import {Utils} from "../../Utils"; import BaseUIElement from "../BaseUIElement"; import {UIEventSource} from "../../Logic/UIEventSource"; import Loc from "../../Models/Loc"; import BaseLayer from "../../Models/BaseLayer"; import AvailableBaseLayers from "../../Logic/Actors/AvailableBaseLayers"; import * as L from "leaflet"; import {Map} from "leaflet"; import Minimap, {MinimapObj, MinimapOptions} from "./Minimap"; import {BBox} from "../../Logic/BBox"; import 'leaflet-polylineoffset' import {SimpleMapScreenshoter} from "leaflet-simple-map-screenshoter"; import BackgroundMapSwitch from "../BigComponents/BackgroundMapSwitch"; import AvailableBaseLayersImplementation from "../../Logic/Actors/AvailableBaseLayersImplementation"; export default class MinimapImplementation extends BaseUIElement implements MinimapObj { private static _nextId = 0; public readonly leafletMap: UIEventSource private readonly _id: string; private readonly _background: UIEventSource; public readonly location: UIEventSource; private _isInited = false; private _allowMoving: boolean; private readonly _leafletoptions: any; private readonly _onFullyLoaded: (leaflet: L.Map) => void private readonly _attribution: BaseUIElement | boolean; public readonly bounds: UIEventSource | undefined; private readonly _addLayerControl: boolean; private readonly _options: MinimapOptions; private constructor(options: MinimapOptions) { super() options = options ?? {} this.leafletMap = options.leafletMap ?? new UIEventSource(undefined) this._background = options?.background ?? new UIEventSource(AvailableBaseLayers.osmCarto) this.location = options?.location ?? new UIEventSource({lat: 0, lon: 0, zoom: 1}) this.bounds = options?.bounds; this._id = "minimap" + MinimapImplementation._nextId; this._allowMoving = options.allowMoving ?? true; this._leafletoptions = options.leafletOptions ?? {} this._onFullyLoaded = options.onFullyLoaded this._attribution = options.attribution this._addLayerControl = options.addLayerControl ?? false this._options = options MinimapImplementation._nextId++ } public static initialize() { AvailableBaseLayers.implement(new AvailableBaseLayersImplementation()) Minimap.createMiniMap = options => new MinimapImplementation(options) } public installBounds(factor: number | BBox, showRange?: boolean) { this.leafletMap.addCallbackD(leaflet => { let bounds; if (typeof factor === "number") { bounds = leaflet.getBounds() leaflet.setMaxBounds(bounds.pad(factor)) } else { // @ts-ignore leaflet.setMaxBounds(factor.toLeaflet()) bounds = leaflet.getBounds() } if (showRange) { const data = { type: "FeatureCollection", features: [{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ bounds.getEast(), bounds.getNorth() ], [ bounds.getWest(), bounds.getNorth() ], [ bounds.getWest(), bounds.getSouth() ], [ bounds.getEast(), bounds.getSouth() ], [ bounds.getEast(), bounds.getNorth() ] ] } }] } // @ts-ignore L.geoJSON(data, { style: { color: "#f00", weight: 2, opacity: 0.4 } }).addTo(leaflet) } }) } Destroy() { super.Destroy(); console.warn("Decomissioning minimap", this._id) const mp = this.leafletMap.setData(null) mp.remove() } public async TakeScreenshot() { const screenshotter = new SimpleMapScreenshoter(); screenshotter.addTo(; return await screenshotter.takeScreen('image') } protected InnerConstructElement(): HTMLElement { const div = document.createElement("div") = this._id; = "100%" = "100%" = "40px" = "40px" = "relative" const wrapper = document.createElement("div") wrapper.appendChild(div) const self = this; // @ts-ignore const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(_ => { if (wrapper.clientHeight === 0 || wrapper.clientWidth === 0) { return; } if (wrapper.offsetParent === null || window.getComputedStyle(wrapper).display === 'none') { // Not visible return; } try { self.InitMap(); self.leafletMap?.data?.invalidateSize() } catch (e) { console.warn("Could not construct a minimap:", e) } }); resizeObserver.observe(div); if (this._addLayerControl) { const switcher = new BackgroundMapSwitch({ locationControl: this.location, backgroundLayer: this._background }, this._background ).SetClass("top-0 right-0 z-above-map absolute") wrapper.appendChild(switcher.ConstructElement()) } return wrapper; } private InitMap() { if (this._constructedHtmlElement === undefined) { // This element isn't initialized yet return; } if (document.getElementById(this._id) === null) { // not yet attached, we probably got some other event return; } if (this._isInited) { return; } this._isInited = true; const location = this.location; const self = this; let currentLayer = let latLon = <[number, number]>[ ?? 0, ?? 0] if (isNaN(latLon[0]) || isNaN(latLon[1])) { latLon = [0, 0] } const options = { center: latLon, zoom: ?? 2, layers: [currentLayer], zoomControl: false, attributionControl: this._attribution !== undefined, dragging: this._allowMoving, scrollWheelZoom: this._allowMoving, doubleClickZoom: this._allowMoving, keyboard: this._allowMoving, touchZoom: this._allowMoving, // Disabling this breaks the geojson layer - don't ask me why! zoomAnimation: this._allowMoving, fadeAnimation: this._allowMoving, maxZoom: 21 } Utils.Merge(this._leafletoptions, options) const map =, options); if (self._onFullyLoaded !== undefined) { currentLayer.on("load", () => { console.log("Fully loaded all tiles!") self._onFullyLoaded(map) }) } // Users are not allowed to zoom to the 'copies' on the left and the right, stuff goes wrong then // We give a bit of leeway for people on the edges // Also see: map.setMaxBounds( [[-100, -200], [100, 200]] ); if (this._attribution !== undefined) { if (this._attribution === true) { map.attributionControl.setPrefix(false) } else { map.attributionControl.setPrefix( ""); } } this._background.addCallbackAndRun(layer => { const newLayer = layer.layer() if (currentLayer !== undefined) { map.removeLayer(currentLayer); } currentLayer = newLayer; if (self._onFullyLoaded !== undefined) { currentLayer.on("load", () => { console.log("Fully loaded all tiles!") self._onFullyLoaded(map) }) } map.addLayer(newLayer); if (self._attribution !== true && self._attribution !== false) { self._attribution?.AttachTo('leaflet-attribution') } }) let isRecursing = false; map.on("moveend", function () { if (isRecursing) { return } if (map.getZoom() === && map.getCenter().lat === && map.getCenter().lng === { return; } = map.getZoom(); = map.getCenter().lat; = map.getCenter().lng; isRecursing = true;; if (self.bounds !== undefined) { self.bounds.setData(BBox.fromLeafletBounds(map.getBounds())) } isRecursing = false; // This is ugly, I know }) location.addCallback(loc => { const mapLoc = map.getCenter() const dlat = Math.abs( - mapLoc[0]) const dlon = Math.abs(loc.lon - mapLoc[1]) if (dlat < 0.000001 && dlon < 0.000001 && map.getZoom() === loc.zoom) { return; } map.setView([, loc.lon], loc.zoom) }) => loc.zoom) .addCallback(zoom => { if (Math.abs(map.getZoom() - zoom) > 0.1) { map.setZoom(zoom, {}); } }) if (self.bounds !== undefined) { self.bounds.setData(BBox.fromLeafletBounds(map.getBounds())) } if (this._options.lastClickLocation) { const lastClickLocation = this._options.lastClickLocation map.on("click", function (e) { // @ts-ignore lastClickLocation?.setData({lat:, lon: e.latlng.lng}) }); map.on("contextmenu", function (e) { // @ts-ignore lastClickLocation?.setData({lat:, lon: e.latlng.lng}); }); } this.leafletMap.setData(map) } }