{ "id": "playground_equipment", "name": { "en": "Playground equipment", "de": "Spielplatzausstattung" }, "description": { "en": "Layer showing playground equipment", "de": "Ebene mit Spielplatzausrüstung" }, "source": { "osmTags": "playground~*" }, "minzoom": 18, "title": { "render": { "en": "Playground device", "de": "Spielplatzgerät" } }, "pointRendering": [ { "location": [ "point", "centroid" ], "marker": [ { "icon": "circle", "color": "white" }, { "icon": "./assets/themes/playgrounds/playground.svg" } ], "iconSize": "20,20" } ], "lineRendering": [ { "width": 1, "color": "blue" } ], "presets": [ { "tags": [ "playground=yes" ], "title": { "en": "a playground device", "de": "ein Spielgerät" }, "description": { "en": "An exact type is asked later", "de": "Ein genauer Typ wird später gefragt" } } ], "tagRenderings": [ "images", { "render": { "en": "This is a {playground}", "de": "Das ist ein {playground}" }, "id": "type", "freeform": { "key": "playground", "placeholder": { "en": "Type of device", "de": "Art des Geräts" }, "addExtraTags": [ "fixme=Freeform input used" ] }, "question": { "en": "What kind of device is this?", "nl": "Wat voor speeltoestel is dit?", "de": "Was ist das für ein Gerät?" }, "invalidValues": "playground=yes", "mappings": [ { "if": "playground=swing", "then": { "en": "This is a swing", "nl": "Dit is een schommel", "de": "Das ist eine Schaukel" } }, { "if": "playground=structure", "then": { "en": "This is a structure consisting of several connected playground devices", "de": "Dies ist eine Struktur aus mehreren angeschlossenen Spielgeräten" }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/SunwardCohousingPlayStructure2005.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "playground=slide", "then": { "en": "This is a slide", "de": "Das ist eine Rutsche" } }, { "if": "playground=sandpit", "then": { "en": "This is a sand pit", "nl": "Dit is een zandbak", "de": "Dies ist ein Sandkasten" }, "searchTerms": { "en": [ "sandbox" ] }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/Zandbakw.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "playground=springy", "then": { "en": "This is a spring rider", "nl": "Dit is een veertoestel", "de": "Dies ist ein Springreiter" }, "searchTerms": { "en": [ "springy" ], "nl": [ "wipkip" ] } }, { "if": "playground=climbingframe", "then": { "en": "This is a climbing frame", "nl": "Dit is een klimrek", "de": "Dies ist ein Kletterrahmen" }, "searchTerms": { "en": [ "jungle gym", "rope spider" ] }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/DeimosXL1.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "playground=seesaw", "then": { "en": "This is a seesaw", "nl": "Dit is een wipwap", "de": "Dies ist eine Wippe" }, "searchTerms": { "en": [ "teeter-totter", "teeterboard" ] }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/Seesaw-aa.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "playground=playhouse", "then": { "en": "This is a playhouse", "de": "Das ist ein Spielhaus" }, "searchTerms": { "en": [ "Wendyhouse" ] }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/Playhouse.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "playground=roundabout", "then": { "en": "This is a roundabout", "de": "Dies ist ein Karussell" }, "searchTerms": { "en": [ "merry-go-round" ] }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/Manually_powered_carousel_on_a_playground_in_Saint-Petersburg.JPG", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "playground=basketswing", "then": { "en": "This is a basket swing", "de": "Dies ist eine Korbschaukel" }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/Playground_swing_03.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "playground=zipwire", "then": { "en": "This is a zip wire", "de": "Dies ist ein Seilzug" } }, { "if": "playground=horizontal_bar", "then": { "en": "This is a horizontal bar", "nl": "Dit is een rekstok", "de": "Dies ist ein horizontaler Balken" }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/Rekstok.JPG", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "playground=hopscotch", "then": { "en": "This is a hopscotch", "de": "Dies ist ein Hüpfspiel" }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/Hinkelbaan_tegels.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "playground=splash_pad", "then": { "en": "This is a splash pad", "de": "Dies ist ein Planschbecken" }, "searchTerms": { "en": "spray pool" }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/Urbeach-high-park-splashpad.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "playground=climbingwall", "then": { "en": "This is a climbing wall", "de": "Das ist eine Kletterwand" }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/Playground_climbingwall.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "playground=map", "then": { "en": "This is a map", "de": "Das ist eine Karte" }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/Playground_Map,_Washington_Elementary.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "playground=bridge", "then": { "en": "This is a bridge (either as a standalone device or as part of a larger structure)", "de": "Dies ist eine Brücke (entweder als eigenständiges Gerät oder als Teil einer größeren Struktur)" }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/Playground_in_Muchall_Park,_Wolverhampton_-_geograph.org.uk_-_2735437.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "playground=cushion", "then": { "en": "This is a bouncy cushion", "de": "Das ist ein Hüpfkissen" }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/Hupfkissen.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "playground=activitypanel", "then": { "en": "This is an activity panel", "de": "Dies ist ein Aktivitätspanel" }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/Szwedy_-_plac_zabaw_-_kotko_i_krzyzyk.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "playground=teenshelter", "then": { "en": "This is a teen shelter", "de": "Dies ist eine Jugendherberge" }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/Teen_shelter_near_former_coastguard_lookout,_Watchet_-_geograph.org.uk_-_1714960.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "playground=funnel_ball", "then": { "en": "This is a funnel used to play with funnel ball", "de": "Dies ist ein Trichter, mit dem man Trichterball spielen kann" }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/Funnel_ball.jpg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "playground=spinning_circle", "then": { "en": "This is a spinning circle", "de": "Dies ist ein sich drehender Kreis" }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/playground_equipment/Spinning_circle.jpg", "class": "large" } } ] }, { "builtin": "wheelchair-access", "override": { "question": { "en": "Is this device accessible by wheelchair?", "de": "Ist dieses Gerät mit Rollstuhl erreichbar?" } } } ], "allowMove": true, "deletion": { "neededChangesets": 0 } }