<script lang="ts">

  import { UIEventSource } from "../../Logic/UIEventSource";
  import type { ConfigMeta } from "./configMeta";
  import TagRenderingEditable from "../Popup/TagRendering/TagRenderingEditable.svelte";
  import TagRenderingConfig from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/TagRenderingConfig";
  import nmd from "nano-markdown";
  import type {
  } from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/Json/QuestionableTagRenderingConfigJson";
  import EditLayerState from "./EditLayerState";
  import { onDestroy } from "svelte";
  import type { JsonSchemaType } from "./jsonSchema";
  import { ConfigMetaUtils } from "./configMeta.ts";

  export let state: EditLayerState;
  export let path: (string | number)[] = [];
  export let schema: ConfigMeta;
  export let startInEditModeIfUnset: boolean = false
  let value = new UIEventSource<string | any>(undefined);

  const isTranslation = schema.hints.typehint === "translation" || schema.hints.typehint === "rendered" || ConfigMetaUtils.isTranslation(schema);
  let type = schema.hints.typehint ?? "string";

  let rendervalue = (schema.hints.inline ?? schema.path.join(".")) + (isTranslation ? " <b>{translated(value)}</b>": " <b>{value}</b>");
  if(schema.type === "boolean"){
    rendervalue = undefined
  if(schema.hints.typehint === "tag" || schema.hints.typehint === "simple_tag") {
    rendervalue = "{tags()}"
  let helperArgs = schema.hints.typehelper?.split(",");
  let inline = schema.hints.inline !== undefined;
  if (isTranslation) {
    type = "translation";
    if (schema.hints.inline) {
      const inlineValue = schema.hints.inline;
      rendervalue = inlineValue;
      inline = false;
      helperArgs = [inlineValue.substring(0, inlineValue.indexOf("{")), inlineValue.substring(inlineValue.indexOf("}") + 1)];
  if (type.endsWith("[]")) {
    type = type.substring(0, type.length - 2);

  const configJson: QuestionableTagRenderingConfigJson = {
    id: path.join("_"),
    render: rendervalue,
    question: schema.hints.question,
    questionHint: nmd(schema.description),
    freeform: schema.type === "boolean" ? undefined : {
      key: "value",

  if (schema.hints.default) {
    configJson.mappings = [{
      if: "value=", // We leave this blank
      then: path.at(-1) + " is not set. The default value <b>" + schema.hints.default + "</b> will be used. " + (schema.hints.ifunset ?? "")
  } else if (!schema.required) {
    configJson.mappings = [{
      if: "value=",
      then: path.at(-1) + " is not set. " + (schema.hints.ifunset ?? "")

  function mightBeBoolean(type: undefined | JsonSchemaType): boolean {
    if (type === undefined) {
      return false;
    if (type["type"]) {
      type = type["type"];
    if (type === "boolean") {
      return true;
    if (!Array.isArray(type)) {
      return false;

    return type.some(t => mightBeBoolean(t));

  if (mightBeBoolean(schema.type)) {
    configJson.mappings = configJson.mappings ?? [];
        if: "value=true",
        then: schema.hints?.iftrue ?? "Yes"
        if: "value=false",
        then: schema.hints?.iffalse ?? "No"

  if (schema.hints.suggestions) {
    if (!configJson.mappings) {
      configJson.mappings = [];
  let config: TagRenderingConfig;
  let err: string = undefined;
  let messages = state.messagesFor(path)
  try {
    config = new TagRenderingConfig(configJson, "config based on " + schema.path.join("."));
  } catch (e) {
    console.error(e, config);
    err = path.join(".") + " " + e;
  let startValue = state.getCurrentValueFor(path);
  const tags = new UIEventSource<Record<string, string>>({ value: startValue });
  let startInEditMode = !startValue && startInEditModeIfUnset
  try {
    onDestroy(state.register(path, tags.map(tgs => {
      const v = tgs["value"];
      if (typeof v !== "string") {
        return { ... v };
      if (schema.type === "boolan") {
        return v === "true" || v === "yes" || v === "1";
      if (mightBeBoolean(schema.type)) {
        if (v === "true" || v === "yes" || v === "1") {
          return true;
        if (v === "false" || v === "no" || v === "0") {
          return false;
      if (schema.type === "number") {
        if (v === "") {
          return undefined;
        return Number(v);
      if (isTranslation && typeof v === "string") {
        if (v === "") {
          return {};
        return JSON.parse(v);
      return v;
    }), isTranslation));
  } catch (e) {
    console.error("Could not register", path, "due to", e);
{#if err !== undefined}
  <span class="alert">{err}</span>
  <div class="w-full flex flex-col">
    <TagRenderingEditable editMode={startInEditMode} {config} selectedElement={undefined} showQuestionIfUnknown={true} {state} {tags} />
    {#if $messages.length > 0}
      {#each $messages as msg}
        <div class="alert">{msg.message}</div>
    {#if window.location.hostname === ""}
      <span class="subtle">{path.join(".")} {schema.hints.typehint}</span>