# Ad Hoc User test

Subject: Lydia
Tech Skills: Low
Demography: F, 60-70
Language: Dutch
Medium: Android phone(s), Fennec Browser
User interface language: Dutch

## Task

- experimenting with onWheels
- Adding a wheelchair accessible toilet

## How it went

The contributor showed interest during a conversation into a wheelchair-friendliness-app.
As such, the onwheels app was demoed.
Initially, the app loaded very slowly as a city with thousands of shops was loaded first.

The local area was however better, after which the tester wanted to add a wheelchair-accessible toilet.
She moved the map successfully to the target location, tapped the 'add' marker and found (with some scrolling) the correct preset.
Upon being presented with the input location, she first scrolled in various directions, often hitting the boundaries.

WHen she however realised that she was looking to a roof, she correctly located the crosshair at the location of the toilets, after which she attempted to confirm by tapping the crosshair. The examinator stepped in to show the _actual_ confirm button. (1)

Answering the various questions about the toilet went smoothly. The Opening Hours were a bit more challenging. Dragging the input element added a few opening hours into the table.
The test subject muttered that she "wanted to scroll down", after which she spontanously used the hours on the side to grab and move everything up.
Adding the correct hours was quickly done, but deleting a few 'spots' of accidentally placed hours was unclear, until pointed out that she could tap the 'trash'-icon. (2)

She went through all the questions, but arriving at the end was a bit boring. The possiblity to get recuperate unanswered questions is unknown as well. (3,4)

## User interview

After the user study, an in-depth interview was conducted.

As the partner of the tester is wheelchair-dependent, visiting a restaurant can be a bit tricky.

Following information would be useful for them to have:

(As the interviewed people were not familiar with MapComplete/OnWheels or OpenStreetMap, many suggestions are either already in OnWheels or very hard to implement. )

- Is it possible and/or necessary to make a reservation beforehand? (5)
- Is it a classy restaurant, or more accessible "luch place"? (Hard/tagging issue)
- Is it wheelchair-accessible? (OK)
- Is the toilet wheelchair-accessible? (OK)
- Are dogs and pets allowed? (OK)
- Is it child friendly? (tagging issue)
- Are they familiar with mentally disabled people (e.g. someone with Downs syndrome)? Do they space for them? (tagging issue)
- Do they serve hot or cold dishes? (OK via 'cuisine'-tag)
- Is there a parking nearby? Is there a parking with priority for disabled people nearby? (OK)
- Is it easy to get on/off the sidewalk? (More or less OK with 'kerbs'-layer)
- Is there outdoor seating in the summer? It the outdoor seating wheelchair accessible? Does the outdoor-seating block entering the restaurant? (HARD)
- Is the staff friendly and will they come over to help, e.g. to get the wheelchair-user over the entrance kerb? (Hard/tagging issue/very volatile and subjective)
- On sidewalks, are there street cabinets and other obstacles? How much space is there? (Hard/tagging issues)
  > My partner has two wheelchairs, of which one is slighly wider then the other. There is a sidewalk down the road with a small electrical cabin in the middle of it. The small wheelchair can pass, the other is too wide.

## To improve

1. Tapping the crosshair in the location input should trigger a hint or a confirm option, to be tested.
2. Improve the trash icon
3. Add a 'all questions finished - thank you' notice
4. Add a 'unhide all questions'-button
5. Add a 'reservation'-question to 'restaurants'