From 20528ebc619669d9599d485dfb5e4ecff7736424 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeJun
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2022 10:50:45 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.3% (330 of 332 strings)
Translation: MapComplete/Core
langs/fr.json | 111 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
1 file changed, 99 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/langs/fr.json b/langs/fr.json
index 6fed6ef9d..58e137003 100644
--- a/langs/fr.json
+++ b/langs/fr.json
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"featuredThemeTitle": "Thème de la semaine"
"general": {
- "loginWithOpenStreetMap": "Se connecter avec OpenStreeMap",
+ "loginWithOpenStreetMap": "Se connecter avec OpenStreetMap",
"welcomeBack": "Vous êtes connecté. Bienvenue !",
"loginToStart": "Connectez-vous pour répondre à cette question",
"search": {
@@ -58,7 +58,14 @@
"confirmIntro": "Ajouter un/une {title} ici?
Le point que vous ajouterez sera visible par tout le monde. Merci de vous assurer que ce point existe réellement. Beaucoup d'autres applications utilisent ces données.",
"confirmButton": "Ajouter un/une {category} ici.
Votre ajout sera visible par tout le monde
"openLayerControl": "Ouvrir la panneau de contrôle",
- "layerNotEnabled": "La couche {layer} est désactivée. Activez-la pour ajouter un point"
+ "layerNotEnabled": "La couche {layer} est désactivée. Activez-la pour ajouter un point",
+ "disableFiltersExplanation": "Certains élément peuvent être filtrés",
+ "disableFilters": "Désactiver tous les filtres",
+ "presetInfo": "Le nouveau POI aura {tags}",
+ "addNewMapLabel": "Cliquez ici pour ajouter un élément",
+ "hasBeenImported": "Ce point a déjà été importé",
+ "warnVisibleForEveryone": "Votre ajout sera visible",
+ "zoomInMore": "Zoomez pour importer cet élément"
"pickLanguage": "Choisir la langue : ",
"about": "Éditer facilement et ajouter OpenStreetMap pour un certain thème",
@@ -72,7 +79,7 @@
"emailOf": "Quelle est l'adresse électronique de {category} ?",
"emailIs": "L'adresse électronique de {category} est {email}"
- "openStreetMapIntro": "Une carte ouverte
Ne serait-il pas génial d'avoir sur une carte que tout le monde pourrait éditer ouvertement ? Une seule et unique plateforme regroupant toutes les informations géographiques ? Ainsi nous n'aurons plus besoin de toutes ces cartes petites et incompatibles (souvent non mises à jour).
OpenStreetMap est la carte qu'il vous faut ! Toutes les données de cette carte peuvent être utilisé gratuitement (avec d'attribution et de publication des changements de données). De plus tout le monde est libre d'ajouter de nouvelles données et de corriger les erreurs. Ce site internet utilise également OpenStreetMap. Toutes les données en proviennent et tous les ajouts et modifications y seront également ajoutés.
De nombreux individus et applications utilisent déjà OpenStreetMap :, OsmAnd, mais aussi les cartes de Facebook, Instagram, Apple-maps et Bing-maps sont (en partie) supportés par OpenStreetMap. Si vous modifiez quelque chose ici, ces changements seront incorporés dans ces applications dès leurs mises à jour !
+ "openStreetMapIntro": "Une carte ouverte
Utilisable et éditable librement. Une seule et unique plateforme regroupant toutes les informations géographiques ? Toutes ces différentes cartes isolées, incompatibles et obsolètes ne sont plus utiles.
OpenStreetMap n’est pas un énième concurrent. Toutes les données de cette carte peuvent être utilisé librement (avec attribution et publication des changements de données). De plus tout le monde est libre d'ajouter de nouvelles données et corriger les erreurs. Ce site utilise également OpenStreetMap. Toutes les données en proviennent et tous les ajouts et modifications y seront également ajoutés.
De nombreux individus et applications utilisent déjà OpenStreetMap :, OsmAnd, mais aussi les cartes de Facebook, Instagram, Apple Maps et Bing Maps sont (en partie) alimentées par OpenStreetMap
"attribution": {
"attributionTitle": "Crédits",
"attributionContent": "Toutes les données sont fournies par OpenStreetMap, librement réutilisables sous Open DataBase License.
@@ -86,8 +93,8 @@
"sharescreen": {
"intro": "Partager cette carte
Partagez cette carte en copiant le lien suivant et envoyez-le à vos amis :",
- "addToHomeScreen": "Ajouter à votre page d'accueil
Vous pouvez facilement ajouter la carte à votre écran d'accueil de téléphone. Cliquer sur le boutton 'ajouter à l'ecran d'accueil' dans la barre d'adresse pour éffectuer cette tâche.",
- "embedIntro": "Incorporer à votre site Web
Ajouter la carte à votre site Web.
Nous vous y encourageons – pas besoin de permission.
C'est gratuit et pour toujours. Plus des personnes l'utilisent, mieux c'est.",
+ "addToHomeScreen": "Ajouter à votre page d'accueil
Vous pouvez facilement ajouter la carte à votre écran d'accueil de téléphone. Cliquer sur le bouton 'ajouter à l'écran d'accueil' dans la barre d'adresse pour effectuer cette tâche.",
+ "embedIntro": "Incorporer à votre site Web
Ajouter la carte à votre site Web.
Nous vous y encourageons – pas besoin de permission.
C'est gratuit et pour toujours. Plus de personnes l'utilisent, mieux c'est.",
"copiedToClipboard": "Lien copié dans le presse-papier",
"thanksForSharing": "Merci d'avoir partagé !",
"editThisTheme": "Editer ce thème",
@@ -105,9 +112,11 @@
"morescreen": {
"intro": "Plus de thèmes ?
Vous aimez collecter des données géographiques ?
Il y a plus de thèmes disponibles.",
- "requestATheme": "Si vous voulez une autre carte thématique, demandez-la dans le suivi des problèmes",
+ "requestATheme": "Si vous souhaitez une autre carte thématique, demandez-la dans le suivi des problèmes",
"streetcomplete": "Une autre application similaire est StreetComplete.",
- "createYourOwnTheme": "Créez votre propre MapComplete carte"
+ "createYourOwnTheme": "Créez votre propre MapComplete carte",
+ "previouslyHiddenTitle": "Thèmes précédemment utilisés",
+ "hiddenExplanation": "Ces thèmes sont seulement accessibles par lien. Vous avez découvert {hidden_discovered} des {total_hidden} thèmes cachés."
"readYourMessages": "Merci de lire tous vos messages sur OpenStreetMap avant d'ajouter un nouveau point.",
"fewChangesBefore": "Merci de répondre à quelques questions à propos de points déjà existants avant d'ajouter de nouveaux points.",
@@ -142,17 +151,54 @@
"opening_hours": {
"error_loading": "Erreur : impossible de visualiser ces horaires d'ouverture.",
- "open_during_ph": "Pendant les congés, ce lieu est",
+ "open_during_ph": "Pendant les congés, cet élément est",
"opensAt": "à partir de",
"openTill": "jusqu'à",
- "not_all_rules_parsed": "Les heures d'ouvertures de ce magasin sont trop compliquées. Les heures suivantes ont été ignorées :",
+ "not_all_rules_parsed": "Les heures d'ouvertures de ce magasin sont trop compliquées. Les informations suivantes ont été ignorées :",
"closed_until": "Fermé jusqu'au {date}",
"closed_permanently": "Fermé",
"open_24_7": "Ouvert en permanence",
"ph_closed": "fermé",
"ph_open": "ouvert",
- "ph_not_known": " "
- }
+ "ph_not_known": " ",
+ "ph_open_as_usual": "Ouverture habituelle",
+ "loadingCountry": "Localisation…"
+ },
+ "pdf": {
+ "attr": "Données par © les contributeurs & contributrices OpenStreetMap sous licence libre ODbL",
+ "attrBackground": "Couche d’arrière plan : {background}",
+ "versionInfo": "v{version} - générée le {date}",
+ "generatedWith": "Généré à l’aide de"
+ },
+ "download": {
+ "downloadGeoJsonHelper": "Compatible avec QGIS, ArcGIS, ESRI,…",
+ "downloadCSV": "Télécharger les données visibles au format CSV",
+ "includeMetaData": "Inclure les métadonnées (dernière édition, valeur calculées,…)",
+ "downloadAsPdfHelper": "Idéal pour imprimer une carte",
+ "noDataLoaded": "Pas de données chargées. Le téléchargement sera bientôt disponible",
+ "title": "Télécharger les données visibles",
+ "downloadAsPdf": "Télécharger un PDF de la vue actuelle",
+ "downloadGeojson": "Télécharger les données visibles au format GeoJSON",
+ "downloadCSVHelper": "Compatible avec LibreOffice Calc, Excel,…",
+ "licenseInfo": "Mentions légales
Ces données sont fournis sous licence ODbL. Leur réutilisation est gratuite, mais - l’attribution aux © contributeurs et contributrices OpenStreetMap est nécessaire
- Toute modification doit utiliser la même licence
Se reporter à la version complète pour plus de détails.",
+ "exporting": "Exportation…"
+ },
+ "wikipedia": {
+ "createNewWikidata": "Créer un nouvel élément Wikidata",
+ "wikipediaboxTitle": "Wikipédia",
+ "loading": "Chargement de Wikipédia…",
+ "noWikipediaPage": "Cet élément Wikidata n’a pas encore de page Wikipédia correspondante.",
+ "noResults": "Pas de résultats pour",
+ "searchWikidata": "Rechercher sur Wikidata",
+ "failed": "Le chargement de Wikipédia a échoué"
+ },
+ "histogram": {
+ "error_loading": "Erreur de chargement de l’histograme"
+ },
+ "testing": "Test - les changements ne seront pas sauvegardés",
+ "openTheMap": "Ouvrir la carte",
+ "loginOnlyNeededToEdit": "si vous souhaitez modifier la carte",
+ "loading": "Chargement…"
"favourite": {
"panelIntro": "Votre thème personnel
Activer vos couches favorites depuis les thèmes officiels",
@@ -195,6 +241,47 @@
"onlyEditedByLoggedInUser": "Ce point a été édité seulement par vous et peut donc être supprimé.",
"cannotBeDeleted": "Cet objet ne peut être supprimé",
"partOfOthers": "Ce point faire partie d'un autre objet et ne peut être supprimé directement.",
- "whyDelete": "Pourquoi ce point devrait-il être supprimé ?"
+ "whyDelete": "Pourquoi ce point devrait-il être supprimé ?",
+ "explanations": {
+ "selectReason": "Sélectionner pourquoi cet élément devrait être supprimé",
+ "hardDelete": "Ce point sera supprimé d’OpenStreetmap. Il pourra être restauré par des méthodes avancées",
+ "softDelete": "Cet élément sera mis à jour et caché de l’application."
+ },
+ "reasons": {
+ "test": "Élément de test qui n’a jamais été ici",
+ "disused": "Cet élément n’est plus utilisé ou a été enlevé",
+ "notFound": "Cet élément n’a pas pu être trouvé",
+ "duplicate": "Ce point est un doublon"
+ },
+ "loading": "Inspection des propriétés pour vérifier si l’élément peut être supprimé.",
+ "readMessages": "Messages non-lus à lire avant de supprimer un point, certains pourraient comporter des informations importantes"
+ },
+ "move": {
+ "selectReason": "Pourquoi souhaitez vous déplacer cet objet ?",
+ "whyMove": "Pourquoi souhaitez vous déplacer ce point ?",
+ "reasons": {
+ "reasonRelocation": "Cet objet a été déplacé",
+ "reasonInaccurate": "La position de cet objet est décalée"
+ },
+ "cancel": "Annuler le déplacement",
+ "confirmMove": "Déplacer ici",
+ "pointIsMoved": "Le point a été déplacé",
+ "zoomInFurther": "Zoomez pour confirmer ce déplacement",
+ "cannotBeMoved": "Cet élément ne peut être déplacé.",
+ "isWay": "Cet élément est un chemin. Veuillez utiliser un autre éditeur OpenStreetMap pour le déplacer.",
+ "inviteToMoveAgain": "Déplacer ce point à nouveau",
+ "isRelation": "Cet élément est une relation et ne peut être déplacée",
+ "partOfAWay": "Cet élément fait partie d’un chemin. Utilisez un autre éditeur pour le déplacer.",
+ "partOfRelation": "Cet élément fait partie d’une relation. Utilisez un autre éditeur pour le déplacer.",
+ "moveTitle": "Déplacer ce point",
+ "inviteToMove": {
+ "reasonInaccurate": "Améliorer la précision de ce point",
+ "reasonRelocation": "Cet objet a été déplacé",
+ "generic": "Déplacer ce point"
+ },
+ "loginToMove": "Vous devez être connecté·e pour déplacer un point"
+ },
+ "multi_apply": {
+ "autoApply": "En changeant les attributs {attr_names}, ceux-ci seront automatiquement changés sur {count} autres éléments"
From f0ae8b49ab765faa9662097617f49d36ab5b69a8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeJun
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2022 10:46:26 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 2/4] Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (34 of 34 strings)
Translation: MapComplete/shared-questions
langs/shared-questions/fr.json | 14 +++++++++++---
1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/langs/shared-questions/fr.json b/langs/shared-questions/fr.json
index e0878286b..a75cde800 100644
--- a/langs/shared-questions/fr.json
+++ b/langs/shared-questions/fr.json
@@ -66,8 +66,15 @@
"3": {
"then": "Il n'y a pas de prises secteur disponibles pour les clients assis à l'intérieur"
+ },
+ "1": {
+ "then": "Il y a peu de prises disponibles pour les client·e·s en intérieur souhaitant recharger leurs appareils"
+ },
+ "0": {
+ "then": "Il y a suffisamment de prises disponibles pour les client·e·s en intérieur souhaitant recharger leurs appareils"
- }
+ },
+ "question": "Des prises sont elles à disposition des client·e·s en intérieur ?"
"website": {
"question": "Quel est le site web de {name} ?"
@@ -102,7 +109,8 @@
"0": {
"then": "Non lié avec Wikipedia"
- }
+ },
+ "question": "Quel est l’élément Wikipédia correspondant ?"
\ No newline at end of file
From 6e817ae02e0415a44bc4af371f833e5849dbf6e7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pieter Vander Vennet
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2022 23:18:02 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 3/4] Translated using Weblate (English)
Currently translated at 76.8% (279 of 363 strings)
Translation: MapComplete/Core
langs/en.json | 916 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
1 file changed, 458 insertions(+), 458 deletions(-)
diff --git a/langs/en.json b/langs/en.json
index 9c1d48189..51d452ab8 100644
--- a/langs/en.json
+++ b/langs/en.json
@@ -1,467 +1,467 @@
- "image": {
- "addPicture": "Add picture",
- "uploadingPicture": "Uploading your picture…",
- "uploadingMultiple": "Uploading {count} pictures…",
- "pleaseLogin": "Please log in to add a picture",
- "willBePublished": "Your picture will be published ",
- "cco": "in the public domain",
- "ccbs": "under the CC-BY-SA-license",
- "ccb": "under the CC-BY-license",
- "ccoExplanation": "Adding a picture in the public domain implies that anyone can do anything with your picture",
- "ccbsExplanation": "The CC-BY-SA license implies that anyone may use your picture for any purpose, but they have to attribute you and remixes of the picture have to be republished under the same license",
- "ccbExplanation": "The CC-BY license implies that anyone may use your picture for any purpose, but they have to attribute you",
- "uploadFailed": "Could not upload your picture. Are you connected to the Internet, and allow third party API's? The Brave browser or the uMatrix plugin might block them.",
- "respectPrivacy": "Do not photograph people nor license plates. Do not upload Google Maps, Google Streetview or other copyrighted sources.",
- "uploadDone": "Your picture has been added. Thanks for helping out!",
- "uploadMultipleDone": "{count} pictures have been added. Thanks for helping out!",
- "dontDelete": "Cancel",
- "doDelete": "Remove image",
- "isDeleted": "Deleted",
- "toBig": "Your image is too large as it is {actual_size}. Please use images of at most {max_size}"
- },
- "centerMessage": {
- "loadingData": "Loading data…",
- "zoomIn": "Zoom in to view or edit the data",
- "ready": "Done!",
- "retrying": "Loading data failed. Trying again in {count} seconds…"
- },
- "index": {
- "#": "These texts are shown above the theme buttons when no theme is loaded",
- "title": "Welcome to MapComplete",
- "featuredThemeTitle": "Featured this week",
- "intro": "MapComplete is an OpenStreetMap-viewer and editor, which shows you information about features of a specific theme and allows to update it.",
- "pickTheme": "Pick a theme below to get started.",
- "logIn": "Log in to see other themes you previously visited"
- },
- "split": {
- "split": "Split",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "inviteToSplit": "Split this road in smaller segments. This allows to give different properties to parts of the road.",
- "loginToSplit": "You must be logged in to split a road",
- "splitTitle": "Choose on the map where to split this road",
- "hasBeenSplit": "This way has been split"
- },
- "delete": {
- "delete": "Delete",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "isDeleted": "This feature is deleted",
- "cannotBeDeleted": "This feature can not be deleted",
- "loginToDelete": "You must be logged in to delete a point",
- "safeDelete": "This point can be safely deleted.",
- "isntAPoint": "Only points can be deleted, the selected feature is a way, area or relation.",
- "onlyEditedByLoggedInUser": "This point has only be edited by yourself, you can safely delete it.",
- "notEnoughExperience": "This point was made by someone else.",
- "useSomethingElse": "Use another OpenStreetMap-editor to delete it instead",
- "partOfOthers": "This point is part of some way or relation and can not be deleted directly.",
- "loading": "Inspecting properties to check if this feature can be deleted.",
- "whyDelete": "Why should this point be deleted?",
- "reasons": {
- "test": "This was a testing point - the feature was never actually there",
- "disused": "This feature is disused or removed",
- "notFound": "This feature couldn't be found",
- "duplicate": "This point is a duplicate of another feature"
+ "image": {
+ "addPicture": "Add picture",
+ "uploadingPicture": "Uploading your picture…",
+ "uploadingMultiple": "Uploading {count} pictures…",
+ "pleaseLogin": "Please log in to add a picture",
+ "willBePublished": "Your picture will be published ",
+ "cco": "in the public domain",
+ "ccbs": "under the CC-BY-SA-license",
+ "ccb": "under the CC-BY-license",
+ "ccoExplanation": "Adding a picture in the public domain implies that anyone can do anything with your picture",
+ "ccbsExplanation": "The CC-BY-SA license implies that anyone may use your picture for any purpose, but they have to attribute you and remixes of the picture have to be republished under the same license",
+ "ccbExplanation": "The CC-BY license implies that anyone may use your picture for any purpose, but they have to attribute you",
+ "uploadFailed": "Could not upload your picture. Are you connected to the Internet, and allow third party API's? The Brave browser or the uMatrix plugin might block them.",
+ "respectPrivacy": "Do not photograph people nor license plates. Do not upload Google Maps, Google Streetview or other copyrighted sources.",
+ "uploadDone": "Your picture has been added. Thanks for helping out!",
+ "uploadMultipleDone": "{count} pictures have been added. Thanks for helping out!",
+ "dontDelete": "Cancel",
+ "doDelete": "Remove image",
+ "isDeleted": "Deleted",
+ "toBig": "Your image is too large as it is {actual_size}. Please use images of at most {max_size}"
- "explanations": {
- "selectReason": "Please, select why this feature should be deleted",
- "hardDelete": "This point will be deleted in OpenStreetMap. It can be recovered by an experienced contributor",
- "softDelete": "This feature will be updated and hidden from this application. {reason}"
+ "centerMessage": {
+ "loadingData": "Loading data…",
+ "zoomIn": "Zoom in to view or edit the data",
+ "ready": "Done!",
+ "retrying": "Loading data failed. Trying again in {count} seconds…"
- "readMessages": "You have unread messages. Read these before deleting a point - someone might have feedback"
- },
- "general": {
- "loading": "Loading...",
- "pdf": {
- "generatedWith": "Generated with",
- "attr": "Map data © OpenStreetMap Contributors, reusable under ODbL",
- "attrBackground": "Background layer: {background}",
- "versionInfo": "v{version} - generated on {date}"
+ "index": {
+ "#": "These texts are shown above the theme buttons when no theme is loaded",
+ "title": "Welcome to MapComplete",
+ "featuredThemeTitle": "Featured this week",
+ "intro": "MapComplete is an OpenStreetMap-viewer and editor, which shows you information about features of a specific theme and allows to update it.",
+ "pickTheme": "Pick a theme below to get started.",
+ "logIn": "Log in to see other themes you previously visited"
- "loginWithOpenStreetMap": "Login with OpenStreetMap",
- "welcomeBack": "You are logged in, welcome back!",
- "loginToStart": "Log in to answer this question",
- "openStreetMapIntro": "An Open Map
One that everyone can use and edit freely. A single place to store all geo-info. Different, small, incompatible and outdated maps are not needed anywhere.
OpenStreetMap is not the enemy map. The map data can be used freely (with attribution and publication of changes to that data). Everyone can add new data and fix errors. This website uses OpenStreetMap. All the data is from there, and your answers and corrections are used all over.
Many people and apps already use OpenStreetMap: Organic Maps, OsmAnd, but also the maps at Facebook, Instagram, Apple-maps and Bing-maps are (partly) powered by OpenStreetMap.
- "search": {
- "search": "Search a location",
- "searching": "Searching…",
- "nothing": "Nothing found…",
- "error": "Something went wrong…"
+ "split": {
+ "split": "Split",
+ "cancel": "Cancel",
+ "inviteToSplit": "Split this road in smaller segments. This allows to give different properties to parts of the road.",
+ "loginToSplit": "You must be logged in to split a road",
+ "splitTitle": "Choose on the map where to split this road",
+ "hasBeenSplit": "This way has been split"
- "returnToTheMap": "Return to the map",
- "save": "Save",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "skip": "Skip this question",
- "oneSkippedQuestion": "One question is skipped",
- "skippedQuestions": "Some questions are skipped",
- "number": "number",
- "osmLinkTooltip": "Browse this object on OpenStreetMap for history and more editing options",
- "add": {
- "addNewMapLabel": "Click here to add a new item",
- "disableFiltersExplanation": "Some features might be hidden by a filter",
- "disableFilters": "Disable all filters",
- "addNew": "Add a new {category} here",
- "presetInfo": "The new POI will have {tags}",
- "warnVisibleForEveryone": "Your addition will be visible for everyone",
- "title": "Add a new point?",
- "intro": "You clicked somewhere where no data is known yet.
- "pleaseLogin": "Please log in to add a new point",
- "zoomInFurther": "Zoom in further to add a point.",
- "stillLoading": "The data is still loading. Please wait a bit before you add a new point.",
- "confirmIntro": "Add a {title} here?
The point you create here will be visible for everyone. Please, only add things on to the map if they truly exist. A lot of applications use this data.",
- "confirmButton": "Add a {category} here.
Your addition is visible for everyone
- "openLayerControl": "Open the layer control box",
- "layerNotEnabled": "The layer {layer} is not enabled. Enable this layer to add a point",
- "hasBeenImported": "This point has already been imported",
- "importTags": "The element will receive {tags}",
- "zoomInMore": "Zoom in more to import this feature",
- "wrongType": "This element is not a point or a way and can not be imported",
- "import": {
- "officialThemesOnly": "The import button is disabled for unofficial themes to prevent accidents",
- "howToTest": "To test, add test=true or backend=osm-test to the URL. The changeset will be printed in the console. Please open a PR to officialize this theme to actually enable the import button.",
- "hasBeenImported": "This object has been imported",
- "importTags": "The element will receive {tags}",
- "zoomInMore": "Zoom in more to import this feature",
- "wrongType": "This element is not a point or a way and can not be imported"
- }
- },
- "pickLanguage": "Choose a language: ",
- "about": "Easily edit and add OpenStreetMap for a certain theme",
- "nameInlineQuestion": "The name of this {category} is $$$",
- "noNameCategory": "{category} without a name",
- "questions": {
- "phoneNumberOf": "What is the phone number of {category}?",
- "phoneNumberIs": "The phone number of this {category} is {phone}",
- "websiteOf": "What is the website of {category}?",
- "websiteIs": "Website: {website}",
- "emailOf": "What is the email address of {category}?",
- "emailIs": "The email address of this {category} is {email}"
- },
- "morescreen": {
- "intro": "More thematic maps?
Do you enjoy collecting geodata?
There are more themes available.",
- "requestATheme": "If you want a custom-built theme, request it in the issue tracker",
- "streetcomplete": "Another, similar application is StreetComplete.",
- "createYourOwnTheme": "Create your own MapComplete theme from scratch",
- "previouslyHiddenTitle": "Previously visited hidden themes",
- "hiddenExplanation": "These themes are only accessible to those with the link. You have discovered {hidden_discovered} of {total_hidden} hidden themes."
- },
- "sharescreen": {
- "intro": "Share this map
Share this map by copying the link below and sending it to friends and family:",
- "addToHomeScreen": "Add to your home screen
You can easily add this website to your smartphone home screen for a native feel. Click the 'Add to home screen' button in the URL bar to do this.",
- "embedIntro": "Embed on your website
Please, embed this map into your website.
We encourage you to do it - you don't even have to ask permission.
It is free, and always will be. The more people are using this, the more valuable it becomes.",
- "copiedToClipboard": "Link copied to clipboard",
- "thanksForSharing": "Thanks for sharing!",
- "editThisTheme": "Edit this theme",
- "editThemeDescription": "Add or change questions to this map theme",
- "fsUserbadge": "Enable the login button",
- "fsSearch": "Enable the search bar",
- "fsWelcomeMessage": "Show the welcome message popup and associated tabs",
- "fsLayers": "Enable the layer control",
- "fsLayerControlToggle": "Start with the layer control expanded",
- "fsAddNew": "Enable the 'add new POI' button",
- "fsGeolocation": "Enable the 'geolocate-me' button (mobile only)",
- "fsIncludeCurrentBackgroundMap": "Include the current background choice {name}",
- "fsIncludeCurrentLayers": "Include the current layer choices",
- "fsIncludeCurrentLocation": "Include current location"
- },
- "attribution": {
- "attributionTitle": "Attribution notice",
- "attributionContent": "All data is provided by OpenStreetMap, freely reusable under the Open DataBase License.
- "themeBy": "Theme maintained by {author}",
- "iconAttribution": {
- "title": "Used icons"
- },
- "mapContributionsBy": "The current visible data has edits made by {contributors}",
- "mapContributionsByAndHidden": "The current visible data has edits made by {contributors} and {hiddenCount} more contributors",
- "codeContributionsBy": "MapComplete has been built by {contributors} and {hiddenCount} more contributors",
- "openOsmcha": "See latest edits made with {theme}",
- "openMapillary": "Open Mapillary here",
- "openIssueTracker": "File a bug",
- "josmOpened": "JOSM is opened",
- "josmNotOpened": "JOSM could not be reached. Make sure it is opened and remote control is enabled",
- "editJosm": "Edit here with JOSM",
- "editId": "Open the OpenStreetMap online editor here",
- "donate": "Support MapComplete financially"
- },
- "readYourMessages": "Please, read all your OpenStreetMap-messages before adding a new point.",
- "fewChangesBefore": "Please, answer a few questions of existing points before adding a new point.",
- "goToInbox": "Open inbox",
- "removeLocationHistory": "Delete the location history",
- "getStartedLogin": "Log in with OpenStreetMap to get started",
- "getStartedNewAccount": " or create a new account",
- "noTagsSelected": "No tags selected",
- "testing": "Testing - changes won't be saved",
- "customThemeIntro": "Custom themes
These are previously visited user-generated themes.",
- "aboutMapcomplete": "About MapComplete
Use it to add OpenStreetMap info on a single theme. Answer questions, and within minutes your contributions are available everywhere. The theme maintainer defines elements, questions and languages for it.
Find out more
MapComplete always offers the next step to learn more about OpenStreetMap.
- When embedded in a website, the iframe links to a full-screen MapComplete
- The fullscreen version offers info about OpenStreetMap
- Viewing works without login, but editing requires an OSM account.
- If you are not logged in, you are asked to do so
- Once you answered a single question, you can add new points to the map
- After a while, actual OSM-tags are shown, later linking to the wiki
Did you notice an issue? Do you have a feature request? Want to help translate? Head over to the source code or issue tracker.
Want to see your progress? Follow the edit count on OsmCha.
- "backgroundMap": "Background map",
- "openTheMap": "Open the map",
- "loginOnlyNeededToEdit": "if you want to edit the map",
- "layerSelection": {
- "zoomInToSeeThisLayer": "Zoom in to see this layer",
- "title": "Select layers"
- },
- "download": {
- "title": "Download visible data",
- "downloadAsPdf": "Download a PDF of the current map",
- "downloadAsPdfHelper": "Ideal to print the current map",
- "downloadGeojson": "Download visible data as GeoJSON",
- "downloadGpx": "Download as GPX-file",
- "downloadGpxHelper": "A GPX-file can be used with most navigation devices and applications",
- "uploadGpx": "Upload your track to OpenStreetMap",
- "exporting": "Exporting…",
- "downloadGeoJsonHelper": "Compatible with QGIS, ArcGIS, ESRI, …",
- "downloadCSV": "Download visible data as CSV",
- "downloadCSVHelper": "Compatible with LibreOffice Calc, Excel, …",
- "includeMetaData": "Include metadata (last editor, calculated values, …)",
- "licenseInfo": "Copyright notice
The provided data is available under ODbL. Reusing it is gratis for any purpose, but - the attribution © OpenStreetMap contributors is required
- Any change must be use the license
Please read the full copyright notice for details.",
- "noDataLoaded": "No data is loaded yet. Download will be available soon",
- "downloadFeatureAsGpx": "Download as GPX-file",
- "downloadFeatureAsGeojson": "Download as GeoJson-file"
- },
- "weekdays": {
- "abbreviations": {
- "monday": "Mon",
- "tuesday": "Tue",
- "wednesday": "Wed",
- "thursday": "Thu",
- "friday": "Fri",
- "saturday": "Sat",
- "sunday": "Sun"
- },
- "monday": "Monday",
- "tuesday": "Tuesday",
- "wednesday": "Wednesday",
- "thursday": "Thursday",
- "friday": "Friday",
- "saturday": "Saturday",
- "sunday": "Sunday"
- },
- "opening_hours": {
- "error_loading": "Error: could not visualize these opening hours.",
- "open_during_ph": "During a public holiday, this is",
- "opensAt": "from",
- "openTill": "till",
- "not_all_rules_parsed": "These opening hours are complicated. The following rules are ignored in the input element:",
- "closed_until": "Closed until {date}",
- "closed_permanently": "Closed for an unkown duration",
- "open_24_7": "Opened around the clock",
- "ph_not_known": " ",
- "ph_closed": "closed",
- "ph_open": "opened",
- "ph_open_as_usual": "opened as usual",
- "loadingCountry": "Determining country…"
- },
- "histogram": {
- "error_loading": "Could not load the histogram"
- },
- "wikipedia": {
- "wikipediaboxTitle": "Wikipedia",
- "failed": "Loading the Wikipedia entry failed",
- "loading": "Loading Wikipedia...",
- "noWikipediaPage": "This Wikidata item has no corresponding Wikipedia page yet.",
- "searchWikidata": "Search on Wikidata",
- "noResults": "Nothing found for {search}",
- "doSearch": "Search above to see results",
- "createNewWikidata": "Create a new Wikidata item"
- },
- "apply_button": {
- "isApplied": "The changes are applied",
- "appliedOnAnotherObject": "The object {id} will receive {tags}"
- }
- },
- "favourite": {
- "panelIntro": "Your personal theme
Activate your favourite layers from all the official themes",
- "loginNeeded": "Log in
A personal layout is only available for OpenStreetMap users",
- "reload": "Reload the data"
- },
- "reviews": {
- "title": "{count} reviews",
- "title_singular": "One review",
- "name_required": "A name is required in order to display and create reviews",
- "no_reviews_yet": "There are no reviews yet. Be the first to write one and help open data and the business!",
- "write_a_comment": "Leave a review…",
- "no_rating": "No rating given",
- "posting_as": "Posting as",
- "i_am_affiliated": "I am affiliated with this object
Check if you are an owner, creator, employee, …",
- "affiliated_reviewer_warning": "(Affiliated review)",
- "saving_review": "Saving…",
- "saved": "Review saved. Thanks for sharing!",
- "tos": "If you create a review, you agree to the TOS and privacy policy of",
- "attribution": "Reviews are powered by Mangrove Reviews and are available under CC-BY 4.0.",
- "plz_login": "Log in to leave a review"
- },
- "multi_apply": {
- "autoApply": "When changing the attributes {attr_names}, these attributes will automatically be changed on {count} other objects too"
- },
- "move": {
- "loginToMove": "You must be logged in to move a point",
- "inviteToMoveAgain": "Move this point again",
- "moveTitle": "Move this point",
- "whyMove": "Why do you want to move this point?",
- "confirmMove": "Move here",
- "pointIsMoved": "The point has been moved",
- "zoomInFurther": "Zoom in further to confirm this move",
- "selectReason": "Why do you move this object?",
- "reasons": {
- "reasonRelocation": "The object has been relocated to a totally different location",
- "reasonInaccurate": "The location of this object is inaccurate and should be moved a few meter"
- },
- "inviteToMove": {
- "generic": "Move this point",
- "reasonInaccurate": "Improve the accuracy of this point",
- "reasonRelocation": "Move this object to a another place because it has relocated"
- },
- "cannotBeMoved": "This feature cannot be moved.",
- "isWay": "This feature is a way. Use another OpenStreetMap editor to move it.",
- "isRelation": "This feature is a relation and can not be moved",
- "partOfAWay": "This feature is part of another way. Use another editor to move it.",
- "partOfRelation": "This feature is part of a relation. Use another editor to move it.",
- "cancel": "Cancel move"
- },
- "privacy": {
- "title": "Privacy policy",
- "intro": "Privacy is important - for both the individual and for society. MapComplete tries to respect your privacy as much as possible - up to the point no annoying cookie banner is needed. However, we still would like to inform you which information is gathered and shared, under which circumstances and why these trade-offs are made.",
- "trackingTitle": "Statistical data",
- "tracking": "To gather some insight in whom visits our website, some technical information is collected. This is included the country you visited the webpage from, which website referred you to MapComplete, the type of your device and the screensize. A coockie is placed on your device to indicate that you visited MapComplete earlier today. This data is not detailed enough to personally identify you. These statistics are only available to anyone in aggregate and are publicly available to anyone",
- "geodataTitle": "Your geolocation",
- "geodata": "When MapComplete gets your geolocation, your geolocation and previously visited locations stay on your device. Your location data is never automatically sent to anywhere else - unless some (future) functionality clearly states otherwise.",
- "editingTitle": "When making changes",
- "editing": "When you make a change to the map, this change is recorded on OpenStreetMap and is publicly available to anyone. A changeset made with MapComplete includes the following data: - The changes you made
- Your username
- When this change is made
- The theme you used while making the change
- The language of the user interface
- An indication of how close you were to changed objects. Other mappers can use this information to determine if a change was made based on survey or on remote research
Please refer to the privacy policy on for detailed information. We'd like to remind you that you can use a fictional name when signing up.",
- "miscCookiesTitle": "Other cookies",
- "miscCookies": "MapComplete integrates with various other services, especially to load images of features. Images are hosted on various third-party servers, which might set cookies on their own.",
- "whileYoureHere": "Do you care about privacy?",
- "surveillance": "As you are reading the privacy policy, you probably care about privacy - so do we! We even made a theme showing surveillance cameras. Feel free to map them all!"
- },
- "professional": {
- "backToMapcomplete": "Back to the theme overview",
- "indexPage": {
- "hook": "Need professional support?",
- "hookMore": "We can help with setting up surveys, data imports and OpenStreetMap-consultancy",
- "button": "Discover our services"
- },
- "title": "Professional support with MapComplete",
- "intro": "The developer of MapComplete offers professional support. This document outlines some of the possibilities, common questions and the boundaries of MapComplete",
- "osmTitle": "What can OpenStreetMap and MapComplete do for your organisation?",
- "text0": "Maintaining a set of up-to-date geodata is hard, error prone and expensive.
To add insult to injury, many organizations end up collecting the same data independently - resulting in duplicated efforts, non-standardized data formats and many incomplete, unmaintained datasets.
At the same time, there is a huge community which gathers a lot of geodata into one shared, global and standardized database - namely
- "text1": "MapComplete is the editor to make contributing data to OpenStreetMap easy.
- "aboutOsm": {
- "aboutOsm": {
- "title": "What is OpenStreetMap?",
- "intro": "OpenStreetMap is a shared, global database, built by volunteers. All geodata can be contributed to OpenStreetMap, as long as it can be verified on the ground.
OpenStreetMap has grown to be a very broad and deep dataset as it contains data over thousands of categories of objects.An individual object might also have a ton of attributes, bringing a lot of nuance, e.g.:",
- "li0": "Streets have geometry, but might also have information about the maxspeed, surface, wether they are lit, their name, a link to Wikipedia, a link to what they are named after, which hiking-, cycle- and busroutes run over theme",
- "li1": "Shops and other amenities might have opening hours, a phone number, a link to the website, which payment methods are supported, what they sell, which services they offer, ...",
- "li2": "Toilets might have information about wheelchair accessibility, a changing table, if payment is needed, ...",
- "li3": "and much, much more..."
- },
- "benefits": {
- "title": "Benefits of the OSM-ecosystem",
- "intro": "It can be very hard to leave your own dataset behind, as building this dataset often took a lot of time and effort.
However, the benefits of switching over to OSM are huge:",
- "li0": "You are not alone anymore to gather and maintain this dataset - a whole community is at your side",
- "li1": "Your data will reach a bigger audience then ever via Bing Maps, Apple Maps, Facebook, Instagram, Pokemon Go, OsmAnd, Organic Maps,, Mapbox, Komoot, nearly all cycle-applications, ...",
- "li2": "Many governement organisations and municipalities use OpenStreetMap on their websites too"
- },
- "license": {
- "title": "The license",
- "intro": "OpenStreetMap is licensed under the Open Database License. The full copyright text can be summarized as following:",
- "li0": "A product using OpenStreetMap data must give attribution.",
- "li1": "OpenStreetMap-data must remain open. This means that data of a map containing OpenStreetMap data can be copied again.",
- "outro": "The license has a few implications - these are explained below."
- },
- "vandalism": {
- "title": "What about vandalism?",
- "intro": "As anyone can edit the data, it is indeed possible that a malicious change is made. However, this is extremely rare for a few reasons:",
- "li0": "the technical barrier to make changes is high",
- "li1": "a small malicious change has low impact, thus little reward for a vandal",
- "li2": "a high impact change is quickly noticed and reverted since so many people use this data",
- "li3": "all changes are tracked and tied to a single user. A repeating offender is quickly banned",
- "li4": "In Belgium (and some other countries), the first edit by a new contributor is systematically checked and corrected if needed."
- }
- },
- "aboutMc": {
- "title": "Using MapComplete in your organization",
- "text0": "If an existing MapComplete theme is what you, feel free to use it or embed it on your website. Embedding the public themes is free and always will be.",
- "text1": "Do you need some other data, but does the theme not exist yet? The MapComplete-developers can build it for you on a decent budget. Get in touch via email, github or send a message via",
- "text2": "If you still feel unsure, the possibilities are outlined below. Additionally, some common questions are answered",
- "layers": {
- "title": "What data can be shown with MapComplete?",
- "intro": "MapComplete has a powerful templating system, which allows to quickly create a map showing precisely those features that you need and showing relevant attributes in the popups.
This data can be fetched from OpenStreetMap directly, but MapComplete can also use external datasets - e.g. to compare OpenStreetMap with another dataset or to show data that is not suited for OpenStreetMap (planned activities, statistics, ...)"
- },
- "survey": {
- "title": "Survey possibilities",
- "intro": "
MapComplete is an easy to use survey tool. It is ideal to collect the necessary in a few clicks, both on desktop and on mobile. This data is contributed directly into OpenStreetMap.
We can setup a custom survey tool, asking precisely the data you need in a future-proof way.
Do you have a dataset that has to be (re)surveyed? This is the perfect moment to make the switch to OpenStreetMap.MapComplete can show your dataset and OpenStreetMap at the same time, making it easier to visit all the locations and to see what the community already contributed.
- },
- "internalUse": {
- "title": "Using the data in internal processes",
- "intro": "Once the data is in OpenStreetMap, you'll probably want to use the data as well. Your MapComplete theme can have a convenient export-button, offering to download the data in many open formats usable in QGis, ArcGis, Excel, LibreOffice-calc, ...
Someone with basic spreadsheet-skills can thus easily create graphs and insights about the data, whereas the GIS-experts within your organisation can easily work with this data in their preferred application.
If an automated setup is needed, a free-to-use, community-run API is available.
- }
- },
- "services": {
- "title": "MapComplete services",
- "intro": "The developer of MapComplete can help you with the following services:",
- "li0": "Setting up a theme tailored for your need",
- "li1": "Help with setting up the internal data flow to integrate OpenStreetMap",
- "li2": "Training on how to contribute data with MapComplete",
- "li3": "Advanced training (e.g. for the GIS-team) on how to add advanced data to OpenStreetMap",
- "li4": "Training on how to download filtered data from OpenStreetMap",
- "outro": "These services are offered at competitive prices. A simple theme without extra support can be setup for as little €2000, and a small additional yearly hosting cost."
- },
- "drawbacks": {
- "title": "A few drawbacks to keep in mind",
- "intro": "While joining this community has tremendous benefits, there are a few topics to carefully consider.",
- "unsuitedData": {
- "title": "Data not suited for OpenStreetMap",
- "intro": "The basic rule for OpenStreetMap is that all data must be verifiable on the ground and are somewhat permanent. This implies that some data cannot be sent to OpenStreetMap directly - but some workarounds exist.",
- "li0": "Subjective data (such as reviews) are not suited for OpenStreetMap. However, MapComplete has an integration with, an openly licensed review website",
- "li1": "Events of a few days, road works that are planned next month are thus not recorded, neither are road works which only last a few days.",
- "li2": "Temporal data (e.g. statistics of air quality, traffic intensity, ...) can not stored on OpenStreetMap as they are hard to verify by a volunteer. Note that, if this data is available elsewhere, it can still be visualized within MapComplete as extra layer."
- },
- "licenseNuances": {
- "title": "Implications of ODbL: some use cases",
- "intro": "OpenStreetMap is licensed unter the Open Database License which states that:",
- "li0": "All data can be reused for any purpose - including commercial purposes",
- "li1": "Applications or products using OpenStreetMap should give a clear copyright notice",
- "li2": "Any dataset or product which contains OpenStreetMap-data must be republished under ODbL too, including modifications to this dataset and in a usable format.",
- "outro": "This has a few implications which should be considered for some usecases, as explained below",
- "usecaseMapDifferentSources": {
- "title": "Creating a map from different sources",
- "intro": "For example, one could make a map with all benches in some city, based on the benches known by OpenStreetMap. This printed map needs a clear statement that the map data is based on OpenStreetMap. Selling these maps is permitted.If the mapmaker notices that the benches are missing in some area and adds them on the printed map, the data on the missing benches are automatically open data too. This means that an OpenStreetMap-contributor is allowed to take the paper map and use it to add the missing benches back into OpenStreetMap.
This contributor also has the right to ask for the dataset of the missing benches, which should be provided too.
If the mapmaker notices that the benches are missing in some area and adds them on the printed map, the data on the missing benches are automatically open data too. This means that an OpenStreetMap-contributor is allowed to take the paper map and use it to add the missing benches back into OpenStreetMap. This contributor also has the right to ask for the dataset of the missing benches, which should be provided too.
Of course, a map with only benches can be boring. The mapmaker might also decide to add in a layer with shops, possibly sourced from another geodata provider under another license. This is permitted to, if the map clearly states that the benches are sourced from OSM (under ODBL) and the shops have a different source (eventually with an all rights reserved).
However, mixing two datasets into one undistinguishible layer might not be permitted. For example, the mapmaker migth find that OSM has excellent data on benches in one part of the city and the closed-source provider might have excellent data on benches in another part of the city, merging these datasets into one could be problematic:
- "li0": "the open license would require the modifications to be openly republished...",
- "li1": "...whereas the all-rights-reserved license would prohibit this.",
- "outro": "As a result, this kind of mixing is not allowed"
+ "delete": {
+ "delete": "Delete",
+ "cancel": "Cancel",
+ "isDeleted": "This feature is deleted",
+ "cannotBeDeleted": "This feature can not be deleted",
+ "loginToDelete": "You must be logged in to delete a point",
+ "safeDelete": "This point can be safely deleted.",
+ "isntAPoint": "Only points can be deleted, the selected feature is a way, area or relation.",
+ "onlyEditedByLoggedInUser": "This point has only be edited by yourself, you can safely delete it.",
+ "notEnoughExperience": "This point was made by someone else.",
+ "useSomethingElse": "Use another OpenStreetMap-editor to delete it instead",
+ "partOfOthers": "This point is part of some way or relation and can not be deleted directly.",
+ "loading": "Inspecting properties to check if this feature can be deleted.",
+ "whyDelete": "Why should this point be deleted?",
+ "reasons": {
+ "test": "This was a testing point - the feature was never actually there",
+ "disused": "This feature is disused or removed",
+ "notFound": "This feature couldn't be found",
+ "duplicate": "This point is a duplicate of another feature"
- "usecaseGatheringOpenData": {
- "title": "Gathering open data",
- "intro": "MapComplete is an excellent way to create Open Data, also for governments. By default, this data will be freely redistributable under the ODbL. However, if there is a requirement to publish the gathered data under a public domain-license (where all rights are granted to the public and no attribution is required), the ODbL is too restrictive. In this case, one can ask the contributors to add data as Public Domain (e.g. by informing them in the mapcomplete theme). "
+ "explanations": {
+ "selectReason": "Please, select why this feature should be deleted",
+ "hardDelete": "This point will be deleted in OpenStreetMap. It can be recovered by an experienced contributor",
+ "softDelete": "This feature will be updated and hidden from this application. {reason}"
+ },
+ "readMessages": "You have unread messages. Read these before deleting a point - someone might have feedback"
+ },
+ "general": {
+ "loading": "Loading...",
+ "pdf": {
+ "generatedWith": "Generated with",
+ "attr": "Map data © OpenStreetMap Contributors, reusable under ODbL",
+ "attrBackground": "Background layer: {background}",
+ "versionInfo": "v{version} - generated on {date}"
+ },
+ "loginWithOpenStreetMap": "Login with OpenStreetMap",
+ "welcomeBack": "You are logged in, welcome back!",
+ "loginToStart": "Log in to answer this question",
+ "openStreetMapIntro": "An Open Map
One that everyone can use and edit freely. A single place to store all geo-info. Different, small, incompatible and outdated maps are not needed anywhere.
OpenStreetMap is not the enemy map. The map data can be used freely (with attribution and publication of changes to that data). Everyone can add new data and fix errors. This website uses OpenStreetMap. All the data is from there, and your answers and corrections are used all over.
Many people and apps already use OpenStreetMap: Organic Maps, OsmAnd, but also the maps at Facebook, Instagram, Apple-maps and Bing-maps are (partly) powered by OpenStreetMap.
+ "search": {
+ "search": "Search a location",
+ "searching": "Searching…",
+ "nothing": "Nothing found…",
+ "error": "Something went wrong…"
+ },
+ "returnToTheMap": "Return to the map",
+ "save": "Save",
+ "cancel": "Cancel",
+ "skip": "Skip this question",
+ "oneSkippedQuestion": "One question is skipped",
+ "skippedQuestions": "Some questions are skipped",
+ "number": "number",
+ "osmLinkTooltip": "Browse this object on OpenStreetMap for history and more editing options",
+ "add": {
+ "addNewMapLabel": "Click here to add a new item",
+ "disableFiltersExplanation": "Some features might be hidden by a filter",
+ "disableFilters": "Disable all filters",
+ "addNew": "Add a new {category} here",
+ "presetInfo": "The new POI will have {tags}",
+ "warnVisibleForEveryone": "Your addition will be visible for everyone",
+ "title": "Add a new point?",
+ "intro": "You clicked somewhere where no data is known yet.
+ "pleaseLogin": "Please log in to add a new point",
+ "zoomInFurther": "Zoom in further to add a point.",
+ "stillLoading": "The data is still loading. Please wait a bit before you add a new point.",
+ "confirmIntro": "Add a {title} here?
The point you create here will be visible for everyone. Please, only add things on to the map if they truly exist. A lot of applications use this data.",
+ "confirmButton": "Add a {category} here.
Your addition is visible for everyone
+ "openLayerControl": "Open the layer control box",
+ "layerNotEnabled": "The layer {layer} is not enabled. Enable this layer to add a point",
+ "hasBeenImported": "This point has already been imported",
+ "importTags": "The element will receive {tags}",
+ "zoomInMore": "Zoom in more to import this feature",
+ "wrongType": "This element is not a point or a way and can not be imported",
+ "import": {
+ "officialThemesOnly": "The import button is disabled for unofficial themes to prevent accidents",
+ "howToTest": "To test, add test=true or backend=osm-test to the URL. The changeset will be printed in the console. Please open a PR to officialize this theme to actually enable the import button.",
+ "hasBeenImported": "This object has been imported",
+ "importTags": "The element will receive {tags}",
+ "zoomInMore": "Zoom in more to import this feature",
+ "wrongType": "This element is not a point or a way and can not be imported"
+ }
+ },
+ "pickLanguage": "Choose a language: ",
+ "about": "Easily edit and add OpenStreetMap for a certain theme",
+ "nameInlineQuestion": "The name of this {category} is $$$",
+ "noNameCategory": "{category} without a name",
+ "questions": {
+ "phoneNumberOf": "What is the phone number of {category}?",
+ "phoneNumberIs": "The phone number of this {category} is {phone}",
+ "websiteOf": "What is the website of {category}?",
+ "websiteIs": "Website: {website}",
+ "emailOf": "What is the email address of {category}?",
+ "emailIs": "The email address of this {category} is {email}"
+ },
+ "morescreen": {
+ "intro": "More thematic maps?
Do you enjoy collecting geodata?
There are more themes available.",
+ "requestATheme": "If you want a custom-built theme, request it in the issue tracker",
+ "streetcomplete": "Another, similar application is StreetComplete.",
+ "createYourOwnTheme": "Create your own MapComplete theme from scratch",
+ "previouslyHiddenTitle": "Previously visited hidden themes",
+ "hiddenExplanation": "These themes are only accessible to those with the link. You have discovered {hidden_discovered} of {total_hidden} hidden themes."
+ },
+ "sharescreen": {
+ "intro": "Share this map
Share this map by copying the link below and sending it to friends and family:",
+ "addToHomeScreen": "Add to your home screen
You can easily add this website to your smartphone home screen for a native feel. Click the 'Add to home screen' button in the URL bar to do this.",
+ "embedIntro": "Embed on your website
Please, embed this map into your website.
We encourage you to do it - you don't even have to ask permission.
It is free, and always will be. The more people are using this, the more valuable it becomes.",
+ "copiedToClipboard": "Link copied to clipboard",
+ "thanksForSharing": "Thanks for sharing!",
+ "editThisTheme": "Edit this theme",
+ "editThemeDescription": "Add or change questions to this map theme",
+ "fsUserbadge": "Enable the login button",
+ "fsSearch": "Enable the search bar",
+ "fsWelcomeMessage": "Show the welcome message popup and associated tabs",
+ "fsLayers": "Enable the layer control",
+ "fsLayerControlToggle": "Start with the layer control expanded",
+ "fsAddNew": "Enable the 'add new POI' button",
+ "fsGeolocation": "Enable the 'geolocate-me' button (mobile only)",
+ "fsIncludeCurrentBackgroundMap": "Include the current background choice {name}",
+ "fsIncludeCurrentLayers": "Include the current layer choices",
+ "fsIncludeCurrentLocation": "Include current location"
+ },
+ "attribution": {
+ "attributionTitle": "Attribution notice",
+ "attributionContent": "All data is provided by OpenStreetMap, freely reusable under the Open DataBase License.
+ "themeBy": "Theme maintained by {author}",
+ "iconAttribution": {
+ "title": "Used icons"
+ },
+ "mapContributionsBy": "The current visible data has edits made by {contributors}",
+ "mapContributionsByAndHidden": "The current visible data has edits made by {contributors} and {hiddenCount} more contributors",
+ "codeContributionsBy": "MapComplete has been built by {contributors} and {hiddenCount} more contributors",
+ "openOsmcha": "See latest edits made with {theme}",
+ "openMapillary": "Open Mapillary here",
+ "openIssueTracker": "File a bug",
+ "josmOpened": "JOSM is opened",
+ "josmNotOpened": "JOSM could not be reached. Make sure it is opened and remote control is enabled",
+ "editJosm": "Edit here with JOSM",
+ "editId": "Open the OpenStreetMap online editor here",
+ "donate": "Support MapComplete financially"
+ },
+ "readYourMessages": "Please, read all your OpenStreetMap-messages before adding a new point.",
+ "fewChangesBefore": "Please, answer a few questions of existing points before adding a new point.",
+ "goToInbox": "Open inbox",
+ "removeLocationHistory": "Delete the location history",
+ "getStartedLogin": "Log in with OpenStreetMap to get started",
+ "getStartedNewAccount": " or create a new account",
+ "noTagsSelected": "No tags selected",
+ "testing": "Testing - changes won't be saved",
+ "customThemeIntro": "Custom themes
These are previously visited user-generated themes.",
+ "aboutMapcomplete": "About MapComplete
Use it to add OpenStreetMap info on a single theme. Answer questions, and within minutes your contributions are available everywhere. The theme maintainer defines elements, questions and languages for it.
Find out more
MapComplete always offers the next step to learn more about OpenStreetMap.
- When embedded in a website, the iframe links to a full-screen MapComplete
- The fullscreen version offers info about OpenStreetMap
- Viewing works without login, but editing requires an OSM account.
- If you are not logged in, you are asked to do so
- Once you answered a single question, you can add new points to the map
- After a while, actual OSM-tags are shown, later linking to the wiki
Did you notice an issue? Do you have a feature request? Want to help translate? Head over to the source code or issue tracker.
Want to see your progress? Follow the edit count on OsmCha.
+ "backgroundMap": "Background map",
+ "openTheMap": "Open the map",
+ "loginOnlyNeededToEdit": "if you want to edit the map",
+ "layerSelection": {
+ "zoomInToSeeThisLayer": "Zoom in to see this layer",
+ "title": "Select layers"
+ },
+ "download": {
+ "title": "Download visible data",
+ "downloadAsPdf": "Download a PDF of the current map",
+ "downloadAsPdfHelper": "Ideal to print the current map",
+ "downloadGeojson": "Download visible data as GeoJSON",
+ "downloadGpx": "Download as GPX-file",
+ "downloadGpxHelper": "A GPX-file can be used with most navigation devices and applications",
+ "uploadGpx": "Upload your track to OpenStreetMap",
+ "exporting": "Exporting…",
+ "downloadGeoJsonHelper": "Compatible with QGIS, ArcGIS, ESRI, …",
+ "downloadCSV": "Download visible data as CSV",
+ "downloadCSVHelper": "Compatible with LibreOffice Calc, Excel, …",
+ "includeMetaData": "Include metadata (last editor, calculated values, …)",
+ "licenseInfo": "Copyright notice
The provided data is available under ODbL. Reusing it is gratis for any purpose, but - the attribution © OpenStreetMap contributors is required
- Any change must be use the license
Please read the full copyright notice for details.",
+ "noDataLoaded": "No data is loaded yet. Download will be available soon",
+ "downloadFeatureAsGpx": "Download as GPX-file",
+ "downloadFeatureAsGeojson": "Download as GeoJson-file"
+ },
+ "weekdays": {
+ "abbreviations": {
+ "monday": "Mon",
+ "tuesday": "Tue",
+ "wednesday": "Wed",
+ "thursday": "Thu",
+ "friday": "Fri",
+ "saturday": "Sat",
+ "sunday": "Sun"
+ },
+ "monday": "Monday",
+ "tuesday": "Tuesday",
+ "wednesday": "Wednesday",
+ "thursday": "Thursday",
+ "friday": "Friday",
+ "saturday": "Saturday",
+ "sunday": "Sunday"
+ },
+ "opening_hours": {
+ "error_loading": "Error: could not visualize these opening hours.",
+ "open_during_ph": "During a public holiday, this is",
+ "opensAt": "from",
+ "openTill": "till",
+ "not_all_rules_parsed": "These opening hours are complicated. The following rules are ignored in the input element:",
+ "closed_until": "Closed until {date}",
+ "closed_permanently": "Closed for an unkown duration",
+ "open_24_7": "Opened around the clock",
+ "ph_not_known": " ",
+ "ph_closed": "closed",
+ "ph_open": "opened",
+ "ph_open_as_usual": "opened as usual",
+ "loadingCountry": "Determining country…"
+ },
+ "histogram": {
+ "error_loading": "Could not load the histogram"
+ },
+ "wikipedia": {
+ "wikipediaboxTitle": "Wikipedia",
+ "failed": "Loading the Wikipedia entry failed",
+ "loading": "Loading Wikipedia...",
+ "noWikipediaPage": "This Wikidata item has no corresponding Wikipedia page yet.",
+ "searchWikidata": "Search on Wikidata",
+ "noResults": "Nothing found for {search}",
+ "doSearch": "Search above to see results",
+ "createNewWikidata": "Create a new Wikidata item"
+ },
+ "apply_button": {
+ "isApplied": "The changes are applied",
+ "appliedOnAnotherObject": "The object {id} will receive {tags}"
- }
+ },
+ "favourite": {
+ "panelIntro": "Your personal theme
Activate your favourite layers from all the official themes",
+ "loginNeeded": "Log in
A personal layout is only available for OpenStreetMap users",
+ "reload": "Reload the data"
+ },
+ "reviews": {
+ "title": "{count} reviews",
+ "title_singular": "One review",
+ "name_required": "A name is required in order to display and create reviews",
+ "no_reviews_yet": "There are no reviews yet. Be the first to write one and help open data and the business!",
+ "write_a_comment": "Leave a review…",
+ "no_rating": "No rating given",
+ "posting_as": "Posting as",
+ "i_am_affiliated": "I am affiliated with this object
Check if you are an owner, creator, employee, …",
+ "affiliated_reviewer_warning": "(Affiliated review)",
+ "saving_review": "Saving…",
+ "saved": "Review saved. Thanks for sharing!",
+ "tos": "If you create a review, you agree to the TOS and privacy policy of",
+ "attribution": "Reviews are powered by Mangrove Reviews and are available under CC-BY 4.0.",
+ "plz_login": "Log in to leave a review"
+ },
+ "multi_apply": {
+ "autoApply": "When changing the attributes {attr_names}, these attributes will automatically be changed on {count} other objects too"
+ },
+ "move": {
+ "loginToMove": "You must be logged in to move a point",
+ "inviteToMoveAgain": "Move this point again",
+ "moveTitle": "Move this point",
+ "whyMove": "Why do you want to move this point?",
+ "confirmMove": "Move here",
+ "pointIsMoved": "The point has been moved",
+ "zoomInFurther": "Zoom in further to confirm this move",
+ "selectReason": "Why do you move this object?",
+ "reasons": {
+ "reasonRelocation": "The object has been relocated to a totally different location",
+ "reasonInaccurate": "The location of this object is inaccurate and should be moved a few meter"
+ },
+ "inviteToMove": {
+ "generic": "Move this point",
+ "reasonInaccurate": "Improve the accuracy of this point",
+ "reasonRelocation": "Move this object to a another place because it has relocated"
+ },
+ "cannotBeMoved": "This feature cannot be moved.",
+ "isWay": "This feature is a way. Use another OpenStreetMap editor to move it.",
+ "isRelation": "This feature is a relation and can not be moved",
+ "partOfAWay": "This feature is part of another way. Use another editor to move it.",
+ "partOfRelation": "This feature is part of a relation. Use another editor to move it.",
+ "cancel": "Cancel move"
+ },
+ "privacy": {
+ "title": "Privacy policy",
+ "intro": "Privacy is important - for both the individual and for society. MapComplete tries to respect your privacy as much as possible - up to the point no annoying cookie banner is needed. However, we still would like to inform you which information is gathered and shared, under which circumstances and why these trade-offs are made.",
+ "trackingTitle": "Statistical data",
+ "tracking": "To gather some insight in whom visits our website, some technical information is collected. This is included the country you visited the webpage from, which website referred you to MapComplete, the type of your device and the screensize. A cookie is placed on your device to indicate that you visited MapComplete earlier today. This data is not detailed enough to personally identify you. These statistics are only available to anyone in aggregate and are publicly available to anyone",
+ "geodataTitle": "Your geolocation",
+ "geodata": "When MapComplete gets your geolocation, your geolocation and previously visited locations stay on your device. Your location data is never automatically sent to anywhere else - unless some functionality clearly states otherwise.",
+ "editingTitle": "When making changes",
+ "editing": "When you make a change to the map, this change is recorded on OpenStreetMap and is publicly available to anyone. A changeset made with MapComplete includes the following data: - The changes you made
- Your username
- When this change is made
- The theme you used while making the change
- The language of the user interface
- An indication of how close you were to changed objects. Other mappers can use this information to determine if a change was made based on survey or on remote research
Please refer to the privacy policy on for detailed information. We'd like to remind you that you can use a fictional name when signing up.",
+ "miscCookiesTitle": "Other cookies",
+ "miscCookies": "MapComplete integrates with various other services, especially to load images of features. Images are hosted on various third-party servers, which might set cookies on their own.",
+ "whileYoureHere": "Do you care about privacy?",
+ "surveillance": "As you are reading the privacy policy, you probably care about privacy - so do we! We even made a theme showing surveillance cameras. Feel free to map them all!"
+ },
+ "professional": {
+ "backToMapcomplete": "Back to the theme overview",
+ "indexPage": {
+ "hook": "Need professional support?",
+ "hookMore": "We can help with setting up surveys, data imports and OpenStreetMap-consultancy",
+ "button": "Discover our services"
+ },
+ "title": "Professional support with MapComplete",
+ "intro": "The developer of MapComplete offers professional support. This document outlines some of the possibilities, common questions and the boundaries of MapComplete",
+ "osmTitle": "What can OpenStreetMap and MapComplete do for your organisation?",
+ "text0": "Maintaining a set of up-to-date geodata is hard, error prone and expensive.
To add insult to injury, many organizations end up collecting the same data independently - resulting in duplicated efforts, non-standardized data formats and many incomplete, unmaintained datasets.
At the same time, there is a huge community which gathers a lot of geodata into one shared, global and standardized database - namely
+ "text1": "MapComplete is the editor to make contributing data to OpenStreetMap easy.
+ "aboutOsm": {
+ "aboutOsm": {
+ "title": "What is OpenStreetMap?",
+ "intro": "OpenStreetMap is a shared, global database, built by volunteers. All geodata can be contributed to OpenStreetMap, as long as it can be verified on the ground.
OpenStreetMap has grown to be a very broad and deep dataset as it contains data over thousands of categories of objects.An individual object might also have a ton of attributes, bringing a lot of nuance, e.g.:",
+ "li0": "Streets have geometry, but might also have information about the maxspeed, surface, wether they are lit, their name, a link to Wikipedia, a link to what they are named after, which hiking-, cycle- and busroutes run over theme",
+ "li1": "Shops and other amenities might have opening hours, a phone number, a link to the website, which payment methods are supported, what they sell, which services they offer, …",
+ "li2": "Toilets might have information about wheelchair accessibility, a changing table, if payment is needed, …",
+ "li3": "and much, much more…"
+ },
+ "benefits": {
+ "title": "Benefits of the OSM-ecosystem",
+ "intro": "It can be very hard to leave your own dataset behind, as building this dataset often took a lot of time and effort.
However, the benefits of switching over to OSM are huge:",
+ "li0": "You are not alone anymore to gather and maintain this dataset - a whole community is at your side",
+ "li1": "Your data will reach a bigger audience then ever via Bing Maps, Apple Maps, Facebook, Instagram, Pokemon Go, OsmAnd, Organic Maps,, Mapbox, Komoot, nearly all cycle-applications, …",
+ "li2": "Many governement organisations and municipalities use OpenStreetMap on their websites too"
+ },
+ "license": {
+ "title": "The license",
+ "intro": "OpenStreetMap is licensed under the Open Database License. The full copyright text can be summarized as following:",
+ "li0": "A product using OpenStreetMap data must give attribution.",
+ "li1": "OpenStreetMap-data must remain open. This means that data of a map containing OpenStreetMap data can be copied again.",
+ "outro": "The license has a few implications - these are explained below."
+ },
+ "vandalism": {
+ "title": "What about vandalism?",
+ "intro": "As anyone can edit the data, it is indeed possible that a malicious change is made. However, this is extremely rare for a few reasons:",
+ "li0": "the technical barrier to make changes is high",
+ "li1": "a small malicious change has low impact, thus little reward for a vandal",
+ "li2": "a high impact change is quickly noticed and reverted since so many people use this data",
+ "li3": "all changes are tracked and tied to a single user. A repeating offender is quickly banned",
+ "li4": "In Belgium (and some other countries), the first edit by a new contributor is systematically checked and corrected if needed."
+ }
+ },
+ "aboutMc": {
+ "title": "Using MapComplete in your organization",
+ "text0": "If an existing MapComplete theme is what you, feel free to use it or embed it on your website. Embedding the public themes is free and always will be.",
+ "text1": "Do you need some other data, but does the theme not exist yet? The MapComplete-developers can build it for you on a decent budget. Get in touch via email, github or send a message via",
+ "text2": "If you still feel unsure, the possibilities are outlined below. Additionally, some common questions are answered",
+ "layers": {
+ "title": "What data can be shown with MapComplete?",
+ "intro": "MapComplete has a powerful templating system, which allows to quickly create a map showing precisely those features that you need and showing relevant attributes in the popups.
This data can be fetched from OpenStreetMap directly, but MapComplete can also use external datasets - e.g. to compare OpenStreetMap with another dataset or to show data that is not suited for OpenStreetMap (planned activities, statistics, ...)"
+ },
+ "survey": {
+ "title": "Survey possibilities",
+ "intro": "
MapComplete is an easy to use survey tool. It is ideal to collect the necessary in a few clicks, both on desktop and on mobile. This data is contributed directly into OpenStreetMap.
We can setup a custom survey tool, asking precisely the data you need in a future-proof way.
Do you have a dataset that has to be (re)surveyed? This is the perfect moment to make the switch to OpenStreetMap.MapComplete can show your dataset and OpenStreetMap at the same time, making it easier to visit all the locations and to see what the community already contributed.
+ },
+ "internalUse": {
+ "title": "Using the data in internal processes",
+ "intro": "Once the data is in OpenStreetMap, you'll probably want to use the data as well. Your MapComplete theme can have a convenient export-button, offering to download the data in many open formats usable in QGis, ArcGis, Excel, LibreOffice-calc, ...
Someone with basic spreadsheet-skills can thus easily create graphs and insights about the data, whereas the GIS-experts within your organisation can easily work with this data in their preferred application.
If an automated setup is needed, a free-to-use, community-run API is available.
+ }
+ },
+ "services": {
+ "title": "MapComplete services",
+ "intro": "The developer of MapComplete can help you with the following services:",
+ "li0": "Setting up a theme tailored for your need",
+ "li1": "Help with setting up the internal data flow to integrate OpenStreetMap",
+ "li2": "Training on how to contribute data with MapComplete",
+ "li3": "Advanced training (e.g. for the GIS-team) on how to add advanced data to OpenStreetMap",
+ "li4": "Training on how to download filtered data from OpenStreetMap",
+ "outro": "These services are offered at competitive prices. A simple theme without extra support can be setup for as little €2000, and a small additional yearly hosting cost."
+ },
+ "drawbacks": {
+ "title": "A few drawbacks to keep in mind",
+ "intro": "While joining this community has tremendous benefits, there are a few topics to carefully consider.",
+ "unsuitedData": {
+ "title": "Data not suited for OpenStreetMap",
+ "intro": "The basic rule for OpenStreetMap is that all data must be verifiable on the ground and are somewhat permanent. This implies that some data cannot be sent to OpenStreetMap directly - but some workarounds exist.",
+ "li0": "Subjective data (such as reviews) are not suited for OpenStreetMap. However, MapComplete has an integration with, an openly licensed review website",
+ "li1": "Events of a few days, road works that are planned next month are thus not recorded, neither are road works which only last a few days.",
+ "li2": "Temporal data (e.g. statistics of air quality, traffic intensity, ...) can not stored on OpenStreetMap as they are hard to verify by a volunteer. Note that, if this data is available elsewhere, it can still be visualized within MapComplete as extra layer."
+ },
+ "licenseNuances": {
+ "title": "Implications of ODbL: some use cases",
+ "intro": "OpenStreetMap is licensed unter the Open Database License which states that:",
+ "li0": "All data can be reused for any purpose - including commercial purposes",
+ "li1": "Applications or products using OpenStreetMap should give a clear copyright notice",
+ "li2": "Any dataset or product which contains OpenStreetMap-data must be republished under ODbL too, including modifications to this dataset and in a usable format.",
+ "outro": "This has a few implications which should be considered for some usecases, as explained below",
+ "usecaseMapDifferentSources": {
+ "title": "Creating a map from different sources",
+ "intro": "For example, one could make a map with all benches in some city, based on the benches known by OpenStreetMap. This printed map needs a clear statement that the map data is based on OpenStreetMap. Selling these maps is permitted.If the mapmaker notices that the benches are missing in some area and adds them on the printed map, the data on the missing benches are automatically open data too. This means that an OpenStreetMap-contributor is allowed to take the paper map and use it to add the missing benches back into OpenStreetMap.
This contributor also has the right to ask for the dataset of the missing benches, which should be provided too.
If the mapmaker notices that the benches are missing in some area and adds them on the printed map, the data on the missing benches are automatically open data too. This means that an OpenStreetMap-contributor is allowed to take the paper map and use it to add the missing benches back into OpenStreetMap. This contributor also has the right to ask for the dataset of the missing benches, which should be provided too.
Of course, a map with only benches can be boring. The mapmaker might also decide to add in a layer with shops, possibly sourced from another geodata provider under another license. This is permitted to, if the map clearly states that the benches are sourced from OSM (under ODBL) and the shops have a different source (eventually with an all rights reserved).
However, mixing two datasets into one undistinguishible layer might not be permitted. For example, the mapmaker migth find that OSM has excellent data on benches in one part of the city and the closed-source provider might have excellent data on benches in another part of the city, merging these datasets into one could be problematic:
+ "li0": "the open license would require the modifications to be openly republished...",
+ "li1": "...whereas the all-rights-reserved license would prohibit this.",
+ "outro": "As a result, this kind of mixing is not allowed"
+ },
+ "usecaseGatheringOpenData": {
+ "title": "Gathering open data",
+ "intro": "MapComplete is an excellent way to create Open Data, also for governments. By default, this data will be freely redistributable under the ODbL. However, if there is a requirement to publish the gathered data under a public domain-license (where all rights are granted to the public and no attribution is required), the ODbL is too restrictive. In this case, one can ask the contributors to add data as Public Domain (e.g. by informing them in the mapcomplete theme). "
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "notes": {
+ "isClosed": "This note is resolved",
+ "addCommentPlaceholder": "Add a comment...",
+ "addComment": "Add comment",
+ "addCommentAndClose": "Add comment and close",
+ "closeNote": "Close note",
+ "reopenNote": "Reopen note",
+ "reopenNoteAndComment": "Reopen note and comment",
+ "anonymous": "Anonymous user",
+ "loginToAddComment": "Login to add a comment",
+ "loginToAddPicture": "Login to add a picture",
+ "loginToClose": "Login to close this note",
+ "createNoteTitle": "Create a new note here",
+ "createNote": "Create a new note",
+ "noteIsPublic": "This will be visible to everyone",
+ "createNoteIntro": "Is something wrong or missing on the map? Create a note here. These will be checked by volunteers",
+ "warnAnonymous": "You are not logged in. We won't be able to contact you to resolve your issue.",
+ "notesLayerMustBeEnabled": "The 'notes'-layer is disabled. Enable it to add a note",
+ "isCreated": "Your note has been created!",
+ "noteLayerNotEnabled": "The layer showing notes is not enabled. This layer must be enabled to add a new note",
+ "noteLayerHasFilters": "Some notes might be hidden by a filter",
+ "disableAllNoteFilters": "Disable all filters",
+ "noteLayerDoEnable": "Enable the layer showing notes"
+ },
+ "importLayer": {
+ "layerName": "Possible {title}",
+ "description": "A layer which imports entries for {title}",
+ "popupTitle": "Possible {title}"
- },
- "notes": {
- "isClosed": "This note is resolved",
- "addCommentPlaceholder": "Add a comment...",
- "addComment": "Add comment",
- "addCommentAndClose": "Add comment and close",
- "closeNote": "Close note",
- "reopenNote": "Reopen note",
- "reopenNoteAndComment": "Reopen note and comment",
- "anonymous": "Anonymous user",
- "loginToAddComment": "Login to add a comment",
- "loginToAddPicture": "Login to add a picture",
- "loginToClose": "Login to close this note",
- "createNoteTitle": "Create a new note here",
- "createNote": "Create a new note",
- "noteIsPublic": "This will be visible to everyone",
- "createNoteIntro": "Is something wrong or missing on the map? Create a note here. These will be checked by volunteers",
- "warnAnonymous": "You are not logged in. We won't be able to contact you to resolve your issue.",
- "notesLayerMustBeEnabled": "The 'notes'-layer is disabled. Enable it to add a note",
- "isCreated": "Your note has been created!",
- "noteLayerNotEnabled": "The layer showing notes is not enabled. This layer must be enabled to add a new note",
- "noteLayerHasFilters": "Some notes might be hidden by a filter",
- "disableAllNoteFilters": "Disable all filters",
- "noteLayerDoEnable": "Enable the layer showing notes"
- },
- "importLayer": {
- "layerName": "Possible {title}",
- "description": "A layer which imports entries for {title}",
- "popupTitle": "Possible {title}"
- }
From 316e5531b6877b7da84f3b0b7b98912dcf70ee91 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pieter Vander Vennet
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2022 23:25:01 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 4/4] Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 86.5% (314 of 363 strings)
Translation: MapComplete/Core
langs/nl.json | 8 +++++---
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/langs/nl.json b/langs/nl.json
index 1d633fa7d..342d34497 100644
--- a/langs/nl.json
+++ b/langs/nl.json
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"uploadingPicture": "Bezig met een foto te uploaden…",
"uploadingMultiple": "Bezig met {count} foto's te uploaden…",
"pleaseLogin": "Gelieve je aan te melden om een foto toe te voegen",
- "willBePublished": "Jouw foto wordt gepubliceerd: ",
+ "willBePublished": "Jouw foto wordt gepubliceerd ",
"cco": "in het publiek domein",
"ccbs": "onder de CC-BY-SA-licentie",
"ccb": "onder de CC-BY-licentie",
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@
"doDelete": "Verwijder afbeelding",
"isDeleted": "Verwijderd",
"uploadMultipleDone": "{count} afbeeldingen zijn toegevoegd. Bedankt voor je bijdrage!",
- "toBig": "Je afbeelding is te groot, namelijk {actual_size}. Gelieve afbeeldingen van maximaal {max_size} te gebruiken"
+ "toBig": "Je afbeelding is te groot, namelijk {actual_size}. Gelieve afbeeldingen van maximaal {max_size} te gebruiken",
+ "ccbsExplanation": "Als je foto met de CC-BY-SA-licentie gepubliceerd wordt, dan mag je foto gebruikt worden voor alle doeleinden, maar je naam moet vermeld worden en afgeleide werken moeten onder dezelfde licentie gepubliceerd worden",
+ "ccoExplanation": "Als je foto in het publiek domein gepubliceerd wordt, dan mag iedereen je foto voor alle doeleinden gebruiken"
"centerMessage": {
"loadingData": "Data wordt geladen...",
@@ -41,7 +43,7 @@
"error": "Niet gelukt..."
"add": {
- "addNewMapLabel": "Voeg item toe",
+ "addNewMapLabel": "Klik hier om een item toe te voegen",
"addNew": "Voeg hier een {category} toe",
"title": "Nieuw punt toevoegen?",
"intro": "Je klikte ergens waar er nog geen data is. Kies hieronder welk punt je wilt toevoegen