import BaseLayer from "../../Models/BaseLayer" import { Store, Stores } from "../UIEventSource" import Loc from "../../Models/Loc" import { GeoOperations } from "../GeoOperations" import * as editorlayerindex from "../../assets/editor-layer-index.json" import * as L from "leaflet" import { TileLayer } from "leaflet" import * as X from "leaflet-providers" import { Utils } from "../../Utils" import { AvailableBaseLayersObj } from "./AvailableBaseLayers" import { BBox } from "../BBox" export default class AvailableBaseLayersImplementation implements AvailableBaseLayersObj { public readonly osmCarto: BaseLayer = { id: "osm", name: "OpenStreetMap", layer: () => AvailableBaseLayersImplementation.CreateBackgroundLayer( "osm", "OpenStreetMap", "{z}/{x}/{y}.png", "OpenStreetMap", "", 19, false, false ), feature: null, max_zoom: 19, min_zoom: 0, isBest: true, // Of course, OpenStreetMap is the best map! category: "osmbasedmap", } public readonly layerOverview = AvailableBaseLayersImplementation.LoadRasterIndex().concat( AvailableBaseLayersImplementation.LoadProviderIndex() ) public readonly globalLayers = this.layerOverview.filter( (layer) => layer.feature?.geometry === undefined || layer.feature?.geometry === null ) public readonly localLayers = this.layerOverview.filter( (layer) => layer.feature?.geometry !== undefined && layer.feature?.geometry !== null ) private static LoadRasterIndex(): BaseLayer[] { const layers: BaseLayer[] = [] // @ts-ignore const features = editorlayerindex.features for (const i in features) { const layer = features[i] const props = if (props.type === "bing") { // A lot of work to implement - see continue } if ( === "MAPNIK") { // Already added by default continue } if (props.overlay) { continue } if (props.url.toLowerCase().indexOf("apikey") > 0) { continue } if (props.max_zoom < 19) { // We want users to zoom to level 19 when adding a point // If they are on a layer which hasn't enough precision, they can not zoom far enough. This is confusing, so we don't use this layer continue } if ( === undefined) { console.warn("Editor layer index: name not defined on ", props) continue } const leafletLayer: () => TileLayer = () => AvailableBaseLayersImplementation.CreateBackgroundLayer(,, props.url,, props.license_url, props.max_zoom, props.type.toLowerCase() === "wms", props.type.toLowerCase() === "wmts" ) // Note: if layer.geometry is null, there is global coverage for this layer layers.push({ id:, max_zoom: props.max_zoom ?? 19, min_zoom: props.min_zoom ?? 1, name:, layer: leafletLayer, feature: layer.geometry !== null ? layer : null, isBest: ?? false, category: props.category, }) } return layers } private static LoadProviderIndex(): BaseLayer[] { // @ts-ignore X // Import X to make sure the namespace is not optimized away function l(id: string, name: string): BaseLayer { try { const layer: any = L.tileLayer.provider(id, undefined) return { feature: null, id: id, name: name, layer: () => L.tileLayer.provider(id, { maxNativeZoom: layer.options?.maxZoom, maxZoom: Math.max(layer.options?.maxZoom ?? 19, 21), }), min_zoom: 1, max_zoom: layer.options.maxZoom, category: "osmbasedmap", isBest: false, } } catch (e) { console.error("Could not find provided layer", name, e) return null } } const layers = [ l("Stamen.TonerLite", "Toner Lite (by Stamen)"), l("Stamen.TonerBackground", "Toner Background - no labels (by Stamen)"), l("Stamen.Watercolor", "Watercolor (by Stamen)"), l("Stadia.OSMBright", "Osm Bright (by Stadia)"), l("Stadia.AlidadeSmoothDark", "Alidade Smooth Dark (by Stadia)"), l("CartoDB.Positron", "Positron (by CartoDB)"), l("CartoDB.PositronNoLabels", "Positron - no labels (by CartoDB)"), l("CartoDB.Voyager", "Voyager (by CartoDB)"), l("CartoDB.VoyagerNoLabels", "Voyager - no labels (by CartoDB)"), l("CartoDB.DarkMatter", "Dark Matter (by CartoDB)"), l("CartoDB.DarkMatterNoLabels", "Dark Matter - no labels (by CartoDB)"), ] return Utils.NoNull(layers) } /** * Converts a layer from the editor-layer-index into a tilelayer usable by leaflet */ private static CreateBackgroundLayer( id: string, name: string, url: string, attribution: string, attributionUrl: string, maxZoom: number, isWms: boolean, isWMTS?: boolean ): TileLayer { url = url.replace("{zoom}", "{z}").replace("&BBOX={bbox}", "").replace("&bbox={bbox}", "") const subdomainsMatch = url.match(/{switch:[^}]*}/) let domains: string[] = [] if (subdomainsMatch !== null) { let domainsStr = subdomainsMatch[0].substr("{switch:".length) domainsStr = domainsStr.substr(0, domainsStr.length - 1) domains = domainsStr.split(",") url = url.replace(/{switch:[^}]*}/, "{s}") } if (isWms) { url = url.replace("&SRS={proj}", "") url = url.replace("&srs={proj}", "") const paramaters = [ "format", "layers", "version", "service", "request", "styles", "transparent", "version", ] const urlObj = new URL(url) const isUpper = urlObj.searchParams["LAYERS"] !== null const options = { maxZoom: Math.max(maxZoom ?? 19, 21), maxNativeZoom: maxZoom ?? 19, attribution: attribution + " | ", subdomains: domains, uppercase: isUpper, transparent: false, } for (const paramater of paramaters) { let p = paramater if (isUpper) { p = paramater.toUpperCase() } options[paramater] = urlObj.searchParams.get(p) } if (options.transparent === null) { options.transparent = false } return L.tileLayer.wms(urlObj.protocol + "//" + + urlObj.pathname, options) } if (attributionUrl) { attribution = `${attribution}` } return L.tileLayer(url, { attribution: attribution, maxZoom: Math.max(21, maxZoom ?? 19), maxNativeZoom: maxZoom ?? 19, minZoom: 1, // @ts-ignore wmts: isWMTS ?? false, subdomains: domains, }) } public AvailableLayersAt(location: Store): Store { return Stores.ListStabilized( => { if (currentLocation === undefined) { return this.layerOverview } return this.CalculateAvailableLayersAt(currentLocation?.lon, currentLocation?.lat) }) ) } public SelectBestLayerAccordingTo( location: Store, preferedCategory: Store ): Store { return this.AvailableLayersAt(location).map( (available) => { // First float all 'best layers' to the top available.sort((a, b) => { if (a.isBest && b.isBest) { return 0 } if (!a.isBest) { return 1 } return -1 }) if ( === undefined) { return available[0] } let prefered: string[] if (typeof === "string") { prefered = [] } else { prefered = } prefered.reverse(/*New list, inplace reverse is fine*/) for (const category of prefered) { //Then sort all 'photo'-layers to the top. Stability of the sorting will force a 'best' photo layer on top available.sort((a, b) => { if (a.category === category && b.category === category) { return 0 } if (a.category !== category) { return 1 } return -1 }) } return available[0] }, [preferedCategory] ) } private CalculateAvailableLayersAt(lon: number, lat: number): BaseLayer[] { const availableLayers = [this.osmCarto] if (lon === undefined || lat === undefined) { return availableLayers.concat(this.globalLayers) } const lonlat: [number, number] = [lon, lat] for (const layerOverviewItem of this.localLayers) { const layer = layerOverviewItem const bbox = BBox.get(layer.feature) if (!bbox.contains(lonlat)) { continue } if (GeoOperations.inside(lonlat, layer.feature)) { availableLayers.push(layer) } } return availableLayers.concat(this.globalLayers) } }