import {TagsFilter, TagUtils} from "./Tags"; import {UIEventSource} from "./UIEventSource"; import * as L from "leaflet" import {Layer} from "leaflet" import {GeoOperations} from "./GeoOperations"; import {UIElement} from "../UI/UIElement"; import State from "../State"; import LayerConfig from "../Customizations/JSON/LayerConfig"; import Hash from "./Web/Hash"; import LazyElement from "../UI/Base/LazyElement"; /*** * */ export class FilteredLayer { public readonly name: string | UIElement; public readonly isDisplayed: UIEventSource = new UIEventSource(true); public readonly layerDef: LayerConfig; private readonly filters: TagsFilter; private readonly _maxAllowedOverlap: number; /** The featurecollection from overpass */ private _dataFromOverpass: any[]; /** * The leaflet layer object which should be removed on rerendering */ private _geolayer; private _showOnPopup: (tags: UIEventSource, feature: any) => UIElement; constructor( layerDef: LayerConfig, showOnPopup: ((tags: UIEventSource, feature: any) => UIElement) ) { this.layerDef = layerDef; this._showOnPopup = showOnPopup; = name; this.filters = layerDef.overpassTags; this._maxAllowedOverlap = layerDef.hideUnderlayingFeaturesMinPercentage; } /** * The main function to load data into this layer. * The data that is NOT used by this layer, is returned as a geojson object; the other data is rendered */ public SetApplicableData(features: any[]): any[] { const leftoverFeatures = []; const selfFeatures = []; for (let feature of features) { const tags = TagUtils.proprtiesToKV(; const matches = this.filters.matches(tags); if (matches) { selfFeatures.push(feature); } if (!matches || this.layerDef.passAllFeatures) { leftoverFeatures.push(feature); } } this.RenderLayer(selfFeatures) return leftoverFeatures; } private RenderLayer(features: any[]) { if (this._geolayer !== undefined && this._geolayer !== null) { // Remove the old geojson layer from the map - we'll reshow all the elements later on anyway; } // We fetch all the data we have to show: const data = { type: "FeatureCollection", features: features } let self = this; this._geolayer = L.geoJSON(data, { style: feature => { const tagsSource = State.state.allElements.getEventSourceFor(feature); return self.layerDef.GenerateLeafletStyle(tagsSource, self._showOnPopup !== undefined); }, pointToLayer: function (feature, latLng) { // Point to layer converts the 'point' to a layer object - as the geojson layer natively cannot handle points // Click handling is done in the next step const tagSource = State.state.allElements.getEventSourceFor(feature); const style = self.layerDef.GenerateLeafletStyle(tagSource, self._showOnPopup !== undefined); let marker; if (style.icon === undefined) { marker =, { radius: 25, color: style.color }); } else { marker = L.marker(latLng, { icon: L.divIcon({ html: style.icon.html.Render(), className: style.icon.className, iconAnchor: style.icon.iconAnchor, iconUrl: style.icon.iconUrl, popupAnchor: style.icon.popupAnchor, iconSize: style.icon.iconSize }) }); } return marker; }, onEachFeature: function (feature, layer: Layer) { if (self._showOnPopup === undefined) { // No popup contents defined -> don't do anything return; } const popup = L.popup({ autoPan: true, closeOnEscapeKey: true, }, layer); const eventSource = State.state.allElements.getEventSourceFor(feature); let uiElement: LazyElement = new LazyElement(() => self._showOnPopup(eventSource, feature)); popup.setContent(uiElement.Render()); layer.bindPopup(popup); // We first render the UIelement (which'll still need an update later on...) // But at least it'll be visible already layer.on("click", (e) => { // We set the element as selected... uiElement.Activate(); State.state.selectedElement.setData(feature); }); if (\//g, "_") === Hash.Get().data) { // This element is in the URL, so this is a share link // We already open it uiElement.Activate(); popup.setContent(uiElement.Render()); const center = GeoOperations.centerpoint(feature).geometry.coordinates; popup.setLatLng({lat: center[1], lng: center[0]}); popup.openOn(; State.state.selectedElement.setData(feature); uiElement.Update(); } } }); this._geolayer.addTo(; } }