diff --git a/Docs/Themes/mapcomplete-changes.md b/Docs/Themes/mapcomplete-changes.md
index cbdf90dc2..cd144bd58 100644
--- a/Docs/Themes/mapcomplete-changes.md
+++ b/Docs/Themes/mapcomplete-changes.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
-This map shows all the changes made with MapComplete
+This maps shows all the changes made with MapComplete
This theme contains the following layers:
@@ -25,11 +25,6 @@ Available languages:
- en
- - cs
- - de
- - nb_NO
- - nl
- - fr
This document is autogenerated from [assets/themes/mapcomplete-changes/mapcomplete-changes.json](https://github.com/pietervdvn/MapComplete/blob/develop/assets/themes/mapcomplete-changes/mapcomplete-changes.json)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Logic/SimpleMetaTagger.ts b/Logic/SimpleMetaTagger.ts
index 004b83dc9..b427291ee 100644
--- a/Logic/SimpleMetaTagger.ts
+++ b/Logic/SimpleMetaTagger.ts
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ export default class SimpleMetaTaggers {
/*Note: also called by 'UpdateTagsFromOsmAPI'*/
const tgs = feature.properties
- let movedSomething = false;
+ let movedSomething = false
function move(src: string, target: string) {
if (tgs[src] === undefined) {
diff --git a/assets/contributors.json b/assets/contributors.json
index 30e1bedef..45e2cdf15 100644
--- a/assets/contributors.json
+++ b/assets/contributors.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"contributors": [
- "commits": 4966,
+ "commits": 5005,
"contributor": "Pieter Vander Vennet"
- "commits": 327,
+ "commits": 332,
"contributor": "Robin van der Linde"
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"contributor": "Tobias"
- "commits": 34,
+ "commits": 35,
"contributor": "Win Olario"
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
"contributor": "AlexanderRebai"
- "commits": 19,
+ "commits": 20,
"contributor": "Hosted Weblate"
@@ -102,11 +102,11 @@
"commits": 10,
- "contributor": "LiamSimons"
+ "contributor": "RobJN"
- "commits": 9,
- "contributor": "RobJN"
+ "commits": 10,
+ "contributor": "LiamSimons"
"commits": 8,
@@ -141,12 +141,12 @@
"contributor": "pelderson"
- "commits": 4,
- "contributor": "Nadhem"
+ "commits": 5,
+ "contributor": "OliNau"
"commits": 4,
- "contributor": "OliNau"
+ "contributor": "Nadhem"
"commits": 4,
@@ -168,6 +168,10 @@
"commits": 3,
"contributor": "Léo Villeveygoux"
+ {
+ "commits": 2,
+ "contributor": "ⵣⵓⵀⵉⵔ ⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖ زهير أمازيغ"
+ },
"commits": 2,
"contributor": "Jiří Podhorecký"
@@ -212,10 +216,6 @@
"commits": 2,
"contributor": "Stanislas Gueniffey"
- {
- "commits": 1,
- "contributor": "ⵣⵓⵀⵉⵔ ⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖ زهير أمازيغ"
- },
"commits": 1,
"contributor": "flaburgan"
diff --git a/assets/layers/charging_station/charging_station.json b/assets/layers/charging_station/charging_station.json
index b3c66addd..acd824eb0 100644
--- a/assets/layers/charging_station/charging_station.json
+++ b/assets/layers/charging_station/charging_station.json
@@ -1846,8 +1846,8 @@
"question": {
"en": "What voltage do the plugs with
"nl": "Welke spanning levert de stekker van type Chademo 
- "de": "Welche Spannung bieten die Stecker mit Chademo 
- "ca": "Quin voltatge ofereixen els endolls amb CHAdeMO
+ "ca": "Quin voltatge ofereixen els endolls amb CHAdeMO
+ "de": "Welche Spannung bieten die Stecker mit Chademo 
"render": {
"en": "Chademo 
outputs {socket:chademo:voltage} volt",
@@ -1864,8 +1864,8 @@
"then": {
"en": "Chademo outputs 500 volt",
"nl": "Chademo heeft een spanning van 500 volt",
- "de": "Chademo liefert 500 Volt",
- "ca": "CHAdeMO proporciona 500 volts"
+ "ca": "CHAdeMO proporciona 500 volts",
+ "de": "Chademo liefert 500 Volt"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/charging_station/Chademo_type4.svg",
@@ -3252,8 +3252,8 @@
"then": {
"en": "Tesla Supercharger (Destination) outputs at most 125 A",
"nl": "Tesla Supercharger (destination) levert een stroom van maximaal 125 A",
- "de": "Tesla Supercharger (Destination) liefert maximal 125 A",
- "ca": "Tesla Supercharger (Destinació) emet com a màxim 125 A"
+ "ca": "Tesla Supercharger (Destinació) emet com a màxim 125 A",
+ "de": "Tesla Supercharger (Destination) liefert maximal 125 A"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/charging_station/Tesla-hpwc-model-s.svg",
@@ -3265,8 +3265,8 @@
"then": {
"en": "Tesla Supercharger (Destination) outputs at most 350 A",
"nl": "Tesla Supercharger (destination) levert een stroom van maximaal 350 A",
- "de": "Tesla Supercharger (Destination) liefert maximal 350 A",
- "ca": "Tesla Supercharger (Destinació) emet com a màxim 350 A"
+ "ca": "Tesla Supercharger (Destinació) emet com a màxim 350 A",
+ "de": "Tesla Supercharger (Destination) liefert maximal 350 A"
"icon": {
"path": "./assets/layers/charging_station/Tesla-hpwc-model-s.svg",
@@ -3847,9 +3847,9 @@
"then": {
"nl": "Gratis te gebruiken, maar aanmelden met een applicatie is verplicht",
"en": "Free to use, but one has to authenticate",
+ "ca": "Ús gratuït, però un s'ha d'autentificar",
"da": "Gratis at bruge, men man skal godkende",
- "de": "Die Nutzung ist kostenlos, Authentifizierung erforderlich",
- "ca": "Ús gratuït, però un s'ha d'autentificar"
+ "de": "Die Nutzung ist kostenlos, Authentifizierung erforderlich"
diff --git a/assets/themes/mapcomplete-changes/mapcomplete-changes.json b/assets/themes/mapcomplete-changes/mapcomplete-changes.json
index dccede695..137bb9260 100644
--- a/assets/themes/mapcomplete-changes/mapcomplete-changes.json
+++ b/assets/themes/mapcomplete-changes/mapcomplete-changes.json
@@ -1,27 +1,13 @@
"id": "mapcomplete-changes",
"title": {
- "en": "Changes made with MapComplete",
- "cs": "Změny provedené pomocí MapComplete",
- "de": "Mit MapComplete vorgenommene Änderungen",
- "fr": "Changements faits avec MapComplete",
- "nb_NO": "Endringer laget med MapComplete",
- "nl": "Wijzigingen gemaakt met MapComplete"
+ "en": "Changes made with MapComplete"
"shortDescription": {
- "en": "Shows changes made by MapComplete",
- "cs": "Zobrazuje změny provedené pomocí MapComplete",
- "de": "Zeigt Änderungen, die von MapComplete vorgenommen wurden",
- "nb_NO": "Vis endringer laget med MapComplete",
- "nl": "Toont wijzigingen gemaakt met MapComplete"
+ "en": "Shows changes made by MapComplete"
"description": {
- "en": "This map shows all the changes made with MapComplete",
- "ca": "Aquest mapa mostra tots els canvis fets amb MapComplete",
- "cs": "Tato mapa zobrazuje všechny změny provedené pomocí MapComplete",
- "de": "Diese Karte zeigt alle mit MapComplete vorgenommenen Änderungen",
- "fr": "Cette carte montre tous les changements faits avec MapComplete",
- "nl": "Deze kaart toont alle wijzigingen gemaakt met MapComplete"
+ "en": "This maps shows all the changes made with MapComplete"
"icon": "./assets/svg/logo.svg",
"hideFromOverview": true,
@@ -34,10 +20,7 @@
"id": "mapcomplete-changes",
"name": {
- "en": "Changeset centers",
- "de": "Zentrum der Änderungssätze",
- "fr": "Centres de modifications de paramètres",
- "nl": "Middelpunt van de wijzigingenset"
+ "en": "Changeset centers"
"minzoom": 0,
"source": {
@@ -48,71 +31,41 @@
"title": {
"render": {
- "en": "Changeset for {theme}",
- "de": "Änderungssatz für {theme}",
- "fr": "Groupe de modifications pour {theme}",
- "nb_NO": "Endringssett for {theme}",
- "nl": "Changeset voor {theme}"
+ "en": "Changeset for {theme}"
"description": {
- "en": "Shows all MapComplete changes",
- "cs": "Zobrazuje všechny změny MapComplete",
- "de": "Zeigt alle MapComplete-Änderungen",
- "fr": "Montre tous les changements de MapComplete",
- "nb_NO": "Viser alle MapComplete-endringer",
- "nl": "Toon alle MapComplete wijzigingen"
+ "en": "Shows all MapComplete changes"
"tagRenderings": [
"id": "show_changeset_id",
"render": {
- "en": "Changeset {id}",
- "de": "Änderungssatz {id}",
- "fr": "Groupe de modifications {id}",
- "nb_NO": "Endringssett {id}",
- "nl": "Wijzigingenset {id}"
+ "en": "Changeset {id}"
"id": "contributor",
"question": {
- "en": "What contributor did make this change?",
- "cs": "Jaký přispěvatel provedl tuto změnu?",
- "de": "Welcher Mitwirkende hat diese Änderung vorgenommen?",
- "fr": "Quel contributeur a fait ce changement ?",
- "nl": "Welke bijdrager maakte deze wijziging?"
+ "en": "What contributor did make this change?"
"freeform": {
"key": "user"
"render": {
- "en": "Change made by {user}",
- "cs": "Změna byla provedena uživatelem {user}",
- "de": "Änderung vorgenommen von {user}",
- "fr": "Modification faite par {user}",
- "nb_NO": "Endring gjort av {user}",
- "nl": "Wijziging gemaakt door {user}"
+ "en": "Change made by {user}"
"id": "theme-id",
"question": {
- "en": "What theme was used to make this change?",
- "de": "Welches Thema wurde für diese Änderung verwendet?",
- "fr": "Quel thème a été utilisé pour faire cette modification ?",
- "nb_NO": "Hvilket tema ble brukt for å utføre denne denne endringen?",
- "nl": "Welk thema is gebruikt voor deze wijziging?"
+ "en": "What theme was used to make this change?"
"freeform": {
"key": "theme"
"render": {
- "en": "Change with theme {theme}",
- "de": "Geändert mit Thema {theme}",
- "fr": "Modifié avec le thème {theme}",
- "nb_NO": "Endre med temaet {theme}",
- "nl": "Wijziging met thema {theme}"
+ "en": "Change with theme {theme}"
@@ -121,35 +74,19 @@
"key": "locale"
"question": {
- "en": "What locale (language) was this change made in?",
- "cs": "V jakém prostředí (jazyce) byla tato změna provedena?",
- "de": "In welchem Gebietsschema (Sprache) wurde diese Änderung vorgenommen?",
- "fr": "En quelle langue est-ce que ce changement a été fait ?",
- "nl": "In welke taal (en cultuur) werd deze wijziging gemaakt?"
+ "en": "What locale (language) was this change made in?"
"render": {
- "en": "User locale is {locale}",
- "cs": "Uživatelské prostředí je {locale}",
- "de": "Benutzergebietsschema ist {locale}",
- "fr": "La langue de l'utilisateur est {locale}",
- "nl": "De locale van de bijdrager is {locale}"
+ "en": "User locale is {locale}"
"id": "host",
"render": {
- "en": "Change with {host}",
- "ca": "Canvi amb {host}",
- "cs": "Změnit s {host}",
- "de": "Geändert über {host}",
- "fr": "Changement avec {host}",
- "nl": "Wijziging met {host}"
+ "en": "Change with with {host}"
"question": {
- "en": "What host (website) was this change made with?",
- "de": "Über welchen Host (Webseite) wurde diese Änderung vorgenommen?",
- "fr": "Depuis quel serveur (site web) ce changement a-t-il été fait ?",
- "nl": "Op welk webadres werd deze wijziging gemaakt?"
+ "en": "What host (website) was this change made with?"
"freeform": {
"key": "host"
@@ -490,11 +427,7 @@
"question": {
- "en": "Themename contains {search}",
- "de": "Themename enthält {search}",
- "fr": "Nom de thème contenant {search}",
- "nb_NO": "Temanavn inneholder {search}",
- "nl": "Themanaam bevat {search}"
+ "en": "Themename contains {search}"
@@ -510,12 +443,7 @@
"question": {
- "en": "Made by contributor {search}",
- "cs": "Vytvořil přispěvatel {search}",
- "de": "Erstellt vom Mitwirkenden {search}",
- "fr": "Fait par le contributeur {search}",
- "nb_NO": "Laget av bidragsyter {search}",
- "nl": "Gemaakt door {search}"
+ "en": "Made by contributor {search}"
@@ -531,12 +459,7 @@
"question": {
- "en": "Not made by contributor {search}",
- "cs": "Nevytvořil přispěvatel {search}",
- "de": "Nicht von Mitwirkendem {search}",
- "fr": "Non réalisé par le contributeur{search}",
- "nb_NO": "Ikke laget av bidragsyter {search}",
- "nl": "Niet gemaakt door {search}"
+ "en": "Not made by contributor {search}"
@@ -553,12 +476,7 @@
"question": {
- "en": "Made before {search}",
- "cs": "Vytvořeno před {search}",
- "de": "Erstellt vor {search}",
- "fr": "Fait avant {search}",
- "nb_NO": "Laget før {search}",
- "nl": "Gemaakt voor {search}"
+ "en": "Made before {search}"
@@ -575,12 +493,7 @@
"question": {
- "en": "Made after {search}",
- "cs": "Vytvořeno po {search}",
- "de": "Erstellt nach {search}",
- "fr": "Fait après {search}",
- "nb_NO": "Laget etter {search}",
- "nl": "Gemaakt na {search}"
+ "en": "Made after {search}"
@@ -596,11 +509,7 @@
"question": {
- "en": "User language (ISO-code) {search}",
- "de": "Benutzersprache (ISO-Code) {search}",
- "fr": "Langage utilisateur (code-ISO) {search}",
- "nb_NO": "Brukerspråk (ISO-kode) {search}",
- "nl": "Gebruikerstaal (ISO-code) {search}"
+ "en": "User language (iso-code) {search}"
@@ -616,11 +525,7 @@
"question": {
- "en": "Made with host {search}",
- "de": "Erstellt mit host {search}",
- "fr": "Fait par le serveur {search}",
- "nb_NO": "Laget med vert {search}",
- "nl": "Gemaakt met host {search}"
+ "en": "Made with host {search}"
@@ -631,11 +536,7 @@
"osmTags": "add-image>0",
"question": {
- "en": "Changeset added at least one image",
- "de": "Im Änderungssatz wurde mindestens ein Bild hinzugefügt",
- "fr": "Le groupe de modifications a ajouté au moins une image",
- "nb_NO": "Endringssett la til minst ett bilde",
- "nl": "Changeset die een of meerdere afbeeldingen toevoegt"
+ "en": "Changeset added at least one image"
@@ -650,12 +551,7 @@
"id": "link_to_more",
"render": {
- "en": "More statistics can be found here",
- "cs": "Další statistiky najdete na .",
- "de": "Weitere Statistiken hier",
- "fr": "D’autres statistiques sont disponibles ici",
- "nb_NO": "Mer statistikk å finne her",
- "nl": "Meer statistieken zijn hier te vinden"
+ "en": "More statistics can be found here"
diff --git a/assets/translators.json b/assets/translators.json
index ec43aa113..f6efd33cf 100644
--- a/assets/translators.json
+++ b/assets/translators.json
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
"contributors": [
- "commits": 239,
+ "commits": 247,
"contributor": "Pieter Vander Vennet"
- "commits": 217,
+ "commits": 233,
"contributor": "kjon"
- "commits": 82,
+ "commits": 94,
"contributor": "Allan Nordhøy"
- "commits": 63,
+ "commits": 65,
+ "contributor": "paunofu"
+ },
+ {
+ "commits": 65,
"contributor": "Robin van der Linde"
"commits": 61,
"contributor": "danieldegroot2"
- {
- "commits": 46,
- "contributor": "paunofu"
- },
"commits": 45,
"contributor": "Anonymous"
@@ -72,6 +72,10 @@
"commits": 14,
"contributor": "J. Lavoie"
+ {
+ "commits": 13,
+ "contributor": "Olivier"
+ },
"commits": 13,
"contributor": "Romain de Bossoreille"
@@ -84,10 +88,6 @@
"commits": 11,
"contributor": "Jiří Podhorecký"
- {
- "commits": 11,
- "contributor": "Olivier"
- },
"commits": 10,
"contributor": "bgo-eiu"
@@ -104,22 +104,22 @@
"commits": 10,
"contributor": "Irina"
+ {
+ "commits": 9,
+ "contributor": "mcliquid"
+ },
+ {
+ "commits": 9,
+ "contributor": "Niels Madsen"
+ },
"commits": 9,
"contributor": "Jacque Fresco"
- {
- "commits": 8,
- "contributor": "Niels Madsen"
- },
"commits": 8,
"contributor": "Vinicius"
- {
- "commits": 7,
- "contributor": "mcliquid"
- },
"commits": 7,
"contributor": "快乐的老鼠宝宝"
@@ -132,6 +132,10 @@
"commits": 7,
"contributor": "Niels Elgaard Larsen"
+ {
+ "commits": 6,
+ "contributor": "ⵣⵓⵀⵉⵔ ⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖ زهير أمازيغ"
+ },
"commits": 6,
"contributor": "Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz"
@@ -200,6 +204,22 @@
"commits": 5,
"contributor": "Alexey Shabanov"
+ {
+ "commits": 4,
+ "contributor": "Lucas"
+ },
+ {
+ "commits": 4,
+ "contributor": "ⵣⵓⵀⵉⵔ ⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖ ZOUHIR DEHBI"
+ },
+ {
+ "commits": 4,
+ "contributor": "André Marcelo Alvarenga"
+ },
+ {
+ "commits": 4,
+ "contributor": "Klára Fleischhansová"
+ },
"commits": 4,
"contributor": "Hiroshi Miura"
@@ -222,7 +242,7 @@
"commits": 3,
- "contributor": "ⵣⵓⵀⵉⵔ ⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖ زهير أمازيغ"
+ "contributor": "Ettore Atalan"
"commits": 3,
@@ -278,19 +298,11 @@
"commits": 2,
- "contributor": "ⵣⵓⵀⵉⵔ ⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖ ZOUHIR DEHBI"
+ "contributor": "multiflexi"
"commits": 2,
- "contributor": "André Marcelo Alvarenga"
- },
- {
- "commits": 2,
- "contributor": "Ettore Atalan"
- },
- {
- "commits": 2,
- "contributor": "Klára Fleischhansová"
+ "contributor": "gallegonovato"
"commits": 2,
@@ -364,18 +376,6 @@
"commits": 2,
"contributor": "Leo Alcaraz"
- {
- "commits": 1,
- "contributor": "multiflexi"
- },
- {
- "commits": 1,
- "contributor": "gallegonovato"
- },
- {
- "commits": 1,
- "contributor": "Lucas"
- },
"commits": 1,
"contributor": "Magnitudee"