  "id": "barrier",
  "name": {
    "en": "Barriers",
    "nl": "Barrières",
    "de": "Hindernisse",
    "ru": "Препятствия",
    "hu": "Akadályok",
    "fr": "Barrières"
  "description": {
    "en": "Obstacles while cycling, such as bollards and cycle barriers",
    "nl": "Hindernissen tijdens het fietsen, zoals paaltjes en fietshekjes",
    "de": "Hindernisse beim Fahrradfahren, wie zum Beispiel Poller und Fahrrad Barrieren",
    "hu": "Kerékpározás közbeni akadályok, például terelőoszlopok és kerékpárakadályok",
    "fr": "Obstacles à vélo, tels que des potelets ou des barrières"
  "source": {
    "osmTags": {
      "or": [
  "minzoom": 17,
  "title": {
    "render": {
      "en": "Barrier",
      "nl": "Barrière",
      "de": "Hindernis",
      "ru": "Препятствие",
      "fr": "Barrière"
    "mappings": [
        "if": "barrier=bollard",
        "then": {
          "en": "Bollard",
          "nl": "Paaltje",
          "de": "Poller",
          "ru": "Прикол",
          "fr": "Bollard"
        "if": "barrier=cycle_barrier",
        "then": {
          "en": "Cycling Barrier",
          "nl": "Fietshekjes",
          "de": "Barriere für Radfahrer",
          "fr": "Barrière cyclable"
  "presets": [
      "title": {
        "en": "Bollard",
        "nl": "Paaltje",
        "de": "Poller",
        "ru": "Прикол",
        "fr": "Bollard",
        "hu": "Terelőoszlop"
      "tags": [
      "description": {
        "en": "A bollard in the road",
        "nl": "Een paaltje in de weg",
        "de": "Ein Poller auf der Straße",
        "hu": "Terelőoszlop az úton",
        "fr": "Un potelet sur le chemin"
      "preciseInput": {
        "preferredBackground": [
        "snapToLayer": "cycleways_and_roads",
        "maxSnapDistance": 25
      "title": {
        "en": "Cycle barrier",
        "nl": "Fietshekjes",
        "de": "Fahrradhindernis",
        "hu": "Kerékpárakadály",
        "fr": "Barrière cyclable"
      "tags": [
      "description": {
        "en": "Cycle barrier, slowing down cyclists",
        "nl": "Fietshekjes, voor het afremmen van fietsers",
        "de": "Fahrradhindernis, das Radfahrer abbremst",
        "hu": "A kerékpáros sebességét csökkentő kerékpárakadály",
        "fr": "Barrières cyclables, ralentissant les cyclistes"
      "preciseInput": {
        "preferredBackground": [
        "snapToLayer": "cycleways_and_roads",
        "maxSnapDistance": 25
  "tagRenderings": [
      "question": {
        "en": "Can a bicycle go past this barrier?",
        "nl": "Kan een fietser langs deze barrière?",
        "de": "Kann ein Radfahrer das Hindernis passieren?",
        "hu": "Át lehet-e menni rajta kerékpárral?"
      "mappings": [
          "if": "bicycle=yes",
          "then": {
            "en": "A cyclist can go past this.",
            "nl": "Een fietser kan hier langs.",
            "de": "Ein Radfahrer kann hindurchfahren.",
            "fr": "Un cycliste peut franchir ceci.",
            "hu": "Kerékpárral át lehet hajtani."
          "if": "bicycle=no",
          "then": {
            "en": "A cyclist can not go past this.",
            "nl": "Een fietser kan hier niet langs.",
            "de": "Ein Radfahrer kann nicht hindurchfahren.",
            "fr": "Un cycliste ne peut pas franchir ceci.",
            "hu": "Kerékpárral nem lehet áthajtani."
      "id": "bicycle=yes/no"
      "id": "barrier_type",
      "mappings": [
          "if": "barrier=bollard",
          "then": {
            "en": "This is a single bollard in the road",
            "hu": "Ez egyetlen oszlop az úton",
            "nl": "Dit is een enkel paaltje in de weg"
          "if": "barrier=cycle_barrier",
          "then": {
            "en": "This is a cycle barrier slowing down cyclists",
            "nl": "Dit zijn fietshekjes die fietsers afremmen",
            "hu": "Ez egy kerékpárakadály, amely lelassítja a kerékpárosokat"
      "question": {
        "en": "What kind of bollard is this?",
        "nl": "Wat voor soort paal is dit?",
        "de": "Um was für einen Poller handelt es sich?",
        "fr": "Quel est le type de bollard (borne) ?",
        "hu": "Milyen fajta terelőoszlop ez?"
      "condition": "barrier=bollard",
      "mappings": [
          "if": "bollard=removable",
          "then": {
            "en": "Removable bollard",
            "nl": "Verwijderbare paal",
            "de": "Entfernbarer Poller",
            "fr": "Bollard amovible",
            "hu": "Eltávolítható terelőoszlop"
          "if": "bollard=fixed",
          "then": {
            "en": "Fixed bollard",
            "nl": "Vaste paal",
            "de": "Feststehender Poller",
            "fr": "Bollard fixe",
            "hu": "Rögzített terelőoszlop"
          "if": "bollard=foldable",
          "then": {
            "en": "Bollard that can be folded down",
            "nl": "Paal die platgevouwen kan worden",
            "de": "Umlegbarer Poller",
            "fr": "Bollard qui peut être couché",
            "hu": "Lehajtható terelőoszlop"
          "if": "bollard=flexible",
          "then": {
            "en": "Flexible bollard, usually plastic",
            "nl": "Flexibele paal, meestal plastic",
            "de": "Flexibler Poller, meist aus Kunststoff",
            "fr": "Bollard flexible, généralement en plastique",
            "hu": "Rugalmas (általában műanyag) terelőoszlop"
          "if": "bollard=rising",
          "then": {
            "en": "Rising bollard",
            "nl": "Verzonken poller",
            "de": "Ausfahrender Poller",
            "fr": "Bollard rétractable",
            "hu": "Felemelkedő terelőoszlop"
      "id": "Bollard type"
      "question": {
        "en": "What kind of cycling barrier is this?",
        "nl": "Wat voor fietshekjes zijn dit?",
        "de": "Um welche Art Fahrradhindernis handelt es sich?",
        "hu": "Milyen fajta kerékpárakadály ez?",
        "fr": "Quel est ce type de barrière cyclable ?"
      "condition": "barrier=cycle_barrier",
      "mappings": [
          "if": "cycle_barrier=single",
          "then": {
            "en": "Single, just two barriers with a space inbetween <img src='./assets/themes/cycle_infra/Cycle_barrier_single.png' style='width:8em'>",
            "nl": "Enkelvoudig, slechts twee hekjes met ruimte ertussen <img src='./assets/themes/cycle_infra/Cycle_barrier_single.png' style='width:8em'>",
            "de": "Einfach, nur zwei Barrieren mit einem Zwischenraum <img src='./assets/themes/cycle_infra/Cycle_barrier_single.png' style='width:8em'>",
            "hu": "Egyszeres: csak két korlát, közöttük térköz <img src='./assets/themes/cycle_infra/Cycle_barrier_single.png' style='width:8em'>",
            "fr": "Simple, deux barrières côte à côte <img src='./assets/themes/cycle_infra/Cycle_barrier_single.png' style='width:8em'>"
          "if": "cycle_barrier=double",
          "then": {
            "en": "Double, two barriers behind each other <img src='./assets/themes/cycle_infra/Cycle_barrier_double.svg' style='width:8em'>",
            "nl": "Dubbel, twee hekjes achter elkaar <img src='./assets/themes/cycle_infra/Cycle_barrier_double.svg' style='width:8em'>",
            "de": "Doppelt, zwei Barrieren hintereinander <img src='./assets/themes/cycle_infra/Cycle_barrier_double.svg' style='width:8em'>",
            "hu": "Kétszeres: két, egymáshoz képest eltolt korlát egymás után <img src='./assets/themes/cycle_infra/Cycle_barrier_double.svg' style='width:8em'>",
            "fr": "Double, deux barrières successives"
          "if": "cycle_barrier=triple",
          "then": {
            "en": "Triple, three barriers behind each other <img src='./assets/themes/cycle_infra/Cycle_barrier_triple.png' style='width:8em'>",
            "nl": "Drievoudig, drie hekjes achter elkaar <img src='./assets/themes/cycle_infra/Cycle_barrier_triple.png' style='width:8em'>",
            "de": "Dreifach, drei Barrieren hintereinander <img src='./assets/themes/cycle_infra/Cycle_barrier_triple.png' style='width:8em'>",
            "hu": "Háromszoros: három, egymáshoz képest eltolt korlát egymás után <img src='./assets/themes/cycle_infra/Cycle_barrier_triple.png' style='width:8em'>",
            "fr": "Triple, trois barrières successives <img src='./assets/themes/cycle_infra/Cycle_barrier_triple.png' style='width:8em'>"
          "if": "cycle_barrier=squeeze",
          "then": {
            "en": "Squeeze gate, gap is smaller at top, than at the bottom <img src='./assets/themes/cycle_infra/Cycle_barrier_squeeze.png' style='width:8em'>",
            "nl": "Knijppoort, ruimte is smaller aan de top, dan aan de bodem <img src='./assets/themes/cycle_infra/Cycle_barrier_squeeze.png' style='width:8em'>",
            "de": "Eine Durchfahrtsbeschränkung, Durchfahrtsbreite ist oben kleiner als unten <img src='./assets/themes/cycle_infra/Cycle_barrier_squeeze.png' style='width:8em'>",
            "hu": "Szűkítőkapu: a rés felül keskenyebb, mint alul <img src='./assets/themes/cycle_infra/Cycle_barrier_squeeze.png' style='width:8em'>",
            "fr": "Poire, l’espace en hauteur est plus faible qu’au sol <img src='./assets/themes/cycle_infra/Cycle_barrier_squeeze.png' style='width:8em'>"
      "id": "Cycle barrier type"
      "render": {
        "en": "Maximum width: {maxwidth:physical} m",
        "nl": "Maximumbreedte: {maxwidth:physical} m",
        "de": "Maximale Durchfahrtsbreite: {maxwidth:physical} m",
        "fr": "Largeur maximale: {maxwidth:physical} m",
        "hu": "Legnagyobb szélesség: {maxwidth:physical} m"
      "question": {
        "en": "How wide is the gap left over besides the barrier?",
        "nl": "Hoe breed is de ruimte naast de barrière?",
        "de": "Welche Durchfahrtsbreite hat das Hindernis?",
        "hu": "Milyen széles az akadályon az a rés, amelyen át lehet haladni?",
        "fr": "Quelle est la largeur du passage ?"
      "condition": {
        "and": [
      "freeform": {
        "key": "maxwidth:physical",
        "type": "length",
        "helperArgs": [
      "id": "MaxWidth"
      "render": {
        "en": "Space between barriers (along the length of the road): {width:separation} m",
        "nl": "Ruimte tussen barrières (langs de lengte van de weg): {width:separation} m",
        "de": "Abstand zwischen den Barrieren (entlang der Straße): {width:separation} m",
        "hu": "A korlátok közötti távolság (az út irányában): {width:separation} m",
        "fr": "Espace entre deux barrières successives : {width:separation} m"
      "question": {
        "en": "How much space is there between the barriers (along the length of the road)?",
        "nl": "Hoeveel ruimte is er tussen de barrières (langs de lengte van de weg)?",
        "de": "Wie groß ist der Abstand zwischen den Barrieren (entlang der Straße)?",
        "hu": "Mekkora távolság van a korlátok között (az út irányában)?",
        "fr": "Combien d’espace sépare deux barrières successives ?"
      "condition": {
        "or": [
      "freeform": {
        "key": "width:separation",
        "type": "length",
        "helperArgs": [
      "id": "Space between barrier (cyclebarrier)"
      "render": {
        "en": "Width of opening: {width:opening} m",
        "nl": "Breedte van de opening: {width:opening} m",
        "de": "Breite der Öffnung: {width:opening} m",
        "fr": "Largeur de l'ouverture : {width:opening} m",
        "hu": "Nyílás szélessége: {width:opening} m"
      "question": {
        "en": "How wide is the smallest opening next to the barriers?",
        "nl": "Hoe breed is de smalste opening naast de barrières?",
        "de": "Wie breit ist die kleinste Öffnung neben den Barrieren?",
        "hu": "Milyen széles a korlátok melletti legkisebb nyílás?"
      "condition": {
        "or": [
      "freeform": {
        "key": "width:opening",
        "type": "length",
        "helperArgs": [
      "id": "Width of opening (cyclebarrier)"
      "render": {
        "en": "Overlap: {overlap} m",
        "de": "Überschneidung: {overlap} m",
        "hu": "Átfedés: {overlap} m",
        "fr": "Chevauchement : {overlap} m"
      "question": {
        "en": "How much overlap do the barriers have?",
        "nl": "Hoeveel overlappen de barrières?",
        "de": "Wie stark überschneiden sich die Barrieren?",
        "hu": "Mekkora a korlátok átfedése?",
        "fr": "Quel est le chevauchement des barrières ?"
      "condition": {
        "or": [
      "freeform": {
        "key": "overlap",
        "type": "length",
        "helperArgs": [
      "id": "Overlap (cyclebarrier)"
  "mapRendering": [
      "icon": "./assets/layers/barrier/barrier.svg",
      "location": [
      "width": "5"