// @ts-ignore import { osmAuth } from "osm-auth" import { Store, Stores, UIEventSource } from "../UIEventSource" import { OsmPreferences } from "./OsmPreferences" import { Utils } from "../../Utils" import { LocalStorageSource } from "../Web/LocalStorageSource" import * as config from "../../../package.json" export default class UserDetails { public loggedIn = false public name = "Not logged in" public uid: number public csCount = 0 public img?: string public unreadMessages = 0 public totalMessages: number = 0 public home: { lon: number; lat: number } public backend: string public account_created: string public tracesCount: number = 0 public description: string constructor(backend: string) { this.backend = backend } } export interface AuthConfig { "#"?: string // optional comment oauth_client_id: string oauth_secret: string url: string } export type OsmServiceState = "online" | "readonly" | "offline" | "unknown" | "unreachable" export class OsmConnection { public static readonly oauth_configs: Record = config.config.oauth_credentials public auth public userDetails: UIEventSource public isLoggedIn: Store public gpxServiceIsOnline: UIEventSource = new UIEventSource( "unknown" ) public apiIsOnline: UIEventSource = new UIEventSource( "unknown" ) public loadingStatus = new UIEventSource<"not-attempted" | "loading" | "error" | "logged-in">( "not-attempted" ) public preferencesHandler: OsmPreferences public readonly _oauth_config: AuthConfig private readonly _dryRun: Store private fakeUser: boolean private _onLoggedIn: ((userDetails: UserDetails) => void)[] = [] private readonly _iframeMode: Boolean | boolean private readonly _singlePage: boolean private isChecking = false constructor(options?: { dryRun?: Store fakeUser?: false | boolean oauth_token?: UIEventSource // Used to keep multiple changesets open and to write to the correct changeset singlePage?: boolean osmConfiguration?: "osm" | "osm-test" attemptLogin?: true | boolean }) { options = options ?? {} this.fakeUser = options.fakeUser ?? false this._singlePage = options.singlePage ?? true this._oauth_config = OsmConnection.oauth_configs[options.osmConfiguration ?? "osm"] ?? OsmConnection.oauth_configs.osm console.debug("Using backend", this._oauth_config.url) this._iframeMode = Utils.runningFromConsole ? false : window !== window.top // Check if there are settings available in environment variables, and if so, use those if ( import.meta.env.VITE_OSM_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID !== undefined && import.meta.env.VITE_OSM_OAUTH_SECRET !== undefined ) { console.debug("Using environment variables for oauth config") this._oauth_config = { oauth_client_id: import.meta.env.VITE_OSM_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, oauth_secret: import.meta.env.VITE_OSM_OAUTH_SECRET, url: "https://api.openstreetmap.org", } } this.userDetails = new UIEventSource( new UserDetails(this._oauth_config.url), "userDetails" ) if (options.fakeUser) { const ud = this.userDetails.data ud.csCount = 5678 ud.loggedIn = true ud.unreadMessages = 0 ud.name = "Fake user" ud.totalMessages = 42 } const self = this this.UpdateCapabilities() this.isLoggedIn = this.userDetails.map( (user) => user.loggedIn && (self.apiIsOnline.data === "unknown" || self.apiIsOnline.data === "online"), [this.apiIsOnline] ) this.isLoggedIn.addCallback((isLoggedIn) => { if (self.userDetails.data.loggedIn == false && isLoggedIn == true) { // We have an inconsistency: the userdetails say we _didn't_ log in, but this actor says we do // This means someone attempted to toggle this; so we attempt to login! self.AttemptLogin() } }) this._dryRun = options.dryRun ?? new UIEventSource(false) this.updateAuthObject() this.preferencesHandler = new OsmPreferences( this.auth, this ) if (options.oauth_token?.data !== undefined) { console.log(options.oauth_token.data) const self = this this.auth.bootstrapToken( options.oauth_token.data, (x) => { console.log("Called back: ", x) self.AttemptLogin() }, this.auth ) options.oauth_token.setData(undefined) } if (this.auth.authenticated() && options.attemptLogin !== false) { this.AttemptLogin() // Also updates the user badge } else { console.log("Not authenticated") } } public GetPreference( key: string, defaultValue: string = undefined, options?: { documentation?: string prefix?: string } ): UIEventSource { return this.preferencesHandler.GetPreference(key, defaultValue, options) } public GetLongPreference(key: string, prefix: string = "mapcomplete-"): UIEventSource { return this.preferencesHandler.GetLongPreference(key, prefix) } public OnLoggedIn(action: (userDetails: UserDetails) => void) { this._onLoggedIn.push(action) } public LogOut() { this.auth.logout() this.userDetails.data.loggedIn = false this.userDetails.data.csCount = 0 this.userDetails.data.name = "" this.userDetails.ping() console.log("Logged out") this.loadingStatus.setData("not-attempted") } /** * The backend host, without path or trailing '/' * * new OsmConnection().Backend() // => "https://api.openstreetmap.org" */ public Backend(): string { return this._oauth_config.url } public AttemptLogin() { this.UpdateCapabilities() this.loadingStatus.setData("loading") if (this.fakeUser) { this.loadingStatus.setData("logged-in") console.log("AttemptLogin called, but ignored as fakeUser is set") return } const self = this console.log("Trying to log in...") this.updateAuthObject() LocalStorageSource.Get("location_before_login").setData( Utils.runningFromConsole ? undefined : window.location.href ) this.auth.xhr( { method: "GET", path: "/api/0.6/user/details", }, function (err, details) { if (err != null) { console.log(err) self.loadingStatus.setData("error") if (err.status == 401) { console.log("Clearing tokens...") // Not authorized - our token probably got revoked self.auth.logout() self.LogOut() } return } if (details == null) { self.loadingStatus.setData("error") return } self.CheckForMessagesContinuously() // details is an XML DOM of user details let userInfo = details.getElementsByTagName("user")[0] let data = self.userDetails.data data.loggedIn = true console.log("Login completed, userinfo is ", userInfo) data.name = userInfo.getAttribute("display_name") data.account_created = userInfo.getAttribute("account_created") data.uid = Number(userInfo.getAttribute("id")) data.csCount = Number.parseInt( userInfo.getElementsByTagName("changesets")[0].getAttribute("count") ?? 0 ) data.tracesCount = Number.parseInt( userInfo.getElementsByTagName("traces")[0].getAttribute("count") ?? 0 ) data.img = undefined const imgEl = userInfo.getElementsByTagName("img") if (imgEl !== undefined && imgEl[0] !== undefined) { data.img = imgEl[0].getAttribute("href") } const description = userInfo.getElementsByTagName("description") if (description !== undefined && description[0] !== undefined) { data.description = description[0]?.innerHTML } const homeEl = userInfo.getElementsByTagName("home") if (homeEl !== undefined && homeEl[0] !== undefined) { const lat = parseFloat(homeEl[0].getAttribute("lat")) const lon = parseFloat(homeEl[0].getAttribute("lon")) data.home = { lat: lat, lon: lon } } self.loadingStatus.setData("logged-in") const messages = userInfo .getElementsByTagName("messages")[0] .getElementsByTagName("received")[0] data.unreadMessages = parseInt(messages.getAttribute("unread")) data.totalMessages = parseInt(messages.getAttribute("count")) self.userDetails.ping() for (const action of self._onLoggedIn) { action(self.userDetails.data) } self._onLoggedIn = [] } ) } /** * Interact with the API. * * @param path: the path to query, without host and without '/api/0.6'. Example 'notes/1234/close' */ public async interact( path: string, method: "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE", header?: Record, content?: string ): Promise { return new Promise((ok, error) => { this.auth.xhr( { method, options: { header, }, content, path: `/api/0.6/${path}`, }, function (err, response) { if (err !== null) { error(err) } else { ok(response) } } ) }) } public async post( path: string, content?: string, header?: Record ): Promise { return await this.interact(path, "POST", header, content) } public async put( path: string, content?: string, header?: Record ): Promise { return await this.interact(path, "PUT", header, content) } public async get(path: string, header?: Record): Promise { return await this.interact(path, "GET", header) } public closeNote(id: number | string, text?: string): Promise { let textSuffix = "" if ((text ?? "") !== "") { textSuffix = "?text=" + encodeURIComponent(text) } if (this._dryRun.data) { console.warn("Dryrun enabled - not actually closing note ", id, " with text ", text) return new Promise((ok) => { ok() }) } return this.post(`notes/${id}/close${textSuffix}`) } public reopenNote(id: number | string, text?: string): Promise { if (this._dryRun.data) { console.warn("Dryrun enabled - not actually reopening note ", id, " with text ", text) return new Promise((ok) => { ok() }) } let textSuffix = "" if ((text ?? "") !== "") { textSuffix = "?text=" + encodeURIComponent(text) } return this.post(`notes/${id}/reopen${textSuffix}`) } public async openNote(lat: number, lon: number, text: string): Promise<{ id: number }> { if (this._dryRun.data) { console.warn("Dryrun enabled - not actually opening note with text ", text) return new Promise<{ id: number }>((ok) => { window.setTimeout( () => ok({ id: Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) }), Math.random() * 5000 ) }) } const content = { lat, lon, text } const response = await this.post("notes.json", JSON.stringify(content), { "Content-Type": "application/json", }) const parsed = JSON.parse(response) const id = parsed.properties console.log("OPENED NOTE", id) return id } public async uploadGpxTrack( gpx: string, options: { description: string visibility: "private" | "public" | "trackable" | "identifiable" filename?: string /** * Some words to give some properties; * * Note: these are called 'tags' on the wiki, but I opted to name them 'labels' instead as they aren't "key=value" tags, but just words. */ labels: string[] } ): Promise<{ id: number }> { if (this._dryRun.data) { console.warn("Dryrun enabled - not actually uploading GPX ", gpx) return new Promise<{ id: number }>((ok, error) => { window.setTimeout( () => ok({ id: Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) }), Math.random() * 5000 ) }) } const contents = { file: gpx, description: options.description ?? "", tags: options.labels?.join(",") ?? "", visibility: options.visibility, } const extras = { file: '; filename="' + (options.filename ?? "gpx_track_mapcomplete_" + new Date().toISOString()) + '"\r\nContent-Type: application/gpx+xml', } const boundary = "987654" let body = "" for (const key in contents) { body += "--" + boundary + "\r\n" body += 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' + key + '"' if (extras[key] !== undefined) { body += extras[key] } body += "\r\n\r\n" body += contents[key] + "\r\n" } body += "--" + boundary + "--\r\n" const response = await this.post("gpx/create", body, { "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary, "Content-Length": body.length, }) const parsed = JSON.parse(response) console.log("Uploaded GPX track", parsed) return { id: parsed } } public addCommentToNote(id: number | string, text: string): Promise { if (this._dryRun.data) { console.warn("Dryrun enabled - not actually adding comment ", text, "to note ", id) return new Promise((ok) => { ok() }) } if ((text ?? "") === "") { throw "Invalid text!" } return new Promise((ok, error) => { this.auth.xhr( { method: "POST", path: `/api/0.6/notes/${id}/comment?text=${encodeURIComponent(text)}`, }, function (err, _) { if (err !== null) { error(err) } else { ok() } } ) }) } private updateAuthObject() { let pwaStandAloneMode = false try { if (Utils.runningFromConsole) { pwaStandAloneMode = true } else if ( window.matchMedia("(display-mode: standalone)").matches || window.matchMedia("(display-mode: fullscreen)").matches ) { pwaStandAloneMode = true } } catch (e) { console.warn( "Detecting standalone mode failed", e, ". Assuming in browser and not worrying furhter" ) } const standalone = this._iframeMode || pwaStandAloneMode || !this._singlePage // In standalone mode, we DON'T use single page login, as 'redirecting' opens a new window anyway... // Same for an iframe... this.auth = new osmAuth({ client_id: this._oauth_config.oauth_client_id, url: this._oauth_config.url, scope: "read_prefs write_prefs write_api write_gpx write_notes", redirect_uri: Utils.runningFromConsole ? "https://mapcomplete.org/land.html" : window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + "/land.html", singlepage: !standalone, auto: true, }) } /** * To be called by land.html */ public finishLogin(callback: (previousURL: string) => void) { this.auth.authenticate(function () { // Fully authed at this point console.log("Authentication successful!") const previousLocation = LocalStorageSource.Get("location_before_login") callback(previousLocation.data) }) } private CheckForMessagesContinuously() { const self = this if (this.isChecking) { return } this.isChecking = true Stores.Chronic(5 * 60 * 1000).addCallback((_) => { if (self.isLoggedIn.data) { console.log("Checking for messages") self.AttemptLogin() } }) } private UpdateCapabilities(): void { const self = this this.FetchCapabilities().then(({ api, gpx }) => { self.apiIsOnline.setData(api) self.gpxServiceIsOnline.setData(gpx) }) } private async FetchCapabilities(): Promise<{ api: OsmServiceState; gpx: OsmServiceState }> { if (Utils.runningFromConsole) { return { api: "online", gpx: "online" } } const result = await Utils.downloadAdvanced(this.Backend() + "/api/0.6/capabilities") if (result["content"] === undefined) { console.log("Something went wrong:", result) return { api: "unreachable", gpx: "unreachable" } } const xmlRaw = result["content"] const parsed = new DOMParser().parseFromString(xmlRaw, "text/xml") const statusEl = parsed.getElementsByTagName("status")[0] const api = statusEl.getAttribute("api") const gpx = statusEl.getAttribute("gpx") return { api, gpx } } }