{ "id": "cafe_pub", "name": { "nl": "Cafés", "en": "Cafés and pubs", "de": "Cafés und Kneipen", "fr": "Cafés et pubs", "zh_Hant": "咖啡廳與酒吧", "hu": "Kávézók és kocsmák", "es": "Cafeterías y bares" }, "source": { "osmTags": { "or": [ "amenity=bar", "amenity=pub", "amenity=cafe", "amenity=biergarten" ] } }, "presets": [ { "tags": [ "amenity=pub" ], "title": { "en": "a pub", "nl": "een bruin café of kroeg", "de": "eine kneipe", "ru": "паб", "hu": "kocsma", "ca": "un bar" }, "description": { "en": "A pub, mostly for drinking beers in a warm, relaxed interior", "nl": "Dit is <b>een bruin café of een kroeg</b> waar voornamelijk bier wordt gedronken. De inrichting is typisch gezellig met veel houtwerk", "de": "Eine Kneipe, in der vor allem Bier in ruhiger, entspannter Atmosphäre getrunken wird", "es": "Un bar, principalmente para beber cervezas en un interior templado y relajado" }, "preciseInput": { "preferredBackground": "map" } }, { "tags": [ "amenity=bar" ], "title": { "en": "a bar", "nl": "een bar", "de": "eine bar", "ru": "бар", "hu": "bár", "ca": "un pub" }, "description": { "en": "A more modern and commercial <b>bar</b>, possibly with a music and light installation", "nl": "Dit is een <b>bar</b> waar men ter plaatse alcoholische drank nuttigt. De inrichting is typisch modern en commercieel, soms met lichtinstallatie en feestmuziek", "de": "Eine modernere und kommerzielle <b>Bar</b>, möglicherweise mit einer Musik- und Lichtinstallation" }, "preciseInput": { "preferredBackground": "map" } }, { "tags": [ "amenity=cafe" ], "title": { "en": "a cafe", "nl": "een café", "de": "eine café", "ru": "кафе", "hu": "kávézó", "ca": "un cafè" }, "description": { "en": "A <b>cafe</b> to drink tea, coffee or an alcoholical bevarage in a quiet environment", "nl": "Dit is een <b>cafe</b> - een plaats waar men rustig kan zitten om een thee, koffie of alcoholische drank te nuttigen.", "de": "Ein <b>Café</b>, um in ruhiger Umgebung Tee, Kaffee oder ein alkoholisches Getränk zu trinken" }, "preciseInput": { "preferredBackground": "map" } } ], "title": { "render": { "en": "Pub", "nl": "Café", "ca": "Bar", "de": "Kneipe" }, "mappings": [ { "if": { "and": [ "name~*" ] }, "then": { "nl": "<i>{name}</i>", "en": "<i>{name}</i>", "de": "<i>{name}</i>", "ru": "<i>{name}</i>", "ca": "<i>{name}</i>" } } ] }, "tagRenderings": [ "images", { "question": { "nl": "Wat is de naam van dit café?", "en": "What is the name of this pub?", "de": "Wie heißt diese Kneipe?", "fr": "Quel est le nom de ce pub ?", "hu": "Mi a neve ennek a kocsmának?" }, "render": { "nl": "De naam van dit café is {name}", "en": "This pub is named {name}", "de": "Diese Kneipe heißt {name}", "fr": "Ce pub se nomme {name}", "hu": "A kocsma neve: {name}" }, "freeform": { "key": "name" }, "id": "Name" }, { "question": { "en": "What kind of cafe is this", "nl": "Welk soort café is dit?", "de": "Was ist das für ein Café", "hu": "Milyen fajta kávézó ez?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "amenity=pub", "then": { "en": "A pub, mostly for drinking beers in a warm, relaxed interior", "nl": "Dit is <b>een bruin café of een kroeg</b> waar voornamelijk bier wordt gedronken. De inrichting is typisch gezellig met veel houtwerk", "de": "Eine Kneipe, in der vor allem Bier in ruhiger, entspannter Atmosphäre getrunken wird" } }, { "if": "amenity=bar", "then": { "en": "A more modern and commercial <b>bar</b>, possibly with a music and light installation", "nl": "Dit is een <b>bar</b> waar men ter plaatse alcoholische drank nuttigt. De inrichting is typisch modern en commercieel, soms met lichtinstallatie en feestmuziek", "de": "Eine modernere und kommerzielle <b>Bar</b>, möglicherweise mit einer Musik- und Lichtinstallation" } }, { "if": "amenity=cafe", "then": { "en": "A <b>cafe</b> to drink tea, coffee or an alcoholical bevarage in a quiet environment", "nl": "Dit is een <b>cafe</b> - een plaats waar men rustig kan zitten om een thee, koffie of alcoholische drank te nuttigen.", "de": "Ein <b>Café</b>, um in ruhiger Umgebung Tee, Kaffee oder ein alkoholisches Getränk zu trinken" } }, { "if": "amenity=restaurant", "then": { "en": "A <b>restuarant</b> where one can get a proper meal", "nl": "Dit is een <b>restaurant</b> waar men een maaltijd geserveerd krijgt", "de": "Ein <b>Restaurant</b>, in dem man ordentlich essen kann" } }, { "if": "amenity=biergarten", "then": { "en": "An open space where beer is served, typically seen in Germany", "nl": "Een open ruimte waar bier geserveerd wordt. Typisch in Duitsland", "de": "Ein Außenbereich mit Bierausschank, typischerweise in Deutschland" }, "hideInAnswer": "_country!=de" } ], "id": "Classification" }, "opening_hours", "website", "email", "phone", "payment-options", "wheelchair-access", "service:electricity", "dog-access" ], "filter": [ { "id": "opened-now", "options": [ { "question": { "en": "Opened now", "nl": "Nu geopened", "de": "Derzeit geöffnet", "fr": "Ouvert maintenant", "hu": "Most nyitva van", "ca": "Obert ara", "es": "Abiert oahora" }, "osmTags": "_isOpen=yes" } ] } ], "deletion": { "softDeletionTags": { "and": [ "amenity=", "disused:amenity:={amenity}" ] }, "extraDeleteReasons": [ { "explanation": { "nl": "{title()} is permanent gestopt", "en": "{title()} has closed down permanently", "de": "{title()} wurde dauerhaft geschlossen", "es": "{title()} ha cerrado permanentemente" }, "changesetMessage": "shop_closed" } ] }, "allowMove": true, "mapRendering": [ { "icon": { "render": "circle:white;./assets/layers/cafe_pub/pub.svg", "mappings": [ { "if": "amenity=cafe", "then": "circle:white;./assets/layers/cafe_pub/cafe.svg" } ] }, "iconBadges": [ { "if": "opening_hours~*", "then": "isOpen" } ], "label": { "mappings": [ { "if": "name~*", "then": "<div style='background: white; padding: 0.25em; border-radius:0.5em'>{name}</div>" } ] }, "location": [ "point", "centroid" ] } ], "description": { "en": "A layer showing cafés and pubs where one can gather around a drink. The layer asks for some relevant questions", "hu": "Egy olyan réteg, amely kávézókat és kocsmákat jelenít meg, ahol össze lehet gyűlni egy ital köré. A réteg néhány lényeges kérdést tesz fel", "nl": "Een laag die kroegen en koffiehuizen toont waar je iets kunt drinken. De laag zal je enkele vragen stellen", "de": "Eine Ebene mit Cafés und Kneipen, in denen man sich auf ein Getränk treffen kann. Die Ebene fragt nach einigen relevanten Eigenschaften", "es": "Una capa que muestra cafeterías y bares donde uno se puede reunir con una bebida. La capa pregunta algunas preguntas relevantes" } }