diff --git a/Customizations/Layers/BikeParkings.ts b/Customizations/Layers/BikeParkings.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f032c2d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Customizations/Layers/BikeParkings.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+import {LayerDefinition} from "../LayerDefinition";
+import {And, Or, Tag} from "../../Logic/TagsFilter";
+import {OperatorTag} from "../Questions/OperatorTag";
+import * as L from "leaflet";
+import FixedName from "../Questions/FixedName";
+import { BikeParkingType } from "../Questions/BikeParkingType";
+export class BikeParkings extends LayerDefinition {
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ this.name = "bike_parking";
+ this.icon = "./assets/bike_pump.svg";
+ this.overpassFilter = new Or([
+ new And([
+ new Tag("amenity", "bicycle_parking")
+ ])
+ ]);
+ this.newElementTags = [
+ new Tag("amenity", "bicycle_parking"),
+ ];
+ this.maxAllowedOverlapPercentage = 10;
+ this.minzoom = 13;
+ this.style = this.generateStyleFunction();
+ this.title = new FixedName("fietsparking");
+ this.elementsToShow = [
+ new OperatorTag(),
+ new BikeParkingType()
+ ];
+ }
+ private generateStyleFunction() {
+ const self = this;
+ return function (properties: any) {
+ // let questionSeverity = 0;
+ // for (const qd of self.elementsToShow) {
+ // if (qd.IsQuestioning(properties)) {
+ // questionSeverity = Math.max(questionSeverity, qd.options.priority ?? 0);
+ // }
+ // }
+ // let colormapping = {
+ // 0: "#00bb00",
+ // 1: "#00ff00",
+ // 10: "#dddd00",
+ // 20: "#ff0000"
+ // };
+ // let colour = colormapping[questionSeverity];
+ // while (colour == undefined) {
+ // questionSeverity--;
+ // colour = colormapping[questionSeverity];
+ // }
+ return {
+ color: "#00bb00",
+ icon: new L.icon({
+ iconUrl: self.icon,
+ iconSize: [40, 40]
+ })
+ };
+ };
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Customizations/Layers/BikePumps.ts b/Customizations/Layers/BikePumps.ts
index babab0065..4da60d6ba 100644
--- a/Customizations/Layers/BikePumps.ts
+++ b/Customizations/Layers/BikePumps.ts
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
import {LayerDefinition} from "../LayerDefinition";
import {And, Or, Tag} from "../../Logic/TagsFilter";
-import {AccessTag} from "../Questions/AccessTag";
import {OperatorTag} from "../Questions/OperatorTag";
-import {NameQuestion} from "../Questions/NameQuestion";
-import {NameInline} from "../Questions/NameInline";
import * as L from "leaflet";
import { PumpManual } from "../Questions/PumpManual";
import FixedName from "../Questions/FixedName";
diff --git a/Customizations/Layouts/BikePumps.ts b/Customizations/Layouts/Cyclofix.ts
similarity index 80%
rename from Customizations/Layouts/BikePumps.ts
rename to Customizations/Layouts/Cyclofix.ts
index a79730542..26adde744 100644
--- a/Customizations/Layouts/BikePumps.ts
+++ b/Customizations/Layouts/Cyclofix.ts
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
import {Layout} from "../Layout";
import {GrbToFix} from "../Layers/GrbToFix";
import { BikePumps } from "../Layers/BikePumps";
+import { BikeParkings } from "../Layers/BikeParkings";
export class BikePumpsLayout extends Layout {
constructor() {
"Grb import fix tool",
- [new BikePumps()],
+ [new BikePumps(), new BikeParkings()],
diff --git a/Customizations/Questions/BikeParkingType.ts b/Customizations/Questions/BikeParkingType.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b9d07546d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Customizations/Questions/BikeParkingType.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import {TagRenderingOptions} from "../TagRendering";
+import {Tag} from "../../Logic/TagsFilter";
+export class BikeParkingType extends TagRenderingOptions {
+ private static options = {
+ priority: 5,
+ question: "Van welk type is deze fietsenparking?",
+ freeform: {
+ key: "bicycle_parking",
+ extraTags: new Tag("fixme", "Freeform bicycle_parking= tag used: possibly a wrong value"),
+ template: "Iets anders: $$$",
+ renderTemplate: "Dit is een fietsenparking van het type: {bicycle_parking}",
+ placeholder: "Specifieer"
+ },
+ mappings: [
+ {k: new Tag("bicycle_parking", "stands"), txt: "
+ {k: new Tag("bicycle_parking", "wall_loops"), txt: "
+ {k: new Tag("bicycle_parking", "handlebar_holder"), txt: "
+ {k: new Tag("bicycle_parking", "shed"), txt: "
+ {k: new Tag("bicycle_parking", "two-tier"), txt: "
+ ]
+ }
+ constructor() {
+ super(BikeParkingType.options);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file