import {SpecialVisualization} from "../SpecialVisualizations"; import FeaturePipelineState from "../../Logic/State/FeaturePipelineState"; import BaseUIElement from "../BaseUIElement"; import {UIEventSource} from "../../Logic/UIEventSource"; import {DefaultGuiState} from "../DefaultGuiState"; import {SubtleButton} from "../Base/SubtleButton"; import Img from "../Base/Img"; import {FixedUiElement} from "../Base/FixedUiElement"; import Combine from "../Base/Combine"; import Link from "../Base/Link"; import {SubstitutedTranslation} from "../SubstitutedTranslation"; import {Utils} from "../../Utils"; import Minimap from "../Base/Minimap"; import ShowDataLayer from "../ShowDataLayer/ShowDataLayer"; import StaticFeatureSource from "../../Logic/FeatureSource/Sources/StaticFeatureSource"; import {VariableUiElement} from "../Base/VariableUIElement"; import Loading from "../Base/Loading"; import {OsmConnection} from "../../Logic/Osm/OsmConnection"; import Translations from "../i18n/Translations"; import LayoutConfig from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/LayoutConfig"; import {Changes} from "../../Logic/Osm/Changes"; export interface AutoAction extends SpecialVisualization { supportsAutoAction: boolean applyActionOn(state: { layoutToUse: LayoutConfig, changes: Changes }, tagSource: UIEventSource, argument: string[]): Promise } export default class AutoApplyButton implements SpecialVisualization { public readonly docs: string; public readonly funcName: string = "auto_apply"; public readonly args: { name: string; defaultValue?: string; doc: string }[] = [ { name: "target_layer", doc: "The layer that the target features will reside in" }, { name: "target_feature_ids", doc: "The key, of which the value contains a list of ids" }, { name: "tag_rendering_id", doc: "The ID of the tagRendering containing the autoAction. This tagrendering will be calculated. The embedded actions will be executed" }, { name: "text", doc: "The text to show on the button" }, { name: "icon", doc: "The icon to show on the button", defaultValue: "./assets/svg/robot.svg" } ]; constructor(allSpecialVisualisations: SpecialVisualization[]) { = AutoApplyButton.generateDocs(allSpecialVisualisations.filter(sv => sv["supportsAutoAction"] === true).map(sv => sv.funcName)) } constr(state: FeaturePipelineState, tagSource: UIEventSource, argument: string[], guistate: DefaultGuiState): BaseUIElement { if (!state.layoutToUse.official && !( || state.osmConnection._oauth_config.url === OsmConnection.oauth_configs["osm-test"].url)) { const t = Translations.t.general.add.import; return new Combine([new FixedUiElement("The auto-apply button is only available in official themes (or in testing mode)").SetClass("alert"), t.howToTest]) } const to_parse =[argument[1]] if (to_parse === undefined) { return new Loading("Gathering which elements support auto-apply... ") } try { const target_layer_id = argument[0] const target_feature_ids = JSON.parse(to_parse) if(target_feature_ids.length === 0){ return new FixedUiElement("No elements found to perform action") } const targetTagRendering = argument[2] const text = argument[3] const icon = argument[4] const layer = => === target_layer_id)[0] const tagRenderingConfig = layer.layerDef.tagRenderings.filter(tr => === targetTagRendering)[0] if (tagRenderingConfig === undefined) { return new FixedUiElement("Target tagrendering " + targetTagRendering + " not found").SetClass("alert") } const buttonState = new UIEventSource<"idle" | "running" | "done" | {error: string}>("idle") const button = new SubtleButton( new Img(icon), text ).onClick(async () => { buttonState.setData("running") try { for (const targetFeatureId of target_feature_ids) { const featureTags = state.allElements.getEventSourceById(targetFeatureId) const rendering = tagRenderingConfig.GetRenderValue( const specialRenderings = Utils.NoNull(SubstitutedTranslation.ExtractSpecialComponents(rendering) .map(x => x.special)) .filter(v => v.func["supportsAutoAction"] === true) for (const specialRendering of specialRenderings) { const action = specialRendering.func await action.applyActionOn(state, featureTags, specialRendering.args) } } console.log("Flushing changes...") await state.changes.flushChanges("Auto button") buttonState.setData("done") } catch (e) { console.error("Error while running autoApply: ", e) buttonState.setData({error: e}) } }); const explanation = new Combine(["The following objects will be updated: ", => new Combine([new Link(id, "https:/ /" + id, true), ", "]))]).SetClass("subtle") const previewMap = Minimap.createMiniMap({ allowMoving: false, background: state.backgroundLayer, addLayerControl: true, }).SetClass("h-48") const features = => state.allElements.ContainingFeatures.get(id)) new ShowDataLayer({ leafletMap: previewMap.leafletMap, popup: undefined, zoomToFeatures: true, features: new StaticFeatureSource(features, false), state, layerToShow: layer.layerDef, }) return new VariableUiElement( st => { if (st === "idle") { return new Combine([button, previewMap, explanation]); } if (st === "done") { return new FixedUiElement("All done!").SetClass("thanks") } if (st === "running") { return new Loading("Applying changes...") } const error =st.error return new Combine([new FixedUiElement("Something went wrong...").SetClass("alert"), new FixedUiElement(error).SetClass("subtle")]).SetClass("flex flex-col") } )) } catch (e) { console.log("To parse is", to_parse) return new FixedUiElement("Could not generate a auto_apply-button for key " + argument[0] + " due to " + e).SetClass("alert") } } getLayerDependencies(args: string[]): string[] { return [args[0]] } private static generateDocs(supportedActions: string[]) { return [ "A button to run many actions for many features at once.\n", "To effectively use this button, you'll need some ingredients:\n" + "- A target layer with features for which an action is defined in a tag rendering. The following special visualisations support an autoAction: " + supportedActions.join(", "), "- A host feature to place the auto-action on. This can be a big outline (such as a city). Another good option for this is the [current_view](./", "- Then, use a calculated tag on the host feature to determine the overlapping object ids", "- At last, add this component" ].join("\n") } }