import {UIElement} from "./UIElement"; import {UIEventSource} from "./UIEventSource"; import {ImageCarousel} from "./Image/ImageCarousel"; import {VerticalCombine} from "./Base/VerticalCombine"; import {TagRenderingOptions} from "../Customizations/TagRendering"; import {OsmLink} from "../Customizations/Questions/OsmLink"; import {WikipediaLink} from "../Customizations/Questions/WikipediaLink"; import {And} from "../Logic/TagsFilter"; import {TagDependantUIElement, TagDependantUIElementConstructor} from "../Customizations/UIElementConstructor"; import Translations from "./i18n/Translations"; import {Changes} from "../Logic/Osm/Changes"; import {UserDetails} from "../Logic/Osm/OsmConnection"; export class FeatureInfoBox extends UIElement { /** * The actual GEOJSON-object, with geometry and stuff */ private _feature: any; /** * The tags, wrapped in a global event source */ private _tagsES: UIEventSource; private _changes: Changes; private _userDetails: UIEventSource; private _title: UIElement; private _osmLink: UIElement; private _wikipedialink: UIElement; private _infoboxes: TagDependantUIElement[]; private _oneSkipped = Translations.t.general.oneSkippedQuestion.Clone(); private _someSkipped = Translations.t.general.skippedQuestions.Clone(); constructor( feature: any, tagsES: UIEventSource, title: TagRenderingOptions | UIElement, elementsToShow: TagDependantUIElementConstructor[], changes: Changes, userDetails: UIEventSource ) { super(tagsES); this._feature = feature; this._tagsES = tagsES; this._changes = changes; this._userDetails = userDetails; this.ListenTo(userDetails); const deps = {tags: this._tagsES, changes: this._changes} this._infoboxes = []; elementsToShow = elementsToShow ?? [] const self = this; for (const tagRenderingOption of elementsToShow) { self._infoboxes.push( tagRenderingOption.construct(deps)); } function initTags() { self._infoboxes = [] for (const tagRenderingOption of elementsToShow) { self._infoboxes.push( tagRenderingOption.construct(deps)); } self.Update(); } this._someSkipped.onClick(initTags) this._oneSkipped.onClick(initTags) title = title ?? new TagRenderingOptions( { mappings: [{k: new And([]), txt: ""}] } ) if (title instanceof UIElement) { this._title = title; } else { this._title = new TagRenderingOptions(title.options).construct(deps); } this._osmLink = new OsmLink().construct(deps); this._wikipedialink = new WikipediaLink().construct(deps); } InnerRender(): string { const info = []; const questions: TagDependantUIElement[] = []; let skippedQuestions = 0; for (const infobox of this._infoboxes) { if (infobox.IsKnown()) { info.push(infobox); } else if (infobox.IsQuestioning()) { questions.push(infobox); } else if(infobox.IsSkipped()){ // This question is neither known nor questioning -> it was skipped skippedQuestions++; } } let questionsHtml = ""; if ( && questions.length > 0) { // We select the most important question and render that one let mostImportantQuestion; let score = -1000; for (const question of questions) { if (mostImportantQuestion === undefined || question.Priority() > score) { mostImportantQuestion = question; score = question.Priority(); } } questionsHtml = mostImportantQuestion.Render(); } else if (skippedQuestions == 1) { questionsHtml = this._oneSkipped.Render(); } else if (skippedQuestions > 0) { questionsHtml = this._someSkipped.Render(); } return "
" + "
" + "" + this._title.Render() + "" + this._wikipedialink.Render() + this._osmLink.Render() + "
" + "
" + new VerticalCombine(info, "infobox-information ").Render() + questionsHtml + "
" + "" + "
"; } }