import {UIElement} from "./UIElement"; import $ from "jquery" import {DropDown} from "./Input/DropDown"; import Translations from "./i18n/Translations"; import Combine from "./Base/Combine"; import State from "../State"; import {UIEventSource} from "../Logic/UIEventSource"; import {Imgur} from "../Logic/Web/Imgur"; import {FixedUiElement} from "./Base/FixedUiElement"; export class ImageUploadFlow extends UIElement { private _licensePicker: UIElement; private _selectedLicence: UIEventSource; private _isUploading: UIEventSource = new UIEventSource(0) private _didFail: UIEventSource = new UIEventSource(false); private _allDone: UIEventSource = new UIEventSource(false); private _uploadOptions: (license: string) => { title: string; description: string; handleURL: (url: string) => void; allDone: (() => void) }; private _connectButton : UIElement; constructor( preferedLicense: UIEventSource, uploadOptions: ((license: string) => { title: string, description: string, handleURL: ((url: string) => void), allDone: (() => void) }) ) { super(State.state.osmConnection.userDetails); this._uploadOptions = uploadOptions; this.ListenTo(this._isUploading); this.ListenTo(this._didFail); this.ListenTo(this._allDone); const licensePicker = new DropDown(Translations.t.image.willBePublished, [ {value: "CC0", shown: Translations.t.image.cco}, {value: "CC-BY-SA 4.0", shown: Translations.t.image.ccbs}, {value: "CC-BY 4.0", shown: Translations.t.image.ccb} ], preferedLicense ); licensePicker.SetStyle("float:left"); const t = Translations.t.image; this._licensePicker = licensePicker; this._selectedLicence = licensePicker.GetValue(); this._connectButton = new Combine([t.pleaseLogin]) .onClick(() => State.state.osmConnection.AttemptLogin()) .SetClass("login-button-friendly"); } InnerRender(): string { const t = Translations.t.image; if (State.state.osmConnection.userDetails === undefined) { return ""; // No user details -> logging in is probably disabled or smthing } if (! { return this._connectButton.Render(); } let currentState: UIElement[] = []; if ( == 1) { currentState.push(t.uploadingPicture); } else if ( > 0) { currentState.push(t.uploadingMultiple.Subs({count: ""})); } if ( { currentState.push(t.uploadFailed); } if ( { currentState.push(t.uploadDone) } let currentStateHtml : UIElement = new FixedUiElement(""); if (currentState.length > 0) { currentStateHtml = new Combine(currentState); if (! { currentStateHtml.SetClass("alert"); }else{ currentStateHtml.SetClass("thanks"); } currentStateHtml.SetStyle("display:block ruby") } const extraInfo = new Combine([ Translations.t.image.respectPrivacy, "
", this._licensePicker, "
", currentStateHtml, "
" ]); const label = new Combine([ " ", Translations.t.image.addPicture .SetStyle("width:max-content;font-size: 28px;" + "font-weight: bold;" + "float: left;" + "margin-top: 4px;" + "padding-top: 4px;" + "padding-bottom: 4px;" + "padding-left: 13px;"), ]).SetStyle(" display: flex;" + "cursor:pointer;" + "padding: 0.5em;" + "border-radius: 1em;" + "border: 3px solid black;" + "box-sizing:border-box;") const actualInputElement = ``; const form = "
" + `" + actualInputElement+ "
"; return new Combine([ form, extraInfo ]).SetStyle("margin-top: 1em;margin-bottom: 2em;text-align: center;") .Render(); } InnerUpdate(htmlElement: HTMLElement) { super.InnerUpdate(htmlElement); const user =; this._licensePicker.Update() const form = document.getElementById('fileselector-form-' + as HTMLFormElement const selector = document.getElementById('fileselector-' + const self = this function submitHandler() { const files = $(selector).prop('files'); self._isUploading.setData(files.length); self._allDone.setData(false); if( === undefined){ self._selectedLicence.setData("CC0"); } const opts = self._uploadOptions(; Imgur.uploadMultiple(opts.title, opts.description, files, function (url) { console.log("File saved at", url); self._isUploading.setData( - 1); opts.handleURL(url); }, function () { console.log("All uploads completed"); self._allDone.setData(true); opts.allDone(); }, function(failReason) { console.log("Upload failed due to ", failReason) // No need to call something from the options -> we handle this here self._didFail.setData(true);;; },0 ) } if (selector != null && form != null) { selector.onchange = function () { submitHandler() } form.addEventListener('submit', e => { console.log(e) alert('wait') e.preventDefault() submitHandler() }) } } }