<script lang="ts"> import NextButton from "./Base/NextButton.svelte" import { Store, UIEventSource } from "../Logic/UIEventSource" import EditLayerState, { EditThemeState } from "./Studio/EditLayerState" import EditLayer from "./Studio/EditLayer.svelte" import Loading from "../assets/svg/Loading.svelte" import StudioServer from "./Studio/StudioServer" import LoginToggle from "./Base/LoginToggle.svelte" import { OsmConnection } from "../Logic/Osm/OsmConnection" import { QueryParameters } from "../Logic/Web/QueryParameters" import layerSchemaRaw from "../../src/assets/schemas/layerconfigmeta.json" import layoutSchemaRaw from "../../src/assets/schemas/layoutconfigmeta.json" import If from "./Base/If.svelte" import BackButton from "./Base/BackButton.svelte" import ChooseLayerToEdit from "./Studio/ChooseLayerToEdit.svelte" import FloatOver from "./Base/FloatOver.svelte" import Walkthrough from "./Walkthrough/Walkthrough.svelte" import * as intro from "../assets/studio_introduction.json" import * as intro_tagrenderings from "../assets/studio_tagrenderings_intro.json" import { QuestionMarkCircleIcon } from "@babeard/svelte-heroicons/mini" import type { ConfigMeta } from "./Studio/configMeta" import EditTheme from "./Studio/EditTheme.svelte" import * as meta from "../../package.json" import Checkbox from "./Base/Checkbox.svelte" import { Utils } from "../Utils" import Translations from "./i18n/Translations" import Tr from "./Base/Tr.svelte" import Add from "../assets/svg/Add.svelte" export let studioUrl = window.location.hostname === "" ? "" : "https://studio.mapcomplete.org" const oauth_token = QueryParameters.GetQueryParameter( "oauth_token", undefined, "Used to complete the login" ) let osmConnection = new OsmConnection({ oauth_token, checkOnlineRegularly: true }) const expertMode = UIEventSource.asBoolean( osmConnection.GetPreference("studio-expert-mode", "false", { documentation: "Indicates if more options are shown in mapcomplete studio", }) ) expertMode.addCallbackAndRunD((expert) => console.log("Expert mode is", expert)) const createdBy = osmConnection.userDetails.data.name const uid = osmConnection.userDetails.map((ud) => ud?.uid) const studio = new StudioServer(studioUrl, uid) let layersWithErr = UIEventSource.FromPromiseWithErr(studio.fetchOverview()) let layers: Store<{ owner: number; id: string }[]> = layersWithErr.mapD((l) => l["success"]?.filter((l) => l.category === "layers") ) let selfLayers = layers.mapD((ls) => ls.filter((l) => l.owner === uid.data), [uid]) let otherLayers = layers.mapD( (ls) => ls.filter((l) => l.owner !== undefined && l.owner !== uid.data), [uid] ) let officialLayers = layers.mapD((ls) => ls.filter((l) => l.owner === undefined), [uid]) let themes: Store<{ owner: number; id: string }[]> = layersWithErr.mapD((l) => l["success"]?.filter((l) => l.category === "themes") ) let selfThemes = themes.mapD((ls) => ls.filter((l) => l.owner === uid.data), [uid]) let otherThemes = themes.mapD( (ls) => ls.filter((l) => l.owner !== undefined && l.owner !== uid.data), [uid] ) let officialThemes = themes.mapD((ls) => ls.filter((l) => l.owner === undefined), [uid]) let state: | undefined | "edit_layer" | "edit_theme" | "editing_layer" | "editing_theme" | "loading" = undefined const layerSchema: ConfigMeta[] = <any>layerSchemaRaw let editLayerState = new EditLayerState(layerSchema, studio, osmConnection, { expertMode }) let showIntro = editLayerState.showIntro const layoutSchema: ConfigMeta[] = <any>layoutSchemaRaw let editThemeState = new EditThemeState(layoutSchema, studio, { expertMode }) const version = meta.version async function editLayer(event: Event) { const layerId: { owner: number; id: string } = event["detail"] state = "loading" editLayerState.startSavingUpdates(false) editLayerState.configuration.setData(await studio.fetch(layerId.id, "layers", layerId.owner)) editLayerState.startSavingUpdates() state = "editing_layer" } async function editTheme(event: Event) { const id: { id: string; owner: number } = event["detail"] state = "loading" editThemeState.startSavingUpdates(false) const layout = await studio.fetch(id.id, "themes", id.owner) editThemeState.configuration.setData(layout) editThemeState.startSavingUpdates() state = "editing_theme" } async function createNewLayer() { state = "loading" const initialLayerConfig = { credits: createdBy, minzoom: 15, pointRendering: [ { location: ["point", "centroid"], marker: [ { icon: "circle", color: "white", }, ], }, ], tagRenderings: ["images"], lineRendering: [ { width: 1, color: "blue", }, ], } editLayerState.configuration.setData(initialLayerConfig) editLayerState.startSavingUpdates() state = "editing_layer" } </script> <If condition={layersWithErr.map((d) => d?.["error"] !== undefined)}> <div> <div class="alert"> Something went wrong while contacting the MapComplete Studio Server: {$layersWithErr["error"]} </div> The server might be offline. Please: <ul> <li>Try again in a few minutes</li> <li> Contact <a href="https://app.element.io/#/room/#MapComplete:matrix.org"> the MapComplete community via the chat. </a> Someone might be able to help you </li> <li> File <a href="https://github.com/pietervdvn/MapComplete/issues">an issue</a> </li> <li> Contact the devs via <a href="mailto:info@posteo.net">email</a> </li> </ul> </div> <LoginToggle ignoreLoading={true} slot="else" state={{ osmConnection }}> <div slot="not-logged-in"> <NextButton clss="primary" on:click={() => osmConnection.AttemptLogin()}> Please log in to use MapComplete Studio </NextButton> </div> {#if state === undefined} <div class="flex h-full flex-col justify-between p-4"> <div class="flex w-full flex-col"> <h1>MapComplete Studio</h1> <NextButton on:click={() => (state = "edit_layer")}> <div class="flex flex-col items-start"> <div>Edit an existing layer</div> <div class="font-normal"> Edit layers you created, others created or from the official MapComplete </div> </div> </NextButton> <NextButton on:click={() => createNewLayer()}>Create a new layer</NextButton> <NextButton on:click={() => (state = "edit_theme")}>Edit a theme</NextButton> <NextButton on:click={() => { editThemeState.configuration.setData({}) editThemeState.startSavingUpdates() state = "editing_theme" }} > Create a new theme </NextButton> <button class="small" on:click={() => { showIntro.setData("intro") }} > <QuestionMarkCircleIcon class="h-6 w-6" /> Show the introduction again </button> <a class="button flex" href={Utils.HomepageLink()}> <Add class="h-6 w-6" /> <Tr t={Translations.t.general.backToIndex} /> </a> </div> <div> <Checkbox selected={expertMode}>Enable more options (expert mode)</Checkbox> <span class="subtle">MapComplete version {version}</span> </div> </div> {:else if state === "edit_layer"} <div class="m-4 flex flex-col"> <BackButton clss="small p-1" imageClass="w-8 h-8" on:click={() => { state = undefined }} > MapComplete Studio </BackButton> <h2>Choose a layer to edit</h2> <ChooseLayerToEdit {osmConnection} layerIds={$selfLayers} on:layerSelected={editLayer}> <h3 slot="title">Your layers</h3> </ChooseLayerToEdit> <h3>Layers by other contributors</h3> <div> Selecting a layer will create a copy in your account that you edit. You will not change the version of the other contributor </div> <ChooseLayerToEdit {osmConnection} layerIds={$otherLayers} on:layerSelected={editLayer} /> <h3>Official layers by MapComplete</h3> <div> Selecting a layer will create a copy in your account. You will not change the version that is in MapComplete </div> <ChooseLayerToEdit {osmConnection} layerIds={$officialLayers} on:layerSelected={editLayer} /> </div> {:else if state === "edit_theme"} <div class="m-4 flex flex-col"> <BackButton clss="small p-1" imageClass="w-8 h-8" on:click={() => { state = undefined }} > MapComplete Studio </BackButton> <h2>Choose a theme to edit</h2> <ChooseLayerToEdit {osmConnection} layerIds={$selfThemes} on:layerSelected={editTheme}> <h3 slot="title">Your themes</h3> </ChooseLayerToEdit> <h3>Themes by other contributors</h3> <ChooseLayerToEdit {osmConnection} layerIds={$otherThemes} on:layerSelected={editTheme} /> <h3>Official themes by MapComplete</h3> <ChooseLayerToEdit {osmConnection} layerIds={$officialThemes} on:layerSelected={editTheme} /> </div> {:else if state === "loading"} <div class="h-8 w-8"> <Loading /> </div> {:else if state === "editing_layer"} <EditLayer state={editLayerState} backToStudio={() => { state = undefined }} > <BackButton clss="small p-1" imageClass="w-8 h-8" on:click={() => { state = undefined }} > MapComplete Studio </BackButton> </EditLayer> {:else if state === "editing_theme"} <EditTheme state={editThemeState}> <BackButton clss="small p-1" imageClass="w-8 h-8" on:click={() => { state = undefined }} > MapComplete Studio </BackButton> </EditTheme> {/if} {#if { intro, tagrenderings: intro_tagrenderings }[$showIntro]?.sections} <FloatOver on:close={() => { showIntro.setData("no") }} > <div class="flex h-full p-4 pr-12"> <Walkthrough pages={{ intro, tagrenderings: intro_tagrenderings }[$showIntro]?.sections} on:done={() => { showIntro.setData("no") }} /> </div> </FloatOver> {/if} </LoginToggle> </If>