import LayerConfig from "../../Customizations/JSON/LayerConfig"; import FeatureSource from "./FeatureSource"; import {UIEventSource} from "../UIEventSource"; import {GeoOperations} from "../GeoOperations"; /** * The no overlap source takes a featureSource and applies a filter on it. * First, it'll figure out for each feature to which layer it belongs * Then, it'll check any feature of any 'lower' layer */ export default class NoOverlapSource { features: UIEventSource<{ feature: any, freshness: Date }[]> = new UIEventSource<{ feature: any, freshness: Date }[]>([]); constructor(layers: { layerDef: LayerConfig }[], upstream: FeatureSource) { const layerDict = {}; let noOverlapRemoval = true; const layerIds = [] for (const layer of layers) { layerDict[] = layer; layerIds.push(; if ((layer.layerDef.hideUnderlayingFeaturesMinPercentage ?? 0) !== 0) { noOverlapRemoval = false; } } if (noOverlapRemoval) { this.features = upstream.features; return; } this.features = features => { if (features === undefined) { return; } // There is overlap removal active // We partition all the features with their respective layerIDs const partitions = {}; for (const layerId of layerIds) { partitions[layerId] = [] } for (const feature of features) { partitions[].push(feature); } // With this partitioning in hand, we run over every layer and remove every underlying feature if needed for (let i = 0; i < layerIds.length; i++) { let layerId = layerIds[i]; const percentage = layerDict[layerId].layerDef.hideUnderlayingFeaturesMinPercentage ?? 0; if (percentage === 0) { // We don't have to remove underlying features! continue; } const guardPartition = partitions[layerId]; for (let j = i + 1; j < layerIds.length; j++) { let layerJd = layerIds[j]; let partitionToShrink: { feature: any, freshness: Date }[] = partitions[layerJd]; let newPartition = []; for (const mightBeDeleted of partitionToShrink) { const doesOverlap = GeoOperations.featureIsContainedInAny( mightBeDeleted.feature, => f.feature), percentage ); if(!doesOverlap){ newPartition.push(mightBeDeleted); } } partitions[layerJd] = newPartition; } } // At last, we create the actual new features let newFeatures: { feature: any, freshness: Date }[] = []; for (const layerId of layerIds) { newFeatures = newFeatures.concat(partitions[layerId]); } return newFeatures; }); } }