import { Store, UIEventSource } from "../../Logic/UIEventSource" import StaticFeatureSource from "../../Logic/FeatureSource/Sources/StaticFeatureSource" import { SpecialVisualization, SpecialVisualizationState } from "../SpecialVisualization" import { Feature } from "geojson" import { MapLibreAdaptor } from "../Map/MapLibreAdaptor" import SvelteUIElement from "../Base/SvelteUIElement" import MaplibreMap from "../Map/MaplibreMap.svelte" import ShowDataLayer from "../Map/ShowDataLayer" import LayerConfig from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/LayerConfig" import { GeoOperations } from "../../Logic/GeoOperations" import { BBox } from "../../Logic/BBox" export class MinimapViz implements SpecialVisualization { funcName = "minimap" docs = "A small map showing the selected feature." needsUrls = [] args = [ { doc: "The (maximum) zoomlevel: the target zoomlevel after fitting the entire feature. The minimap will fit the entire feature, then zoom out to this zoom level. The higher, the more zoomed in with 1 being the entire world and 19 being really close", name: "zoomlevel", defaultValue: "18", }, { doc: "(Matches all resting arguments) This argument should be the key of a property of the feature. The corresponding value is interpreted as either the id or the a list of ID's. The features with these ID's will be shown on this minimap. (Note: if the key is 'id', list interpration is disabled)", name: "idKey", defaultValue: "id", }, ] example: "`{minimap()}`, `{minimap(17, id, _list_of_embedded_feature_ids_calculated_by_calculated_tag):height:10rem; border: 2px solid black}`" constr( state: SpecialVisualizationState, tagSource: UIEventSource<Record<string, string>>, args: string[], feature: Feature, layer: LayerConfig ) { if (state === undefined || feature === undefined || layer.source === undefined) { return undefined } const keys = [...args] keys.splice(0, 1) const featuresToShow: Store<Feature[]> = (featuresById) => { if (featuresById === undefined) { return [] } const properties = const features: Feature[] = [] for (const key of keys) { const value = properties[key] if (value === undefined || value === null) { continue } let idList = [value] if (Array.isArray(value)) { idList = value } else if ( key !== "id" && typeof value === "string" && value?.startsWith("[") ) { // This is a list of values idList = JSON.parse(value) } for (const id of idList) { const feature = featuresById.get(id) if (feature === undefined) { console.warn("No feature found for id ", id) continue } features.push(feature) } } return features }, [tagSource] ) const mlmap = new UIEventSource(undefined) const mla = new MapLibreAdaptor(mlmap, { rasterLayer: state.mapProperties.rasterLayer }) mla.maxzoom.setData(17) let zoom = 18 if (args[0]) { const parsed = Number(args[0]) if (!isNaN(parsed) && parsed > 0 && parsed < 25) { zoom = parsed } } featuresToShow.addCallbackAndRunD((features) => { if (features.length === 0) { return } const bboxGeojson = GeoOperations.bbox({ features, type: "FeatureCollection" }) const [lon, lat] = GeoOperations.centerpointCoordinates(bboxGeojson) mla.bounds.setData(BBox.get(bboxGeojson)) mla.location.setData({ lon, lat }) }) mla.zoom.setData(zoom) mla.allowMoving.setData(false) mla.allowZooming.setData(false) ShowDataLayer.showMultipleLayers( mlmap, new StaticFeatureSource(featuresToShow), state.layout.layers ) return new SvelteUIElement(MaplibreMap, { map: mlmap }) .SetClass("h-40 rounded") .SetStyle("overflow: hidden; pointer-events: none;") } }