import {equal} from "assert"; import T from "./TestHelper"; import Locale from "../UI/i18n/Locale"; import {OH, OpeningHour} from "../UI/OpeningHours/OpeningHours"; import {Tag} from "../Logic/Tags/Tag"; import {And} from "../Logic/Tags/And"; import {TagUtils} from "../Logic/Tags/TagUtils"; import TagRenderingConfig from "../Models/ThemeConfig/TagRenderingConfig"; export default class TagSpec extends T { constructor() { super([ ["Parse tag config", (() => { const multiMatch = TagUtils.Tag("vending~.*bicycle_tube.*") as Tag; equal(multiMatch.matchesProperties({"vending": "bicycle_tube"}), true) equal(multiMatch.matchesProperties({"vending": "something;bicycle_tube"}), true) equal(multiMatch.matchesProperties({"vending": "bicycle_tube;something"}), true) equal(multiMatch.matchesProperties({"vending": "xyz;bicycle_tube;something"}), true) const nameStartsWith = TagUtils.Tag("name~[sS]peelbos.*") equal(nameStartsWith.matchesProperties({"name": "Speelbos Sint-Anna"}), true) equal(nameStartsWith.matchesProperties({"name": "speelbos Sint-Anna"}), true) equal(nameStartsWith.matchesProperties({"name": "Sint-Anna"}), false) equal(nameStartsWith.matchesProperties({"name": ""}), false) const assign = TagUtils.Tag("survey:date:={_date:now}") equal(assign.matchesProperties({"survey:date": "2021-03-29", "_date:now": "2021-03-29"}), true); equal(assign.matchesProperties({"survey:date": "2021-03-29", "_date:now": "2021-01-01"}), false); equal(assign.matchesProperties({"survey:date": "2021-03-29"}), false); equal(assign.matchesProperties({"_date:now": "2021-03-29"}), false); equal(assign.matchesProperties({"some_key": "2021-03-29"}), false); const notEmptyList = TagUtils.Tag("xyz!~\\[\\]") equal(notEmptyList.matchesProperties({"xyz": undefined}), true); equal(notEmptyList.matchesProperties({"xyz": "[]"}), false); equal(notEmptyList.matchesProperties({"xyz": "[\"abc\"]"}), true); let compare = TagUtils.Tag("key<=5") equal(compare.matchesProperties({"key": undefined}), false); equal(compare.matchesProperties({"key": "6"}), false); equal(compare.matchesProperties({"key": "5"}), true); equal(compare.matchesProperties({"key": "4"}), true); compare = TagUtils.Tag("key<5") equal(compare.matchesProperties({"key": undefined}), false); equal(compare.matchesProperties({"key": "6"}), false); equal(compare.matchesProperties({"key": "5"}), false); equal(compare.matchesProperties({"key": "4.2"}), true); compare = TagUtils.Tag("key>5") equal(compare.matchesProperties({"key": undefined}), false); equal(compare.matchesProperties({"key": "6"}), true); equal(compare.matchesProperties({"key": "5"}), false); equal(compare.matchesProperties({"key": "4.2"}), false); compare = TagUtils.Tag("key>=5") equal(compare.matchesProperties({"key": undefined}), false); equal(compare.matchesProperties({"key": "6"}), true); equal(compare.matchesProperties({"key": "5"}), true); equal(compare.matchesProperties({"key": "4.2"}), false); const importMatch = TagUtils.Tag("tags~(^|.*;)amenity=public_bookcase($|;.*)") equal(importMatch.matchesProperties({"tags": "amenity=public_bookcase;name=test"}), true) equal(importMatch.matchesProperties({"tags": "amenity=public_bookcase"}), true) equal(importMatch.matchesProperties({"tags": "name=test;amenity=public_bookcase"}), true) equal(importMatch.matchesProperties({"tags": "amenity=bench"}), false) })], ["Is equivalent test", (() => { const t0 = new And([ new Tag("valves:special", "A"), new Tag("valves", "A") ]) const t1 = new And([ new Tag("valves", "A") ]) const t2 = new And([ new Tag("valves", "B") ]) equal(true, t0.isEquivalent(t0)) equal(true, t1.isEquivalent(t1)) equal(true, t2.isEquivalent(t2)) equal(false, t0.isEquivalent(t1)) equal(false, t0.isEquivalent(t2)) equal(false, t1.isEquivalent(t0)) equal(false, t1.isEquivalent(t2)) equal(false, t2.isEquivalent(t0)) equal(false, t2.isEquivalent(t1)) })], ["Parse tag rendering", (() => { Locale.language.setData("nl"); const tr = new TagRenderingConfig({ render: ({"en": "Name is {name}", "nl": "Ook een {name}"} as any), question: "Wat is de naam van dit object?", freeform: { key: "name", }, mappings: [ { if: "noname=yes", "then": "Has no name" } ], condition: "x=" }, "Tests"); equal(undefined, tr.GetRenderValue({"foo": "bar"})); equal("Has no name", tr.GetRenderValue({"noname": "yes"})?.txt); equal("Ook een {name}", tr.GetRenderValue({"name": "xyz"})?.txt); equal(undefined, tr.GetRenderValue({"foo": "bar"})); })], [ "Test not with overpass", () => { const t = { and: [ "boundary=protected_area", "protect_class!=98" ] } const filter = TagUtils.Tag(t) const overpass = filter.asOverpass(); console.log(overpass) equal(overpass[0], "[\"boundary\"=\"protected_area\"][\"protect_class\"!~\"^98$\"]") const or = { or: [ "leisure=nature_reserve", t ] } const overpassOr = TagUtils.Tag(or).asOverpass() equal(2, overpassOr.length) equal(overpassOr[1], "[\"boundary\"=\"protected_area\"][\"protect_class\"!~\"^98$\"]") const orInOr = { or: [ "amenity=drinking_water", or ] } const overpassOrInor = TagUtils.Tag(orInOr).asOverpass() equal(3, overpassOrInor.length) } ], [ "Test regex to overpass",() => { /*(Specifiation to parse, expected value for new RegexTag(spec).asOverpass()[0]) */ [["a~*", `"a"`], ["a~[xyz]",`"a"~"^[xyz]$"`]].forEach(([spec, expected]) =>{ T.equals(`[${expected}]`, TagUtils.Tag( spec ).asOverpass()[0], "RegexRendering failed") } ) } ], [ "Merge touching opening hours", () => { const oh1: OpeningHour = { weekday: 0, startHour: 10, startMinutes: 0, endHour: 11, endMinutes: 0 }; const oh0: OpeningHour = { weekday: 0, startHour: 11, startMinutes: 0, endHour: 12, endMinutes: 0 }; const merged = OH.MergeTimes([oh0, oh1]); const r = merged[0]; equal(merged.length, 1); equal(r.startHour, 10); equal(r.endHour, 12) } ], [ "Merge overlapping opening hours", () => { const oh1: OpeningHour = { weekday: 0, startHour: 10, startMinutes: 0, endHour: 11, endMinutes: 0 }; const oh0: OpeningHour = { weekday: 0, startHour: 10, startMinutes: 30, endHour: 12, endMinutes: 0 }; const merged = OH.MergeTimes([oh0, oh1]); const r = merged[0]; equal(merged.length, 1); equal(r.startHour, 10); equal(r.endHour, 12) }], ["Parse OH 1", () => { const rules = OH.ParseRule("11:00-19:00"); equal(rules.length, 7); equal(rules[0].weekday, 0); equal(rules[0].startHour, 11); equal(rules[3].endHour, 19); }], ["Parse OH 2", () => { const rules = OH.ParseRule("Mo-Th 11:00-19:00"); equal(rules.length, 4); equal(rules[0].weekday, 0); equal(rules[0].startHour, 11); equal(rules[3].endHour, 19); }], ["JOIN OH 1", () => { const rules = OH.ToString([ { weekday: 0, endHour: 12, endMinutes: 0, startHour: 10, startMinutes: 0 }, { weekday: 0, endHour: 17, endMinutes: 0, startHour: 13, startMinutes: 0 }, { weekday: 1, endHour: 17, endMinutes: 0, startHour: 13, startMinutes: 0 }, { weekday: 1, endHour: 12, endMinutes: 0, startHour: 10, startMinutes: 0 }, ]); equal(rules, "Mo-Tu 10:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00"); }], ["JOIN OH 2", () => { const rules = OH.ToString([ { weekday: 1, endHour: 17, endMinutes: 0, startHour: 13, startMinutes: 0 }, { weekday: 1, endHour: 12, endMinutes: 0, startHour: 10, startMinutes: 0 }, ]); equal(rules, "Tu 10:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00"); }], ["JOIN OH 3", () => { const rules = OH.ToString([ { weekday: 3, endHour: 17, endMinutes: 0, startHour: 13, startMinutes: 0 }, { weekday: 1, endHour: 12, endMinutes: 0, startHour: 10, startMinutes: 0 }, ]); equal(rules, "Tu 10:00-12:00; Th 13:00-17:00"); }], ["JOIN OH 3", () => { const rules = OH.ToString([ { weekday: 6, endHour: 17, endMinutes: 0, startHour: 13, startMinutes: 0 }, { weekday: 1, endHour: 12, endMinutes: 0, startHour: 10, startMinutes: 0 }, ]); equal(rules, "Tu 10:00-12:00; Su 13:00-17:00"); }], ["JOIN OH with end hours", () => { const rules = OH.ToString( OH.MergeTimes([ { weekday: 1, endHour: 23, endMinutes: 30, startHour: 23, startMinutes: 0 }, { weekday: 1, endHour: 24, endMinutes: 0, startHour: 23, startMinutes: 30 }, ])); equal(rules, "Tu 23:00-00:00"); }], ["JOIN OH with overflowed hours", () => { const rules = OH.ToString( OH.MergeTimes([ { weekday: 1, endHour: 23, endMinutes: 30, startHour: 23, startMinutes: 0 }, { weekday: 1, endHour: 0, endMinutes: 0, startHour: 23, startMinutes: 30 }, ])); equal(rules, "Tu 23:00-00:00"); }], ["Regression", () => { const config = { "#": "Bottle refill", "question": { "en": "How easy is it to fill water bottles?", "nl": "Hoe gemakkelijk is het om drinkbussen bij te vullen?", "de": "Wie einfach ist es, Wasserflaschen zu füllen?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "bottle=yes", "then": { "en": "It is easy to refill water bottles", "nl": "Een drinkbus bijvullen gaat makkelijk", "de": "Es ist einfach, Wasserflaschen nachzufüllen" } }, { "if": "bottle=no", "then": { "en": "Water bottles may not fit", "nl": "Een drinkbus past moeilijk", "de": "Wasserflaschen passen möglicherweise nicht" } } ] }; const tagRendering = new TagRenderingConfig(config, "test"); equal(true, tagRendering.IsKnown({bottle: "yes"})) equal(false, tagRendering.IsKnown({})) }], [ "Tag matches a lazy property", () => { const properties = {} const key = "_key" Object.defineProperty(properties, key, { configurable: true, get: function () { delete properties[key] properties[key] = "yes" return "yes" } }) const filter = new Tag("_key", "yes") T.isTrue(filter.matchesProperties(properties), "Lazy value not matched") } ], [ "RegextTag matches a lazy property", () => { const properties = {} const key = "_key" Object.defineProperty(properties, key, { configurable: true, get: function () { delete properties[key] properties[key] = "yes" return "yes" } }) const filter = TagUtils.Tag("_key~*") T.isTrue(filter.matchesProperties(properties), "Lazy value not matched") } ], ["test date comparison", () => { const filter = TagUtils.Tag("date_created<2022-01-07") T.isFalse(filter.matchesProperties({"date_created": "2022-01-08"}), "Date comparison: expected a match") T.isTrue(filter.matchesProperties({"date_created": "2022-01-01"}), "Date comparison: didn't expect a match") }]]); } }