{ "id": "atm", "name": { "en": "ATMs", "de": "Geldautomaten", "fr": "DABs", "nl": "Geldautomaten" }, "description": { "en": "ATMs to withdraw money", "de": "Geldautomaten zum Geld abheben", "fr": "DAB pour retirer de l'argent", "nl": "Geldautomaten om geld op te nemen" }, "title": { "render": { "en": "ATM", "de": "Geldautomat", "fr": "DAB", "nl": "Geldautomaat" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "brand~*", "then": { "en": "{brand} ATM", "de": "{brand} Geldautomat", "fr": "DAB {brand}", "nl": "{brand} Geldautomaat" } } ] }, "source": { "osmTags": "amenity=atm" }, "minzoom": 13, "presets": [ { "tags": [ "amenity=atm" ], "title": { "en": "an ATM", "de": "ein Geldautomat", "fr": "un DAB", "nl": "een geldautomaat" } } ], "tagRenderings": [ "images", { "id": "name", "render": { "en": "The name of this ATM is {name}", "de": "Der Name dieses Geldautomaten ist {name}", "fr": "Le nom de ce DAB est {name}", "nl": "De naam van deze geldautomaat is {name}" }, "condition": "name~*" }, { "id": "brand", "question": { "en": "What brand is this ATM?", "de": "Von welcher Marke ist dieser Geldautomat?", "fr": "De quelle marque est ce DAB ?", "nl": "Van welk merk is deze geldautomaat?" }, "freeform": { "key": "brand", "type": "string", "placeholder": { "en": "Brand name", "de": "Markenname", "fr": "Nom de marque", "nl": "Merknaam" } }, "render": { "en": "The brand of this ATM is {brand}", "de": "Die Marke dieses Geldautomaten ist {brand}", "fr": "La marque de ce DAB est {brand}", "nl": "Het merk van deze geldautomaat is {brand}" } }, { "id": "operator", "condition": "amenity!=bank", "question": { "en": "What company operates this ATM?", "de": "Welches Unternehmen betreibt den Geldautomaten?", "fr": "Quelle société exploite ce DAB ?", "nl": "Welk bedrijf beheert deze geldautomaat?" }, "freeform": { "key": "operator", "type": "string", "placeholder": { "en": "Operator", "de": "Betreiber", "fr": "Opérateur", "nl": "Beheerder" } }, "render": { "en": "The ATM is operated by {operator}", "de": "Der Geldautomat wird von {operator} betrieben", "fr": "Ce DAB est exploité par {operator}", "nl": "Deze geldautomaat wordt beheerd door {operator}" } }, "opening_hours", { "id": "cash_out", "question": { "en": "Can you withdraw cash from this ATM?", "de": "Kann man an diesem Geldautomaten Bargeld abheben?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "cash_out=", "then": { "en": "You can withdraw cash from this ATM", "de": "Sie können an diesem Geldautomaten Bargeld abheben" }, "hideInAnswer": true }, { "if": "cash_out=yes", "then": { "en": "You can withdraw cash from this ATM", "de": "An diesem Geldautomaten können Sie Bargeld abheben" } }, { "if": "cash_out=no", "then": { "en": "You cannot withdraw cash from this ATM", "de": "Sie können an diesem Geldautomaten kein Bargeld abheben" } } ] }, { "id": "cash_in", "question": { "en": "Can you deposit cash into this ATM?", "de": "Kann man an diesem Geldautomaten Bargeld einzahlen?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "cash_in=", "then": { "en": "You probably cannot deposit cash into this ATM", "de": "Sie können wahrscheinlich kein Bargeld in diesen Geldautomaten einzahlen" }, "hideInAnswer": true }, { "if": "cash_in=yes", "then": { "en": "You can deposit cash into this ATM", "de": "Sie können Bargeld in diesen Geldautomaten einzahlen" } }, { "if": "cash_in=no", "then": { "en": "You cannot deposit cash into this ATM", "de": "Sie können an diesem Geldautomaten kein Bargeld einzahlen" } } ] }, { "id": "speech_output", "question": { "en": "Does this ATM have speech output for visually impaired users?", "de": "Verfügt dieser Geldautomat über eine Sprachausgabe für sehbehinderte Benutzer?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "speech_output=yes", "then": { "en": "This ATM has speech output, usually available through a headphone jack", "de": "Dieser Geldautomat verfügt über eine Sprachausgabe, die normalerweise über eine Kopfhörerbuchse verfügbar ist" } }, { "if": "speech_output=no", "then": { "en": "This ATM does not have speech output", "de": "Dieser Geldautomat hat keine Sprachausgabe" } } ] }, { "id": "speech_output_language", "condition": "speech_output=yes", "render": { "special": { "type": "language_chooser", "key": "speech_output", "question": { "en": "In which languages does this ATM have speech output?", "de": "In welchen Sprachen hat dieser Geldautomat eine Sprachausgabe?" }, "render_list_item": { "en": "This ATM has speech output in {language():font-bold}", "de": "Dieser Geldautomat hat eine Sprachausgabe in {language():font-bold}" }, "render_single_language": { "en": "This ATM has speech output in {language():font-bold}", "de": "Dieser Geldautomat hat eine Sprachausgabe in {language():font-bold}" } } } } ], "mapRendering": [ { "icon": "circle:white;./assets/layers/atm/atm.svg", "location": [ "point", "centroid" ] } ], "allowMove": { "enableImproveAccuracy": true, "enableRelocation": false }, "deletion": { "softDeletionTags": { "and": [ "disused:amenity=atm", "amenity=" ] } }, "filter": [ "open_now", { "id": "speech_output", "options": [ { "question": { "en": "With speech output", "de": "Mit Sprachausgabe" }, "osmTags": "speech_output=yes" } ] } ] }