/** * The full opening hours element, including the table, opening hours picker. * Keeps track of unparsed rules * Exports everything conveniently as a string, for direct use */ import OpeningHoursPicker from "./OpeningHoursPicker" import { Store, UIEventSource } from "../../Logic/UIEventSource" import { VariableUiElement } from "../Base/VariableUIElement" import Combine from "../Base/Combine" import { FixedUiElement } from "../Base/FixedUiElement" import { OH, OpeningHour } from "./OpeningHours" import { InputElement } from "../Input/InputElement" import PublicHolidayInput from "./PublicHolidayInput" import Translations from "../i18n/Translations" import BaseUIElement from "../BaseUIElement" export default class OpeningHoursInput extends InputElement<string> { private readonly _value: UIEventSource<string> private readonly _element: BaseUIElement constructor( value: UIEventSource<string> = new UIEventSource<string>(""), prefix = "", postfix = "" ) { super() this._value = value let valueWithoutPrefix = value if (prefix !== "" && postfix !== "") { valueWithoutPrefix = value.sync( (str) => { if (str === undefined) { return undefined } if (str === "") { return "" } if (str.startsWith(prefix) && str.endsWith(postfix)) { return str.substring(prefix.length, str.length - postfix.length) } return str }, [], (noPrefix) => { if (noPrefix === undefined) { return undefined } if (noPrefix === "") { return "" } if (noPrefix.startsWith(prefix) && noPrefix.endsWith(postfix)) { return noPrefix } return prefix + noPrefix + postfix } ) } const leftoverRules: Store<string[]> = valueWithoutPrefix.map((str) => { if (str === undefined) { return [] } const leftOvers: string[] = [] const rules = str.split(";") for (const rule of rules) { if (OH.ParseRule(rule) !== null) { continue } if (OH.ParsePHRule(rule) !== null) { continue } if (leftOvers.indexOf(rule) >= 0) { continue } leftOvers.push(rule) } return leftOvers }) let ph = "" const rules = valueWithoutPrefix.data?.split(";") ?? [] for (const rule of rules) { if (OH.ParsePHRule(rule) !== null) { ph = rule break } } const phSelector = new PublicHolidayInput(new UIEventSource<string>(ph)) // Note: MUST be bound AFTER the leftover rules! const rulesFromOhPicker: UIEventSource<OpeningHour[]> = valueWithoutPrefix.sync( (str) => { return OH.Parse(str) }, [leftoverRules, phSelector.GetValue()], (rules, oldString) => { // We always add a ';', to easily add new rules. We remove the ';' again at the end of the function // Important: spaces are _not_ allowed after a ';' as it'll destabilize the parsing! let str = OH.ToString(rules) + ";" const ph = phSelector.GetValue().data if (ph) { str += ph + ";" } str += leftoverRules.data.join(";") + ";" str = str.trim() while (str.endsWith(";")) { str = str.substring(0, str.length - 1) } if (str.startsWith(";")) { str = str.substring(1) } str.trim() if (str === oldString) { return oldString // We pass a reference to the old string to stabilize the EventSource } return str } ) const leftoverWarning = new VariableUiElement( leftoverRules.map((leftovers: string[]) => { if (leftovers.length == 0) { return "" } return new Combine([ Translations.t.general.opening_hours.not_all_rules_parsed, new FixedUiElement(leftovers.map((r) => `${r}<br/>`).join("")).SetClass( "subtle" ), ]) }) ) const ohPicker = new OpeningHoursPicker(rulesFromOhPicker) this._element = new Combine([leftoverWarning, ohPicker, phSelector]) } GetValue(): UIEventSource<string> { return this._value } IsValid(t: string): boolean { return true } protected InnerConstructElement(): HTMLElement { return this._element.ConstructElement() } }