  "id": "postoffices",
  "name": {
    "en": "Post offices",
    "de": "Poststellen",
    "ru": "Почтовые отделения",
    "zh_Hant": "郵局",
    "id": "Kantor pos",
    "hu": "Posták",
    "nl": "Postkantoren",
    "ca": "Oficines de correus",
    "es": "Oficinas de correo",
    "fr": "Bureaux de poste",
    "nb_NO": "Postkontor",
    "cs": "Pošty"
  "description": {
    "en": "A layer showing post offices.",
    "de": "Eine Ebene mit Postämtern.",
    "zh_Hant": "圖層顯示郵局。",
    "id": "Layer yang menunjukkan kantor pos.",
    "hu": "Postákat megjelenítő réteg.",
    "nl": "Een laag die postkantoren toont.",
    "es": "Una capa que muestra oficinas postales.",
    "fr": "Un claque montrant les bureaux de poste.",
    "nb_NO": "Et lag som viser postkontor.",
    "ca": "Una capa que mostra oficines postals.",
    "cs": "Vrstva zobrazující pošty."
  "source": {
    "osmTags": {
      "or": [
  "minzoom": 12,
  "title": {
    "render": {
      "en": "Post Office",
      "de": "Poststelle",
      "ru": "Почтовое отделение",
      "zh_Hant": "郵局",
      "id": "Kantor Pos",
      "hu": "Posta",
      "nl": "Postkantoor",
      "ca": "Oficina postal",
      "es": "Oficina de Correo",
      "fr": "Bureau de poste",
      "nb_NO": "Postkontor",
      "cs": "Pošta"
    "mappings": [
        "if": {
          "and": [
        "then": {
          "en": "Post partner at a shop",
          "de": "Postfiliale im Einzelhandel",
          "nl": "Postpartner in een winkel",
          "cs": "Poštovní partner v obchodě"
        "if": {
          "and": [
        "then": {
          "en": "Post partner at {name}",
          "de": "Postfiliale im {name}",
          "ca": "Col·laborador postal a {name}",
          "cs": "Poštovní partner v {name}"
  "pointRendering": [
      "iconBadges": [
          "if": "opening_hours~*",
          "then": "icons.isOpen"
          "if": "shop~*",
          "then": "./assets/themes/shops/shop.svg"
      "iconSize": "40,40",
      "location": [
      "anchor": "center",
      "marker": [
          "icon": "square",
          "color": "white"
          "icon": "./assets/layers/postoffices/post_office.svg"
  "lineRendering": [
      "color": "#DADADA",
      "width": "1"
  "presets": [
      "tags": [
      "title": {
        "en": "a post office",
        "de": "eine Poststelle",
        "ru": "Почтовое отделение",
        "zh_Hant": "郵局",
        "id": "Kantor Pos",
        "hu": "Posta",
        "nl": "een postkantoor",
        "ca": "una oficina de correus",
        "es": "una oficina de correo",
        "nb_NO": "et postkontor",
        "fr": "un bureau de poste",
        "cs": "pošta"
  "tagRenderings": [
      "id": "minimap",
      "render": "{minimap(18): height: 5rem; overflow: hidden; border-radius:3rem; }"
      "builtin": "opening_hours",
      "override": {
        "question": {
          "en": "What are the opening hours for this post office?",
          "zh_Hant": "這間郵局的開放時間是?",
          "id": "Jam berapa kantor pos ini buka?",
          "hu": "Mikor van nyitva ez a posta?",
          "de": "Wie sind die Öffnungszeiten dieser Poststelle?",
          "es": "¿Cuáles son las horas de apertura para esta oficina postal?",
          "nl": "Wat zijn de openingsuren voor dit postkantoor?",
          "fr": "Quelles sont les heures d’ouverture de ce bureau de poste ?",
          "ca": "Quines son els horaris d'apertura per a aquesta oficina postal?",
          "cs": "Jaká je otevírací doba této pošty?"
      "id": "post_partner",
      "question": {
        "en": "Is this a post partner?",
        "de": "Ist dies ein Post-Partner?",
        "ca": "Aquesta botiga és un col·laborador postal?",
        "cs": "Jedná se o partnerskou poštu?",
        "nl": "Is dit een postkantoor?"
      "mappings": [
          "if": "post_office=post_partner",
          "then": {
            "en": "This shop is a post partner",
            "de": "Dieses Geschäft ist ein Post-Partner",
            "ca": "Aquesta botiga és un col·laborador postal",
            "cs": "Tento obchod je poštovním partnerem",
            "nl": "Deze winkel is een geen postkantoor, maar heeft een post- en/of pakketpunt"
          "if": "post_office=",
          "then": {
            "en": "This shop is not a post partner",
            "de": "Dieses Geschäft ist kein Post-Partner",
            "ca": "Aquesta botiga no és un col·laborador postal",
            "cs": "Tento obchod není poštovním partnerem"
          "addExtraTags": [
      "id": "post_offic_brand",
      "condition": "amenity=post_office",
      "question": {
        "en": "To which brand does this post office belong?",
        "de": "Zu welcher Marke gehört die Poststelle?"
      "render": {
        "en": "This is a {brand} post office",
        "de": "Dies ist eine Poststelle von {brand}"
      "freeform": {
        "type": "nsi",
        "key": "brand",
        "placeholder": {
          "en": "Brand of the post office",
          "de": "Marke der Poststelle"
        "helperArgs": [
      "id": "partner-brand",
      "render": {
        "en": "This location offers services for {post_office:brand}",
        "de": "Dieser Standort bietet Dienstleistungen für {post_office:brand} an",
        "cs": "Toto místo nabízí služby pro {post_office:brand}"
      "question": {
        "en": "For which brand does this location offer services?",
        "de": "Für welche Marke bietet dieser Standort Dienstleistungen an?",
        "ca": "Per a quina marca ofereix serveis aquesta localització?",
        "cs": "Pro jakou značku nabízí toto místo služby?"
      "condition": "post_office=post_partner",
      "freeform": {
        "key": "post_office:brand",
        "type": "string"
      "multiAnswer": true,
      "mappings": [
          "if": "post_office:brand=DHL",
          "then": {
            "en": "This location offers services for DHL",
            "de": "Dieser Standort bietet Dienstleistungen für DHL an",
            "nl": "Deze locatie biedt diensten aan voor DHL",
            "ca": "Aquesta localització ofereix serveis per a DHL",
            "cs": "Toto místo nabízí služby pro společnost DHL"
          "hideInAnswer": "_country=de"
          "if": "post_office:brand=DPD",
          "then": {
            "en": "This location offers services for DPD",
            "de": "Dieser Standort bietet Dienstleistungen für DPD an",
            "nl": "Deze locatie biedt diensten aan voor DPD",
            "ca": "Aquesta localització ofereix serveis per a DPD",
            "cs": "Toto místo nabízí služby pro společnost DPD"
          "if": "post_office:brand=GLS",
          "then": {
            "en": "This location offers services for GLS",
            "de": "Dieser Standort bietet Dienstleistungen für GLS an",
            "nl": "Deze locatie biedt diensten aan voor GLS",
            "ca": "Aquesta localització ofereix serveis per a GLS",
            "cs": "Toto místo nabízí služby pro společnost GLS"
          "if": "post_office:brand=UPS",
          "then": {
            "en": "This location offers services for UPS",
            "de": "Dieser Standort bietet Dienstleistungen für UPS an",
            "nl": "Deze locatie biedt diensten aan voor UPS",
            "ca": "Aquesta localització ofereix serveis per a UPS",
            "cs": "Toto místo nabízí služby pro společnost UPS"
          "if": "post_office:brand=DHL Paketshop",
          "then": {
            "en": "This location is a DHL Paketshop",
            "de": "Dieser Standort ist ein DHL Paketshop",
            "ca": "Aquesta ubicació és una botiga DHL Paketshop",
            "cs": "Tato lokalita je DHL Paketshop"
          "hideInAnswer": "_country!=de"
          "if": "post_office:brand=Hermes PaketShop",
          "then": {
            "en": "This location is a Hermes PaketShop",
            "de": "Dieser Standort ist ein Hermes PaketShop",
            "ca": "Aquesta ubicació és una botiga Hermes PaketShop",
            "cs": "Tato lokalita je Hermes Paketshop"
          "hideInAnswer": "_country!=de"
          "if": "post_office:brand=PostNL",
          "then": {
            "en": "This location is a PostNL-point",
            "de": "Dieser Standort ist ein PostNL-Punkt",
            "nl": "Deze locatie is een PostNL-punt",
            "ca": "Aquesta ubicació és un punt PostNL",
            "cs": "Toto umístění je bod PostNL"
          "hideInAnswer": {
            "and": [
          "if": "post_office:brand=bpost",
          "then": {
            "en": "This location offers services for bpost",
            "de": "Dieser Standort bietet Dienstleistungen für bpost an",
            "nl": "Deze locatie biedt diensten aan voor bpost",
            "cs": "Toto místo nabízí služby pro společnost bpost"
          "hideInAnswer": "_country!=be"
      "id": "letter-from",
      "render": {
        "en": "You can post letters with these companies: {post_office:letter_from}",
        "de": "Mit diesen Unternehmen können Sie Briefe aufgeben: {post_office:letter_from}",
        "nl": "Je kan brieven posten met de volgende bedrijven: {post_office:letter_from}",
        "ca": "Podeu enviar cartes amb aquestes empreses: {post_office:letter_from}",
        "cs": "U těchto společností můžete zasílat dopisy: {post_office:letter_from}"
      "question": {
        "en": "Can you post a letter here?",
        "de": "Können Sie hier einen Brief aufgeben?",
        "nl": "Kan je hier een brief posten?",
        "ca": "Pots enviar cartes des d'aquí?",
        "cs": "Můžete zde poslat dopis?"
      "freeform": {
        "key": "post_office:letter_from",
        "type": "string"
      "mappings": [
          "if": "post_office:letter_from=yes",
          "then": {
            "en": "You can post letters here",
            "de": "Sie können Briefe hier aufgeben",
            "nl": "Je kan hier brieven posten",
            "ca": "Pots enviar cartes des d'aquí",
            "cs": "Zde můžete posílat dopisy"
          "if": "post_office:letter_from=no",
          "then": {
            "en": "You can't post letters here",
            "de": "Sie können hier keine Briefe aufgeben",
            "nl": "Je kan hier geen brieven posten",
            "ca": "No pots enviar cartes des d'aquí",
            "cs": "Zde nemůžete posílat dopisy"
      "id": "parcel-from",
      "render": {
        "en": "You can post parcels with these companies: {post_office:parcel_from}",
        "de": "Sie können Pakete mit diesen Unternehmen versenden: {post_office:parcel_from}",
        "nl": "Je kan pakketten versturen met deze bedrijven: {post_office:parcel_from}",
        "ca": "Podeu enviar paquets amb aquestes empreses: {post_office:parcel_from}",
        "cs": "U těchto společností můžete posílat balíky: {post_office:parcel_from}"
      "question": {
        "en": "Can you send a parcel here?",
        "de": "Können Sie hier Pakete versenden?",
        "nl": "Kan je hier pakketten versturen?",
        "ca": "Pots enviar un paquet des d'aquí?",
        "pl": "Czy można tutaj wysłać paczkę?",
        "cs": "Můžete zde odeslat balík?"
      "freeform": {
        "key": "post_office:parcel_from",
        "type": "string"
      "mappings": [
          "if": "post_office:parcel_from=yes",
          "then": {
            "en": "You can send parcels here",
            "de": "Hier können Sie Pakete versenden",
            "nl": "Je kan hier pakketten versturen",
            "ca": "Pots enviar paquets des d'aquí",
            "pl": "Można tutaj wysłać paczki",
            "cs": "Zde můžete posílat balíky"
          "if": "post_office:parcel_from=no",
          "then": {
            "en": "You can't send parcels here",
            "de": "Sie können hier keine Pakete versenden",
            "nl": "Je kan hier geen pakketten versturen",
            "ca": "No pots enviar paquets des d'aquí",
            "pl": "Nie można tutaj wysłać paczek",
            "cs": "Zde nemůžete posílat balíky"
      "id": "parcel-pickup",
      "render": {
        "en": "You can pick up parcels from these companies: {post_office:parcel_pickup}",
        "de": "Sie können Pakete von diesen Unternehmen abholen: {post_office:parcel_pickup}",
        "ca": "Podeu recollir paquets d'aquestes empreses: {post_office:parcel_pickup}",
        "cs": "Můžete si zde vyzvednout zásilky těchto společností: {post_office:parcel_pickup}"
      "question": {
        "en": "Can you pick up missed parcels here?",
        "de": "Können Sie hier verpasste Pakete abholen?",
        "ca": "Es poden recollir els paquets perduts aquí?",
        "cs": "Můžete si zde vyzvednout zmeškané zásilky?"
      "freeform": {
        "key": "post_office:parcel_pickup",
        "type": "string"
      "mappings": [
          "if": "post_office:parcel_pickup=yes",
          "then": {
            "en": "You can pick up missed parcels here",
            "de": "Hier können Sie verpasste Pakete abholen",
            "ca": "Podeu recollir els paquets perduts aquí",
            "cs": "Zmeškané zásilky si můžete vyzvednout zde",
            "nl": "Je kunt hier gemiste pakjes ophalen"
          "if": "post_office:parcel_pickup=no",
          "then": {
            "en": "You can't pick up missed parcels here",
            "de": "Sie können hier keine verpassten Pakete abholen",
            "ca": "No podeu recollir paquets perduts aquí",
            "cs": "Zmeškané zásilky si zde nemůžete vyzvednout"
      "id": "parcel-to",
      "render": {
        "en": "You can send parcels to here for pickup with these companies: {post_office:parcel_to}",
        "de": "Mit diesen Unternehmen können Sie Pakete zur Abholung hierher senden: {post_office:parcel_to}",
        "ca": "Podeu enviar paquets aquí per recollir-los amb aquestes empreses: {post_office:parcel_to}"
      "question": {
        "en": "Can you send parcels to here for pickup?",
        "de": "Können Sie Pakete zur Abholung hierher schicken?",
        "ca": "Pots enviar paquets aquí per a arreplegar-los?",
        "nl": "Kun je deze plaats gebruiken als afhaalpunt?"
      "freeform": {
        "key": "post_office:parcel_to",
        "type": "string"
      "mappings": [
          "if": "post_office:parcel_to=yes",
          "then": {
            "en": "You can send parcels to here for pickup",
            "de": "Sie können Pakete zur Abholung hierher schicken",
            "ca": "Pots enviar paquets aquí per a arreplegar-los",
            "nl": "Je kunt pakketten naar dit afhaalpunt sturen"
          "if": "post_office:parcel_to=no",
          "then": {
            "en": "You can't send parcels to here for pickup",
            "de": "Sie können keine Pakete zur Abholung hierher schicken",
            "ca": "No pots enviar paquets ací per a arreplegar-los"
      "id": "stamps",
      "render": {
        "en": "You can buy stamps from companies: {post_office:stamps}",
        "de": "Sie können Briefmarken folgender Unternehmen kaufen: {post_office:stamps}",
        "nl": "Je kan hier postzegels kopen van de volgende bedrijven: {post_office:stamps}",
        "cs": "Známky si můžete zakoupit u firem: {post_office:stamps}"
      "question": {
        "en": "Can you buy stamps here?",
        "de": "Kann man hier Briefmarken kaufen?",
        "nl": "Kan je hier postzegels kopen?",
        "ca": "Pots comprar segells aquí?",
        "cs": "Mohu si zde zakoupit známky?"
      "freeform": {
        "key": "post_office:stamps",
        "type": "string"
      "mappings": [
          "if": "post_office:stamps=yes",
          "then": {
            "en": "You can buy stamps here",
            "de": "Sie können hier Briefmarken kaufen",
            "nl": "Je kan hier postzegels kopen",
            "ca": "Pots comprar segells aquí",
            "cs": "Zde si můžete zakoupit známky"
          "if": "post_office:stamps=no",
          "then": {
            "en": "You can't buy stamps here",
            "de": "Sie können hier keine Briefmarken kaufen",
            "nl": "Je kan hier geen postzegels kopen",
            "ca": "No pots comprar segells aquí",
            "cs": "Zde si nemůžete zakoupit známky"
      "id": "has_atm",
      "question": {
        "en": "Does this post office have an ATM?",
        "nl": "Heeft dit postkantoor een bankautomaat?",
        "de": "Verfügt die Postfiliale über einen Geldautomat?",
        "ca": "Aquesta oficina postal té un caixer automàtic?",
        "cs": "Má tato pošta bankomat?"
      "mappings": [
          "if": "atm=yes",
          "then": {
            "en": "This post office has an ATM",
            "nl": "Dit postkantoor heeft een bankautomaat",
            "de": "Die Postfiliale verfügt über einen Geldautomat",
            "ca": "Aquesta oficina postal té un caixer automàtic",
            "cs": "Tato pošta má bankomat"
          "if": "atm=no",
          "then": {
            "en": "This post office does <b>not</b> have an ATM",
            "nl": "Dit postkantoor heeft <b>geen</b> bankautomaaat",
            "de": "Die Postfiliale verfügt <b>nicht</b> über einen Geldautomat",
            "ca": "Aquesta oficina postal <b>no</b> té un caixer automàtic",
            "cs": "Tato pošta <b>nemá</b> bankomat"
          "if": "atm=separate",
          "then": {
            "en": "This post office does have an ATM, but it is mapped as a different icon",
            "nl": "Dit postkantoor heeft een bankautomaat, maar deze staat apart op de kaart aangeduid",
            "de": "Die Postfiliale verfügt über einen Geldautomat, der aber bereits separat kartiert ist",
            "ca": "Aquesta oficina postal té un caixer automàtic, però està mapejat com a un element diferent",
            "cs": "Tato pošta má bankomat, ale je namapován jako jiná ikona"
  "filter": [
      "id": "letter_from",
      "options": [
          "question": {
            "en": "Offers letter posting",
            "de": "Bietet Briefpost an"
          "osmTags": {
            "and": [
      "id": "parcel_from",
      "options": [
          "question": {
            "en": "Offers parcel posting",
            "de": "Bietet Paketaufgabe an"
          "osmTags": {
            "and": [
      "id": "parcel_pickup",
      "options": [
          "question": {
            "en": "Offers pickup of missed parcels",
            "de": "Bietet die Abholung von verpassten Paketen an"
          "osmTags": {
            "and": [
      "id": "parcel_to",
      "options": [
          "question": {
            "en": "Accepts pickup of parcels sent here",
            "de": "Akzeptiert die Abholung von Paketen, die hierher geschickt werden"
          "osmTags": {
            "and": [
      "id": "stamps",
      "options": [
          "question": {
            "en": "Sells stamps",
            "de": "Verkauft Briefmarken"
          "osmTags": {
            "and": [