/** * Creates screenshoter to take png screenshot * Creates jspdf and downloads it * - landscape pdf * * To add new layout: * - add new possible layout name in constructor * - add new layout in "PDFLayout" * -> in there are more instructions */ import jsPDF from "jspdf"; import {SimpleMapScreenshoter} from "leaflet-simple-map-screenshoter"; import {UIEventSource} from "../Logic/UIEventSource"; import Minimap from "./Base/Minimap"; import Loc from "../Models/Loc"; import {BBox} from "../Logic/GeoOperations"; import ShowDataLayer from "./ShowDataLayer"; import BaseLayer from "../Models/BaseLayer"; import LayoutConfig from "../Customizations/JSON/LayoutConfig"; import {FixedUiElement} from "./Base/FixedUiElement"; import Translations from "./i18n/Translations"; export default class ExportPDF { // dimensions of the map in milimeter // A4: 297 * 210mm private readonly mapW = 297; private readonly mapH = 210; private readonly scaling = 2 private readonly freeDivId: string; private readonly _layout: UIEventSource; private _screenhotTaken = false; constructor( options: { freeDivId: string, location: UIEventSource, background?: UIEventSource features: UIEventSource<{ feature: any }[]>, layout: UIEventSource } ) { this.freeDivId = options.freeDivId; this._layout = options.layout; const self = this; // We create a minimap at the given location and attach it to the given 'hidden' element const l = options.location.data; const loc = { lat: l.lat, lon: l.lon, zoom: l.zoom + 1 } const minimap = new Minimap({ location: new UIEventSource(loc), // We remove the link between the old and the new UI-event source as moving the map while the export is running fucks up the screenshot background: options.background, allowMoving: false, onFullyLoaded: leaflet => window.setTimeout(() => { if (self._screenhotTaken) { return; } try { self.CreatePdf(leaflet) .then(() => self.cleanup()) .catch(() => self.cleanup()) } catch (e) { console.error(e) self.cleanup() } }, 500) }) minimap.SetStyle(`width: ${this.mapW * this.scaling}mm; height: ${this.mapH * this.scaling}mm;`) minimap.AttachTo(options.freeDivId) // Next: we prepare the features. Only fully contained features are shown const bounded = options.features.map(feats => { const leaflet = minimap.leafletMap.data; if (leaflet === undefined) { return feats } const bounds = BBox.fromLeafletBounds(leaflet.getBounds().pad(0.2)) return feats.filter(f => BBox.get(f.feature).isContainedIn(bounds)) }, [minimap.leafletMap]) // Add the features to the minimap new ShowDataLayer( bounded, minimap.leafletMap, options.layout, false ) } private cleanup() { new FixedUiElement("Screenshot taken!").AttachTo(this.freeDivId) this._screenhotTaken = true; } private async CreatePdf(leaflet: L.Map) { const t = Translations.t.general.pdf; const layout = this._layout.data const screenshotter = new SimpleMapScreenshoter(); //minimap op index.html -> hidden daar alles op doen en dan weg //minimap - leaflet map ophalen - boundaries ophalen - State.state.featurePipeline screenshotter.addTo(leaflet); console.log("Taking screenshot") let doc = new jsPDF('landscape'); const image = (await screenshotter.takeScreen('image')) // @ts-ignore doc.addImage(image, 'PNG', 0, 0, this.mapW, this.mapH); doc.setDrawColor(255, 255, 255) doc.setFillColor(255, 255, 255) doc.roundedRect(12, 5, 125, 30, 5, 5, 'FD') doc.setFontSize(20) doc.text(layout.title.txt, 40, 20, { maxWidth: 100 }) doc.setFontSize(10) doc.text(t.attr.txt, 40, 25, { maxWidth: 100 }) // Add the logo of the layout let img = document.createElement('img'); const imgSource = layout.icon img.src = imgSource try { doc.addImage(img, imgSource.substr(imgSource.lastIndexOf(".")), 15, 12, 20, 20); } catch (e) { // TODO: support svg rendering... console.error(e) } doc.save("MapComplete_export.pdf"); } }