import Script from "./Script" import fs from "fs" import { Feature } from "geojson" import { GeoOperations } from "../Logic/GeoOperations" import { Utils } from "../Utils" import { OsmObject } from "../Logic/Osm/OsmObject" import { OsmId } from "../Models/OsmFeature" import ScriptUtils from "./ScriptUtils" import OsmObjectDownloader from "../Logic/Osm/OsmObjectDownloader" import PhoneValidator from "../UI/InputElement/Validators/PhoneValidator" import UrlValidator from "../UI/InputElement/Validators/UrlValidator" interface PossibleMatch { /** * Distance in meter between the OSM-data and the external dataset */ d: number osm_feature: Feature external_feature: Feature } interface ReplayResult { certainly_imported?: boolean possibly_imported?: boolean resting_properties?: Record<string, string> } export class Conflate extends Script { private earliestDate: Date = undefined private latestDate: Date = undefined private readonly historyCacheDir = "/tmp/cache/" constructor() { super( [ "Conflation script", "", "This script is meant to be used to prepare imports. It takes one 'OSM'-dataset and one external dataset and tries to find an OSM-id for every external item.", "", "Arguments:", "osm_file.geojson external_file.geojson [search_range]", "- osm_file.geojson: a file exported from overpass, including meta (note: filename MUST contain either OSM or OpenStreetMap)", "- external_file.geojson: the data to import. Tags should be prepared to have an OSM-name", "- search_range: max distance at which a match will occur", ].join("\n") ) } private static toXml(changedObjects: OsmObject[]): string { return [ "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>", "<osm version=\"0.6\" generator='mapcomplete-conflate-script'>", => obj.ChangesetXML(undefined, ' action="modify" ')), "</osm>", ].join("\n") } async main(args: string[]): Promise<void> { if (args.length < 2) { super.printHelp() return } const [osm_file_path, external_file_path] = args let max_range = 25 if (args.length === 3) { max_range = Number(args[2]) } if ( osm_file_path.toLowerCase().indexOf("osm") < 0 && osm_file_path.toLowerCase().indexOf("openstreetmap") < 0 ) { throw "OSM File path must contain 'osm' or 'openStreetMap'" } if ( external_file_path.toLowerCase().indexOf("osm") >= 0 || external_file_path.toLowerCase().indexOf("openstreetmap") >= 0 ) { throw "External File path may not contain 'osm' or 'openStreetMap'" } const external_features: Feature[] = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(external_file_path, { encoding: "utf-8" }) ).features const osm_features: Feature[] = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(osm_file_path, { encoding: "utf-8" }) ).features const bestMatches = await this.calculateMatches(external_features, osm_features, max_range) const unmatched = external_features.filter( (f) => !bestMatches.some((matched) => matched.match.external_feature === f) ) const weirdMatch = external_features.filter((f) => bestMatches.some( (matched) => matched.match.external_feature === f && !matched.replayed.certainly_imported && !matched.replayed.possibly_imported ) ) const match_lengths: (string | number)[][] = [ [ "osm_id", "match_distance", "osm_name", "imported", "status_external", "...properties_differences", ], ] const changedObjects: OsmObject[] = [] for (const { match, replayed } of bestMatches) { const { d, osm_feature } = match const { possibly_imported, certainly_imported, resting_properties } = replayed const status = resting_properties["status"] delete resting_properties["status"] if (Object.keys(resting_properties).length === 0) { continue } if (!certainly_imported && !possibly_imported) { continue } const id =["@id"] match_lengths.push([ id, d,, certainly_imported ? "import" : possibly_imported ? "prob import" : "new", status, JSON.stringify(resting_properties), ]) const osmObj = await new OsmObjectDownloader().DownloadObjectAsync(id) if (osmObj === "deleted") { return } for (const key in resting_properties) { osmObj.tags[key] = resting_properties[key] } changedObjects.push(osmObj) } const targetDir = "../onwheels-data-prep/output" console.log("Writing results to directory", targetDir) fs.writeFileSync( targetDir + "/matches.tsv", => l.join("\t")).join("\n") ) fs.writeFileSync(targetDir + "/changeset.xml", Conflate.toXml(changedObjects)) fs.writeFileSync( targetDir + "/unmatched.geojson", JSON.stringify( { type: "FeatureCollection", features: unmatched, }, null, " " ) ) fs.writeFileSync( targetDir + "/unmatched_but_has_close_feature.geojson", JSON.stringify( { type: "FeatureCollection", features: weirdMatch, }, null, " " ) ) } private async findTimeFork( externalName: string, osmName: string, osmId: OsmId ): Promise<{ earliestDateOfImport; latestDateOfImport }> { const history = await new OsmObjectDownloader() .DownloadHistory(osmId) .AsPromise((h) => h.length > 0) let earliest: Date = undefined let latest: Date = undefined for (const historyElement of history) { const csTime = new Date(historyElement.tags["_last_edit:timestamp"]) if (isNaN(csTime.getTime())) { console.error("Could not parse" + historyElement.tags["_last_edit:timestamp"]) return undefined } const nameIdentical = === externalName if (nameIdentical) { if (earliest == undefined) { earliest = csTime } latest = csTime } } if ( === externalName) { // Not changed yet, so no actual hint about when this import could have happened latest = new Date() } if (this.earliestDate === undefined || earliest?.getTime() > this.earliestDate?.getTime()) { this.earliestDate = earliest } if (this.latestDate === undefined || latest?.getTime() < this.latestDate?.getTime()) { this.latestDate = latest } return { earliestDateOfImport: earliest, latestDateOfImport: latest } } private findPossibleMatchesFor( osm_features: Feature[], externalFeature: Feature, max_range: number ): PossibleMatch[] { const possibleMatches: PossibleMatch[] = [] for (const osmFeature of osm_features) { const d = GeoOperations.distanceBetween( GeoOperations.centerpointCoordinates(externalFeature), GeoOperations.centerpointCoordinates(osmFeature) ) if (d < max_range) { possibleMatches.push({ external_feature: externalFeature, osm_feature: osmFeature, d, }) } } return possibleMatches } private async stillOnline(url: string): Promise<boolean | string> { // return true if (url.indexOf("") > 0) { return true } if (!fs.existsSync(this.historyCacheDir + "urls/")) { fs.mkdirSync(this.historyCacheDir + "urls/") } const cachePath = this.historyCacheDir + "/urls/ " + url.replace(/[/\\:]/g, "_") if (fs.existsSync(cachePath)) { return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(cachePath, { encoding: "utf-8" })) } let online: boolean | string = false try { online = await this.stillOnlineUncached(url) } catch (e) { console.log(e) const urlObj = new URL(url) if (e === "NOT_FOUND" && urlObj.pathname.length > 0) { console.log("Maybe trying the homepage will help?") } } fs.writeFileSync(cachePath, JSON.stringify(online, null, " "), { encoding: "utf-8" }) return online } private async stillOnlineUncached(url: string): Promise<boolean | string> { if (!url.startsWith("http")) { url = "https://" + url } url = url.replace("http://", "https://") try { const result = await ScriptUtils.Download(url, { "User-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0", }) if (result["redirect"]) { if (result["redirect"].startsWith("/")) { return true } return result["redirect"] } if (result["content"]) { return true } console.error("Got a result, but no content?", url, result) return false } catch (e) { console.log("Offline (error):", url, e.message) return false } } private async historyCached(id): Promise<OsmObject[]> { const cachePath = this.historyCacheDir + id.replace("/", "_") if (!fs.existsSync(this.historyCacheDir)) { fs.mkdirSync(this.historyCacheDir) } if (fs.existsSync(cachePath)) { return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(cachePath, { encoding: "utf-8" })) } const history = await new OsmObjectDownloader() .DownloadHistory(id) .AsPromise((l) => l.length > 0) fs.writeFileSync(cachePath, JSON.stringify(history, null, " "), { encoding: "utf-8" }) return history } private async normalize(properties: Record<string, string>) { if (properties["phone"]) { properties["phone"] = new PhoneValidator().reformat(properties["phone"], () => "be") } if (properties["website"]) { let website = website = website .replace("http://http://", "http://") .replace("https://https://", "https://") .replace("https//", "https://") .replace("http://", "https://") if (!website.startsWith("https://")) { website = "https://" + website } const validator = new UrlValidator() if (validator.isValid(website)) { = validator.reformat(website) const stillOnline = await this.stillOnline(website) if (stillOnline === false) { delete } if (typeof stillOnline === "string") { = stillOnline } } else { console.log("Invalid url:", website) } } if (properties["healthcare"] === "pharmacy") { // we don't care about this tag delete properties["healthcare"] } } private async replay(match: PossibleMatch): Promise<ReplayResult> { const history = await this.historyCached(["@id"]) let certainly_imported = match.d < 0.0001 let possibly_imported = false const resting_properties = { } await this.normalize(resting_properties) for (const historyElement of history) { await this.normalize(historyElement.tags) if ( === { possibly_imported = true } for (const key in resting_properties) { if (this.str_compare(historyElement.tags[key], resting_properties[key])) { delete resting_properties[key] } } } return { certainly_imported, possibly_imported, resting_properties, } } private str_compare(a, b): boolean { if (a === undefined || b === undefined) { return false } a = a.toLowerCase().replaceAll(/[éèáàüë].*$/g, "") b = b.toLowerCase().replaceAll(/[éèáàüë].*$/g, "") return a === b } private async calculateMatches( external_features: Feature[], osm_features: Feature[], max_range: number ): Promise<{ match: PossibleMatch; replayed: ReplayResult }[]> { const matches: { match: PossibleMatch; replayed: ReplayResult }[] = [] for (const f of external_features) { const match = await this.calculateMatch(osm_features, f, max_range) if (match) { matches.push(match) } } return matches } private async calculateMatch( osm_features: Feature[], externalFeature: Feature, max_range: number ): Promise<{ match: PossibleMatch; replayed: ReplayResult }> { const possibleMatches = this.findPossibleMatchesFor( osm_features, externalFeature, max_range ) let bestMatch: PossibleMatch = undefined let bestMatchReplayed: ReplayResult = undefined for (const possibleMatch of possibleMatches) { const replayed = await this.replay(possibleMatch) if ( bestMatch === undefined || (replayed.certainly_imported && !bestMatchReplayed.possibly_imported) || (!bestMatchReplayed.certainly_imported && replayed.possibly_imported && !bestMatchReplayed.possibly_imported) ) { bestMatch = possibleMatch bestMatchReplayed = replayed } } if (bestMatch === undefined) { return undefined } return { replayed: bestMatchReplayed, match: bestMatch, } } private levenshteinDistancePharmacy(a?: string, b?: string) { a ??= "" b ??= "" a = a.toLowerCase() b = b.toLowerCase() return Math.min( ...["", "pharmacie", "apotheek", "pharmacie de", "apotheke"].map((prefix) => Math.min( Utils.levenshteinDistance(a, prefix + b), Utils.levenshteinDistance(prefix + a, b) ) ) ) } private conflate( osmFeature: Record<string, string>, externalFeature: Record<string, string> ): string[] { const r: string[] = [] for (const externalFeatureKey in externalFeature) { if ( [ "status", "healthcare", "unmeasurable_reason", "timestamp_created", "timestamp_last_modified", ].indexOf(externalFeatureKey) >= 0 ) { continue } const v = externalFeature[externalFeatureKey] const osmV = osmFeature[externalFeatureKey] if (osmV === undefined) { r.push("+" + externalFeatureKey + "=" + v) } else if (osmV !== v) { r.push("~" + externalFeatureKey + "=" + v + " (osm: " + osmV + ")") } } return => l.replace(/\n/g, "\\n")) } } new Conflate().run()