From ab7137ddda0a247417627e5a685cab3213028a52 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: kjon help
for all commands",
"docs": "Executes a command and send the output to someone else",
- "executing": "Executing {_}
and sending the result to {to}...",
+ "executing": "Executing {_}
and sending the result to {to}…",
"failed": "I couldn't execute {cmd}
due to {message}",
"noDm": "I couldn't create a room with {to}",
"receipt": "I delivered the message to {to}",
@@ -520,8 +520,8 @@
"couldNotDownload": "Could not download {id}
"docs": "Gets info about an OSM-object. Either give an id OR a search string; the objects are interpreted and known values are shown.",
"editWith": "Edit this element with {title}",
- "fetchingInfoAbout": "Fetching data about {id}...",
- "foundResults": "Found {total} results for {search}
, fetching details about them...",
+ "fetchingInfoAbout": "Fetching data about {id}…",
+ "foundResults": "Found {total} results for {search}
, fetching details about them…",
"noEditPossible": "No MapComplete themes support this element",
"noInfo": "No relevant information yet",
"noOpeningHours": "No opening hours are known.",
@@ -573,18 +573,18 @@
"noNearOrIn": "Sorry, I didn't understand your command as I didn't find a near
or in
in your search query.\n Try something as search drinking water in London
, search friture in Brussels
Alternatively, try info {cmd}
to get info about a single object.",
"nothingFound": "Sorry, I couldn't find anything for {search}
, so I can't search for {layerTitle}",
"overview": "I found {length} matching items.",
- "searching": "Searching {layerTitle} {mode} {search}
+ "searching": "Searching {layerTitle} {mode} {search}
"shutdown": {
"argmode": "Indicates if the service should be restarted, must be one of {verbs}",
"docs": "Shuts down the bot",
- "goodbye": "Shutting down... See you later!",
+ "goodbye": "Shutting down… See you later!",
"notYetShuttingDown": "I'm not restarting yet as I just booted only {uptime} seconds ago. I'll wait at least {min_uptime} before rebooting.",
"verbshutdown": "Shuts down the bot",
"verbupdate": "Attempts to update the embedded MapComplete-codebase, shuts down afterwards"
"tags": {
- "announceSearch": "{id}
doesn't seem to be a valid OSM-id - searching worldwide instead for {search}...",
+ "announceSearch": "{id}
doesn't seem to be a valid OSM-id - searching worldwide instead for {search}…",
"argsearch": "The ID of the OSM-object or a search query",
"docs": "Show the tags of an OSM-object. Either give an id OR a search string; the objects are interpreted and known values are shown.",
"noSearchGiven": "Please, provide a search term of id to use this command",
@@ -605,7 +605,7 @@
"loadingFailed": "Sorry, the page {pagename}
could not be loaded",
"noWiki": "Please, specify a wiki page to search for",
"nothingFound": "I couldn't find anything on {backend} for {search}",
- "searching": "Searching on {backend}..."
+ "searching": "Searching on {backend}…"
"decryptionFailed": "Sorry, I couldn't decrypt your message. You can try to leave this channel and to connect again",