%28%7B%7Bbbox%7D%7D%29%3B%0A%29%3Bout%20body%3B%3E%3Bout%20skel%20qt%3B) ## Supported attributes ### all_tags Shows a table with all the tags of the feature _This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only_ *{all_tags()}* ### leftover-questions _This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only_ *{questions( ,)}* ### lod _This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only_ *{linked_data_from_website()}* This tagrendering has labels `added_by_default` # recycling_assen Laag op basis van externe data - This layer is shown at zoomlevel **0** and higher - <img src='../warning.svg' height='1rem'/> This layer is loaded from an external source, namely `https://opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/edb893998e27461b8ed82aad9854d27d_0.geojson` No themes use this layer ## Basic tags for this layer Elements must match the expression **OBJECTID~.+** [Execute on overpass](http://overpass-turbo.eu/?Q=%5Bout%3Ajson%5D%5Btimeout%3A90%5D%3B%28%20%20%20%20nwr%5B%22OBJECTID%22%5D%28%7B%7Bbbox%7D%7D%29%3B%0A%29%3Bout%20body%3B%3E%3Bout%20skel%20qt%3B) ## Supported attributes ### all_tags Shows a table with all the tags of the feature _This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only_ *{all_tags()}* ### leftover-questions _This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only_ *{questions( ,)}* ### lod _This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only_ *{linked_data_from_website()}* This tagrendering has labels `added_by_default` This document is autogenerated from [assets/themes/waste_assen/waste_assen.json](https://github.com/pietervdvn/MapComplete/blob/develop/assets/themes/waste_assen/waste_assen.json)