{ "id": "stairs", "name": { "en": "Stairs", "nl": "Trappen", "de": "Treppen", "ca": "Escales", "cs": "Schody" }, "description": { "en": "Layer showing stairs and escalators", "de": "Ebene mit Treppen und Rolltreppen", "nl": "Laag met trappen en roltrappen", "ca": "Capa que mostra escales i escales mecàniques", "cs": "Vrstva zobrazující schody a eskalátory" }, "source": { "osmTags": "highway=steps" }, "minzoom": 17, "title": { "render": { "en": "Stairs", "nl": "Trap", "de": "Treppe", "ca": "Escales", "cs": "Schody" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "conveying=yes", "then": { "en": "Escalator", "nl": "Roltrap", "de": "Rolltreppe", "ca": "Escala mecànica", "cs": "Jezdící schody" } } ] }, "pointRendering": [ { "marker": [ { "icon": "circle", "color": "white" }, { "icon": "./assets/layers/stairs/stairs.svg" } ], "location": [ "point" ] } ], "lineRendering": [ { "color": "gray", "width": 10, "dashArray": "6 12" } ], "tagRenderings": [ "images", { "builtin": "multilevels", "override": { "question": { "en": "Between which levels are these stairs?", "nl": "Tussen welke verdiepingen loopt deze trap?", "de": "Zwischen welchen Stockwerken befindet sich diese Treppe?", "ca": "Entre quines plantes estan aquestes escales?", "cs": "Mezi kterými podlažími jsou tyto schody?" }, "render": { "en": "These stairs are between the levels {level}", "nl": "Deze trap loopt tussen de verdiepingen {level}", "de": "Diese Treppe ist zwischen den Stockwerken {level}", "ca": "Aquestes escales estan entre les plantes {level}", "cs": "Tyto schody jsou mezi patry {level}" } } }, { "id": "conveying", "mappings": [ { "if": "conveying=yes", "then": { "en": "This is an escalator", "nl": "Dit is een roltrap", "de": "Das ist eine Rolltreppe", "ca": "Açò és una escala mecànica", "cs": "Jedná se o eskalátor" } }, { "if": "conveying=no", "then": { "en": "This is not an escalator", "nl": "Dit is geen roltrap", "de": "Das ist keine Rolltreppe", "ca": "Açò no és una escala mecànica", "cs": "Nejedná se o eskalátor" } }, { "if": "conveying=", "then": { "en": "This is not an escalator", "nl": "Dit is geen roltrap", "de": "Das ist keine Rolltreppe", "ca": "Això no és una escala mecànica", "cs": "Nejedná se o eskalátor" }, "hideInAnswer": true } ] }, { "id": "handrail", "question": { "en": "Does this stair have a handrail?", "nl": "Heeft deze trap een leuning?", "de": "Hat die Treppe einen Handlauf?", "ca": "Aquestes escales tenen un passamà?", "cs": "Má toto schodiště zábradlí?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "handrail=yes", "then": { "en": "These stairs have a handrail", "nl": "Deze trap heeft een leuning", "de": "Die Treppe hat einen Handlauf", "ca": "Aquestes escales tenen barana", "cs": "Tyto schody mají zábradlí" } }, { "if": "handrail=no", "then": { "en": "These stairs do not have a handrail", "nl": "Deze trap heeft geen leuning", "de": "Die Treppe hat keinen Handlauf", "ca": "Aquestes escales no tenen un passamà", "cs": "Tyto schody nemají zábradlí" } } ], "condition": "conveying!=yes" }, { "id": "tactile_writing", "condition": { "and": [ "handrail=yes", "conveying!=yes" ] }, "question": { "en": "Do these stairs have tactile writing on the handrail?", "de": "Hat die Treppe eine taktile Schrift am Handlauf?", "nl": "Heeft deze trap voelbaar schrift op de leuning?", "ca": "Aquestes escales tenen escriptura braille a la barana?", "cs": "Mají tyto schody hmatový nápis na zábradlí?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "tactile_writing=yes", "then": { "en": "There is tactile writing on the handrail", "de": "Am Handlauf gibt es taktile Schrift", "nl": "Er is voelbaar schrift op de leuning", "ca": "Hi ha escriptura braille a la barana", "cs": "Na zábradlí je hmatový nápis" } }, { "if": "tactile_writing=no", "then": { "en": "There is no tactile writing on the handrail", "de": "Am Handlauf gibt es keine taktile Schrift", "nl": "Er is geen voelbaar schrift op de leuning", "ca": "No hi ha escriptura braille a la barana", "cs": "Na zábradlí není žádné hmatové psaní" } } ] }, { "id": "tactile_writing_language", "condition": "tactile_writing=yes", "render": { "special": { "type": "language_chooser", "key": "tactile_writing:braille", "question": { "en": "In which languages is there tactile writing (braille) for navigation? ", "de": "In welchen Sprachen gibt es taktile Schrift (Braille) für die Navigation? ", "nl": "In welke talen is er voelbaar schrift (braille) voor navigatie? ", "ca": "En quins idiomes hi ha escriptura tàctil (braille) per a la navegació? ", "cs": "Ve kterých jazycích existuje hmatové písmo (braillské písmo) pro navigaci? " }, "render_list_item": { "en": "These stairs have tactile writing in {language():font-bold}", "de": "Die Treppe hat taktile Schrift in {language():font-bold}", "nl": "Deze trap heeft voelbaar schrijft in {language():font-bold}", "ca": "Aquestes escales tenen escriptura tàctil en {language():font-bold}", "cs": "Tyto schody mají hmatové písmo v {language():font-bold}" }, "render_single_language": { "en": "These stairs have tactile writing in {language():font-bold}", "de": "Die Treppe hat taktile Schrift in {language():font-bold}", "nl": "Deze trap heeft voelbaar schrijft in {language():font-bold}", "ca": "Aquestes escales tenen escriptura tàctil en {language():font-bold}", "cs": "Tyto schody mají hmatové písmo v {language():font-bold}" } } } }, { "id": "ramp", "question": { "en": "Is there a ramp at these stairs?", "de": "Gibt es eine Rampe an dieser Treppe?", "nl": "Is er een helling bij deze trap?", "ca": "Hi ha una rampa en aquestes escales?", "cs": "Je u těchto schodů rampa?" }, "multiAnswer": true, "mappings": [ { "if": "ramp:bicycle=yes", "ifnot": "ramp:bicycle=no", "then": { "en": "There is a ramp for bicycles here", "de": "Hier gibt es eine Rampe für Fahrräder", "nl": "Er is hier een helling voor fietsen", "ca": "Aquí hi ha una rampa per a bicicletes", "cs": "Je zde rampa pro kola" } }, { "if": "ramp:wheelchair=yes", "ifnot": "ramp:wheelchair=no", "then": { "en": "There is a ramp for wheelchairs here", "de": "Hier gibt es eine Rampe für Rollstühle", "nl": "Er is hier een helling voor rolstoelen", "ca": "Aquí hi ha una rampa per a cadires de rodes", "cs": "Je zde rampa pro vozíčkáře" } }, { "if": "ramp=separate", "then": { "en": "There is ramp for wheelchairs here, but it is shown separately on the map", "de": "Hier gibt es eine Rampe für Rollstühle, die jedoch auf der Karte separat angezeigt wird", "nl": "Er is hier een helling voor rolstoelen, maar deze is los aangegeven op de kaart", "ca": "Aquí hi ha una rampa per a cadira de rodes, però es mostra separadament al mapa", "cs": "Je zde rampa pro vozíčkáře, ale na mapě je zobrazena samostatně" }, "hideInAnswer": true }, { "if": "ramp:stroller=yes", "ifnot": "ramp:stroller=no", "then": { "en": "There is a ramp for strollers here", "de": "Hier gibt es eine Rampe für Kinderwagen", "nl": "Er is hier een helling voor kinderwagens", "ca": "Aquí hi ha una rampa per als cotxets", "cs": "Je zde rampa pro kočárky" } }, { "if": "ramp=no", "ifnot": "ramp=", "then": { "en": "There is no ramp at these stairs", "de": "An dieser Treppe gibt es keine Rampe", "nl": "Er is hier geen helling", "ca": "No hi ha cap rampa en aquestes escales", "cs": "U těchto schodů není žádná rampa" } } ], "condition": "conveying!=yes" }, { "id": "incline", "render": { "en": "These stairs have an incline of {incline}", "ca": "Aquestes escales tenen una inclinació de {incline}", "de": "Die Treppe hat eine Steigung von {incline}" }, "freeform": { "key": "incline", "type": "slope" }, "question": { "en": "What is the incline of these stairs?", "ca": "Quina és la inclinació d'aquestes escales?", "de": "Welche Steigung hat die Treppe?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "incline=up", "then": { "en": "The upward direction is {direction_absolute()}", "ca": "La direcció ascendent és {direction_absolute()}", "de": "Die Aufwärtsrichtung ist {direction_absolute()}" }, "hideInAnswer": true }, { "if": "incline=down", "then": { "en": "The downward direction is {direction_absolute()}", "ca": "La direcció descendent és {direction_absolute()}", "de": "Die Abwärtsrichtung ist {direction_absolute()}" }, "hideInAnswer": true } ] } ] }