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Zet deze in de description<span style='font-size: small'>Herhaal geen antwoorden die je reeds gaf</span>", "fr": "Y a-t-il quelque chose de pertinent que vous n'avez pas pu donner à la dernière question ? Ajoutez-le ici.<br/><span style='font-size: small'>Ne répétez pas des réponses déjà données</span>", "en": "Is there still something relevant you couldn't give in the previous questions? Add it here.<br/><span style='font-size: small'>Don't repeat already stated facts</span>", "nb_NO": "Er det noe mer som er relevant du ikke kunne opplyse om i tidligere svar? Legg det til her.<br/><span style='font-size: small'>Ikke gjenta fakta som allerede er nevnt</span>", "ru": "Есть ли еще что-то важное, о чем вы не смогли рассказать в предыдущих вопросах? Добавьте это здесь.<br/><span style='font-size: small'>Не повторяйте уже изложенные факты</span>", "zh_Hant": "有什麼相關的資訊你無法在先前的問題回應的嗎?請加在這邊吧。<br/><span style='font-size: small'>不要重覆答覆已經知道的事情</span>", "it": "C'è ancora qualche informazione importante che non è stato possibile fornire nelle domande precedenti? Aggiungila qui.<br/><span style='font-size: small'>Non ripetere informazioni già fornite</span>" }, "render": "{description}", "freeform": { "key": "description" } }, "opening_hours": { "question": { "en": "What are the opening hours of {name}?", "fr": "Quelles sont les horaires d'ouverture de {name} ?", "de": "Was sind die Öffnungszeiten von {name}?", "nl": "Wat zijn de openingsuren van {name}?", "nb_NO": "Hva er åpningstidene for {name})", "ru": "Какое время работы у {name}?", "zh_Hant": "{name} 的開放時間是什麼?", "it": "Quali sono gli orari di apertura di {name}?" }, "render": { "de": "<h3>Öffnungszeiten</h3>{opening_hours_table(opening_hours)}", "fr": "<h3>Horaires d'ouverture</h3>{opening_hours_table(opening_hours)}", "en": "<h3>Opening hours</h3>{opening_hours_table(opening_hours)}", "nl": "<h3>Openingsuren</h3>{opening_hours_table(opening_hours)}", "nb_NO": "<h3>Åpningstider</h3>{opening_hours_table(opening_hours)}", "ru": "<h3>Часы работы</h3>{opening_hours_table(opening_hours)}", "zh_Hant": "<h3>開放時間</h3>{opening_hours_table(opening_hours)}", "it": "<h3>Orari di apertura</h3>{opening_hours_table(opening_hours)}" }, "freeform": { "key": "opening_hours", "type": "opening_hours" } }, "last_edit": { "#": "Gives some metainfo about the last edit and who did edit it - rendering only", "condition": "_last_edit:contributor~*", "render": "<div class='subtle' style='font-size: small; margin-top: 2em; margin-bottom: 0.5em;'><a href='https://www.openStreetMap.org/changeset/{_last_edit:changeset}' target='_blank'>Last edited on {_last_edit:timestamp}</a> by <a href='https://www.openStreetMap.org/user/{_last_edit:contributor}' target='_blank'>{_last_edit:contributor}</a></div>" }, "all_tags": { "#": "Prints all the tags", "render": "{all_tags()}" }, "level": { "question": { "nl": "Op welke verdieping bevindt dit punt zich?", "en": "On what level is this feature located?" }, "render": { "en": "Located on the {level}th floor", "nl": "Bevindt zich op de {level}de verdieping" }, "freeform": { "key": "level", "type": "float" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "location=underground", "then": { "en": "Located underground", "nl": "Bevindt zich ondergrounds" }, "hideInAnswer": true }, { "if": "level=0", "then": { "en": "Located on the ground floor", "nl": "Bevindt zich gelijkvloers" } }, { "if": "level=1", "then": { "en": "Located on the first floor", "nl": "Bevindt zich op de eerste verdieping" } } ] } }