{ "id": "bag", "title": { "nl": "BAG import helper", "en": "BAG import helper" }, "shortDescription": { "nl": "BAG import helper tool", "en": "BAG import helper tool" }, "description": { "nl": "Dit thema helpt het importeren van BAG data", "en": "This theme helps with importing data from BAG" }, "credits": "Wouter van der Wal", "icon": "./assets/themes/bag_import/logo.svg", "startLat": 53.1726, "startLon": 7.04545, "startZoom": 9, "overrideAll": { "minzoom": 19 }, "layers": [ { "id": "osm:buildings", "name": "OSM Buildings", "title": "OSM Building", "source": { "osmTags": "building~*", "maxCacheAge": 0 }, "calculatedTags": [ "_surface:strict:=feat.get('_surface')" ], "mapRendering": [ { "width": { "render": "2", "mappings": [ { "if": "fixme~*", "then": "5" } ] }, "color": { "render": "#00c", "mappings": [ { "if": "fixme~*", "then": "#ff00ff" }, { "if": "building=house", "then": "#a00" }, { "if": "building=shed", "then": "#563e02" }, { "if": { "or": [ "building=garage", "building=garages" ] }, "then": "#f9bfbb" }, { "if": "building=yes", "then": "#0774f2" } ] } } ], "tagRenderings": [ { "id": "Reference", "render": { "en": "The reference in BAG is {ref:bag}" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "ref:bag=", "then": { "en": "This building has no reference in the BAG" } } ] }, { "id": "Building type", "freeform": { "key": "building", "type": "string", "addExtraTags": [ "construction=" ] }, "render": "This building is a {building}", "question": "What kind of building is this?" } ] }, { "id": "osm:adresses", "name": "OSM Adresses", "title": "OSM Adress", "source": { "osmTags": { "and": [ "source=BAG", "addr:city~*", "addr:housenumber~*", "addr:postcode~*", "addr:street~*" ] }, "maxCacheAge": 0 }, "mapRendering": [ { "label": { "render": "