<script lang="ts"> import NextButton from "./Base/NextButton.svelte"; import { UIEventSource } from "../Logic/UIEventSource"; import ValidatedInput from "./InputElement/ValidatedInput.svelte"; import EditLayerState from "./Studio/EditLayerState"; import EditLayer from "./Studio/EditLayer.svelte"; import Loading from "../assets/svg/Loading.svelte"; import Marker from "./Map/Marker.svelte"; import { AllSharedLayers } from "../Customizations/AllSharedLayers"; import StudioServer from "./Studio/StudioServer"; import LoginToggle from "./Base/LoginToggle.svelte"; import { OsmConnection } from "../Logic/Osm/OsmConnection"; import { QueryParameters } from "../Logic/Web/QueryParameters"; import layerSchemaRaw from "../../src/assets/schemas/layerconfigmeta.json"; import If from "./Base/If.svelte"; export let studioUrl = window.location.hostname === "" ? "" : "https://studio.mapcomplete.org"; const studio = new StudioServer(studioUrl); let layersWithErr = UIEventSource.FromPromiseWithErr(studio.fetchLayerOverview()); let layers = layersWithErr.mapD(l => l.success); let state: undefined | "edit_layer" | "new_layer" | "edit_theme" | "new_theme" | "editing_layer" | "loading" = undefined; let initialLayerConfig: { id: string }; let newLayerId = new UIEventSource<string>(""); /** * Also used in the input field as 'feedback', hence not a mappedStore as it must be writable */ let layerIdFeedback = new UIEventSource<string>(undefined); newLayerId.addCallbackD(layerId => { if (layerId === "") { return; } if (layers.data?.has(layerId)) { layerIdFeedback.setData("This id is already used"); } }, [layers]); const layerSchema: ConfigMeta[] = <any>layerSchemaRaw; let editLayerState = new EditLayerState(layerSchema, studio); function fetchIconDescription(layerId): any { return AllSharedLayers.getSharedLayersConfigs().get(layerId)?._layerIcon; } async function createNewLayer() { if(layerIdFeedback.data !== undefined){ console.warn("There is still some feedback - not starting to create a new layer") return } state = "loading"; const id = newLayerId.data; const createdBy = osmConnection.userDetails.data.name; try { const loaded = await studio.fetchLayer(id); initialLayerConfig = loaded ?? { id, credits: createdBy, minzoom: 15, pointRendering: [ { location: ["point", "centroid"], marker: [{ icon: "circle", color: "white" }] } ], lineRendering: [{ width: 1, color: "blue" }] }; } catch (e) { initialLayerConfig = { id, credits: createdBy }; } state = "editing_layer"; } let osmConnection = new OsmConnection(new OsmConnection({ oauth_token: QueryParameters.GetQueryParameter( "oauth_token", undefined, "Used to complete the login" ) })); </script> <If condition={layersWithErr.map(d => d?.error !== undefined)}> <div> <div class="alert"> Something went wrong while contacting the MapComplete Studio Server: {$layersWithErr["error"]} </div> The server might be offline. Please: <ul> <li> Try again in a few minutes </li> <li> Contact <a href="https://app.element.io/#/room/#MapComplete:matrix.org">the MapComplete community via the chat.</a> Someone might be able to help you </li> <li> File <a href="https://github.com/pietervdvn/MapComplete/issues">an issue</a> </li> <li> Contact the devs via <a href="mailto:info@posteo.net">email</a> </li> </ul> </div> <LoginToggle ignoreLoading={true} slot="else" state={{osmConnection}}> <div slot="not-logged-in"> <NextButton clss="primary" on:click={() => osmConnection.AttemptLogin()}> Please log in to use MapComplete Studio </NextButton> </div> {#if state === undefined} <h1>MapComplete Studio</h1> <div class="w-full flex flex-col"> <NextButton on:click={() => state = "edit_layer"}> Edit an existing layer </NextButton> <NextButton on:click={() => state = "new_layer"}> Create a new layer </NextButton> <!-- <NextButton on:click={() => state = "edit_theme"}> Edit a theme </NextButton> <NextButton on:click={() => state = "new_theme"}> Create a new theme </NextButton> --> </div> {:else if state === "edit_layer"} <div class="flex flex-wrap"> {#each Array.from($layers) as layerId} <NextButton clss="small" on:click={async () => { state = "loading" initialLayerConfig = await studio.fetchLayer(layerId) state = "editing_layer" }}> <div class="w-4 h-4 mr-1"> <Marker icons={fetchIconDescription(layerId)} /> </div> {layerId} </NextButton> {/each} </div> {:else if state === "new_layer"} <div class="interactive flex m-2 rounded-2xl flex-col p-2"> <h3>Enter the ID for the new layer</h3> A good ID is: <ul> <li>a noun</li> <li>singular</li> <li>describes the object</li> <li>in English</li> </ul> <div class="m-2 p-2 w-full"> <ValidatedInput type="id" value={newLayerId} feedback={layerIdFeedback} on:submit={() => createNewLayer()} /> </div> {#if $layerIdFeedback !== undefined} <div class="alert"> {$layerIdFeedback} </div> {:else } <NextButton clss="primary" on:click={() => createNewLayer()}> Create layer {$newLayerId} </NextButton> {/if} </div> {:else if state === "loading"} <div class="w-8 h-8"> <Loading /> </div> {:else if state === "editing_layer"} <EditLayer {initialLayerConfig} state={editLayerState} /> {/if} </LoginToggle> </If>