{ "id": "bike_parking", "name": { "en": "Bike parking", "nl": "Fietsparking", "fr": "Parking à vélo", "gl": "Aparcadoiro de bicicletas", "de": "Fahrrad-Parkplätze", "hu": "Kerékpártároló", "it": "Parcheggio bici", "zh_Hant": "單車停車場", "ru": "Велосипедная парковка", "pl": "Parking dla rowerów", "pt_BR": "Estacionamento de bicicletas", "pt": "Estacionamento de bicicletas", "ca": "Aparcament per a bicicletes", "es": "Aparcamiento de bicis", "da": "Cykelparkering", "cs": "Parkování kol" }, "description": { "en": "A layer showing where you can park your bike", "nl": "Een laag die toont waar je je fiets kunt parkeren", "de": "Eine Ebene, die anzeigt, wo Sie Ihr Fahrrad abstellen können", "es": "Una capa que muestra donde puedes aparcar tu bici", "da": "Et lag, der viser, hvor man kan parkere sin cykel", "fr": "Une couche montrant où stationner son vélo", "cs": "Vrstva ukazující, kde můžete zaparkovat kolo", "ca": "Una capa que mostra on pots aparcar la teva bicicleta", "it": "Un livello che mostra dove puoi parcheggiare la tua bicicletta", "pt_BR": "Uma camada mostrado onde você pode estacionar sua bicicleta", "pt": "Uma camada que mostra onde pode estacionar a sua bicicleta", "pl": "Warstwa pokazująca gdzie można zaparkować rower" }, "source": { "osmTags": { "and": [ "amenity=bicycle_parking" ] } }, "minzoom": 17, "title": { "render": { "en": "Bike parking", "nl": "Fietsparking", "fr": "Parking à vélo", "gl": "Aparcadoiro de bicicletas", "de": "Fahrrad-Parkplätze", "hu": "Kerékpártároló", "it": "Parcheggio bici", "zh_Hant": "單車停車場", "ru": "Велосипедная парковка", "pl": "Parking dla rowerów", "pt_BR": "Estacionamento de bicicletas", "pt": "Estacionamento de bicicletas", "ca": "Aparcament per a bicicletes", "es": "Aparcamiento de bicis", "da": "Cykelparkering", "cs": "Parkování kol" } }, "pointRendering": [ { "iconSize": "40,40", "location": [ "point", "projected_centerpoint", "polygon_centroid" ], "anchor": "bottom", "marker": [ { "icon": "pin", "color": "#5473de" }, { "icon": "./assets/layers/bike_parking/parking.svg" } ] } ], "lineRendering": [ { "color": "#00f", "width": "1" } ], "presets": [ { "title": { "en": "a bike parking", "nl": "een fietsparking", "fr": "un parking à vélo", "gl": "Aparcadoiro de bicicletas", "de": "einen Fahrrad-Parkplatz", "hu": "Kerékpártároló", "it": "una parcheggio bici", "zh_Hant": "單車停車場", "ru": "Велосипедная парковка", "pl": "Parking dla rowerów", "pt_BR": "uma estacionamento de bicicletas", "pt": "uma estacionamento de bicicletas", "es": "un aparcamiento de bicis", "da": "en cykelparkering", "cs": "parkování kol", "ca": "un aparcament per a bicis" }, "tags": [ "amenity=bicycle_parking" ] } ], "tagRenderings": [ "images", { "question": { "en": "What is the type of this bicycle parking?", "nl": "Van welk type is deze fietsparking?", "fr": "Quel type de parking à vélos est-ce ?", "gl": "Que tipo de aparcadoiro de bicicletas é?", "de": "Was ist die Art dieses Fahrrad-Parkplatzes?", "hu": "Milyen típusú ez a kerékpártároló?", "it": "Di che tipo di parcheggio bici si tratta?", "ru": "К какому типу относится эта велопарковка?", "zh_Hant": "這是那種類型的單車停車場?", "pl": "Jaki jest typ tego parkingu dla rowerów?", "pt_BR": "Qual o tipo deste estacionamento de bicicletas?", "pt": "Qual o tipo deste estacionamento de bicicletas?", "es": "¿Cual es el tipo de este aparcamiento de bicicletas?", "da": "Hvilken type cykelparkering er det?", "cs": "Jaký je typ tohoto parkoviště pro jízdní kola?", "ca": "Quin és el tipus d'aquest aparcament de bicicletes?" }, "render": { "en": "This is a bicycle parking of the type: {bicycle_parking}", "nl": "Dit is een fietsparking van het type: {bicycle_parking}", "fr": "C'est un parking à vélo de type {bicycle_parking}", "gl": "Este é un aparcadoiro de bicicletas do tipo: {bicycle_parking}", "de": "Dies ist ein Fahrrad-Parkplatz der Art: {bicycle_parking}", "hu": "Ez egy {bicycle_parking} típusú kerékpártároló", "it": "È un parcheggio bici del tipo: {bicycle_parking}", "zh_Hant": "這個單車停車場的類型是:{bicycle_parking}", "ru": "Это велопарковка типа {bicycle_parking}", "pl": "Jest to parking rowerowy typu: {bicycle_parking}", "pt_BR": "Este é um estacionamento de bicicletas do tipo: {bicycle_parking}", "pt": "Este é um estacionamento de bicicletas do tipo: {bicycle_parking}", "es": "Este es un aparcamiento de bicicletas del tipo: {bicycle_parking}", "da": "Dette er en cykelparkering af typen: {bicycle_parking}", "cs": "Jde o typ parkoviště pro jízdní kola: {bicycle_parking}", "ca": "Aquest és un aparcament de bicicletes del tipus: {bicycle_parking}" }, "freeform": { "key": "bicycle_parking", "addExtraTags": [ "fixme=Freeform used on 'bicycle_parking'-tag: possibly a wrong value" ] }, "mappings": [ { "if": "bicycle_parking=stands", "then": { "en": "Stands", "nl": "Nietjes", "fr": "Arceaux", "gl": "De roda (Stands)", "de": "Fahrradbügel", "hu": "Korlát", "it": "Archetti", "zh_Hant": "單車架", "ca": "Bastidors", "da": "Hæftestativer", "cs": "Stojany", "pt_BR": "Racks para prender a bicicleta", "pl": "Stojaki" }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/bike_parking/staple.svg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "bicycle_parking=wall_loops", "then": { "en": "Wheelbenders / rack", "nl": "Wielrek/lussen", "fr": "Pinces-roues", "gl": "Aros", "de": "Metallgestänge", "hu": "Kerékbefogó hurok", "it": "Rastrelliera classica", "zh_Hant": "車輪架/圓圈", "ca": "Portarodes/bucles", "da": "Hjulstativ/løkker", "cs": "Stojan na kola / smyčky", "pt_BR": "Suporte de rodas/loops" }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/bike_parking/wall_loops.svg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "bicycle_parking=handlebar_holder", "then": { "en": "Handlebar holder", "nl": "Stuurhouder", "fr": "Support guidon", "gl": "Cadeado para guiador", "de": "Halter für Fahrradlenker", "it": "Blocca manubrio", "zh_Hant": "車把架", "ca": "Suport de manillar", "da": "Styrholder", "cs": "Držák na řídítka", "pt_BR": "Suporte para guidão", "pt": "Suporte para guidão" }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/bike_parking/handlebar_holder.svg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "bicycle_parking=rack", "then": { "en": "Rack", "nl": "Rek", "fr": "Râtelier", "gl": "Cremalleira", "de": "Gestell", "zh_Hant": "車架", "it": "Rastrelliera", "ru": "Стойка", "ca": "Enganxament", "da": "Stativ", "cs": "Stojan", "eu": "Rack-a", "pt_BR": "Suporte", "pt": "Suporte" }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/bike_parking/rack.svg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "bicycle_parking=two_tier", "then": { "en": "Two-tiered", "nl": "Dubbel (twee verdiepingen)", "fr": "Superposé", "gl": "Dobre cremalleira", "de": "Zweistufig", "hu": "Kétszintű", "zh_Hant": "兩層", "it": "A due piani", "ru": "Двухуровневая", "ca": "De dos nivells", "da": "To-lags", "cs": "Dvouúrovňové", "pt_BR": "De dois níveis", "pt": "De dois níveis" }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/bike_parking/two_tier.svg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "bicycle_parking=shed", "then": { "en": "Shed", "nl": "Schuur", "fr": "Abri", "gl": "Abeiro", "de": "Schuppen", "hu": "Fészer", "zh_Hant": "車棚", "it": "Rimessa", "ru": "Навес", "es": "Caseta", "da": "Skur", "cs": "Přístřešek", "pa_PK": "شیڈ", "ca": "cobert", "eu": "Etxola", "pt_BR": "Cabana", "pt": "Cabana", "pl": "Wiata" }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/bike_parking/shed.svg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "bicycle_parking=bollard", "then": { "en": "Bollard", "nl": "Paal met ring", "fr": "Potelet", "it": "Colonnina", "de": "Poller", "zh_Hant": "柱子", "ca": "Pilona", "es": "Bolardo", "da": "Pullert", "cs": "Sloupek", "pa_PK": "بولارڈ", "eu": "Bolardo", "pt_BR": "Pilar", "pt": "Pilar" }, "icon": { "path": "./assets/layers/bike_parking/bollard.svg", "class": "large" } }, { "if": "bicycle_parking=floor", "then": { "en": "An area on the floor which is marked for bicycle parking", "nl": "Een oppervlakte die gemarkeerd is om fietsen te parkeren", "fr": "Zone au sol qui est marquée pour le stationnement des vélos", "it": "Una zona del terreno che è marcata per il parcheggio delle bici", "de": "Ein Bereich auf dem Boden, der für das Abstellen von Fahrrädern gekennzeichnet ist", "zh_Hant": "樓層當中標示為單車停車場的區域", "es": "Una área en el suelo que está marcada para el aparcamiento de bicicletas", "da": "Et område på gulvet, der er markeret til cykelparkering", "cs": "Plocha na zemi označená pro parkování jízdních kol", "ca": "Una zona al terra que està senyalitzada per a l'aparcament de bicicletes", "pt_BR": "Uma área no chão que é marcada para o estacionamento de bicicletas", "pt": "Uma área no chão que é marcada para o estacionamento de bicicletas" } }, { "if": "bicycle_parking=lockers", "then": { "en": "A locker - the bicycles are enclosed completely individually or with a few bicycles together. The locker is too small to fit a person standing..", "nl": "Een fietskluis waar één of enkele fietsen staan en op slot kan en die te klein is om in recht te staan.", "de": "Ein Schließfach - Fahrräder werden einzeln oder mit mehreren Fahrrädern zusammen eingeschlossen. Der Schrank ist zu klein für eine stehende Person." } } ], "id": "Bicycle parking type" }, { "question": { "en": "What is the relative location of this bicycle parking?", "nl": "Wat is de relatieve locatie van deze parking??", "fr": "Quelle est la position relative de ce parking à vélo ?", "it": "Qual è la posizione relativa di questo parcheggio bici?", "zh_Hant": "這個單車停車場的相對位置是?", "pl": "Jaka jest względna lokalizacja tego parkingu rowerowego?", "pt_BR": "Qual a localização relativa deste estacionamento de bicicletas?", "de": "Wo befinden sich diese Fahrradabstellplätze?", "pt": "Qual a localização relativa deste estacionamento de bicicletas?", "es": "¿Cual es la localización relativa de este aparcamiento de bicicletas?", "da": "Hvad er den relative placering af denne cykelparkering?", "cs": "Jaké je relativní umístění tohoto parkoviště pro jízdní kola?", "ca": "Quina és la ubicació relativa d'aquest aparcament per a bicicletes?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "location=underground", "then": { "en": "Underground parking", "nl": "Ondergrondse parking", "fr": "Parking souterrain", "it": "Parcheggio sotterraneo", "ru": "Подземная парковка", "de": "In einer Tiefgarage", "zh_Hant": "地下停車場", "pt_BR": "Estacionamento subterrâneo", "pt": "Estacionamento subterrâneo", "ca": "Aparcament subterrani", "es": "Aparcamiento subterráneo", "da": "Underjordisk parkering", "cs": "Podzemní parkoviště" } }, { "if": "location=surface", "then": { "en": "Surface level parking", "nl": "Parking op de begane grond", "fr": "Parking en surface", "it": "Parcheggio in superficie", "ru": "Подземная парковка", "de": "Auf einem ebenerdigen Parkplatz", "zh_Hant": "地面停車場", "pt_BR": "Estacionamento de superfície", "pt": "Estacionamento de superfície", "hu": "Felszíni parkoló", "es": "Aparcamiento a nivel de calle", "da": "Parkering i gade niveau", "cs": "Povrchové parkoviště", "ca": "Aparcament a nivell de carrer" } }, { "if": "location=rooftop", "then": { "en": "Rooftop parking", "nl": "Dakparking", "fr": "Parking sur un toit", "hu": "Tetőparkoló", "it": "Parcheggio sul tetto", "de": "Auf einem Parkplatz auf dem Dach", "zh_Hant": "屋頂停車場", "pt_BR": "Estacionamento no telhado", "pt": "Estacionamento no telhado", "ru": "Парковка на крыше", "ca": "Aparcament al terrat", "es": "Aparcamiento de azotea", "da": "Tagparkering", "cs": "Parkoviště na střeše", "pl": "Parking na dachu" } }, { "if": "location=", "then": { "en": "Surface level parking", "nl": "Parking op de begane grond", "fr": "Parking en surface", "hu": "Felszíni parkoló", "it": "Parcheggio in superficie", "de": "Ebenerdiges Parken", "zh_Hant": "地面層停車場", "pt_BR": "Estacionamento ao nível da superfície", "pt": "Estacionamento ao nível da superfície", "es": "Aparcamiento a nivel de calle", "da": "Parkering i gade niveau", "cs": "Povrchové parkoviště", "ca": "Aparcament a nivell de carrer" }, "hideInAnswer": true } ], "id": "Underground?" }, { "question": { "en": "Is this parking covered? Also select \"covered\" for indoor parkings.", "nl": "Is deze parking overdekt? Selecteer ook \"overdekt\" voor fietsparkings binnen een gebouw.", "gl": "Este aparcadoiro está cuberto? Tamén escolle \"cuberto\" para aparcadoiros interiores.", "de": "Ist der Parkplatz überdacht? Wählen Sie auch \"überdacht\" für Parkplätze in Innenräumen.", "fr": "Ce parking est-il couvert ? Sélectionnez aussi \"couvert\" pour les parkings en intérieur.", "hu": "Fedett-e ez a parkoló? Beltéri parkolónál is válaszd a „fedett” opciót.", "it": "È un parcheggio coperto? Indicare “coperto” per parcheggi all’interno.", "zh_Hant": "這個停車場是否有車棚?如果是室內停車場也請選擇\"遮蔽\"。", "pt_BR": "Este estacionamento é coberto? Também selecione \"coberto\" para estacionamentos internos.", "pt": "Este estacionamento é coberto? Também selecione \"coberto\" para estacionamentos internos.", "es": "¿Está cubierto este aparcamiento? Selecciona \"cubierto\" también para aparcamientos interiores.", "da": "Er denne parkering overdækket? Vælg også \"overdækket\" for indendørs parkeringspladser.", "cs": "Je toto parkoviště zastřešené? U vnitřních parkovišť vyberte také možnost \"kryté\".", "ca": "Aquest aparcament està cobert? També seleccioneu \"cobert\" per als aparcaments interiors." }, "condition": { "and": [ "bicycle_parking!=shed", "location!=underground" ] }, "mappings": [ { "if": "covered=yes", "then": { "en": "This parking is covered (it has a roof)", "nl": "Deze parking is overdekt (er is een afdak)", "gl": "Este aparcadoiro está cuberto (ten un teito)", "de": "Der Parkplatz ist überdacht", "fr": "Ce parking est couvert (il a un toit)", "hu": "Ez a parkoló fedett", "it": "È un parcheggio coperto (ha un tetto)", "zh_Hant": "這個停車場有遮蔽 (有屋頂)", "ru": "Это крытая парковка (есть крыша/навес)", "pt_BR": "Este estacionamento é coberto (tem um telhado)", "pt": "Este estacionamento é coberto (tem um telhado)", "es": "Este aparcamiento está cubierto (tiene un tejado)", "da": "Denne parkeringsplads er overdækket (den har et tag)", "cs": "Toto parkoviště je zastřešené (má střechu)", "ca": "Aquest aparcament està cobert (té un sostre)" } }, { "if": "covered=no", "then": { "en": "This parking is not covered", "nl": "Deze parking is niet overdekt", "gl": "Este aparcadoiro non está cuberto", "de": "Der Parkplatz ist nicht überdacht", "fr": "Ce parking n'est pas couvert", "hu": "Ez a parkoló nem fedett", "it": "Non è un parcheggio coperto", "zh_Hant": "這個停車場沒有遮蔽", "ru": "Это открытая парковка", "pt_BR": "Este estacionamento não é coberto", "pt": "Este estacionamento não é coberto", "es": "Este aparcamiento no está cubierto", "da": "Denne parkeringsplads er ikke overdækket", "cs": "Toto parkoviště není zastřešené", "ca": "Aquest aparcament no està cobert" } } ], "id": "Is covered?" }, { "question": { "en": "How many bicycles fit in this bicycle parking?", "fr": "Combien de vélos entrent dans ce parking à vélos (y compris les éventuels vélos de transport) ?", "nl": "Hoeveel fietsen kunnen in deze fietsparking?", "gl": "Cantas bicicletas caben neste aparcadoiro de bicicletas (incluídas as posíbeis bicicletas de carga)?", "de": "Wie viele Fahrräder passen auf diesen Fahrrad-Parkplatz?", "it": "Quante biciclette entrano in questo parcheggio per bici (incluse le eventuali bici cargo)?", "zh_Hant": "這個單車停車場能放幾台單車 (包括裝箱單車)?", "es": "¿Cuántas bicicletas caben en este aparcamiento de bicicletas (incluyendo posibles bicicletas de carga)?", "da": "Hvor mange cykler er der plads til på denne cykelparkering (inklusive mulige ladcykler)?", "cs": "Kolik jízdních kol se vejde na toto parkoviště (včetně případných nákladních kol)?", "ca": "Quantes bicicletes caben en aquest aparcament de bicicletes (incloent possibles bicicletes de càrrega)?", "pt_BR": "Quantas bicicletas cabem nesse estacionamento de bicicletas (incluindo possíveis bicicletas de carga)?", "pt": "Quantas bicicletas cabem neste estacionamento de bicicletas (incluindo possíveis bicicletas de carga)?", "pl": "Ile rowerów mieści się na tym parkingu rowerowym?" }, "questionHint": { "en": "This includes regular bicycles, cargo bikes, ebikes, ...", "nl": "Dit is het totaal aantal gewone fietsen, bakfietsen, elektrische fietsen, ...", "de": "Dazu gehören reguläre Fahrräder, Lasträder, Ebikes,...", "pl": "To obejmuje zwykłe rowery, do transportu dóbr, elektryczne, ..." }, "render": { "en": "Place for {capacity} bikes", "fr": "Place pour {capacity} vélos", "nl": "Plaats voor {capacity} fietsen", "gl": "Lugar para {capacity} bicicletas", "de": "Der Parkplatz bietet Platz für {capacity} Fahrräder", "it": "Posti per {capacity} bici", "zh_Hant": "{capacity} 單車的地方", "ru": "Место для {capacity} велосипеда(ов)", "pt_BR": "Lugar para {capacity} bicicletas", "pt": "Lugar para {capacity} bicicletas", "es": "Espacio para {capacity} bicis", "da": "Plads til {capacity} cykler", "cs": "Místo pro {capacity} kol", "ca": "Espai per a {capacity} bicis", "pl": "Miejsce na {capacity} rowerów" }, "freeform": { "key": "capacity", "type": "nat" }, "id": "Capacity" }, { "question": { "en": "Who can use this bicycle parking?", "nl": "Wie mag er deze fietsenstalling gebruiken?", "fr": "Qui peut utiliser ce parking à vélo ?", "it": "Chi può usare questo parcheggio bici?", "de": "Wer darf den Parkplatz nutzen?", "zh_Hant": "誰可以使用這個單車停車場?", "ru": "Кто может пользоваться этой велопарковкой?", "pt_BR": "Quem pode usar este estacionamento de bicicletas?", "pt": "Quem pode usar este estacionamento de bicicletas?", "es": "¿Quién puede utilizar este aparcamiento de bicicletas?", "da": "Hvem kan bruge denne cykelparkering?", "cs": "Kdo může parkoviště pro jízdní kola využívat?", "ca": "Qui pot utilitzar aquest aparcament de bicicletes?", "pl": "Kto może używać tego parkingu dla rowerów?" }, "render": { "en": "{access}", "de": "{access}", "fr": "{access}", "nl": "{access}", "it": "{access}", "ru": "{access}", "id": "{access}", "zh_Hant": "{access}", "fi": "{access}", "pt_BR": "{access}", "pt": "{access}", "eo": "{access}", "ca": "{access}", "es": "{access}", "da": "{access}", "cs": "{access}", "eu": "{access}", "pl": "{access}" }, "freeform": { "key": "access", "addExtraTags": [ "fixme=Freeform used on 'access'-tag: possibly a wrong value" ] }, "mappings": [ { "if": "access=yes", "then": { "en": "Publicly accessible", "nl": "Publiek toegankelijke fietsenstalling", "fr": "Accessible publiquement", "it": "Accessibile pubblicamente", "de": "Der Parkplatz darf öffentlich genutzt werden", "zh_Hant": "公開可用", "pt_BR": "Acessível ao público", "pt": "Acessível ao público", "ca": "Accessible al públic", "es": "Accesible públicamente", "da": "Offentligt tilgængelig", "cs": "Veřejně přístupné", "pl": "Dostępne publicznie" } }, { "if": "access=customers", "then": { "en": "Access is primarily for visitors to a business", "nl": "Klanten van de zaak of winkel", "fr": "Accès destiné principalement aux visiteurs d'un lieu", "it": "Accesso destinato principalmente ai visitatori di un’attività", "zh_Hant": "通行性主要是為了企業的顧客", "pt_BR": "Acesso é principalmente para visitantes de uma empresa", "de": "Der Parkplatz darf von Kunden des Unternehmens genutzt werden", "pt": "Acesso é principalmente para visitantes de uma empresa", "es": "El acceso es primariamente para visitantes a un negocio", "da": "Adgang hovedsageligt for besøgende til en virksomhed", "cs": "Přístup je určen především pro návštěvníky podniku", "ca": "L'accés és principalment per a visitants d'un negoci" } }, { "if": "access=members", "then": { "en": "Access is limited to members of a school, company or organisation", "nl": "Private fietsenstalling van een school, een bedrijf, ...", "ca": "L'accés està limitat a membres d'una escola, companyia o organització", "cs": "Přístup je omezen na členy školy, společnosti nebo organizace", "da": "Adgangen er begrænset til medlemmer af en skole, virksomhed eller organisation", "de": "Der Parkplatz darf nur von Mitgliedern einer Schule, Firma oder Organisation genutzt werden", "es": "El acceso se limita a miembros de una escuela, compañía u organización", "fr": "Accès limité aux membres d'une école, entreprise ou organisation", "it": "Accesso limitato ai membri di una scuola, una compagnia o un’organizzazione", "pt": "Acesso é limitado aos membros de uma escola, companhia ou organização", "pt_BR": "Acesso é limitado aos membros de uma escola, companhia ou organização", "zh_Hant": "通行性僅限學校、公司或組織的成員" } }, { "if": "access=private", "then": { "en": "Access is limited to members of a school, company or organisation", "nl": "Private fietsenstalling van een school, een bedrijf, ...", "fr": "Accès limité aux membres d'une école, entreprise ou organisation", "it": "Accesso limitato ai membri di una scuola, una compagnia o un’organizzazione", "zh_Hant": "通行性僅限學校、公司或組織的成員", "pt_BR": "Acesso é limitado aos membros de uma escola, companhia ou organização", "de": "Der Parkplatz darf nur von Mitgliedern einer Schule, Firma oder Organisation genutzt werden", "pt": "Acesso é limitado aos membros de uma escola, companhia ou organização", "es": "El acceso se limita a miembros de una escuela, compañía u organización", "da": "Adgangen er begrænset til medlemmer af en skole, virksomhed eller organisation", "cs": "Přístup je omezen na členy školy, společnosti nebo organizace", "ca": "L'accés està limitat a membres d'una escola, companyia o organització" } } ], "id": "Access" }, { "id": "fee", "question": { "en": "Are these bicycle parkings free to use?", "nl": "Is deze fietsenstalling gratis te gebruiken?", "de": "Sind die Fahrradparkplätze kostenlos zu benutzen?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "fee=yes", "then": { "en": "One has to <b>pay</b> to use this bicycle parking", "nl": "<b>Betalende</b> fietsparking", "de": "Man muss <b>zahlen</b>, um den Fahrradparkplatz zu nutzen", "fr": "L'utilisation de ce parking à vélo est <b>payant</b>" } }, { "if": "fee=no", "alsoShowIf": "fee=", "then": { "en": "Free to use", "nl": "Gratis te gebruiken", "de": "Die Nutzung ist kostenlos", "fr": "L'utilisation de ce parking à vélo est <b>gratuit</b>" } } ] }, { "id": "charge", "condition": "fee=yes", "question": { "en": "How much does it cost to park your bike here?", "nl": "Hoeveel kost het om een fiets te stallen?", "de": "Wie viel kostet es, Ihr Fahrrad hier zu parken?" }, "questionHint": { "en": "This is the amount which is charged for a single bike", "nl": "Dit is de kostprijs voor een enkele fiets", "de": "Das ist der Betrag, der für ein einzelnes Fahrrad berechnet wird" }, "render": { "en": "Parking your bike costs {charge}", "nl": "Je fiets hier parkeren kost {charge}", "de": "Das Parken Ihres Fahrrads kostet {charge}" }, "freeform": { "key": "charge", "type": "currency" } }, "opening_hours_24_7_default", { "id": "operator", "question": { "en": "Who maintains this bicycle parking?", "nl": "Wie beheert deze fietsenstalling?", "de": "Wer unterhält diese Fahrradabstellplätze?", "fr": "Qui entretient ce parking à vélos ?" }, "render": { "en": "This bicycle parking is maintained by {operator}", "nl": "Deze fietsenstalling wordt beheerd door {operator}", "de": "Dieser Fahrradparkplatz wird von {operator} bereitgestellt" }, "freeform": { "key": "operator" } }, { "id": "operator_phone", "question": { "en": "What is the phone number of the operator of this bicycle parking?", "nl": "Wat is het telefoonnummer van de operator van deze fietsenstalling?", "de": "Wie lautet die Telefonnummer des Betreibers dieses Fahrradparkplatzes?" }, "questionHint": { "en": "One might be able to call this number in case of problems, e.g. to remove unmaintained bicycles", "nl": "Men kan dit nummer bellen om bv. fietswrakken of defecten te melden", "de": "Man könnte diese Nummer anrufen, wenn es Probleme gibt, z. B. um nicht gewartete Fahrräder zu entfernen" }, "icon": "./assets/layers/questions/phone.svg", "freeform": { "key": "operator:phone", "type": "phone", "addExtraTags": [ "phone=", "contact:phone=" ] }, "render": "<a href='tel:{operator:phone}'>{operator:phone}</a>", "mappings": [ { "if": "phone~*", "hideInAnswer": true, "then": { "*": "<a href='tel:{phone}'>{phone}</a>" }, "icon": "./assets/layers/questions/phone.svg" }, { "if": "contact:phone~*", "hideInAnswer": true, "then": { "*": "<a href='tel:{contact:phone}'>{contact:phone}</a>" }, "icon": "./assets/layers/questions/phone.svg" } ] }, { "id": "operator_website", "question": { "en": "What is the website number of the operator of this bicycle parking?", "nl": "Wat is de website van de operator van deze fietsenstalling?", "de": "Wie lautet die Nummer auf der Website des Betreibers dieses Fahrradparkplatzes?" }, "icon": "./assets/layers/icons/website.svg", "freeform": { "key": "operator:website", "type": "url", "addExtraTags": [ "website=", "contact:website=" ] }, "render": "<a href='{operator:website}'>{operator:website}</a>", "mappings": [ { "if": "website~*", "hideInAnswer": true, "then": { "*": "<a href='{website}'>{website}</a>" }, "icon": "./assets/layers/icons/website.svg" }, { "if": "contact:website~*", "hideInAnswer": true, "then": { "*": "<a href='{contact:website}'>{contact:website}</a>" }, "icon": "./assets/layers/icons/website.svg" } ] }, { "id": "operator_email", "question": { "en": "What is the email address of the operator of this bicycle parking?", "nl": "Wat is het emailadres van de beheerder van deze parking?", "de": "Wie lautet die E-Mail-Adresse des Betreibers dieses Fahrradparkplatzes?" }, "icon": "./assets/svg/envelope.svg", "freeform": { "key": "operator:email", "type": "email" }, "render": "<a href='mailto:{operator:email}' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>{operator:email}</a>" }, { "question": { "en": "Does this bicycle parking have spots for cargo bikes?", "nl": "Heeft deze fietsparking plaats voor bakfietsen?", "gl": "Este aparcadoiro de bicicletas ten espazo para bicicletas de carga?", "de": "Hat der Parkplatz Stellflächen für Lastenfahrräder?", "fr": "Est-ce que ce parking à vélo a des emplacements pour des vélos cargo ?", "it": "Questo parcheggio dispone di posti specifici per le bici cargo?", "zh_Hant": "這個單車停車場有地方放裝箱的單車嗎?", "pt_BR": "O estacionamento de bicicletas tem vagas para bicicletas de carga?", "pt": "O estacionamento de bicicletas tem vagas para bicicletas de carga?", "es": "¿Este aparcamiento de bicicletas tiene huecos para bicicletas de carga?", "da": "Har denne cykelparkering plads til ladcykler?", "cs": "Má toto parkoviště místa pro nákladní kola?", "ca": "Aquest aparcament de bicicletes té punts per a bicicletes de càrrega?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "cargo_bike=yes", "then": { "en": "This parking has room for cargo bikes", "nl": "Deze parking heeft plaats voor bakfietsen", "gl": "Este aparcadoiro ten espazo para bicicletas de carga", "de": "Der Parkplatz hat Stellflächen für Lastenfahrräder", "fr": "Ce parking a de la place pour les vélos cargo", "it": "Questo parcheggio ha posto per bici cargo", "zh_Hant": "這個停車場有地方可以放裝箱單車", "pt_BR": "Este estacionamento tem vagas para bicicletas de carga", "pt": "Este estacionamento tem vagas para bicicletas de carga", "es": "Este aparcamiento tiene espacio para bicicletas de carga", "da": "Denne parkeringsplads har plads til ladcykler", "cs": "Na tomto parkovišti je místo pro nákladní kola", "ca": "Aquest aparcament té espai per a bicicletes de càrrega" } }, { "if": "cargo_bike=designated", "then": { "en": "This parking has designated (official) spots for cargo bikes.", "nl": "Er zijn speciale plaatsen voorzien voor bakfietsen.", "gl": "Este aparcadoiro ten espazos designados (oficiais) para bicicletas de carga.", "de": "Der Parkplatz hat ausgewiesene (offizielle) Stellflächen für Lastenfahrräder.", "fr": "Ce parking a des emplacements (officiellement) destinés aux vélos cargo.", "it": "Questo parcheggio ha posti destinati (ufficialmente) alle bici cargo.", "zh_Hant": "這停車場有設計 (官方) 空間給裝箱的單車。", "pt_BR": "Este estacionamento tem vagas (oficiais) projetadas para bicicletas de carga.", "pt": "Este estacionamento tem vagas (oficiais) projetadas para bicicletas de carga.", "es": "Este aparcamiento tiene huecos designados (oficialmente) para bicicletas de carga.", "da": "Denne parkeringsplads har udpegede (officielle) pladser til ladcykler.", "cs": "Toto parkoviště má vyhrazená (oficiální) místa pro nákladní kola.", "ca": "Aquest aparcament hi han llocs designats (oficialment) per a bicicletes de càrrega." } }, { "if": "cargo_bike=no", "then": { "en": "You're not allowed to park cargo bikes or there are no places provided for cargo bikes", "nl": "Je mag hier geen bakfietsen parkeren", "gl": "Non está permitido aparcar bicicletas de carga", "de": "Das Abstellen von Lastenfahrrädern ist nicht erlaubt oder es gibt keine Stellplätze für Lastenfahrräder", "fr": "Il est interdit de garer des vélos cargo", "it": "Il parcheggio delle bici cargo è proibito", "pt_BR": "Você não tem permissão para estacionar bicicletas de carga", "pt": "Não tem permissão para estacionar bicicletas de carga", "es": "No está permitido aparcar bicicletas de carga", "da": "Det er ikke tilladt at parkere ladcykler", "cs": "Není povoleno parkovat nákladní kola", "ca": "No teniu permís per aparcar bicicletes de càrrega" } } ], "id": "Cargo bike spaces?" }, { "question": { "en": "How many cargo bicycles fit in this bicycle parking?", "nl": "Voor hoeveel bakfietsen heeft deze fietsparking plaats?", "fr": "Combien de vélos de transport entrent dans ce parking à vélos ?", "gl": "Cantas bicicletas de carga caben neste aparcadoiro de bicicletas?", "de": "Wie viele Lastenfahrräder passen auf diesen Fahrrad-Parkplatz?", "it": "Quante bici cargo entrano in questo parcheggio per bici?", "pt_BR": "Quantas bicicletas de carga cabem neste estacionamento de bicicletas?", "pt": "Quantas bicicletas de carga cabem neste estacionamento de bicicletas?", "es": "¿Cuántas bicicletas de carga caben en este aparcamiento de bicicletas?", "da": "Hvor mange ladcykler er der plads til i denne cykelparkering?", "cs": "Kolik nákladních jízdních kol se vejde do tohoto parkoviště pro jízdní kola?", "ca": "Quantes bicicletes de càrrega caben en aquest aparcament de bicicletes?" }, "render": { "en": "This parking fits {capacity:cargo_bike} cargo bikes", "nl": "Deze parking heeft plaats voor {capacity:cargo_bike} bakfietsen", "fr": "Ce parking a de la place pour {capacity:cargo_bike} vélos de transport", "gl": "Neste aparcadoiro caben {capacity:cargo_bike} bicicletas de carga", "de": "Auf diesen Parkplatz passen {capacity:cargo_bike} Lastenfahrräder", "it": "Questo parcheggio può contenere {capacity:cargo_bike} bici cargo", "pt_BR": "Neste estacionamento cabem {capacity:cargo_bike} bicicletas de carga", "pt": "Neste estacionamento cabem {capacity:cargo_bike} bicicletas de carga", "es": "En este aparcamiento caben {capacity:cargo_bike} bicicletas de carga", "da": "Der er plads til {capacity:cargo_bike} på denne cykelparkering", "cs": "Toto parkoviště je vhodné pro {capacity:cargo_bike} nákladních kol", "ca": "A aquest aparcament caben {capacity:cargo_bike} bicicletes de càrrega" }, "condition": { "or": [ "capacity:cargo_bike~*", "cargo_bike~designated|yes" ] }, "freeform": { "key": "capacity:cargo_bike", "type": "nat" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "cargo_bike=no", "then": { "en": "There are no dedicated spaces for cargo bikes here or parking cargo bikes here is not allowed", "nl": "Hier zijn geen plaatsen voor bakfietsen voorzien of bakfietsen stallen is niet toegestaan ", "de": "Es gibt hier keine speziellen Stellplätze für Lastenfahrräder oder das Abstellen von Lastenfahrrädern ist hier nicht erlaubt" }, "hideInAnswer": "capacity:cargo_bike=", "addExtraTags": [ "capacity:cargo_bike=" ] } ], "id": "Cargo bike capacity?" }, { "id": "maxstay", "question": { "en": "What is the maximum allowed parking duration?", "nl": "Wat is de toegestane, maximale parkeerduur?", "de": "Was ist die maximal erlaubte Parkdauer?" }, "questionHint": { "en": "If the bicycle is parked for a longer amount, it might be removed by the operator", "nl": "Indien een fiets langer geparkeerd staat, kan deze verwijderd worden door de beheerder", "de": "Wenn das Fahrrad für längere Zeit abgestellt wird, kann es vom Betreiber entfernt werden" }, "freeform": { "key": "maxstay", "type": "pnat" }, "render": { "en": "A bike can be parked here for at most {canonical(maxstay)}", "nl": "Een fiets mag hier maximaal {canonical(maxstay)} parkeren", "de": "Ein Fahrrad kann hier höchstens für {canonical(maxstay)} geparkt werden" } } ], "deletion": { "softDeletionTags": { "and": [ "disused:amenity:={amenity}", "amenity=" ] }, "neededChangesets": 1 }, "allowMove": { "enableRelocation": false, "enableImproveAccuracy": true }, "units": [ { "maxstay": { "quantity": "duration", "denominations": [ "days", "weeks", "months" ] }, "charge": { "quantity": "duration", "inverted": true, "denominations": [ "days", "weeks", "months", "years" ] } } ] }