[//]: # (WARNING: this file is automatically generated. Please find the sources at the bottom and edit those sources)

 Addresses in Great Britain ( [uk_addresses](https://mapcomplete.org/uk_addresses) ) 

Help us collect addresses and make them freely available. Each address contributed will be added to OpenStreetMap so you will need to create an account and log in before you start. Please do not copy addresses from the internet or other sources subject to copyright. This website works well on mobile so a good option is to contibute the addresses closest to you.

This theme contains the following layers:

  - [raw_inspire_polygons](../Layers/raw_inspire_polygons.md)
  - [to_import](../Layers/to_import.md)
  - [uk_address](../Layers/uk_address.md)
  - [named_streets](../Layers/named_streets.md)
  - [address](../Layers/address.md)
  - [selected_element](../Layers/selected_element.md)
  - [gps_location](../Layers/gps_location.md)
  - [gps_location_history](../Layers/gps_location_history.md)
  - [home_location](../Layers/home_location.md)
  - [gps_track](../Layers/gps_track.md)
  - [range](../Layers/range.md)
  - [last_click](../Layers/last_click.md)
  - [favourite](../Layers/favourite.md)
  - [summary](../Layers/summary.md)

Available languages:

  - en

This document is autogenerated from [assets/themes/uk_addresses/uk_addresses.json](https://github.com/pietervdvn/MapComplete/blob/develop/assets/themes/uk_addresses/uk_addresses.json)