import {UIEventSource} from "../UI/UIEventSource"; import {ImagesInCategory, Wikidata, Wikimedia} from "./Wikimedia"; import {WikimediaImage} from "../UI/Image/WikimediaImage"; import {SimpleImageElement} from "../UI/Image/SimpleImageElement"; import {UIElement} from "../UI/UIElement"; import {Changes} from "./Changes"; /** * Class which search for all the possible locations for images and which builds a list of UI-elements for it. * Note that this list is embedded into an UIEVentSource, ready to put it into a carousel */ export class ImageSearcher extends UIEventSource { private readonly _tags: UIEventSource; private readonly _wdItem = new UIEventSource(""); private readonly _commons = new UIEventSource(""); private _activated: boolean = false; private _changes: Changes; constructor(tags: UIEventSource, changes: Changes) { super([]); this._tags = tags; this._changes = changes; const self = this; this._wdItem.addCallback(() => { // Load the wikidata item, then detect usage on 'commons' let wikidataId =; // @ts-ignore if (wikidataId.startsWith("Q")) { wikidataId = wikidataId.substr(1); } Wikimedia.GetWikiData(parseInt(wikidataId), (wd: Wikidata) => { self.AddImage(wd.image); Wikimedia.GetCategoryFiles(wd.commonsWiki, (images: ImagesInCategory) => { for (const image of images.images) { // @ts-ignore if (image.startsWith("File:")) { self.AddImage(image); } } }) }) } ); this._commons.addCallback(() => { const commons: string =; // @ts-ignore if (commons.startsWith("Category:")) { Wikimedia.GetCategoryFiles(commons, (images: ImagesInCategory) => { for (const image of images.images) { // @ts-ignore if (image.startsWith("File:")) { self.AddImage(image); } } }) } else { // @ts-ignore if (commons.startsWith("File:")) { self.AddImage(commons); } } }); } private AddImage(url: string) { if (url === undefined || url === null) { return; } for (const el of { if (el === url) { return; } };; } private ImageKey(url: string): string { const tgs =; for (const key in tgs) { if (tgs[key] === url) { return key; } } return undefined; } public IsDeletable(url: string): boolean { return this.ImageKey(url) !== undefined; } public Delete(url: string): void { const key = this.ImageKey(url); if(key === undefined){ return; } console.log("Deleting image...", key, " --> ", url); this._changes.addChange(, key, ""); } public Activate() { if (this._activated) { return; } this._activated = true; this.LoadImages(); const self = this; this._tags.addCallback(() => self.LoadImages()); } private LoadImages(): void { if (!this._activated) { return; } const imageTag =; if (imageTag !== undefined) { const bareImages = imageTag.split(";"); for (const bareImage of bareImages) { this.AddImage(bareImage); } } for (const key in { // @ts-ignore if(key.startsWith("image:")){ this.AddImage([key]); } } const wdItem =; if (wdItem !== undefined) { this._wdItem.setData(wdItem); } const commons =; if (commons !== undefined) { this._commons.setData(commons); } } /*** * Creates either a 'simpleimage' or a 'wikimediaimage' based on the string * @param url * @constructor */ static CreateImageElement(url: string): UIElement { const urlSource = new UIEventSource(url); // @ts-ignore if (url.startsWith("File:")) { return new WikimediaImage(; } else { return new SimpleImageElement(urlSource); } } }