import {VariableUiElement} from "../Base/VariableUIElement"; import Toggle from "../Input/Toggle"; import Translations from "../i18n/Translations"; import Svg from "../../Svg"; import DeleteAction from "../../Logic/Osm/Actions/DeleteAction"; import {Store, UIEventSource} from "../../Logic/UIEventSource"; import {TagsFilter} from "../../Logic/Tags/TagsFilter"; import Combine from "../Base/Combine"; import {SubtleButton} from "../Base/SubtleButton"; import {Translation} from "../i18n/Translation"; import BaseUIElement from "../BaseUIElement"; import Constants from "../../Models/Constants"; import DeleteConfig from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/DeleteConfig"; import {OsmObject} from "../../Logic/Osm/OsmObject"; import {OsmConnection} from "../../Logic/Osm/OsmConnection"; import OsmChangeAction from "../../Logic/Osm/Actions/OsmChangeAction"; import ChangeTagAction from "../../Logic/Osm/Actions/ChangeTagAction"; import {InputElement} from "../Input/InputElement"; import {RadioButton} from "../Input/RadioButton"; import {FixedInputElement} from "../Input/FixedInputElement"; import Title from "../Base/Title"; import {SubstitutedTranslation} from "../SubstitutedTranslation"; import FeaturePipelineState from "../../Logic/State/FeaturePipelineState"; import TagRenderingQuestion from "./TagRenderingQuestion"; export default class DeleteWizard extends Toggle { /** * The UI-element which triggers 'deletion' (either soft or hard). * * - A 'hard deletion' is if the point is actually deleted from the OSM database * - A 'soft deletion' is if the point is not deleted, but the tagging is modified which will result in the point not being picked up by the filters anymore. * Apart having needing theme-specific tags added (which must be supplied by the theme creator), fixme='marked for deletion' will be added too * * A deletion is only possible if the user is logged in. * A soft deletion is only possible if tags are provided * A hard deletion is only possible if the user has sufficient rigts * * There is also the possibility to have a 'trojan horse' option. If the user selects that option, it is NEVER removed, but the tags are applied. * Ideal for the case of "THIS PATH IS ON MY GROUND AND SHOULD BE DELETED IMMEDIATELY OR I WILL GET MY LAWYER" but to mark it as private instead. * (Note that _delete_reason is used as trigger to do actual deletion - setting such a tag WILL delete from the database with that as changeset comment) * * @param id: The id of the element to remove * @param state: the state of the application * @param options softDeletionTags: the tags to apply if the user doesn't have permission to delete, e.g. 'disused:amenity=public_bookcase', 'amenity='. After applying, the element should not be picked up on the map anymore. If undefined, the wizard will only show up if the point can be (hard) deleted */ constructor(id: string, state: FeaturePipelineState, options: DeleteConfig) { const deleteAbility = new DeleteabilityChecker(id, state, options.neededChangesets) const tagsSource = state.allElements.getEventSourceById(id) const isDeleted = new UIEventSource(false) const allowSoftDeletion = !!options.softDeletionTags const confirm = new UIEventSource(false) /** * This function is the actual delete function */ function doDelete(selected: { deleteReason: string } | { retagTo: TagsFilter }) { let actionToTake: OsmChangeAction; if (selected["retagTo"] !== undefined) { // no _delete_reason is given, which implies that this is _not_ a deletion but merely a retagging via a nonDeleteMapping actionToTake = new ChangeTagAction( id, selected["retagTo"],, { theme: state?.layoutToUse?.id ?? "unkown", changeType: "special-delete" } ) } else { actionToTake = new DeleteAction(id, options.softDeletionTags, { theme: state?.layoutToUse?.id ?? "unkown", specialMotivation: selected["deleteReason"] }, ) } state.changes?.applyAction(actionToTake) isDeleted.setData(true) } const t = Translations.t.delete const cancelButton = t.cancel.SetClass("block btn btn-secondary").onClick(() => confirm.setData(false)); /** * The button which is shown first. Opening it will trigger the check for deletions */ const deleteButton = new SubtleButton( Svg.delete_icon_svg().SetStyle("width: 1.5rem; height: 1.5rem;"), t.delete) .onClick( () => { deleteAbility.CheckDeleteability(true) confirm.setData(true); } ) const isShown: Store = =>"-") < 0) const deleteOptionPicker = DeleteWizard.constructMultipleChoice(options, tagsSource, state); const deleteDialog = new Combine([ new Title(new SubstitutedTranslation(t.whyDelete, tagsSource, state) .SetClass("question-text"), 3), deleteOptionPicker, new Combine([ DeleteWizard.constructExplanation(deleteOptionPicker.GetValue(), deleteAbility, tagsSource, state), new Combine([ cancelButton, DeleteWizard.constructConfirmButton(deleteOptionPicker.GetValue()) .onClick(() => doDelete(deleteOptionPicker.GetValue().data)) ]).SetClass("flex justify-end flex-wrap-reverse") ]).SetClass("flex mt-2 justify-between") ]).SetClass("question") super( new Toggle( new Combine([Svg.delete_icon_svg().SetClass("h-16 w-16 p-2 m-2 block bg-gray-300 rounded-full"), t.isDeleted]).SetClass("flex m-2 rounded-full"), new Toggle( new Toggle( new Toggle( new Toggle( deleteDialog, new SubtleButton(Svg.envelope_ui(), t.readMessages), => ud.csCount > Constants.userJourney.addNewPointWithUnreadMessagesUnlock || ud.unreadMessages == 0) ), deleteButton, confirm), new VariableUiElement( => new Combine([ Svg.delete_not_allowed_svg().SetStyle("height: 2rem; width: auto").SetClass("mr-2"), new Combine([ t.cannotBeDeleted, cbd.reason.SetClass("subtle"), t.useSomethingElse.SetClass("subtle")]).SetClass("flex flex-col") ]).SetClass("flex m-2 p-2 rounded-lg bg-gray-200 bg-gray-200"))) , => allowSoftDeletion || cbd.canBeDeleted !== false)), t.loginToDelete.onClick(state.osmConnection.AttemptLogin), state.osmConnection.isLoggedIn ), isDeleted), undefined, isShown) } private static constructConfirmButton(deleteReasons: UIEventSource): BaseUIElement { const t = Translations.t.delete; const btn = new Combine([ Svg.delete_icon_ui().SetClass("w-6 h-6 mr-3 block"), t.delete ]).SetClass("flex btn bg-red-500") const btnNonActive = new Combine([ Svg.delete_icon_ui().SetClass("w-6 h-6 mr-3 block"), t.delete ]).SetClass("flex btn btn-disabled bg-red-200") return new Toggle( btn, btnNonActive, => reason !== undefined) ) } private static constructExplanation(selectedOption: UIEventSource< {deleteReason: string} | {retagTo: TagsFilter}>, deleteAction: DeleteabilityChecker, currentTags: UIEventSource, state?: {osmConnection?: OsmConnection}) { const t = Translations.t.delete; return new VariableUiElement( selectedOption => { if (selectedOption === undefined) { return t.explanations.selectReason.SetClass("subtle"); } const retag: TagsFilter | undefined = selectedOption["retagTo"] if(retag !== undefined) { // This is a retagging, not a deletion of any kind return new Combine([t.explanations.retagNoOtherThemes, TagRenderingQuestion.CreateTagExplanation(new UIEventSource(retag), currentTags, state ).SetClass("subtle") ]) } const deleteReason = selectedOption["deleteReason"]; if(deleteReason !== undefined){ return new VariableUiElement({ canBeDeleted, reason }) => { if(canBeDeleted){ // This is a hard delete for which we give an explanation return t.explanations.hardDelete; } // This is a soft deletion: we explain _why_ the deletion is soft return t.explanations.softDelete.Subs({reason: reason}) })) } } , [deleteAction.canBeDeleted] )).SetClass("block") } private static constructMultipleChoice(config: DeleteConfig, tagsSource: UIEventSource>, state: FeaturePipelineState): InputElement<{ deleteReason: string } | { retagTo: TagsFilter }> { const elements: InputElement<{ deleteReason: string } | { retagTo: TagsFilter }>[ ] = [] for (const nonDeleteOption of config.nonDeleteMappings) { elements.push(new FixedInputElement( new SubstitutedTranslation(nonDeleteOption.then, tagsSource, state), { retagTo: nonDeleteOption.if } )) } for (const extraDeleteReason of (config.extraDeleteReasons ?? [])) { elements.push(new FixedInputElement( new SubstitutedTranslation(extraDeleteReason.explanation, tagsSource, state), { deleteReason: extraDeleteReason.changesetMessage } )) } for (const extraDeleteReason of DeleteConfig.defaultDeleteReasons) { elements.push(new FixedInputElement( extraDeleteReason.explanation.Clone(/*Must clone here, as this explanation might be used on many locations*/), { deleteReason: extraDeleteReason.changesetMessage } )) } return new RadioButton(elements, {selectFirstAsDefault: false}); } } class DeleteabilityChecker { public readonly canBeDeleted: UIEventSource<{ canBeDeleted?: boolean, reason: Translation }>; private readonly _id: string; private readonly _allowDeletionAtChangesetCount: number; private readonly _state: { osmConnection: OsmConnection }; constructor(id: string, state: { osmConnection: OsmConnection }, allowDeletionAtChangesetCount?: number) { this._id = id; this._state = state; this._allowDeletionAtChangesetCount = allowDeletionAtChangesetCount ?? Number.MAX_VALUE; this.canBeDeleted = new UIEventSource<{ canBeDeleted?: boolean; reason: Translation }>({ canBeDeleted: undefined, reason: Translations.t.delete.loading }) this.CheckDeleteability(false) } /** * Checks if the currently logged in user can delete the current point. * State is written into this._canBeDeleted * @constructor * @private */ public CheckDeleteability(useTheInternet: boolean): void { const t = Translations.t.delete; const id = this._id; const state = this.canBeDeleted const self = this; if (!id.startsWith("node")) { this.canBeDeleted.setData({ canBeDeleted: false, reason: t.isntAPoint }) return; } // Does the currently logged in user have enough experience to delete this point? const deletingPointsOfOtherAllowed = => { if (ud === undefined) { return undefined; } if (!ud.loggedIn) { return false; } return ud.csCount >= Math.min(Constants.userJourney.deletePointsOfOthersUnlock, this._allowDeletionAtChangesetCount); }) const previousEditors = new UIEventSource(undefined) const allByMyself = => { if (previous === null || previous === undefined) { // Not yet downloaded return null; } const userId =; return !previous.some(editor => editor !== userId) }, [self._state.osmConnection.userDetails]) // User allowed OR only edited by self? const deletetionAllowed = => { if (isAllowed === undefined) { // No logged in user => definitively not allowed to delete! return false; } if (isAllowed === true) { return true; } // At this point, the logged in user is not allowed to delete points created/edited by _others_ // however, we query OSM and if it turns out the current point has only be edited by the current user, deletion is allowed after all! if ( === null && useTheInternet) { // We kickoff the download here as it hasn't yet been downloaded. Note that this is mapped onto 'all by myself' above const hist = OsmObject.DownloadHistory(id).map(versions => => Number(version.tags["_last_edit:contributor:uid"]))) hist.addCallbackAndRunD(hist => previousEditors.setData(hist)) } if ( === true) { // Yay! We can download! return true; } if ( === false) { // Nope, downloading not allowed... return false; } // At this point, we don't have enough information yet to decide if the user is allowed to delete the current point... return undefined; }, [allByMyself]) const hasRelations: UIEventSource = new UIEventSource(null) const hasWays: UIEventSource = new UIEventSource(null) deletetionAllowed.addCallbackAndRunD(deletetionAllowed => { if (deletetionAllowed === false) { // Nope, we are not allowed to delete state.setData({ canBeDeleted: false, reason: t.notEnoughExperience }) return true; // unregister this caller! } if (!useTheInternet) { return; } // All right! We have arrived at a point that we should query OSM again to check that the point isn't a part of ways or relations OsmObject.DownloadReferencingRelations(id).then(rels => { hasRelations.setData(rels.length > 0) }) OsmObject.DownloadReferencingWays(id).then(ways => { hasWays.setData(ways.length > 0) }) return true; // unregister to only run once }) const hasWaysOrRelations = => { if (hasRelationsData === true) { return true; } if ( === true) { return true; } if ( === null || hasRelationsData === null) { return null; } if ( === false && hasRelationsData === false) { return false; } return null; }, [hasWays]) hasWaysOrRelations.addCallbackAndRun( waysOrRelations => { if (waysOrRelations == null) { // Not yet loaded - we still wait a little bit return; } if (waysOrRelations) { // not deleteble by mapcomplete state.setData({ canBeDeleted: false, reason: t.partOfOthers }) } else { // alright, this point can be safely deleted! state.setData({ canBeDeleted: true, reason: === true ? t.onlyEditedByLoggedInUser : t.safeDelete }) } } ) } }