import * as turf from 'turf'

export class GeoOperations {

    static surfaceAreaInSqMeters(feature: any) {
        return turf.area(feature);

    static featureIsContainedInAny(feature: any,
                                   shouldNotContain: any[],
                                   maxOverlapPercentage: number): boolean {
        // Returns 'false' if no problematic intersection is found
        if (feature.geometry.type === "Point") {
            const coor = feature.geometry.coordinates;
            for (const shouldNotContainElement of shouldNotContain) {

                let shouldNotContainBBox = BBox.get(shouldNotContainElement);
                let featureBBox = BBox.get(feature);
                if (!featureBBox.overlapsWith(shouldNotContainBBox)) {

                if (this.inside(coor, shouldNotContainElement)) {
                    return true
            return false;

        if (feature.geometry.type === "Polygon" || feature.geometry.type === "MultiPolygon") {

            const poly = feature;
            let featureBBox = BBox.get(feature);
            const featureSurface = GeoOperations.surfaceAreaInSqMeters(poly);
            for (const shouldNotContainElement of shouldNotContain) {

                const shouldNotContainBBox = BBox.get(shouldNotContainElement);
                const overlaps = featureBBox.overlapsWith(shouldNotContainBBox)
                if (!overlaps) {

                // Calculate the surface area of the intersection
                // If it is too big, refuse
                try {

                    const intersection = turf.intersect(poly, shouldNotContainElement);
                    if (intersection == null) {
                    const intersectionSize = turf.area(intersection);
                    const ratio = intersectionSize / featureSurface;

                    if (ratio * 100 >= maxOverlapPercentage) {
                        console.log("Refused",, " due to ",, "intersection ratio is ", ratio, "which is bigger then the target ratio of ", (maxOverlapPercentage / 100))
                        return true;
                } catch (exception) {
                    console.log("EXCEPTION CAUGHT WHILE INTERSECTING: ", exception);
                    // We assume that this failed due to an intersection
                    return true;

            return false; // No problematic intersections found

        return false;

     * Simple check: that every point of the polygon is inside the container
     * @param polygon
     * @param container
    private static isPolygonInside(polygon, container) {
        for (const coor of polygon.geometry.coordinates[0]) {
            if (!GeoOperations.inside(coor, container)) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * Simple check: one point of the polygon is inside the container
     * @param polygon
     * @param container
    private static isPolygonTouching(polygon, container) {
        for (const coor of polygon.geometry.coordinates[0]) {
            if (GeoOperations.inside(coor, container)) {
                return true;
        return false;

    private static inside(pointCoordinate, feature): boolean {
        // ray-casting algorithm based on

        if (feature.geometry.type === "Point") {
            return false;

        const x: number = pointCoordinate[0];
        const y: number = pointCoordinate[1];

        let poly = feature.geometry.coordinates[0];

        var inside = false;
        for (var i = 0, j = poly.length - 1; i < poly.length; j = i++) {
            const coori = poly[i];
            const coorj = poly[j];

            const xi = coori[0];
            const yi = coori[1];
            const xj = coorj[0];
            const yj = coorj[1];

            var intersect = ((yi > y) != (yj > y))
                && (x < (xj - xi) * (y - yi) / (yj - yi) + xi);
            if (intersect) {
                inside = !inside;

        return inside;


class BBox {

    readonly maxLat: number;
    readonly maxLon: number;
    readonly minLat: number;
    readonly minLon: number;

    constructor(coordinates) {
        this.maxLat = Number.MIN_VALUE;
        this.maxLon = Number.MIN_VALUE;
        this.minLat = Number.MAX_VALUE;
        this.minLon = Number.MAX_VALUE;

        for (const coordinate of coordinates) {
            this.maxLon = Math.max(this.maxLon, coordinate[0]);
            this.maxLat = Math.max(this.maxLat, coordinate[1]);
            this.minLon = Math.min(this.minLon, coordinate[0]);
            this.minLat = Math.min(this.minLat, coordinate[1]);

    private check() {
        if (isNaN(this.maxLon) || isNaN(this.maxLat) || isNaN(this.minLon) || isNaN(this.minLat)) {
            throw  "BBOX has NAN";

    public overlapsWith(other: BBox) {
        if (this.maxLon < other.minLon) {
            return false;
        if (this.maxLat < other.minLat) {
            return false;
        if (this.minLon > other.maxLon) {
            return false;
        if (this.minLat > other.maxLat) {
            return false;
        return true;

    static get(feature) {
        if (feature.bbox === undefined) {

            if (feature.geometry.type === "MultiPolygon") {
                let coordinates = [];
                for (const coorlist of feature.geometry.coordinates) {
                    coordinates = coordinates.concat(coorlist[0]);
                feature.bbox = new BBox(coordinates);
            } else if (feature.geometry.type === "Polygon") {
                feature.bbox = new BBox(feature.geometry.coordinates[0]);
            } else if (feature.geometry.type === "LineString") {
                feature.bbox = new BBox(feature.geometry.coordinates);
            } else if (feature.geometry.type === "Point") {
                // Point
                feature.bbox = new BBox([feature.geometry.coordinates]);
            } else {
                throw "Cannot calculate bbox, unknown type " + feature.geometry.type;

        return feature.bbox;
